Tiger: The Far Frontier

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Tiger: The Far Frontier Page 27

by David Smith

  "Can't say I am, but I've no doubt the dozen Tana warships converging on our position will be delighted when we try to outrun them using impulse power and crossed fingers" said Dave and stabbed at the comm-set to cut the line.

  A priority call came in from Izzy, which Dave reluctantly answered "Keep it short, we've got a situation up here!"

  "No need to be like that: I only called to tell you the Sha T'Al have had a change of heart and have agreed to a formal alliance between themselves and the Federation! That's a major achievement and a huge step in the right direction...." said an exasperated Izzy.

  "Really?? That's just dandy, what a surprise! Since you're on such a roll, why don't you be an absolute treasure and see if you can organise a non-aggression pact with the Tana battle-fleet that's just dropped out of warp on top of us?" said Dave through gritted teeth.

  "Oh. Thought it was too good to be true. Sorry."

  Dave sighed and leaned back, "No, I'm sorry, that was just mean. Would you please advise the Sha T'Al that we're unlikely to be around long enough to arrange any treaty. And while you're at it, it'd be worth asking them if they'd be willing to take refugees from Tiger. Hollins out."

  They were a sitting duck, with no drive, no shields and no weapons. Even if the Tana fell for the hack-attack again, only the flagship would probably be affected as any communication would be direct with them. Worst of all, if the Tana attacked while the Tiger was on the daylight side of Joran Dal the fierce radiation from the blue-giant star might be too great for the escape capsules to cope with. They might not survive even if they abandoned ship. He slumped in the Captains chair. His chair. The no-win scenario had finally caught up with him.


  He considered his options, but quickly realised he didn't have any. Pressing the general broadcast icon on his comm-set, he addressed the crew.

  "All hands, the Tana have sent a task-force to the system, and they’re closing in on us. We're dead in the water, and I don't propose to put up pointless resistance. Prepare to abandon ship."

  Pressing another couple of buttons he contacted Stavros and Mengele. "Stavros, warm up the shuttles, Katrin, get the isolation cases, the Sha T'Al and the incapacitated into the shuttles. I know we've not got facilities to treat them on Joran Dal, but in about......" he checked the ETA of the Tana vessels "...twenty-two minutes, there won't anything up here either."

  “Understood, ExO, it will happen.”

  “And Commander…..I want you and Lieutenant-Commander Grosvenor to go with the evacuees. That is not a request.”


  “NO BUTS. Not this time. I need you and Izzy to do what you can to keep the Sha T’Al onside and keep the idea of an alliance alive. If we don’t succeed in that, it’s all been for nothing.”

  “I understand, ExO. For what it’s worth, I wish you good luck.”

  “Thank you Commander, but don’t write Tiger off yet. I still intend to make good on my promise of a haggis-free meal.”


  After both shuttles had departed, Dave turned his mind to the task in hand. He remembered his dear old Granny having a favourite saying about being short of oars, up a canyon or some such. That seemed appropriate. They had limited choices of movement and propulsion and…well….everything.

  Romanov had managed to get the thrusters and impulse power systems working, and Deng and Kandampully had got shields and one phaser bank on line. They still had ASBeau's PTNs drifting in a solar orbit, but would struggle to get out far enough to make use of them.

  None of this would have been cause for optimism against a single scout, much less the medium-sized fleet they were facing. Much as he hated the idea, if they couldn't talk their way out of this they'd have to take their chances and leave the ship in a hurry.

  "Lieutenant Shearer, please hail the Tana flagship and broadcast standard friendship messages on all other channels"

  "Aye sir. Channels awpen."

  "This Lieutenant-Commander David Hollins of the Federation Starship Tiger. We advise that the citizens of this star system and those adjacent to it have entered into an alliance with the Federation. You are therefore respectfully requested to state your business as visitors to our space."

  Seconds ticked by, followed by minutes.

  "Nothin’ back, sir, Shall ah try again?"

  Dave watched as the red dots on the tactical display spread out "No, they're shaping to attack. Looks like they're taking no chances either....."

  ASBeau agreed "They're going to bracket us sir, catch us in a cross-fire."

  "Well, no point in putting off the inevitable."

  Dave pressed the general broadcast icon on his comm-set and was just about to give the order to abandon ship when ASBeau shouted out.

  "Sir! More ships are dropping out of warp on the far side of Joran Dal. They're Federation ships sir!!!"


  Dave wasn't a religious person, but he covered all the angles, offering silent thanks to whichever deity had smiled upon them.

  On the tactical display, blue-dot after blue-dot blinked into existence, followed shortly by a small tag bearing the vessels name as the friend-or-foe software recognised the ships from Starfleet.

  Zooming in Dave could see USS Independence, USS Ticoderoga, USS Swiftsure.... one by one nearly twenty blue dots appeared, some scouts, some light-cruisers, and in one corner a tiny dot marked “Faraday/USS Tiger”. Faraday had finally caught up with her mother-ship, and she’d brought the cavalry with her. Most importantly, she’d brought three of Tigers sister-ships of the “Constitution” class. These formidable vessels were among the most powerful available to Starfleet, and they were arranged in a tight diamond formation at the centre of the task force with one of the even bigger, newer and more powerful “Excelsior” class cruisers. Against that ship, Dave could see a triangle with the name USS Nebula, flagship of the third fleet. Command had obviously got their message and elected to act decisively.

  An incoming hail was put up on the main view-screen. Admiral Henry O’Connor, Commander-in-Chief (Third Fleet) appeared:

  "O’Connor here. You must be…..Lieutenant-Commander Hollins? What’s the situation?"

  “Twelve Tana vessels, all converging on Tiger sir, and not responding to standard friendship messages. We’re attempting to prevent an incursion against the current inhabitants of this system, the Sha T’Al. The representatives of the Sha T’Al in this system also speak for three other systems who have expressed a desire to form an alliance with the Federation” explained Dave as succinctly as he could, aware that the twelve Tana vessels were a lot closer to Tiger than the Federation task force and were still closing.

  “We’re coming in, can you manouever?”

  “Only on impulse at the moment sir.”

  “Don’t worry. I think we can head this off at the pass.” He spoke to his Comms Officer and then addressed the Tana Flagship.

  “This is Admiral O’Connor of the Federation’s Third Fleet. I understand that you have been advised of the situation in this system. As our honoured guests we welcome you to Joran Dal and insist that your leadership should meet with myself and the Sha T’Al leadership on the surface. Whilst our offer is negotiable, I would remind you that our ships out-number yours and are significantly better protected, better armed and much faster. We will transfer landing co-ordinates shortly. O’Connor out”

  With the comms back on a discrete setting, O’Connor continued for Dave’s ears only.

  “Sorry it took so long to get here Hollins, you sent us a load of data to wade through and we had to second guess where we’d find you. You’ve done a hell of a job getting anything out of the Sha T’Al and the Tana. Hell, still being alive is something on an achievement if truth be told. I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you sir, but I’m only third in command….”

  O’Connor cut him off sharply “I know who’s in command, son! I sent LaCroix and Joynes to the Tiger, and tha
t idiot Cassini. I know what you’ve had to deal with, so obviously I know it’s you who’s done the hard stuff. If LaCroix was in command, Tiger would probably still be chasing tail in Sector 244. Did you know he got sent out here after he ditched three of his crew on an ice-planet because he had a hot date? They were lucky to survive and the only reason I didn’t court-martial his lazy ass on the spot is because his uncle is a Senator who’s a particularly strong advocate of the current fleet expansion programme. Someday you’ll have to explain to me how you managed to get around the Captain and the First Officer.”

  “I’d really rather not say sir” said Dave fearing the worst.

  “Hah!” roared the Admiral “I figured there was something sneaky going on. Well, don’t worry Hollins, I’m a pragmatist. You got the job done, which is a miracle in its own right considering to tools you had to work with. And when I say tools….”

  “I understand your view, Admiral, but with the greatest of respect, the behaviour and attitude of the crew has been exemplary. I couldn’t have asked for a finer team and I will make that clear in my mission report sir.”

  The Admiral looked genuinely taken aback “Well, I look forward to seeing that one!”

  Sitting back in his chair now, O’Connor continued: “Well, enough chit-chat we have things to do. Meet me on the surface, and get that Liaison Officer of yours to drag the Sha T’Al and Tana along too.”

  “Aye sir….” Dave winced at having to admit it “…but it’ll take me a while to get there. Our transporters are …..off-line and we sent the shuttles to the surface with injured personnel and civilians”

  The Admiral smiled “We won’t start without you. O’Connor out.”

  The next few days were a blur, and Dave watched and learned the art of gun-boat diplomacy from an expert in the art. Izzy played good-cop to O’Connor’s undeniable bad-cop, and they quickly bullied the Tana into conceding any claim to the territory and the Sha T’Al into opening the border and making formal diplomatic overtures to the Federation.

  Bizarrely, Chief Money seemed to be instrumental in bringing the Tana to the negotiating table as Dave found out that the Tana were keen to take up his offer of unlimited supplies of 20th and 21st century soaps and reality TV shows in an exclusive trade arrangement. Dave pointed out to the Chief that the archive wouldn’t last forever, but the Chief winked at him and said “You really wouldn’t believe how much of that stuff got made: It’s not unlimited, but it’ll take the Tana a literal lifetime to find that out.”

  After four days of hard negotiating on the surface, the deals were put to bed. The Tana left loaded to the gunnels with Orioni porn, crap Terran TV shows and haggis that, bizarrely, they seemed to really enjoy. The Sha T’Al had accepted that the Federation were going to be a part of their lives and Izzy had introduced them to all manner of therapies to ease the dependence of the afflicted on aspirin. Dave wasn’t overly surprised to learn that Izzy had an encyclopedic knowledge of drinking games and wasn’t afraid to use it.

  Dave had completed three major achievements during this period. Firstly, he managed to take Katrin Mengele out for a completely haggis free dinner; they became the first humans to sample Sha T’Al cuisine and it proved to be every bit as exquisite as their art.

  Secondly, between him, Romanov and Deng they managed to over-ride all computer controlled functions onboard Tiger long enough to be able to purge Susan’s memory cores and everything with a memory in the transporter and replicator systems. Tiger still didn’t have warp drive, but they finally had a menu.

  The repair of the replicator system also enabled a certain Communications Officer to produce a bag of chips for two. After a few hours off duty, sharing the aforementioned bag of chips whilst admiring the artworks of the Sha T’Al in one of the quieter tunnels on Joran Dal, Dave completed a third achievement that was much, much nicer than the other two.


  Admiral O’Connor left with most of the Third Fleet, leaving a few ships behind as Federation representatives and watch-keepers for the newly independent Sha T’Al. Before his flagship left he called Dave to issue new orders.

  “Ok, Hollins, time to shake things up. I’ve been going through your reports and others and I have to say, grudgingly, that you were right. Your crew did a damn fine job. I told you I’m a pragmatist didn’t I? Well it’s time I got pragmatic about the crew of the Tiger. I think you’ve all done your time.”

  Thank you sir, but they’re not my crew, Captain LaCroix is still in command.”

  “Actually son, that’s going to change. His uncle has just lost his seat in the Senate after being caught with his fingers in the cookie jar. LaCroix is now nothing but a liability, and I’m really going to enjoy finding him a new posting. Did you know that the fleet has a Captain in charge of development of toilet systems for new vessels? And that a Captain is assigned as permanent attaché to the Vosgee council? I’m spoilt for choice!”

  “Commander Joynes will be staying with the Sha T’Al on Todot Hahn as an advisor on botany and agriculture while they rebuild the colony. It’ll be interesting to see what he makes of trying to clear weeds rather than smoking them. And Cassini will be doing time when he comes out his coma. Reckless endangerment of the ship, falsifying records, theft of fleet property…..”

  “Theft sir?? I’m not aware of any wrong-doing by Commander Cassini in that respect sir?”

  “Really?” smirked the Admiral “Well perhaps you could tell me what happened to eighteen thousand tonnes of high grade tritanium alloy from inside the Tigers hull?”

  “Oh” said Dave.

  “Don’t worry, It’s just to get him out of your hair. I’ve promoted Lieutenant-Commander Romanov to Commander as Chief Engineer and I’ve also promoted Lieutenant-Commander Grosvenor to full Commander as she’ll be the Federation ambassador to the Sha T’Al home-worlds for the foreseeable future.”

  Dave tried to hide his disappointment. He grown quite fond of Izzy, but she’d be left behind when Tiger moved out. But at least she’d be doing what she’d signed up for. She’d be making a difference.

  “Don’t look so disappointed son, you get a prize too. By the power vested in me by Starfleet Command, I, Admiral Henry O’Connor do hereby grant field promotion to you, Lieutenant-Commander David Hollins, to the rank of Commander, with all of the rights and privileges thereby entailed. Congratulations, son!”

  “Thank you, sir!” replied a bemused Dave.

  “My pleasure, son. Your first duty is to report to Sector 113 and join the new frigate USS Higgs as Commanding Officer. You may shortlist any crew from Tiger that you wish to take with you.”

  “Thank you sir! But I’d hate to leave Tiger short-handed. When we get her to a space-dock it’s going to take at least six months to repair her and……”

  “Whoa! Hold your horses son! This is all part of the deal. The Tiger’s done. She’s too badly damaged to be worth repairing, so you’re to take her to Sector 113 and Romanov will oversee her scrapping….”

  “WHAT??? Sir, she’s a fine ship and she’s not that badly damaged that we can’t……”

  The Admiral held up his hand on screen. “STOP. That’s enough son. I know it’s easy to get attached to a ship, especially your first ship. But the Tiger is a wreck. Her warp-drive is shot, her power distribution system is held together with duct-tape and there are several very large holes in a hull that’s not much more than baco-foil. It’s tough, but that’s the economics of it. She’s not worth fixing.”

  “I can fix her sir. Give me six months and I’ll get her fully operational without ever having to leave her station at Sector 244”

  “I’ve seen the damage reports Hollins. That’s impossible” said the Admiral, narrowing his eyes, and clearly wondering what Dave’s angle was.

  “It’s not impossible sir, it’s just a challenge. Give me six months and we’ll get the Tiger fully operational without having to dock her or even get a repair ship out to her. Just me and the crew. We can do th
is, Admiral.”

  The Admiral considered the possibility of getting a valuable “Constitution” class cruiser back in service against the difficulty in justifying a replacement vessel.

  “That’s a hell of a proposition Hollins. You realise I can’t bump you up two ranks on a field promotion but I also can’t leave a Commander in charge of a heavy cruiser? So even if you do succeed, the best you can expect is a post as First Officer under LaCroix or another idiot like him?”

  “Yes sir, I see that….. I just think the Tiger and her crew deserve the chance to really prove themselves” said Dave.

  “You’re an idiot. You should jump at the chance of a first command. Your own ship? Hand pick your own crew? Chances like this are few and far between.”

  Dave knew that was true, but he sighed and nailed his colours to the mast “This is my ship sir, and these are my crew. I wouldn’t have it any other way, Admiral.”

  The Admiral sat back in his chair and thought for a while.

  “A lot of people will tell you there’s no room for sentiment in a modern efficient fleet” he said.

  “You’re damn lucky I’m not one of them. I like a man who’s loyal to his crew, and I believe in second chances. Ok Hollins, I’m sold. In six months time, and not a day later, I want Tiger on the test ranges at Arcturus for a full shake-down. If she doesn’t make it, I expect to see her name on the breakers list the next day. You get to keep the crew together, and any natural wastage, I’ll let you choose a replacement. But you don’t call Fleet Repair for assistance or order two new engines and a warp-core or any stunts like that. This is all on you. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal clear sir. Thank you.”

  “Well in that case, good luck, Commander Hollins. I suspect I’ll be seeing more of you one way or another….” The Admiral cut the link, and ASBeau swapped the view-screen to an external camera view just in time to see USS Nebula disappear into warp space.

  Dave slumped in the Captains chair and wondered if he’d just made a terrible mistake. But he’d never been able to resist a challenge, and challenges didn’t come any bigger than USS Tiger.


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