The Court of Souls?_Volume 2_Agent of the Realm?

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The Court of Souls?_Volume 2_Agent of the Realm? Page 5

by Andur

  I guess everything depends now on what type of guy the prince is. Of course I notice the evil glares from the surrounding crowd, but Adea doesn't. Her eyes are glued to the third prince.

  After a minute he indeed leads her towards the dance floor and I judge that my job is done. What type of guy would deny a cute girl one dance? In my mind there was never a question that it wouldn't work out.

  Grinning, I turn around to do some reconnaissance of my own. Adea will find me once she gets sick of her little romance story.

  I make another round through the premises and assault the catering service to fill a plate with food, then I go to listen to the people's conversations at the tables. After spending a really boring hour there, I decide to for seconds.

  Unfortunately I bump into someone upon turning around. The fact that he stood so close behind me without me noticing him sets off all my alarms. It's almost like he was sneaking up on me.

  He is a hunk of a man with the body of a weightlifter. My eyes roam his body from his thighs to his chest, and then to his face. That's when my appraising expression freezes in place. It's one of the DF soldiers who came in as reinforcements when I was attacked at the mana storm. To be more precise, it's the one whose leg I broke.

  The multiverse has a truly wicked way of punishing me. All I did was kill three people who attacked me with lethal intent. I focus on his blue eyes and the blonde hair. When I look at those lips I really want to eat him, no matter the consequences.

  When he opens his mouth, whichever spell he had over me is shattered like a bowl of glass. “Look, Cutie. I've a free arm and you seem to be lonely.”

  I swallow down whatever physical attraction he has on me and lock those feelings away. I am a rational being and not some kind of instinct driven animal. At least he didn't recognize me.

  My eyes wander from him to the brunette beauty who is clinging to his right arm, then to his left arm which he is offering me.

  “Yeah, I think... not, whoever you are.” I step back since he is violating my personal space.

  Weightlifter's eyes bug out and his liaison gasps. A suppressed chuckle pulls my attention to the man who is apparently accompanying the two. “Look, Perseus. There are apparently women in this kingdom who don't know you. Aw, I wish I had a camera.” He claps his hands.

  The speaker is a little smaller than Perseus and less muscular. I can see at a glance that he isn't working out as much as my weightlifter, but physical proportions don't mean much in a world with magic. If I had to put him into a category then he is more like a swimmer? Perseus... where did I hear that name? Oh, shit! The first prince!

  Perseus leans forward and offers me his hand yet another time. “I can see that you recognized me. You aren't at fault. The photos can't capture the real me.”

  I lick my lips. “No, thanks. I am not into threesomes.”

  The swimmer starts laughing loudly, not holding back at all. I am glad that I am such a great source of amusement to him, but the prince isn't amused at all.

  “Nobody refuses me. I am the first prince and who are you? I can't even feel your aura. Who had the audacity to invite a lowly warlock rank to this party?” Perseus growls and reaches for me, but I glide out of his reach and around him, using the brunette as a shield. His hand grasps empty air and he almost stumbles over his girlfriend.

  I dance into the swimmer's arms and baffle him by placing his arm around my waist. “I am sorry, but this guy seems to have much more need for me than you. It would be unfair if you get two while he goes empty, wouldn't it? And don't insult me with such a low rank! There are people who have their aura under control and don't pollute the environment with their waste mana.”

  Perseus's jaw drops, but the girl at his arm starts laughing. She, too, clearly doesn't fancy the prince's idea of a date. “She is right, Perseus. Why don't you let her be. It seems like she already made her choice.”

  The first prince's jaw muscles work in silent anger, but suddenly he starts laughing. “Then I certainly won't be the one who gets between you two. I am sure that there will be more than enough chances in the future.” At last he decides that it isn't worth creating a scandal and he turns, guiding the brunette into the crowd.

  “I am sorry, but the whole first prince business is getting to his head,” the swimmer apologizes.

  I look up to study his cold, grey eyes and his black hair. “I am sorry for using you as a shield. What's your name?”

  Interest flickers in his eyes. “You can call me Marc. And who are you, oh mysterious beauty?” He kisses the back of my hand and smiles, shamelessly using the position I brought on myself to press me to his body.

  “My friends call me Seria. My cousin invited me to the party; normally I don't have business with the academy or nobility. Our standing is far too low to mingle with the high society on a daily basis,” I explain.

  He nods. “That explains why I've never seen you on the campus or at other events.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Are you often at the academy?”

  He chuckles. “I am a teacher. Mana theory and combat lessons are my main subjects, but I also teach summoning lessons when it is needed.”

  “A teacher? How does a teacher become involved with the first prince? You seemed to know each other well,” I ask, baffled.

  Marc shrugs. “He and I were in the same class when we were still students. We kept the relationship alive since then. But how about a dance? I would be heartbroken if I don't get the full menu after you threw yourself into my arms.”

  I bite my lower lip and follow him onto the dance floor. He might not have the same effect on me as Perseus, but he certainly has the better character. My eyes slide to his ass and I consider fulfilling his wish. Okay... full menu. It's your own fault.

  We dance and spend our time with idle chit chat, not really giving away information about each other. I can't blame him for keeping his cards close to his chest. I am doing the same.

  The conversation focuses on the kingdom and problems with the spirits. Marc has much more insight into the whole spirit affair and he lets slip that the spirits are becoming more active recently. I also get to know that this world doesn't have contact with other realms, or is even aware of us. They think that all other dimensions are overrun by spirits. Not surprising if every portal to another realm ends up as a focus point for another invasion.

  The ballroom slowly empties of people while we talk, signalling that the party reached its end. I am the one who has to end the conversation when I see Adea roaming into the ballroom. She is looking around as if she is searching for someone. I excuse myself and tell Marc to stay put.

  Then I hurry to intercept Adea. A short exchange tells me that everything went perfect on her end and I send her on her way without me. I've still plans for the evening, so we agree that Jimmy will take her home.

  When she is gone, I return to Marc who was waiting for me at one of the tables. When I approach he gets to his feet. “So you really want to continue the evening?”

  “Of course, just had to step out for a moment. I had to tell my cousin that she doesn't have to wait for me.” I get to my toes and use a husky voice to whisper into his ear. “And weren't you the one who requested the full menu?”

  His jaw drops in shock. His reaction is cute. It feels like that's the first time that something like this happened to him. “I am not sure that I can stay a gentleman if you make such an offer.”

  My shoulders slump. Is he the type who needs several dates to get laid? I don't want a fixed relationship from him. A long, relaxing night is good enough. I am on physical withdrawal since more than a month. Which doesn't mean that I had any real relationship back at home.

  “Do we have to make this complicated? I was offering, what's there to think about? Unless you have someone? If that's the case-”

  He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the exit. “There is a one night hotel just across the street!”

  I giggle. “Sounds like you have experience.”

  “I don't! But I know where the young couples go when the party ends,” he answers and quickens his steps. It's almost as if he fears that I might withdraw the offer.

  A few minutes later we storm the room which he rented on his name. I manage to close the door just in time before he lifts me and presses me against the wall, seeking my lips.

  It's then that I let go. Having a succubus as a mother left me with certain... cravings. I send my mana into him and scratch at his control and reasoning.

  Somehow we manage it to the bed while we take turns in getting rid of bothersome clothing. There I surprise him with my strength. He tried his best to hold back, fearing that he could hurt me. But that's certainly not needed.

  I throw him onto the bed, making it creak under the impact. Then I follow and straddle his hips between my thighs, his erection hard against me.

  He massages me to readiness while I get lost in nibbling at his neck. Finding myself getting much too used to his hand between my legs, I lift my hips and sink down on him ever so slowly. Gasping, he curses and I start riding him, not giving him a chance to take control.

  Well, I am a little starved after a month and Jimmy... well... Jimmy is Jimmy. One shouldn't satisfy oneself with a piece of furniture.

  Finally I feel my belly cramping up with my first orgasm and Marc pants upon finding his own release which results in a hot feeling inside me.

  Grabbing his arm, I whirl us around and pull him on top of me. “Your turn!” I gasp and close my legs around him. When he starts moving without complaint I can already tell that this will be a long night.

  The next morning I sleepily open my eyes and rub the drowsiness away. Marc is cuddling me in his arms and I feel bad for snuggling out from under him. I watch his sleeping face and sigh. He wasn't bad. Well, okay, he was good. Very good.

  But whatever there may develop between us, I am still from another realm and I can't risk going soft during this mission. And he is a friend of the prince. That can only result in complications if I make this more than a one night stand.

  Growling a little, I focus mana on my fingertip and draw a rune on my belly. A little prevention magic, just in case. Then, on soft feet, I get my things and get dressed. Once that's done I decide to grab his shirt and jacket as a memento.

  Okay, I am doing that with all my conquests, so it's more like a trophy.

  After looking at his sleeping expression one more time I sneak out of the room and take my leave.

  7. ~Guests.~

  “One step forth, two steps back.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  “It's truly hilarious! The whole academy is talking about it,” Adea proclaims loudly. She raises the cup of coffee and grins.

  I rub my temple and raise my own cup to take a sip. “What? Is it really that big of a deal that you had the prince one evening for yourself? I am a little disappointed that you two didn't go all the way. Though I guess young people aren't bold enough for that. Are the others envious and making up rumours to get their pitiful revenge?”

  Adea blushes. “That's not the case and it was mean. And no, I meant something different.”

  Jimmy cleans the table between us with a towel. He really found fulfilment in tending to my shop. “You have to forgive the mistress. It is still early and she didn't have her coffee yet. She can be quite edgy without her morning shot.”

  Adea follows Jimmy with her eyes as he continues his work with the other tables. “Sometimes he freaks me out. What's going on between the two of you?”

  I shrug and don't answer.

  After a moment Adea continues, “Anyway, I was talking about one of the teachers. Marcus, he has quite the reputation for being an impenetrable fortress. That's regarding his magic and his love life. And just two days ago, after the ball, people saw him leave the hotel which all the couples use; without the upper part of his suit! Apparently he got laid and his princess decided to take a memento.”

  I freeze. “Princess?”

  Adea nods. “Yes! Isn't it normal to call the mysterious woman a princess? She bedded the second prince after all! But that's not the important part of the rumour. Apparently Marcus is running around like a headless idiot and trying to find her, but she disappeared without a trace and the recorded aura from the ball's entrance-sphere is useless. He doesn't even know her full name. It's like from a bad fairy tale. Just that everyone is mad at the mysterious woman for ditching him.”

  The gears in my head creak. “Maybe he didn't perform to her satisfaction? But second prince? He doesn't look like the first prince. There is no similarity between the two.”

  She scowls and squints her eyes in suspicion. “Duh!? That's not surprising. They have different mothers after all!”

  I need more coffee. “Different mothers? Ah, now that you mention it! The king was married twice; Perseus is from his first, but she was killed in battle during the last spirit invasion. He had three children with his second wife. Marcus, the second prince, Lilith, first princess, and Caden, third prince! And you say that this Marcus has a good reputation?”

  Adea's head bobs up and down in agreement. “Unlike the first prince, his two brothers aren't misusing their status. Marcus is even working as a teacher and I must say that he is one of the better ones. He isn't a war hero like Perseus, but he clearly cares for the people and has a much better reputation. His brother is the one who is a notorious womaniser, though he holds a high rank in the DF. That's what makes the whole rumour even more surprising.”

  Shait! By Dedessia's sewers! Send me through a spirit army! I fucked up. Now I can't risk going anywhere near the campus!

  Adea frowns upon studying my expression. “You look like you bit into a lemon. Is something wrong?”

  I shrug. “Not really! I just met someone at the ball. He called himself Marc and didn't really give away anything about himself, other than that he is a teacher. I found him quite pleasant and one thing led to another... and we ended up in bed. I also stole his shirt and his jacket as a memento. They are above us in my apartment. I expected that both of us understood that it was a one-night-only encounter.”

  Sometime during my speech, Adea choked on her coffee and spit it all over me. Of course Jimmy immediately rushed to my assistance and is now trying to dry me with a clean towel. Adea is now staring at me, shocked and wide-eyed. Coffee is dripping down her chin.

  I tilt my head. “Do you think that this Marc fellow and your Marcus are two different persons? There is always hope. Well, it's his own fault for holding back important information.”

  Adea slams her head onto the table. “You can't go anywhere near the campus!”

  I already got that far. “At least we now know the repercussions of your wish!” I smile.

  “My wish!? You are the one who fucked up!” Adea points at me.

  I point at myself and smile. “Have you forgotten? Jinn! I explained how this works.”

  “You said that you aren't a jinn!” she shoots back.

  I shrug.

  “Oh! Back to not talking? I tell ya-”

  An ear-splitting siren interrupts Adea and I look up. The noise is slowly declining, just to rise in strength a few seconds later. It sums up to a wailing crescendo which can hardly be ignored. I notice that the people on the street are changing directions, some are even running.

  “What's wrong?” I ask curiously.

  “Spirit alarm! Have you never heard it? Something is attacking the city.” Adea answers with a shocked expression. I get to my feet and head over to Jimmy who is listening to the radio. Upon arrival he informs me of the latest news. “Some idiot dabbled with portals and gave the spirits an anchor point. They are invading the Tandeen district.”

  I scratch my chin. “That means we retreat to the shelters like everyone else?”

  Jimmy nods. “I'll just close the shop. There should be time.”

  I turn towards Adea while Jimmy closes the roller shutter
and locks the store. The customers already left anyway, some without paying! At least I've made sure to remember their faces.

  But now that I look at Adea, her expression is lost and frightened. But not by our earlier conversation.

  “That's where Mom works.”

  I grab Adea's arm and pull her out of the shop, so that Jimmy can lock the entrance. “Your Mom will surely escape to the nearest shelter.”

  She shakes her head. “You don't understand! Tandeen is were the poor make their living. They have only a few shelters and those will be full in no time.”

  Then she grabs my upper arm. “Please! Go and save her.”

  “That's not so easy. I can't fight an entire invasion force,” I answer.

  Adea leans onto me. “Please, it's my second wish if it must be! I know that you are more than you seem. The way you speak and how you sometimes don't know obvious things. I never insisted on knowing what's going on and I will never tell anyone. You don't have to fight the damn spirits. Just get my Mom to safety.”

  I sigh. “This will have repercussions. I can prophesy that much.” I gesture for Jimmy. “Go and get the car. At least buying the damn thing was good for something.” Taking Adea's arm, I pull her towards the parking lot which is located a few blocks down the street. Jimmy sprints ahead of us.

  “You bought the car?” Adea asks surprised.

  I smile. “Yes, these vehicles are so rustic! I have to get one to my father. He will have a lot of fun while taking it apart! He likes those kinds of things.”

  Jimmy stops next to us on the road and we get in. Moments later we are on our way, surely breaking all the speed limits. Our driver manoeuvres expertly through some side streets, cutting the way short. This way he also avoids the heavy traffic and quite a few street lights. I am honestly surprised about his expertise with the car, though not so much about his knowledge regarding dark side streets. “Don't you need directions, Jimmy?”


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