Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 8

by Paul Christian

  “The Weaver is the better stance in my opinion, you stand with your shooting side, in your case your right leg back so you’re facing about forty five degrees away from the target. Now bring your gun up with your right hand and take your left hand and bring it over to cover the right hand fingers and make sure to keep your left hand thumb tucked in our the slide is going to catch it and cut it.” Mac Explained.

  “Like this Uncle Mac.” She sometimes called him that, he didn't mind at all. Mary was in a pretty good position for a first timer Mike thought as he went through the positions and hand grips with her so she could see his example.

  “Very good Mary, Now let’s practice a dozen times pulling the gun out of the holster slowly, we don’t need to be Wyatt Earp right off the bat, it’s better to go slow and safe at first.”

  Mike watched Mary with Mac’s guidance go through the stance a bunch of times before he announced she was ready to try shooting.

  “Okay Mary, get in the Weaver stance and bring the gun up to eye level, look over the sights with equal distance on either side of the sights and level across the top of the sights. The center of the target should be level with your sights. Hold it tight but not too tight and pull the trigger back slowly. Don’t anticipate the gun going off, let it surprise you. When you’re ready give it a try”

  Mary concentrated and slowly pulled the trigger back, the gun fired with a loud report. Mary was use to the noise, she seen Mike shoot enough, what surprised her was the kickback from the gun. She fired again and again as Mac directed her. She was a natural Mike thought as he watched the holes appear in the target mostly in the silhouette area, spread around the target. Not bad for a first timer he thought. Her grouping would tighten up as she gained confidence and experience.

  “Let’s take a break, Mike announced and get something to eat. I brought snacks in the truck.” He said. They walked back to the truck and sat on the tailgate swinging their legs.

  “What did you think, Sweetie?” He asked his daughter as they munched on some granola bars and juice.

  “It’s fun, a little scary at first I wasn't expecting the gun to kick so much, then I got used to it and wasn't so bad. I defiantly want to continue lessons and shooting. Can I shoot something else now?”

  “Sure Honey.” Mike said. For another hours or so they shot the guns she already used, a 22 caliber pistol, a 38 revolver, a AR chambered in 22 which had hardly no kick at all, and the gun looked like Mikes M-4. Mary liked that the best. They called it a day and went to find some supper.

  “I’m practicing my cooking with Aunt Karen, since I eat with her often. Can I cook burgers tonight Dad?” May told Mike proudly. “Sure honey, go find Karen, she’s probably around the farm. She’s been working there a lot, and ask her politely if you can cook dinner for us tonight.” Mary ran off to ask Karen.

  “How are things going with Charly by the way?” Mac asked. Mike didn’t say anything for a minute. “Things have been on the back burner, with her. After finding out about Mary’s abilities, and some of what where doing here, she had a hard time understanding or dealing with it. Part of it is her job I think. She doesn't want to be the boyfriend of that billionaire lunatic.” Mike laughed sarcastically.

  “That’s too bad, maybe she’ll come around.” Mac said.

  “Maybe, I told her the time frame where working with, and if things get squirrelly to come here.” Mike told him.


  Looking for Mike, Mac had some worrying news he thought, and they only had little less than a month or so to the main event whatever that may be according to Mary's time frame. Mac’s money was on a major war possibly nuclear between Russian and China, there have been several incidents between the two countries along their borders recently. Mac drove down airport road. Every time he drove around Moosehill he still marveled at all they've done. He passed the paving crews who were completing Airport Road, it was extra wide and extra strong to support the weight of the C-130 and whatever else landed and need to be taxied up here. The sides of the road were cleared and compacted to take the weight if anything need to be parked off the side. Mac pulled down the tarmac to the hangers where they were working maintenance on a few Huey Helicopters.

  “Mike.” Mac yelled out when he walked into the hanger where four Huey’s were being working on. Besides doing regular maintenance, the experienced helicopter mechanics that Mike hired were teaching as well. Mike came down off a ladder from the rotors central shaft and yelled to whoever was listening.

  “Mac over here, stop your bellowing.” Mac saw him and changed direction and walked over to Mike.

  “Mike we have a problem, one of my contact's at the State Police let me know where going be visited by the Feds, in particular the ATF and the FBI.” Mac stated.

  “When.” Mike asked while wiping his hands with a rag.

  “This afternoon between one p.m. and five p.m. with ATF, FBI agents and State Police.” He told Mike.

  Okay, Let’s kill them with kindness let them look above ground and through the museums and hangers, lets stow any and all firearms, make sure nothings mounted on the Huey’s except the M60 for display without a firing pin, Same for the APC’s. Get the guys working on it. We have any tours scheduled you think? If so bring them in the airport entrance with the school buses parked right there. It should put them at ease and show legitimate enterprises.” Mike directed the group that was gathering around after Mac started speaking.

  The rest of the time between Mikes impromptu speech and one p.m. the thirty or so employees cleaned up, took of any mounted guns except for several without there firing pins that were mounted on APC’s that were on display in or outside the museum.

  It was a blustery, partly cloudy day early in April when six large blacked out SUV vans pulled up outside the airport entrance to Moosehill. The main gate was closed, only a walking gate was open so they parked in the parking lot outside the fence and walked in behind a group of fifty or so sixth graders that luckily were scheduled to tour the museum and ride the APC’s.

  Tour guides took charge of the children and the eighteen men from the six SUV’s stood at the entrance of the museum in dress clothes with dark windbreakers and dark glasses. The quintessential G man look. Mike could spot the telltale bulge under the jackets concealing their guns.

  Mike walked up to the group and asked. “Can I help you gentlemen? I’m Mike Mohan the owner of this museum and airport.” He mentioned while holding out his hand to the closest agent to shake. The agent having no option without looking small shook his hand.

  “Mr. Mohan, I’m Agent Dick Milton from the FBI, these are my associates from the Bureau and these gentlemen are from the ATF Alcohol Tobacco and firearms, agency led by ATF Agent Sam Donaldson and the men in uniform are State Police of course.” Agent Milton stated.

  Mike and Mac who walked up during this exchange acknowledged the introductions.

  “This is one of my managers Mark McDermott or Mac for short.” Mike introduced Mac.

  “The question is why you are here at all? I forget to pay my taxes or something.” Mike joked.

  No one laughed. “Actually Mr. Mohan we’re here to conduct an investigation into some allegations, strictly voluntary at this point of course.”

  “Of course.” Mike replied.

  “These allegations concern violations of state and Federal firearm laws.” Agent Milton said.

  “Mr. Milton, do you have access to my military records?” Mike asked.

  “No of course not. Why is there something on there I should know about?” He cracked his first smile, with an attitude.

  Mike stood there staring at these men without any emotion showing.

  “No of course not, if you did you wouldn’t be here with me now. And if I told you, I’d have to kill you.” He said that with a straight face without blinking. While this conversation was going on several more men employed by Mike walked over and were standing around. Mike was making the Federal law enforcement men uncomfortable. He ease
d up on them a little. “Of course I’ll cooperative with anything you want. I was just helping do some maintenance on some Huey’s would you like to check them out?”

  The ATF and FBI men nodded enthusiastically. “This way please, he gave a running commentary as they walked toward the hanger across the Tarmac of the runway. “You came in on the Runway side of the property. We have around four hundred acres here with a perimeter of four miles or so. That large hanger type building over there where the kids are going in is the military museum. We can stop over there after if you wish, The hanger were approaching is the Huey’s being used for demonstrations, rides and eventually flight lessons after they’ve mastered the easier smaller trainers I purchased. As he was talking the group of men along with Mac and a few of Mike’s own men, loyal to him followed along. All were licensed and carrying concealed.

  “Gentlemen the UH-1N Twin Huey,” The four aircraft each took up a quarter of the hanger and several mechanics had hatches open and were working on routine maintenance. They were all painted in Marine Green like they just came off the flight line of a Marine MEU.

  “Very impressive Mr. Mohan, are those M60 on the gun mount?” Agent Milton asked.

  “Yes they are. You’ll find the firing pins have been removed and I, as well as others here at the museum such as retired Master Sergeant Sean Thornton over there have full automatic gun licenses and dealer’s license. In fact I insist that every employee have at least a license to carry, and like I said several at least have a gun dealer’s license and collector’s license. All these weapons have been licensed to myself and the museum. Sean Thornton has been hired as the Curator. Ah, here we go gentlemen stand back here come the kid’s favorite part.”

  Mike pointed out the M113A2 coming around the corner of the Museum with an adult and child sitting in the Command cupola and another adult with a child in the gunners positing holding onto the handles of the M60 mounted there. The armored vehicle came and passed them heading toward airport road.

  “Where they going Mr. Mohan?” Milton asked.

  “We have a course through the woods we take the visitors on a ride. Of course everyone signs a waver in case of injury. Last thing we need is a lawsuit against us. So ride at your own risk. We haven’t had any injuries other than a bruise or two from bumping around inside a little.” He told the agents with a smile.

  “Why did you acquire the other aircraft, C-130 and the Blackhawk and Chinooks never mined C-123 or the C-145. It looks like your own little air force here.” Milton commented.

  “Yes, I can see that. As you mentioned the classification you’ll notice there all cargo planes, I’ve started a small Cargo business specializing in air transport to small airports that the big boys won’t go to or can’t cause of the size of the runway. All the planes you mentioned have short takeoff and landing ability's.”

  “I see, so you could say land in a jungle airstrip in South America and fly under the radar back into the United States landing at any old little runway.” Milton said.

  Mike laughed at his stupid comment. “Look around Mr. Milton. Do I look like a need to make a few million from drug running? Don’t you do your homework, or know anything about the targets of your investigations. I’m disappointed in you as a federal agent. I’m an entrepreneur, from this location we run a flight school, at reasonable prices, on the other side which you haven't been too yet we operate a solar and wind power farm generating electricity to power this facility and sell it back to the power company at around fifty grand a month. The planes we already talked about are now running a small airfreight business which is also in the black. I am the majority shareholder in a dozen other businesses. You come in here and try to intimidate me. I’ll be straight with you Mr. Milton, You probably at least know I’m an ex-Special Forces operator, I’ve killed more people up close and personnel then are standing around here right now. I pay the price for that kind of experience with nightmares sometimes. So you think you can come in and intimidate me for some purpose. You don’t send this many agents for a question and answer session. So tell me are you supposed to bring me in for questioning, but let me guess there’s too many witnesses around, right.” He looked around at the dozen and a half uncomfortable agents. Some of the State Police he knew, and they had grins on. Mike thought they're grinning because they already told Milton he’s making a mistake. Mike winked at one of the State Troopers he knew.

  “I’ll tell you what Mr. Federal Agent. If one of your men can take me down here now. I’ll go with you quietly, if not, you leave and leave me alone for… at least a month, Deal?” Otherwise, well I outnumber you. Mike looked around meaningfully. About thirty of Mike’s employees we standing around with hard looks on their faces and two APC’s pulled up and were idling watching the proceedings also.

  Milton looked uncomfortable, he probably never had an interview go so bad before. He had no choice now. “Bo.” He called out. “Agent Bo, front and center.’ An FBI agent came forward. Mike looked him over, he looked plenty tough enough. Mike had his fighting face on now and nothing was going to distract him. He just had to remember not to kill the man.

  Bo came forward and took off his jacket and shoulder holster handing it to another agent. “Nothing personnel Mr. Mohan.” He said.

  “Bo, it’s always personnel. You’ll find that out after killing a few people.” Mike moved forward in a bladed stance, he taken several styles of martial arts since he was ten years old throughout the years and the Seals training and experience gave him the killer instinct that most practitioners never acquire.

  They came together and with such speed and skill that it was over in five seconds with Agent Bo laying on the ground moaning bent in a fetal position with his arm hanging loose. Mike was breathing heavy not from the exertion as much as from the stress and adrenalin rush of the situation.

  He turned to Agent Milton. “One month Agent.” Mike said. “Oh if any of you agents need a job or someplace to be in a month you will be welcome here. That doesn't make sense now, but remember that in a month.”

  Four of those agent would remember in a month, and Agent Bo would be one of them.

  The two teams of agents left quietly without saying much more. Agent Milton looked annoyed. Mike told Bo his shoulder was dislocated and he would be fine in a few days after having it put back in. It was going to hurt.

  Later Mac walking with Mike. “Was that the wisest course of action? Beating up on some knuckle dragger?” Mac asked.

  “I was making a point to that smug agent Milton, I believe he’ll give us that month. We should know a week or two before that if he’s coming back or not. Let’s go get Mary and go watch the movie tonight in the Dome. There showing the original first Star Wars movie, Mary wants to see it. She never has.” he told Mac as they walked up airport road. They needed the exercise and weren’t taking a vehicle, Mike liked to walk it on nice days.


  Day -13

  Dong Han walked past security at the front entrance to Quantum Pharmaceutical in upstate Ohio 7:15 a.m. Monday morning. Dong emigrated from South Korea twenty years ago and has worked here for ten of those. What nobody knew was that Dong was a sleeper agent sent to South Korea to attend school and infiltrate the military industrial complex of South Korea or United States. He contemplated every living relative will be killed by that maniac in the north if he didn't do this. It's been so long he thought they forgot about him. He enjoyed his life in the west and was sad this was the end for him.

  Dong worked in quality control and had access to every part of the Lab. Today on his schedule for inspections was the cold storage facility where the next shipment was waiting before being shipped to all parts of the country and the world. Dong punched in his code and entered the large refrigerated room. Once inside he took random bottles of product and looked them over for any defects. After a minute or two he took three syringes from an inside pocket of his lab coat and randomly injected the solution provided to him at a dead drop into dozens of vaccine bottl
es destined for clinics and hospitals. Dong had four other rooms to visit where he would do the same. He had a methodical pattern of injecting vaccine that was destined for military facilities and clinics in inner cities. The Vaccine in this facility was due to be delivered in the next week to ten days. Dong visited all four walk in refrigerators and injected over a hundred bottles destined for different locations. Dong Han figured he wasn't the only one or method of distribution. He actually felt sorry for these people, he’s come to like the American culture and considered most Americans to be friendly and kind. He had little choice in the matter if he didn’t want his whole extended family to be murdered.

  Across the country and world other sleeper agents, some willing, some blackmailed like Dong were planting the serum into vaccines, and aerosol containers in public spaces. The most common method was the flu vaccine in the Western Hemisphere.


  The week of

  Mac walked into the Leicester Police department, past the lobby and dispatch buzzed him in past the inner door. He walked down the hallway to the Chiefs office and knocked. Rory Scannell is the Chief of Leicester Police Department which consists of eighteen officers, ten marked cruiser, and four unmarked vehicles at this time. Mac, Jack Majors and Dave Maddox and of course Mike Mohan were officers until recently. Mike resigned right after winning the Lottery, and Jack and Dave resigned at six month intervals giving the Chief time to hire and train new officers. Mac retired six months after Mike resigned, he had the time so it only made sense.

  “Good morning chief, thanks for seeing me.” Mac said as he entered Rory Scannell’s office. I’m going to get straight to the point. Have you been watching the news?” Mac asked.


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