Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 6

by Paul Christian

  He figured within fifteen to twenty minutes someone else was coming out to check on the two that never came back, thinking they were having a little fun with the merchandise. Mike normally a calm and calculating person who now smoldered to kill these A-holes. Ah, here comes someone to the front door. Mike timed it so he was approaching the front steps as the man after closing the front door turned and was coming down the steps. Mike shot him in the front throat with the tranquilizer gun, he caught him as he fell and guided him to the ground for less noise. He quickly reloaded the dart gun as it was only a single shot gun. Immediately advancing opening the front door, a couch was facing away from him with a man and a women necking on it.

  The man started to turn, “It’s about time you morons.” He took a dart in the right side of his neck and collapsed into the girls neck never finishing what he was about to add. She took in breath to scream, but never got it out as Mike stepped forward and covered her mouth with his gloved hand and struck her in the back of the neck. He took a moment and pulled out a syringe and injector her too. She was wearing her man’s colors. Five down, he mentally counted off. There was some noise from the Kitchen, the door was closed and it opened inward to the kitchen. Mike listened for a minute and heard some grunting, then someone was walking to the door. He smashed the door into whoever was on the other side knocking him over and probably busting his nose. Mike stepped through the door observing a young women who was on the kitchen table with nothing on below the waist. She laid there in a daze. He brought his hand up put his finger to his lips motioning her to keep quiet, she was barely conscious he judged. All this was in a moment as he stepped up to the man groaning on the floor holding his face. Mike kicked him in the side of the head with his steel shod boots, and he was out cold. He knelt down and quickly injected him in the neck too. Six, he injected the girl too, couldn't have her screaming now.

  Mike glided back out to the living room hearing someone start down the stairs. “What the hell is going on down there?” A man descending the stairs yelled. That does it Mike said to himself, anyone who was sleeping is getting up now. He looked around and a broom was leaning against the wall next to the stairs, he quickly grabbed it and stuck the handle through the spindles on the stairs catching the man coming down tripping him. He fell hard and Mike meet him at the bottom with a kick to the jaw putting him out. He probably had a broken jaw too. He felt good about that. Seven, he counted advancing up the stairs in silent rush with his dart gun extended and ready. Just as he reached the top another man wearing his underpants and nothing else except a Glock in his hand, probably from Mike’s store, come around the corner and was shot in the throat with a dart, his gun discharged into the floor, missing Mike by a foot. That was close he judged. Eight down, moving down the corridor like a ghost, checking each room after reloading his dart gun he found two other girls tied to beds, they were high on heroin and out of it. Mike did a quick check to make sure they weren’t dead, and moved on. The last room down the end of the corridor he had a bad feeling about, it was probably the master bedroom and if someone was in there they had time to prepare an ambush.

  What to do he deliberated. Ah, Mike had it. Entering the room with one of the girls strung out and silently opening the window he stepped out onto the roof of the porch and moving slowly along the wall came up to where a window would be in the Master bedroom. He slowly eased his head around the window frame and looked with his right eye when it was clear and then moved back slowly to not draw attention to the window. There was a man and two women, one was being held at gun point by the man. The other women was holding a knife, like a beginner blade up in her fist. He made a quick decision, stepped back and dove through the window, side on, it easily broke under his momentum and weight. The man tried to swing around toward him, he was holding the girl with his left arm and had to pivot all the way around so his right hand holding the gun was clear to fire, also the other women with the knife was on his left and in the way, he made sure to keep her between them as he went through the window. The man fired as he turned hitting her in the back, she had a look of surprise as she fell toward Mike. The man fired again, the bullet passed over his left shoulder. Shit, Mike thought he didn’t want to get shot again. He fired his dart gun striking the man in the shoulder on the side away from the girl.

  Mike rolled to his right as another round went off. He felt no pain so it must have missed. Mike came up rushing to the man’s left impeding his aim because the girl was in the way. He threw her down and Mike had his chance firing from the waist with his suppressed .45 striking the man in the right side just below the shoulder. “SHIT” the guy screamed, Mike stepped up and pistol wiped him across the face opening it up like a can of sardines, he screamed again, and slowly sank to the ground, the tranquilizer finally taken effect. About time Mike thought, nine and ten.

  “Who are you, the girl on the floor?” whispered. He turned and looked at her for the first time, it was his cousin’s kid. Mike realized he still had his mask on, and she wouldn't recognize him. “I’m a friend, all these A-holes are sound asleep. Come down stairs with me and we can call the Police. What’s your name?” Asking, trying to get her to trust him. “Seana Sir.” She told him. “Well Seana, you dial 911 and tell them you need help, tell them everything but wait an hour, I’m going to get some answers first.

  Mike carried every one of the bikers to the barn and zip tied them with their own zip ties. He then found some shears and methodically removed everyone’s trigger finger and cauterized them with a small butane torch he found in the barn. That woke a few up from the sedative they were given. He went on to questioning the ones awake, and threatened to remove some more body parts if answers weren't forthcoming. Out of the four awake three answered when he had there testicles between the shears. The fourth gave it up right away. They were a chapter house for the Marauders, there mother house was in Springfield Mass, they had a deal with some middle eastern businessmen for white women it didn’t matter if they went willingly or not. Mike had all the information, he just had to figure out how to give it to the proper authorities without implicating himself. He had Seana come in and write out a statement to give to the police of what the Marauders told him.

  Mike asked Seana,” I would appreciate it if you told them as little about me as you can, you could refer to me as the man in black that’s pretty vague. I can’t afford a lot of scrutiny right now. After all I did save you and the other girls. Don’t let the other girls out until the Police get here. They could run off or something and cause a bigger mess.” He asked of her. “I can do that mister. Thank you.” She said.

  Seana made the phone call to 911 and was told units were on the way. Mike found his missing equipment in the top floor of the barn earlier and took the two M60’s with him. Mike told her he would be nearby until the police arrived. Mike walked across the road lugging the M60’s and entered the woods heading west, then circled around doubling back on his track several times and going through some streams, trying to throw off any scent tracks.

  He watched from the woods behind the barn as a police unit from the New Salem Police arrived. It took about thirty seconds from when he arrived for the young cop to get on the radio and ask for every backup within thirty miles, Mike could hear him yelling into the radio he was so worked up.

  Mike took this opportunity to leave, slipping into the woods and heading back to his stash. It was one thirty in the morning. He revered his course and by four thirty he surprised Mac by sneaking up behind him as Mac was waiting at the front of his truck listening for anyone approaching. Mike tapped him on the shoulder then ducked as Mac turned around with a big K-bar knife in his hand.

  “Crap Mike you scared the shit out me, don’t pull that ninja stuff with me or you’ll get shot.” He yelled at Mike. “Sorry Mac. Let’s get the hell out of here we’re done.” Soon they were on the road heading back to Leicester through Barre, Rutland, Paxton then Home. Mac was in his own bed by seven in the morning.

/>   Two days later Mike was at the Last Chance gun store with Mac and Bell, and Jack Majors formerly of the Leicester Police who has been working for Mike for a while now, Dave Maddox another friend from the Leicester Police was working for Mike full time but was off today.

  The front door chime went off and Mike looked out the front from the back room door. Three State Police entered the store, the reason he knew was because one was Lieutenant Larry Evens who conducted his Police shooting at the active shooter situation in Cumberland farms over a year ago right when he won the lottery.

  Mike went out front and greeted them. “Good morning Lieutenant Evens. What can I do for you today?” he asked. “Any problems with that last gun I sold you?” he asked in a amicable manner. “Not at all Mike, love that piece. “That’s my off duty gun now.”

  “Mike I’m here on official business.” Larry told him. “Oh, what can I help you with?” Mike asked while handling some merchandise that was on the counter top. “Well, this is difficult Mike. I have a lot of respect for you. But I need to ask you a few questions.” Lieutenant Evans told Mike. “Okay, whatever, shoot.” Mike glibly responded.

  “Where were you two nights ago?” He asked. “I was at my house with Mac and my cousin Bob Aucoin going over some plans for Moosehill, we cooked out on the back deck. Why do you ask?” Mike he asked. “I’ll have to check with Mac and Bob Aucoin if you don’t mind.” He said. “No problem, Mac.” Mike hollered to the back room. “Come out here for a second.” Mac stepped out from the back thirty seconds later. “Hello Lieutenant. What’s up?” He asked. “Mac I need to know where you were two nights ago.” Evens asked him. Mac looked at Mike. “What’s this about?” he asked Mike. “Just answer the question Mac.” He told Mac. “Okay, I was at Mike’s house with him and Bob, going over some business plans. Is there a problem?” he asked Evans.

  “I guess not, I’ll still have to check with Bob Aucoin if you don’t mind. Two nights ago someone took out a whole Chapter house of the Marauder Motorcycle Gang. Sedated them all with some kind of tranquilizer gun cut the trigger fingers off them while they were mostly out. Four were woken up while their fingers were being cauterized. Anyway these scum were human trafficking in transporting young women to the Middle East. We are getting varied stories. The four gang members that were awake and tortured say a demon in black cut their fingers off and questioned them about their gang and how it operated. They wouldn’t tell us anymore without further incriminating themselves. On the other hand you cousins kid was found there and she wrote down what they told the man in black, she spoke with the man in black as she calls him. Other than that she hasn’t given us much detail to go on. I’m thinking she’s not going to give us much, this guy saved her and the other girls as far as she is concerned. As far out as this sounds, you’re on a very short list with the credentials to actually pull something like that off successfully. So I had to come over and ask. No offense, you understand.”

  “No not at all, it’s perfectly understandable. Larry when you going to retire and come work for me. I could really use a guy like you.” They both laughed. “Soon Mike soon.” He replied.


  Less than one year

  Day -332

  Mike drove Mary in his truck uphill between the Dam for Moosehill Reservoir and the head water of Sugden Reservoir over the bridge and up the hill. As they approached the main entrance to Moosehill, Mike got to admire Bob’s Excavation’s Companies work. The land has been contoured all along the hill, there’s a fifty foot escarpment with a ramp where the entrance is. The ramp bridge goes over a dry moat and raises up to a vertical position for an uninterrupted face to the escarpment facing south. The dry moat continues on the east and west sides to where the ground level raises up too far to be used as a defensive barrier. At this point, a one hundred foot cleared area runs the entire rest of the perimeter, with a twenty foot high chain link fence with razor sharp Concertina wire on the top of the fence and on the inside. A ten foot deep dry moat twenty feet wide on the outside of the fence provides security. Plans are for a second inner fence, then there’s an inner perimeter road the entire distance.

  On top of the escarpment Mike and Mary got a good look at their new home set back around a hundred yards surrounded by a twenty foot tall stone wall six feet thick. Mohan Manor, Mary’s idea is ten thousand square feet, three levels and two basements that connect to the underground Moose hill facility behind it. Interior work was still being done. Another month or so Mike figured and they would be able to move in. Of course there are plenty of guest rooms. His close inner circle will be staying in Mohan Manor if there interested with plenty of room still for guests.

  They drove past and observed excavators, bulldozers, and hundreds of workers installing solar panels that cover nearly forty acres. Buried beneath is Mr. Gussdorf’s numerous shelters that Mike purchased. The shelters and plumbing are in but still plenty of work to do with wiring for phones, wireless nodes, sensors, cameras and amenities still to be installed. The truck passed this part of the installation and moved down the access road toward the airport. They had to pass through another twenty foot high fence with a security check point before exiting the main base and continuing down Airport Road.

  Airport Road, how original Mike deliberated. Okay, so it went to the airport, the name stuck so that’s what it became. Along the road the land was cleared back a few hundred feet and leveled, compacted and planted with grass, with grass shoots starting to show.

  They drove out onto the newly expanded runway and down the east side to the first new hanger one of eight new built that can handle a medium size cargo plane like the C-130. The hangers were one hundred twenty five feet deep and one hundred seventy feet wide. The doors slide open to allow a wingspan of one hundred and fifty feet.

  The ninth building or hanger had a lower roof and was two hundred and fifty feet long by eighty feet wide with several large garage doors on the long side located east of the runway and north of the Airport Road. As they headed to this building, two Huey choppers flew overhead as Mike and Mary approached the Museum building. This was opposite where the airport gate was going to be located off of Paxton Street which ran along the west side of the airport with a fairly new housing complex on the other side of the street, maybe about fifty houses or so.

  The two Huey’s turned and flared out, landing near the last hanger where the Flight School setup operation. At least two dozen of Mohan Group employees took advantage of Mike’s offer for free flying lessons including Mike himself he only had a few hours to go and he could test for his certificate in one of three Robinson R22 Beta II helicopters. Mike also purchased two Robinson’s R44 Raven II helicopters, and two S-300C Sikorsky utility helicopters, and two Twin Star AS355 Aerospace helicopters. These choppers are for the benefit of training on different helicopters and also utility use, transportation and they are just plain fun to drive Mike admitted to himself.

  Helicopter license for the general public require forty hours, twenty with instructor and twenty solo. More realistically the average is 45 hours in addition to an oral test with an FAA examiner, and usually about an hour of a practical flight test in the helicopter. The Mohan Flight School which will be driving Huey’s, a military style chopper requiring around one hundred hours of flight time plus testing and class room time. Mike figures he can test next week when two scheduled FAA instructors will be here for two days testing students.

  In front of the building on the Paved Apron was parked a C-130 along with two Huey’s painted in a camouflage pattern along with two M113A2 Armored personnel carriers and one YPR-765A1 the Netherlands upgraded version of the M113. The museum acquired twenty YPR-765A1’s from the Netherlands, they retired all two thousand and seventy nine vehicles to surplus. The museum had or was about to acquire sixty M113A2 from various country's surplus stock also one hundred Hummers from surplus stock after the two gulf wars. The Mohan Group has a large group of mechanics even volunteers to work and bring all these vehicles
up to inspection standard.

  “Here we are sweetie, let go for a ride.” One of the Museum employees was giving a tour to school children from one of the local schools they were inside one of the M113A2. The ramp was down and the kids were in and out of the vehicle. Mac was at the other M113A2 and just walked down the back ramp. “Hey Boss, what’s up.” He asked.

  “Is this rig up and running? Do we have any of those rubberized track accessories for running on roads I ordered? I’d like a team working on those.” Mike asked.

  “Sure, we have about half of the two hundred you ordered these two have them installed all ready. One team can do a complete install on two vehicles a day in a ten hour period and it won’t degrade performance on the kind of off road terrain around here either. I was just checking over some maintenance and these will be good for a spin.” Mac replied.

  “All right, I promised you know who, a ride if she behaves herself at school, you up to driving Miss Daisy.” Mike winked at Mac.

  “Dad! I thought Sergeant Mac was going to drive us.” Mary complained.

  “He is honey, just a figure of speech from an old movie. Let’s mount up.”


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