Book Read Free

LaCasse Family Series

Page 11

by Ju Ephraime

  “Keep reading your book,” he whispered gutturally. “I don’t want to disturb you. Just try to concentrate on your reading.”

  God, she was going to die from pleasure.

  He buried his face in her neck and began a slow deep movement with his hips. He reached between her legs and began rubbing her sensitive clit in time to his subtle movements. She could feel every inch of him inside of her, amplified by the fact that her mind and senses were being distracted by her attempts to read her book.

  He kept one breast in his hand at all times. His other hand roamed all over her body, returning time and time again between her thighs to put pressure on just the right spot, causing her to hiss through her teeth. She couldn’t stand it. She wanted to be able to see him, to reach for his mouth, but he kept this away from her. To hell with reading. She closed the book and began pressing back into him.

  “No,” he said, “I want you to continue reading. If you stop, then I’ll have to stop too.”

  “Wolfe,” she said on a sigh, “I can’t concentrate on the book with what you’re doing to me.”


  She picked up her book again and surrendered to his dictate, allowing him to set the pace of this joining. Her senses were open, more receptive than usual. She could feel him growing harder and larger inside her as he continued to thrust into her. His breathing was harsh, but he kept up the slow pace, which she could tell was just as hard on him as it was on her.

  He murmured endearments to her in his native tongue, but she couldn’t tell what he was saying because he was almost incoherent, and she was out of her mind with pleasure, riding the edge between pleasure and pain.

  Every minute she was expecting him to bite her again, which had all her senses on high alert.

  She met his every move, pushing back into him while she dug her heels into the bed for leverage. The pleasure was intense, but when he switched to her other breast, her breathing grew ragged. She tipped her head back into him, and he reached over and buried his tongue in her mouth, drowning her screams as she climaxed long and hard.

  Wolfe felt her contracting around him, and he knew she was almost there. He felt his control slipping. She was going to take him with her, but he fought it. Breathing harshly, he pulled back a few inches and then sank more deeply inside her. His face buried into the side of her neck, his hand on her breast.

  Taking a deep breath, he lay back on the bed, bringing her completely over him, face up. He pushed her into a sitting position. She was sitting with her back to him while he was still buried to the hilt inside her. Grabbing her hips, he showed her how to ride him.

  “Move with me,” he commanded, gasping heavily. “Push back...oui. Yes, yes, just like that.”

  His hand roamed over her body, returning time and again to cup her breasts and torment her already sensitive nipples. He covered her wild heartbeat with his palm and then moved to grasp her waist with both hands to help give her the leverage she needed to move more rapidly on top of his engorged penis. He could tell she was out of her mind with excitement by the inarticulate sounds she was making in her throat.

  She was suspended over his thick cock, stretched to the max, while he kept her moving by subtle movements of his pelvis thrusting upward, counter to her pressing down. There was a giddy rush of his senses in response to the flexing of her body. The sensation was out of this world.

  Daphne had achieved two orgasms, and he hadn’t achieved one. She reached down and grabbed his balls and rolled them gently in her hand. The moment she touched him there, she felt the change in him. His breathing changed, becoming more labored. He was making a growling sound in his throat that was almost frightening. He leaned up off the bed, taking her with him and flipped her over. He then moved her onto her hands and knees, and then he was thrusting into her with such force Daphne could feel him striking her womb.

  His strokes got harder and harder, but she kept pushing back against him as he slammed into her. By then, they were both breathing hard, but he kept up the rapid pace until he reached down and found her nub, and she began sobbing as rapture overcame her. He slammed into her with deep, long strokes that drew out her pleasure until muscles contracting like a vise grabbed hold of him and wouldn’t let go until she felt the hot flood of his release within her. He pulled her body tighter into his until she could hardly breathe.

  “Prendre tout de moi, ma chérie. Take all of me, my darling,” he said as small tremors racked his body, prolonging his release, taking him over the edge and flinging him down, carrying her along on the wave.

  They collapsed on their sides together, too spent to do anything else. Her body felt strange. It could be because he was still firmly lodged inside her, as hard as ever. She turned around and raised her hand to brush at the dampness on his forehead.

  He watched her with a beautiful smile on his face. “Daphne, what have you done to me? I can’t seem to get enough of you; you are in my blood. I believe I am falling in love with you.”

  “You believe?” she asked with a raised brow. “You don’t know for certain?”

  “No,” he admitted. “I have never been in love before, but there is no other explanation for the way my body responds to you. I have had several relationships, but none on this level. What am I to do when you return home to your country?”

  Daphne was asking herself that same question. It did not make any sense that she would have to travel over a thousand miles from her hometown to find the perfect man for her. She remained quiet because she couldn’t come to terms with this situation. It was not that she regretted one minute of the time she’d spent with Wolfe, but she couldn’t help asking herself, why did things have to always be so difficult for her? Why couldn’t she find a man at home? The situation appeared to be hopeless because, no matter how she examined it, the answer was still the same. It was a lost cause. She couldn’t leave her home and move here, and she didn’t think Wolfe would leave his business and his family to move to America.

  They spent the next few hours on the daybed, just holding each other, lost in thoughts. Then Wolfe turned to her and asked her. “Will you miss me when you are back home in America?”

  “What do you think?” Daphne responded.

  He only sighed and changed the subject. “Are you hungry?” It was as if he, like Daphne, had decided against discussing what was always present in both their minds.

  Daphne realized it was a fool’s paradise, but she opted to be that fool rather than get all worked up about a situation she couldn’t change. She’d decided to avoid any discussion about her return to America until the very last day of her vacation.

  “Sure, I could eat,” she said.

  Wolfe got up and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. He returned with a damp towel and proceeded to clean the residue of his seed from her thighs. He was very thorough. So thorough was he, in his cleaning of every exposed area of her thighs, inside and outside, that Daphne began to feel hot all over again. When she began fidgeting, asking him to stop, he just gave her a heated, heavy-lidded stare, and she settled down.

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble, and Wolfe laughed, saying, “Come, darling, I’ll feed you now.”

  He held out his arms, and she got off the bed and walked into his arms, which closed around her in a quick embrace. She curved her arms around his neck and kissed him. Wolfe responded by opening his mouth and taking her tongue briefly inside. He led her to the kitchen and sat her down at the table while he went to the refrigerator and began putting together a chicken and vegetable salad.

  E leven

  Daphne dozed off at the kitchen table and woke to find herself still sitting there. She blinked sleepily over her empty plate, her memory instantly returning to the time she and Wolfe shared on the daybed. She looked around for Wolfe and called softly for him but received no answer.

  She was still experiencing pain in places she didn’t know she could hurt, so she got up and made her way to the bathroom. As she walked down the hall, she
could hear Wolfe’s voice. He was on the telephone with someone, and he didn’t sound happy. She ran the bath water and got into it, and she could still hear Wolfe on the telephone. She tried to make out what he was saying but was unable to follow the conversation. She wondered what or who had him so upset.

  She didn’t stay too long in the bath and was out in fifteen minutes. She selected a change of clothes and, after getting dressed, walked out to the terrace, where Wolfe was just replacing the phone on its base.

  “What’s the matter?” Daphne inquired.

  “It’s nothing,” he responded.

  “You seemed upset.” She didn’t want to pry, but she wanted to know what had upset him so much that he was practically yelling. This was the first time she’d heard him raise his voice.

  “My mom,” he finally said. “She thinks I’m her courier. She wants me to go to the airport to meet my cousin Jeremy, who is flying in from St. Barth, and bring him to her home.”

  “Can someone else go?” she asked.

  “No. It is a long drive to the airport, and you know how the roads on the island are narrow. It’s either me or Foxx, but I am closer.”

  Wolfe was still fuming. His mother had lousy timing. She had a dinner party planned for this evening and assumed he could drop everything and go do her bidding. He didn’t want to drive two hours to the airport, and he didn’t want to attend a dinner party this evening. He would be expected to stay and entertain his mother’s friends and his relatives.

  After he explained the entire situation, he said, “I would rather spend my time with you. Speaking of which, how much more time do you have left on your vacation?”

  “I thought we decided not to speak of unpleasant things unless we absolutely had to.”

  “I believe we do have to face the fact that you will soon be leaving to return home. So how much time do you have left?”

  “I’ll check my ticket and let you know.”

  “Daphne, that isn’t good enough,” Wolfe responded. “I know you know how much time you have left on the island, so please tell me so I can plan accordingly.”

  “Oh, all right.” Daphne sighed. “I have about three weeks left.”

  “Three weeks. So, I have plenty of time to make more plans. Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “I didn’t because I don’t want to think about it,” Daphne admitted. “I thought not talking about it would keep it from happening.”

  “Well, we will have to schedule as many activities as I can manage into those three weeks. I want to show you the rest of the island. We might even take the ferry across to one of the neighboring islands, like St. Lucia. We couldn’t visit it with the yacht because of the strong current in the channel. Would that interest you?”

  “Anything I do with you is fun, darling,” Daphne responded.

  “Anything?” Wolfe raised his eyebrows. “Please don’t put ideas into my head, Daphne, because I’ll be doing some ‘fun’ things with you now.”

  “I don’t think so. I believe you should do as your mother requested and go get your cousin from the airport.”

  “Now you also are telling me what to do. Women! Come on, we’ll make an afternoon of it. I really can’t deny my mom anything, and she knows it.”

  He was already dressed in jeans and a muscle shirt, so Daphne grabbed her bag and sunglasses, and they were off.

  It was a beautiful day, with a cool breeze blowing, the birds singing in the trees, and everyone out and about. It felt good to be alive. Daphne was in high spirits, and so was Wolfe. He held her by the waist as they walked to the car, where he proceeded to put the top down, and they were off.

  It was a wonderful outing, though the roads were winding and narrow, going over steep hills and hugging hair-raising cliffs. For almost two hours, they laughed and talked about anything and everything. There was camaraderie between them, which made everything enjoyable.

  They stopped at a roadside stand, where the vendor was selling roasted corn and passion juice. Wolfe bought her one of each to try, and they were on their way again.

  The drive back was equally enjoyable. Jeremy was a pleasant young man who treated everything as a joke. His English was as good as Wolfe’s, but he always started in the French creole before switching to English. He’d been away at university in Cuba for the past five years and was happy to be home and done with school. He was looking forward to seeing the rest of the family. When Wolfe told him about the dinner party planned for that evening in his honor, he got very excited.

  “What am I? The prodigal son?” he asked Wolfe, tongue in cheek.

  “I don’t have a clue,” Wolfe said. “But there’s going to be a celebration.”

  “I am all for a partieee,” Jeremy said. “I hope there’ll be some beautiful girls there.”

  “Is that what you’re thinking about? Girls?” Wolfe asked.

  “What else is there?”

  “I’m going to end this conversation out of respect for Daphne.”


  “I don’t want you saying anything disrespectful in her presence.”

  They made good time on the return trip, and Daphne could see why. The roads on the northern side were better than those on the southern side, and Wolfe raced the car full throttle once he hit the smooth stretch of road. These roads were not built on the edge of the cliff. Also, this side of the island had a view of the Caribbean Sea, whereas the other had a view of the Atlantic Ocean. Daphne thought it was amazing that the water on the Atlantic Ocean side was bright turquoise while the Caribbean side was a deep blue.

  “Is Daphne your significant other?” he asked Wolfe.

  They both ignored the question and changed the conversation to his time at the university. This turned out to be a good topic; he talked about it until they were pulling into his aunt’s driveway. Daphne didn’t want to leave the car, but Wolfe insisted that they could not avoid going in to greet his mother.

  “Only briefly,” he said.

  They pulled into his parents’ driveway, tires screeching. Wolfe’s mother came running out to greet him. She was a beautiful, petite woman in her early to mid-fifties. Her hair was jet back, with a perfusion of curls, which she wore in a loose style. Her beautiful face was unlined, so Daphne could only guess at her true age. There were, however, laughter lines outside of her very light grey eyes, a testament to the fact that she laughed often, which she was doing now.

  Her voice with the French accent had a singsong quality to it, typical of the natives. She gave Daphne the customary kisses on the cheeks and turned to Wolfe and Jeremy to do the same. Wolfe introduced her as a friend visiting from the U.S., and his mother didn’t ask any questions other than how Daphne liked her stay on the island so far and whether she found the temperature too hot for her.

  Daphne told her she was able to handle it, and the conversation switched to offer of refreshment. Wolfe declined, and Daphne did also.

  “I expect to see you back for the party,” she told him, “and bring Daphne along. She’ll experience a local party.”

  “Maman, I said I’ll be back,” he told her, kissing her on the cheeks, and turning to let Daphne into the car before getting in, and reversing out the driveway.

  True to his words, they were soon racing back to her hotel. She wasn’t able to hold a conversation because of the wind whipping the words out of her mouth. She was curious about his dad, but she guessed her questions would have to wait for another time.

  He dropped her off, promising to pick her up in a couple hours for the dinner party.

  Daphne couldn’t help thinking how much her relationship with Wolfe was changing in such a short period of time. She was curious to see what this night would bring. She was also anxious and filled with trepidation about meeting the rest of his family. Wolfe had told her the party would be formal; she thanked her stars that she’d packed two formal outfits.

  She spent a good half hour lingering in her bath, daydreaming about Wolfe, and then she had to rush to b
e ready in time.

  She sprayed gold highlights into her hair, matching her cream and gold dress. It was made of a soft silk fabric, which draped and hugged her figure in all the right places. The fabric was so fine it felt as though she were wearing nothing. This meant her undergarments had to be “barely there” also. The gold stripes in the cream-colored silk shimmered and changed from bright to more muted gold, depending on the angle the light hit it. She completed the outfit with gold sandals. She thought she looked good and left her room at ten minutes to the hour. She was anxious to see Wolfe’s reaction to her appearance. She wanted to make a good impression on his family.

  T welve

  When Wolfe walked into the hotel lobby, she stood up with a wide smile to welcome him, but he stood transfixed for a good minute, just looking at her. God, she is beautiful. The off-white outfit displayed her tan skin to perfection, and the highlights in her hair shimmered along with her outfit. Her gold sandals made her appear taller than she was. He totally loved what he saw as he walked up to her. Greeting her in the usual manner was a bit difficult for him because he wanted to take her back to her room and have his way with her.

  “Tu regarde bien assez à manger,” he whispered. “You look good enough to eat, but then again, you always do. It is, however, especially so tonight. I don’t think I should be taking you anywhere near my family because there will be several wolves there.”

  “What? More wolves?” Daphne asked, laughing. “Are you saying there are real wolves in your family and that you are not the only one?”


  “Mmm,” Daphne said. “I believe I could handle a few more wolves. I’m certain you’re the leader of the pack, the alpha male, so they’ll all defer to you, no?”


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