Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 21

by Paul Christian

  “Looks good Mac, we had about a dozen Infected in here. Somethings worrying though. These Infected were moving much faster than five six days ago. I’m wondering if there’s some kind of mutation or something, these guys practically ran at us. We weren’t ready for that and almost lost a soldier or two. We had an Infected on top of one of my boys and who was holding him off by the throat. They were too close to shoot, luckily one of his buddy's was quick with The SPAX and took half his head off.”

  Mac and Jack talked logistic. His half of the trucks were pulling up to the loading bays and they were already starting to move all the building material out. Plus there were several trailers and tractor trucks parked out back. He thought they could get them operational. Mac was taking this all in and realized that there was no way thee getting to the other stores today. Just these two were going to take three round trips he thought and they wouldn’t be done until dark. They need to build more storage areas he realized.

  “Okay Jack, do the best you can in two hours we move out with the first trip of the day.” Mac looked at his watch, 0800 hours leave by ten. He didn’t know if they could get three trips in today or not, thinking about the timing.

  “Hi Bell, It’s good to see you made it, I know Mac was missing you and worried.” He winked at her. Mac rolled his eyes.

  “Captain, don’t you have something to do. Like supervise your men.” He said.

  Jack walked away laughing and Bell was smiling a big Latin bombshell smile. Mac just shook his head and walked back to BJ’s.


  Mike and his crew in the Blackhawk flew up from the southwest passing over Spencer enter, which was in darkness. The sun had set fifteen minutes ago, the runway lights were on and they could see them from where they were, especially since everything else was dark. Mike could see out to the Abby, which had some lights in that direction too. The power lines must be up and running to the Abby he guessed.

  As they approached the airfield he could see a lot of activity. Helicopters were jammed in behind the hangers which were full, holding at least twelve of the C-130’s the rest of the fixed wing plans were either on the taxiway or moved off onto the grassy area on Airport Road, which was made wide enough and strong enough to take the weight with this kind of scenario in mind. Mike took the Blackhawk on a sweeping turn over the airfield and back in from the north to flare out and land near the first hanger where several people were waiting for him, including Mac, Oddie, Robert his cousin and a few more. It seemed like a lot of people were milling around. Christ, Mac must have picked up a bunch of survivors too.

  Mike shut down the engines on his Blackhawk and turned it over to his crew Chief. He didn’t notice before he left today but his name and rank were stenciled on the side of the Blackhawk. He smiled at that and pointed at it and nodded to the crew Chief, who smiled back.

  “Mike, glad you’re back, it was getting late and we don’t do many night operations. You had a few people worried, like this one right here, and Mary his daughter ran out from behind Mac and jumped into her Father’s arms hugging him. “I missed you Dad. Can we have dinner together tonight?”

  “Of course sweetie, you can tell me all about your day.” He said to her. In about an hour. First I have to brief this crew pointing at the men and women waiting for him.

  “Okay.” She said with a little huff and ran off with her cousins. Karen must be around here he thought. I haven’t had much time for her either.

  “Gentlemen, it’s time to take stock of our situation lets meet in the lounge in hanger one.” He said and walked over to the indicated hanger with everyone else following. They moved into the lounge and asked a few people to move somewhere else for a while.

  “Mac, how about you start. Give us a rundown on how your mission went today then I’ll tell you about ours. I’m sure you heard a lot about that anyway, but I do have something new to add.” He announced.

  “Mike. First off the Auburn BJ’s mission was successful, except we ran out of time and were only able to get two trips in. There was just too much time taken in loading and unloading. In the future I’m thinking if we had two sets of trailers we could keep the Tractors moving while the trailers are being worked on. We also picked up about five hundred more survivors and killed a shit load of Infected going and coming from the Home Depot, BJ’s Plaza twice.

  Echo Company under Paul Epps was working the Paxton center area along Route 122 clearing houses. They picked up about one hundred and thirty survivors today.

  Foxtrot Company is led by former Gunny Sergeant Stewart Ryan and Golf Company is led by Merrion Barry former Marine Lieutenant who came in as a refugee with her own weapons. A tough cookie. Both those units are ready for localized deployments. They still need seasoning. I'm thinking the next few Scavenger Convoys could give that to them.” He said. “Also we have about five hundred starting their second week of a four week basic training course, about thirty percent are prior military. I’m not sure what we do with them just yet. We don’t have the equipment to outfit them as mechanized infantry right now. I suppose either air mobile or put them in armor, and put the more experienced Troops in the air mobile unit.” Mike continued on.

  “As of tonight by our best estimates Moosehill has a population of ten thousand people, soon to be six thousand as two thousand will go to each Satellite base, the Abby and Becker College. But we still need to make more room. Our Troops clearing duties have pushed our safe boundaries out to at least a mile in every direction, closer to two. Once we have Spencer and Leicester Center and surrounding area’s totally cleared and safe we can probably move another four thousand out to those locations. We have a bus route up and running between our satellite bases and Moosehill and all the surrounding area that we have cleared. We need armed guards on all the buses just in case. There was an incident this morning with a bus stopping for a rider. An Infected started to get on the bus before the driver realized it. Luckily the armed guard did notice and shot the women in the head ending that threat.

  With all these scavenger missions where at about one hundred and fifty percent stocked for supplies. Today is May 10 if anyone was interested and it’s time to start planting between Anderson's farm here and four other farms in the area’s we’ve cleared so far we can get about fifteen hundred acres under cultivation. All I can say is this fall there’s going to be a lot of food preserving going on.

  “As far as militarily we have seven Mechanized infantry companies. The last two are still working up. About fifty percent of our men and women in those companies have prior military experience. Everyone is getting weapons training and basic small unit training. As company's come off mission, we have a regular team of trainers in weapons, small units tactics, military ranks and customs, physical fitness, equipment operation and maintenance and several other classes that were putting them through.” He told the assembled men.

  “Moosehill Airport is about four hundred percent over capacity. We need more space. I think it’s about time we took the Worcester Airport for our own. It would be ideal for the C-130, it’s on a large hill already fenced in and we could improve upon that I’m sure. I figure base an infantry company out of there and it would be pretty secure.” Mac stopped to take a breather and before continuing he asked. “Any questions?” Dave Maddox raised and hand and Mac looked at him like this better be good.

  “Where do we sign up for the Softball league I’ve been hearing about.” he asked.

  Mac observed a few chuckles. “Actually you can sign up it’s in the beginning stages but we need other things to do beside constant up tempo ops. So every company will field a softball team, and every department on base will also have a team along with both satellite bases. Should be enough for a dozen teams or so. Also a pool is being installed with a clubhouse and bar. What I didn’t tell Mike yet is we liberated the contents of several liquor stores that are now under lock and key that I have. There is lots more but my mouth is getting dry if you know what I mean so let’s hear from our leader.”
Mac motioned for Mike to get up.

  “Thanks Mac. I’ve been thinking about Worcester Airport too. Soon we have to make a move on it. I only really have one new item, no make that two. First I want to congratulate everyone on working so hard in the short time since the Solar Flare and even before that when this virus struck. We are making a real difference in the survival of many.”

  First I would like a mission to Kahr Arms on Airport drive in Worcester. Most people have never heard of it. It’s a gun manufacture who produce several models of Semi auto pistols and they have the rights to produce the Thompson sub machine gun and the M1 Carbine and many other guns. I want to clean them out. It’s not that I’m being greedy or anything. More like being responsible. There are going to be more groups like that motorcycle gang and sooner or later Kahr arms is going to be raided by someone like that.

  The second thing is, on my joy ride in the helicopter we swung down to check out the Smith & Wesson factory. It seems intact no one was around it except the usual Infected. I want to hit that place for the same reasons as Kahr Arms, we can’t afford to have those small arms fall into the wrong hands. Now while we were checking that out we came across three Trains on the tracks, near Smith & Wesson. Those same tracks run all the way through Spencer at the East Brookfield line where there is a train depot for unloading new motor vehicles.

  The trains weren’t moving, looks like they were affected by the flare and there electronics were fried. I’d like to put in a full effort soon and get the contents of those three trains closer to us. Two of the trains were pulling flatbed cars and were loaded with armored vehicles including more M113A2 and new Cougar MRAP vehicles and finally M2 Bradley's. Maybe four or five hundred vehicles, could be more. I don’t know what was on the third train. I think everyone understands why we need those and not in the hands of some nut jobs, right.” Mike looked around to impress the importance of that mission.

  “So tell me what do we have on tap for tomorrow and when is the earliest we can move on those trains? Thoughts anybody?” Mike put it out there.

  “Mike tomorrow we have the mission to Kahr arms on airport drive. The other thing was that Admiral Rin called and wants to send two companies of Marines to train with us and pull some operations, thinks it will be good for both our forces. I told her I’d have to talk it over with you and you haven’t returned from a mission yet. She’ll be waiting for an answer tonight.” Mac relayed.

  “Okay, sounds like a decent thing, it could help sharpen our guys. If that’s the case, inspection in the morning and make sure everyone is wearing their Velcro Moosehill Mechanized Infantry patch on their left shoulder and the American Flag on the right shoulder. Full BDU’s on parade rest in the morning for whatever time they decide to join us. Let our visitors know we have an operation they could join leaving around eight in the morning, we could put it off an hours if need be.” He told Mac. Mac stepped out for a minute and had his aid relay the message to comms to transmit to Second Fleet off the coast of Cape Cod. He was back in the lounge, as Mike continued.

  “We still getting reports from the scouts of increased activity in Webster Square area?” anyone.

  “Yes we are.” Captain Fred Masters commanding Moosehill Air answered. “My scouts have reported seeing large numbers of Infected from Webster Square Plaza back toward Main South and down Park Ave a ways too. Our air scout who was flying one of the Robinson R22’s which is much smaller and quieter than our military choppers estimates in the vicinity of ten thousand or so. Every day they seem to move a little closer. Some from that group are as far west up Route 9 as Airport Drive. I think we need to keep a eye on them tomorrow during your mission in that area.” Fred said.

  “You’re right Fred. That changes our mission a little I want to send two companies instead of one, and if the U.S. Marines get here in time, they can send one of their company's also.


  Admiral Aki Rin Commanding Second Fleet, was in her day cabin aboard the USS Bush in Buzzards Bay south of the Cape Code Canal. The Marines of Second Fleet were in the final stages of clearing the Cape, they have done a great job under trying circumstances, having to shoot down literally thousands of Infected civilians who through no fault of their own contracted this virus that has decimated the population turning them into mindless Zombies for all practical purpose with an overwhelming urge to eat, especially human flesh. She heard a knock at her door.

  “Come in.” She invited whoever was there. A Marine opened the door and let in her new aide, one Elizabeth Grant, She pulled her out of a list of potential candidates mainly for her organizational skills, and she had tops marks throughout her career so far.

  “Admiral, we have heard from the Mohan Group, a message from Lieutenant Colonel Mac. It reads. “C.O. thinks it’s a good idea, two companies agreed upon. Mission leaves at eight a.m. Will wait till nine a.m. if attending the party, should be interesting. End.” Elizabeth read.

  “Excellent, send a message to Brigadier Frost to pick two top notch companies to leave at dawn tomorrow from Hyannis airport, inform him where there going and there stay could last a few weeks. Have them bring an extra load out of ammunition and MRE’s for a few days. He knows what they need otherwise. There host will be provisioning them. Whatever air assets he needs for the movement are his.” Please let him know right away so he has time to put those assets in position.” She told her aide Lieutenant Grant.

  A half hour later Major Antonio or Major Ant, DiCaprio was on the radio with Colonel Tristan O’Neil, who informed him that he was just tapped to deploy with two of his company's to Central Massachusetts with some kind of Militia unit. O’Neil told him infantry only, extra ammunition, a few days’ rations and have them at Hyannis airport at dawn. V-22’s would be picking them up for their ride. About a half hour trip. When they arrived, one Company goes out on a mission with their host’s, and no, he did not know what the mission was.

  Major Ant spent half the night organizing with Captains Dylan Deneke, Alpha Company in his Battalion and Captain Dong Yee of Bravo Company an American born South Korean. His grandparents immigrated to the U.S. after the Korean War when his father was ten years old. All three got about two hours of sleep before being woken up at 5:30 a.m. There men who were already bivouacked in the Hyannis area, probably why they were chosen for this mission in the first place Major Ant thought. When he arrived at the airport he could hear the Osprey’s warming up. At 6:30 a.m. Ten Osprey took off in around five hundred feet of runway, kind of like a running start then, half way between a helicopter and a plane. Saves fuel by starting this way instead of straight up then tilt into plane mode.

  “Major ETA is in about forty minutes. Where going up to about twenty thousand feet, so you won’t see anything, we have a cloud cover at ten thousand so you might as well get some shut eye, No offense but you look like you could use it.” The pilot told him.

  “None taken, your right I’ve been up most of the night planning this little vacation.” With that he went in back and laid on the floor and was asleep from the vibrations in minutes.


  Day +8

  Kill Zone, Portland Maine

  Three a.m. came early for Colonel Astbury and Chief Grady. They sent the Troops going in on the assault in the morning to bed down and the town Troops were standing too, overnight. At Three a.m. thirty diesel generator lights used in road construction were turned on between Congress Street and Forest Ave. The lights were placed on the highway facing west. Colonel Astbury had to shut is eyes at first it was so bright, until he was used to it. Several large speaker systems used for public events were found and also placed on the highway facing west into the Infected territory.

  Chief Grady pointed out to the Colonel who was standing next to him on the highway. He yelled.

  “Colonel, some of your guest have arrived, I wonder how far we can draw them from?” he said.

  “I would guess about a mile.” Astbury replied not know if that was a question or Grady was just
thinking out loud.

  Over the next four hours more and more Infected swarmed into the clear area west of the highway for about a half a mile along the Interstate 295.

  Five thirty a.m. the rest of the Royal Marines and U.S. Marines were roused out there sleep.

  Chief Grady was impressed that they were able to sleep at all considering all the lights and racket from the rock and roll music. The Stones, U-2, Queen, and many more groups’ music was played for two or three hours. Grady, even with earplugs was ready to go crazy.

  The British BVS’s were parked along the railing minus the several at the bridges. The Marines filled in between the BVS’s and at six a.m. just light enough to see well, the music and light were turned off. Overnight many attempts were made by the Infected to climb the banking and they were simply pushed back into the sea of Infected with poles brought forward specifically for that.

  When the Music stopped, there was silence for a few moments then on that same public address system the bagpipes started with Blue Bonnet. The Royal Marines cheered and forty two heavy machine guns from the top of those armored vehicle started firing into the Mass of Infected that later were estimated to be around Fifty thousand. Eight Apache came flying in from the north strafing the mob with their M230 Chain gun firing a 30 mm M789 High Explosive Dual Purpose ammunition that has a kill radios of ten feet in ideal conditions. The Infected blew apart in there thousands from this weapon alone.

  Chief Grady watched literally thousand go down in the first seconds. Every soldier there knew to shoot for the head. So there were going to be misses, and every noncom and junior officer was admonishing the Marines to select their targets and am carefully, there will be no spray and pray shooting today. The big fifty caliber rounds from the British machine guns would actually blow an Infected body in half or vaporize a head if they were that lucky. The firing rate could not be maintained for that long and had to slow down for reloading. In under seven minutes over two hundred thousand rounds were expanded and carpet of dead or dying Infected littered what use to be an open green space on the west side of Interstate 295. Single shots rang out as an Infected climbed to its feet or one laying on the ground showed too much movement.


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