Making Sense

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Making Sense Page 7

by Lila Rose

  “Sweet,” he cried as he dumped his school bag on the floor and then did up his seat belt.

  I started the car and backed out. Usually, he would be talking a mile a minute, so when he was silent, I knew something was wrong. “How was your day?”

  “Good.” I caught his smile in the rearview mirror.

  “Okay, what’s up, kiddo?”

  He sighed. “Are you going out to dinner with Rick’s dad?”

  Bugger. I wasn’t sure if Drew was ready for me to date, even though he knew his dad had a girlfriend already. However, from the look of it, Drew knowing I was going out with Den didn’t sit well with my boy. “Yes. I hope that’s okay, and we’re going as friends, Drew.”

  He rolled his eyes. “It’s okay, Mom. You can go to dinner with men.” He whispered the word men as if it sounded like a naughty word. My kid. “But I liked Mr. Vice. You should go to dinner with him as well.”

  My head jerked back, and I swerved the car from the shock. “But… um, you only met both men once. Why do you say that?”

  “He seemed cooler. Hey, do you know what Daniel sang today?”

  Wait a second. I was still stuck on Mr. Vice being cooler than Den after just a short conversation with the man.

  Still, I went with the flow; it was better for my sake anyway. “What did he sing?”

  “Your momma, your momma, your momma sucks cock.” Another swerve of the car. “Mom, what does cock mean?”

  What in the hell were Daniel’s parents teaching their child?

  “Drew, I don’t want you to ever sing that song again, please. It’s disgusting.”

  “How? What does cock mean?”

  Dear Lord, give me strength. “It means doodle.”

  He gasped. “Holy ship, that’s terrible.”

  Of course, the one time I nearly said holy shit and instead changed it to ship was when Drew had been standing right next to me as I sliced my finger open.

  “It is. In fact, maybe it might be best not to hang out with Daniel.”

  “I think you’re right. He called you a loser for still living with Nana.”

  What a little monster.

  Just another reason I needed to pull my finger out and up my searching for a perfect place we’d both enjoy living in. “You know, Drew, it’s not going to be forever we’ll stay with Nana. As soon as we both find a house we love, we’ll move.”

  “But she makes awesome cookies.”

  Laughing, I shook my head and reassured him, “I’m sure she’ll still make them for you even if we don’t live with her.”

  “Oh, cool then. Can we go shoot some hoops this afternoon?”

  “Do you have any homework?”

  He looked out the side window and bit his bottom lip. “Maybe.”

  “Tell you what, Nana said she’d cook tonight. So when we get home, you can have a snack, get your homework done, and then, before dinner, I’ll take you to the public court for a little bit.”

  Even though he sighed, like I’d just asked him to clean the whole house, he said, “Deal.”



  My first month working at Tore Corporation was surprisingly great. Just like the first week, the rest were pretty much the same. Except, in the start of the second week and onwards, each time I heard the office door open behind me, my heart would start pulsating in my chest, as if it was perking up for attention from a certain boss. Only it never got it. He was still his gruff, domineering self, but other than him ordering me to do or get him something, we didn’t talk.

  What was weird was how disappointed I felt. I think I even missed us going head to head about things. Although, it did help the crush I had on him to stay at a mild simmer when I saw him.

  If only my dreams weren’t filled with dancing penises that resembled Vice’s nearly every night, then that mild simmer could be extinguished altogether. Thankfully, I hadn’t thought about him naked during the day since I started.

  Then again, I really shouldn’t be pondering about my dreams while I sat at my desk because, when the door opened abruptly behind me, I spun my chair around and all I could visualize was Vice naked.

  Darn it, my mind and eyes betrayed me because I was looking at his crotch.

  “Adalyn,” Vice called.

  “Yes?” I asked. Slacks really suited the man. They fit well to his form. He must get them all tailored.

  “Eyes up, Adalyn.”

  I snapped my eyes up to see his lips twitching. It wasn’t funny. I was ogling the man, my boss, and he knew it. My face was like a furnace.

  “I would ask where your mind was, but I think I know.”

  “Ha, no. No way. Um, I thought I saw a stain on your, ah, pants. I mean, I wouldn’t want you to see clients with a stain.”

  He snorted. “Am I in the all clear of stains then?”

  Do not look down.

  My eyes flicked down without my brain telling them to and then quickly up again. “Yes,” I squeaked.

  “Thank you for making sure.” He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Mr. Salvatore,” Kylie called as she made her way over quickly on her tall heels. Her hand landed on his arm, and for a reason I wouldn’t admit to myself fully, I wanted to rip her arm off and shove it down her throat. Then at least I wouldn’t have to listen to her whiny voice.


  “Huh?” I asked, dragging my eyes up to Vice’s gaze from glaring at Kylie’s hand.

  Vice shook his head. “Kylie, tell Mr. Delibe to come through.”

  “Right away,” she chirped, sneered at me, and then danced off. Why she even ran over to tell Vice he had a client show up unexpectedly was beyond me. All she had to do was phone his assistant. But no, she had to place her hand on him and just annoy me instead.

  “Adalyn, I asked if you could have the Monroe file on my desk before you leave.”

  “Yes, of course.” I nodded, and then spun back to my desk. I heard Vice walk into his office, so when Mr. Delibe approached, I smiled and told him to go on through.

  I wasn’t sure why Kylie had a problem with me, but as each day passed, her glares and frowns directed my way were beginning to get to me. I wanted to ask what the issue was, but I didn’t want to start trouble. I couldn’t afford to lose the job. Well, unless Vice handed me another one on a golden platter in one of his other offices. If it came down to it, I would leave so I didn’t drag any conflict through the building.

  It wasn’t until I was sitting in the car watching Drew run toward me that I remembered I hadn’t left the file Vice asked for on his desk. I thumped my palm against my forehead. I’d have to make a trip back to the office. There was no way I would call someone to fix my mistake. Especially, if Kylie found out, I would never hear the end of it.

  When the door came open, and Drew was in with his seat belt buckled, I started the car and told him, “One quick pit stop before heading home.”

  “Where we going?”

  “I have to pop back to the office for a second.”

  “Cool, I haven’t seen where you work yet.”

  Of course, there had been a reason before. Luckily, I was proud of my new job and the fact I could show it off to my son.

  “Will Mr. Vice be there?” he asked eagerly. “Since he couldn’t make it to my last few games, he might come to the one this weekend.” I could hear the hope in his voice. Please let Vice be out so my son won’t feel the disappointment. Drew’s last three games of basketball had been at a loss also. He’d been a little down after it, not that it lasted long, but still, I hated to see him upset in any way, and I had a feeling Vice had only been acting politely when he’d agreed to come watch Drew one time.

  “We can certainly see. Though, he is a very busy man.”

  I caught his nod and how his mouth dipped. “I know, Mom. Like Dad’s always busy.”

  Goddang John for not calling last week or remembering to call him back when Drew had tried to reach out. Drew missed his father and loved ge
tting calls from him. John had been a great dad when he was around, but since his absence, it was like he’d forgotten he ever had a son. It hurt me to watch Drew go through his own pain.

  “This is where I work, Drew, and I have to park under here.” I drove into the underground parking garage. “Hey, did I tell you there’s a cafeteria in this building, and they have the best ice cream? Maybe we could get one after I drop a file off.”

  Finally, a small smile appeared. “’Kay.”

  “Awesome, let’s go.” I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and climbed out of the car. Drew was already out and bouncing from one foot to the other.

  “Are there scary clowns hiding down here?” he asked. That dang clown video a boy from his previous school showed him had Drew scared for months of any dark places.

  “No. They’re not real, remember?”

  He nodded but clutched my hand tightly as we walked to the elevator. Someone must have just gotten off since it arrived quickly. I told Drew what floor to press. He did and came back to my side then placed his arm around my waist to lean into me. It was moments like those, and many others for that matter, where I wished he wouldn’t grow up. I knew the day would come when he’d be too embarrassed to be seen with his mom or hold my hand, kiss my cheek and hug me when he wanted to.

  The doors opened, as did Drew’s mouth. “Wow, Mom, this place is huge.” He stepped off before me and spun in a circle to take it all in.

  “It sure is, but come this way, and I’ll show you my desk.” Hand in hand we made our way past Kylie, who seemed surprised I had a little boy with me. She mustn’t have known I had a child. I was sure after I’d told Deidre, it would have been around the office. After all, from what Henley had said, she was a gossiper around the floor.

  “This place is cool, Mom,” Drew said as he sat in my swivel chair and spun around and around. Ah, the things that amuse young minds. Maybe if I didn’t have that chair, he wouldn’t be thinking it was as cool.

  “I like it too, Drew.” I smiled and grabbed the file near the computer. “I’ll just be a second, then ice cream.”

  “’Kay.” He beamed with a spin of the seat.

  The steps I took found my heart getting excited, yet my brain wished he wasn’t about. His door was always closed so I couldn’t tell if he was in or not. I knocked anyway, just in case, and when I heard no answer, I sighed in relief, only my belly bottomed out in disappointment.

  With a need to get out of there quickly in case he arrived back, I opened the door and stopped dead.

  My boss was standing up against the wall with his back to me. If it wasn’t for the feminine hands at his waist, I would have been wondering what he was up to or thought he was going crazy by staring at the wall.

  His head turned as I entered, but he didn’t move. His eyes widened in surprise from seeing me. He opened his mouth as if about to speak, but I got in before he could. “Sorry, I just forgot the file.” I waved it in my hand and quickly stepped in further to place it on his desk. Spinning, I made my way back to the door as my heart made nice friends with my feet.

  “Adalyn,” he called.

  I didn’t pause. “Got to go. Have fun.” Seriously? Have fun? I didn’t give two hoots if he was going to have fun with some floozy in his office.

  “Adalyn,” he clipped, just as I closed the door. Then I thought I heard him curse, but I wasn’t sure because I was moving fast to Drew’s side.

  “Was that Mr. Vice?”

  “Yes, honey, but he’s busy at the moment. Come on, let’s go get some ice cream.” I held out my hand and Drew jumped up taking hold. We started for the elevator as I asked, “What flavor do you think you’ll get?”

  A door banged opened behind us. Drew turned, and it was another time I wanted to haul him under my arm and make a run for it.

  Instead, his face brightened, and he yelled, “Mr. Vice, hey.” My hand got dropped, and Drew disappeared back toward my desk.

  Welcome to a very awkward moment.

  Sighing, I slid my eyes to the floor and wished it would just open up and eat me. Instead of that happening, I lifted my head and turned to see Drew talking rapidly to Vice, who stood outside his closed office door. At least he had the thought to shut his girl in so Drew didn’t have to see her.

  “Drew, let Mr. Salvatore get back to work.” To his woman actually…. God, why was my stomach churning over that thought? I didn’t know what was going on in his office. She could be a really nice person. Then again, since I didn’t see who it was, it could have been Debra, and she hadn’t seemed that nice at the restaurant.

  Dang it, body, it’s just a little crush.

  Vice could be with whomever he wanted; it had nothing to do with me. I was just his assistant. I had to stop obsessing over his penis and start finding another way to fill my dreams with something or someone else.

  “Drew,” I called again.

  My son looked my way, grabbed my boss’s hand, and dragged him toward me. Vice’s stunned expression would have been laughable if I wasn’t thinking it was right about the time to make a run from the annoying goddang scene. To make matters worse, I sensed people around the office were watching.

  “Mom, Mr. Vice said he could come get ice cream with us, but he’d meet us down there.”

  Shit. Fuck. Shit. Bugger.

  Through clenched teeth, I bit out, “Don’t you have a meeting soon?”

  “I’m sure I can reschedule.”

  Was he talking about the woman in his office or an actual meeting?

  Either way, I didn’t care. I just didn’t want him to come.

  “You’re busy,” I stated, with a do-not-screw-with-me tone.

  “I’ll be free shortly.”

  “No, I’m sure you won’t.”

  It was then his office door opened, and I saw a woman around the same age as Vice stroll out. She looked polished, swaying her hips our way and, if it wasn’t for the sadness in her eyes or the fact they were red, I would have hated her on sight because she was more than beautiful. She was gorgeous.

  Before I knew it, my brain not registering my movements beforehand, I slugged Vice in the arm and hissed, “You made her cry?”

  His eyes widened for a second, his jaw clenched, and maybe if it wasn’t for Drew being around, he would have been strangling me like his sudden glare told me he wanted to.

  The woman stopped beside Vice and giggled. “He didn’t, but thank you for sticking up for me. I’m Monica, but my friends call me Nica.”

  Hmm, that didn’t explain who she was to Vice and why she’d been crying. However, the answers to those questions were none of my business.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Adalyn, Mr. Salvatore’s assistant, and this young man is my son, Drew.”

  “Hey, lady,” Drew said, with a tone that told me he wasn’t impressed. Why, I didn’t know since we’d never met her before.

  “Ms. Monica, Drew.”

  “Hmm.” He rolled his eyes and ignored me. My son was never rude, unless he felt there was a reason for it.

  “Anyway, we must be going.” I smiled apologetically at her.

  “Yeah, Mom has a date again.”

  I blanched. What was my son playing at? He was nine for goodness’ sake. “Um, no I don’t.” I laughed humorlessly.

  “Yes, you do, with Rick’s dad again.”

  What the…? Den and I had gone out a few weeks ago. I enjoyed the time I’d spent with him, but for me, there wasn’t an attraction. Then again, feelings could grow, so when Den had asked me for a second date, I’d agreed.

  “Um, no—”

  “But, Mom you said—”

  Holding up my hand, I ground my teeth together, took a breath, and finally corrected, “That isn’t until Wednesday, Drew.” Why he brought it up in the first place was a puzzle… unless, no. He couldn’t possibly be matchmaking and trying to get my boss jealous?

  Laughing to myself at the ridiculous thought, I glanced at Vice to see him with his arms crossed, glaring at me.r />
  My eyes widened. He couldn’t actually think less of me with Drew bringing up the date, could he? I blurted, “I didn’t tell him. Rick mentioned it.” Did he honestly think I would mention to my son about my dating life if it weren’t a serious relationship? There wasn’t a chance in hell.

  And anyway, it was none of Vice’s business, much like the woman standing at his side, who was smirking and looking from Vice to me and back again, was none of my business.

  “Yeah, Rick’s my friend from school. We met him and his dad at basketball.”

  Monica giggled. I turned my shocked expression from my son, who was grinning evilly, even if I did say so myself, up at Vice, while Vice was glancing down at my son with a tick in his jaw.

  It was time to fly the Popsicle stand before my son had the chance to mention where and what time my date would be, and then wondering if I’d be home that night to tuck him in…. Honestly, it could happen. I wouldn’t put it past my conniving son.

  Reaching out, as my face heated, I grabbed Drew’s wrist and gently tugged him my way. “Ah, the file, on your desk. Sorry again for the interruption. We have to go.” Turning, I dragged Drew along with me to the elevator. Of course, my son just had to yell behind him, “So I might see you this Saturday at the game?”

  I didn’t hear a reply, but Vice must have done something to make Drew turn back around with a proud smile on his face.

  Stepping into the elevator, I pressed the button, and once the doors were closed, I turned to Drew and stated, “No ice cream, mister.”

  He had the gall to look up at me sheepishly, like he didn’t know what he’d done, and yet, he grinned and said, “Okay.”

  What in the world had just happened?

  It was then I regretted saying no ice cream because I could have done with some. My son was too smart and tricky for his own good to get what he wanted. He wanted Vice at his basketball game for some reason, and he threw me under the bus to get it. Still, I wasn’t sure it would happen in the end.



  Since I didn’t get a lot of sleep the previous night, I chose to use the hours to work on some jewelry, as well as organizing deliveries ready for Mom to send off. As I walked to my desk, I was my very own version of a zombie. People said hello, and I pretty much grunted back. Heck, I wasn’t even sure if I dressed normally. Had I put on panties? Guess I’d find out when I went to the restroom.


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