Soul Bound (The Moonstone Saga (Book 2))

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Soul Bound (The Moonstone Saga (Book 2)) Page 17

by Cole, Courtney

  Until now.

  “Brennan?” I asked.

  “You already know that I want you to be my wife,” he answered. “And it appears that in marrying me, you will save me from a lifetime of amnesia.”

  It was true. Drinking from the river Leche would render him without memories. He would forget who he was, who I was, who we were together. Suddenly, it was no longer a question. It was inevitable.

  “We’ll be married at the soonest opportunity,” I told Hades.

  “Wonderful,” he dipped his head. “Congratulations. I’ll tell Persephone. She can ready the feasts and the ceremony can commence tonight. There is no time like the present.”

  He walked toward the door. “I’ll leave you alone,” he said over his shoulder. “I will send your maid to ready a bath.”

  He stepped out and closed the heavy door behind him. I stared at the ivory inlay. They were carved with scenes from my life, beginning with my birth. They stopped at the present point, where Brennan and I stood together in marriage. There was blank space left to fill on the bottom half of the second door. Hades had truly spared no expense or trouble in preparing my suite.

  I turned to Brennan. “So, this is your last afternoon of being single. You should ask Hades for a bachelor party.”

  Brennan laughed. “I would marry you this minute if I could. I don’t need a bachelor party.”

  “I worry that you are so young,” I told him. “You haven’t even lived yet.”

  “My soul is old,” he reminded me. “And when I’m not with you, I’m not living anyway.”

  “Good answer,” I told him with a smile.

  “I try,” he shrugged, mimicking Hades. It was a perfect impression and I laughed.

  “I should be nervous,” I told him seriously. “I’m sure that Zeus is planning a battle of epic proportions, but all I can feel is relief that we are out of the clearing and here together. I feel safe for the first time in…ever.”

  “Me too,” Brennan admitted. “I think it just feels good to know what side we are on, finally.”

  “What about your father?” I asked him. “Apollo will not be happy with you.”

  “He’s not truly my father,” Brennan answered brusquely. “Not really. He fathered me and gave me immortal gifts, but he’s nothing to me.”

  I nodded, but before I could say anything, there was a soft knock and then my door opened. A small woman entered, quiet and plain. I had heard that Persephone only had plain house servants. She was a very jealous woman.

  The woman approached me and bowed low. “Princess, I’m Simone, your maid.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Simone,” I answered. “I would practically kill for a hot bath right now.”

  She startled, then smiled when I did.

  “I would never hurt you, Simone,” I assured her. “I know that there are many things said about me, but I would never hurt you.”

  “You are legendary, princess,” she answered, without going into the sordid details of my curse. I appreciated that. “I’ll just go run your bath.”

  She curtsied once and left the room.

  “Can I stay for this?” Brennan asked softly, running his fingers lightly along my arm. Electricity tingled where he had touched. We had been in survival mode for so long that simple acts like this were truly wonderful. And I found that I wasn’t ready for him to leave my side just yet.

  “Of course,” I told him. “Please stay.”

  He stuck his arm out for me to hold and I was suddenly glad for it. Lying in bed for days tended to make legs a little shaky. I discovered that when I took a few steps and faltered.

  “Careful there,” Brennan laughed, holding me up. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me. He smelled heavenly and I stood still, simply inhaling him.

  “Did Hades say anything about my curse?” I asked softly. Brennan shook his head.

  “No. But one way or the other, Em, it will be fine. We know that we can handle it, so it doesn’t matter now if you have it with you forever, right? That’s the worst that can happen.”

  And he was right, I realized with a start. I had lived so long with the sole goal of having my curse removed so that I could live a normal life that I was suddenly at a loss when I realized that it didn’t truly matter anymore. I’d like for it to be removed so that I didn’t have to be quite so cautious when I was around Brennan, but I knew now that I could control myself and not kill him. That was the most important thing.

  “We’re getting married tonight,” I told him with a smile. “I think it might be bad luck if you stay here while I get dressed.”

  He looked disappointed.

  “Truly?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Truly,” I confirmed. “I’ll get ready and then come downstairs and meet you. I want to look beautiful for you.”

  “You always look beautiful,” he assured me, leaning down to kiss my nose. “But if you’d like some privacy, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  He strode toward the door, turning once he reached it. “I love you, Em.”

  “I love you too,” I answered.

  He was gone then and I was alone.

  Simone poked her head back into the room. “Your bath is ready, princess.”

  I smiled and joined her. I couldn’t help but stare around me in wonder. The Greek bath was something out of a history book, straight from an ancient royal palace. Marble floors glistened under my feet. The tub was sunken into the floor, inlaid with jewels on the bottom. Rubies, sapphires and amethysts sparkled in the light. The room was large and a hundred candles burned. Fresh flowers sat in vases all around us and I had never seen such a lavish bathroom.

  Simone helped me undress and before I knew it, I was sinking into the luxurious bathtub. I laid back on the inclined seat and the water rose to my chin. Simone dropped perfumed oil into the water and then stood back.

  “You can go,” I told her. “Thank you. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be right outside, princess.”

  “You can call me Empusa,” I answered. She looked mortified.

  “Or princess will work, if you prefer,” I added. She looked infinitely better at that. I certainly didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. She bowed and left the room and I closed my eyes. The flickering candles certainly were relaxing.

  I soaked and soaked, reveling in the warmth, the clean feeling of the water, the safety that I felt here. I was just about to finally open my eyes when a voice hissed in my ear.

  “If you hurt my husband, I swear to you that I will rip your heart out and eat it like an apple.”

  I startled, then relaxed before opening my eyes. It seemed that Persephone had found me.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  As I opened my eyes, I felt Persephone’s thin fingers on my temples. My head was leaned back against the marble tub edge and she massaged my head, harder than she needed to.

  “I know who you are,” she continued, her voice icy and calm at the same time. “I know what you’ve been through. It might have done a weaker person in which is impressive. None of that concerns me now though. What does concern me is my husband’s well-being. I do not wish him upset or harmed in any way. I do not wish for his hopes to be raised in relation to this war with Zeus by someone who does not intend to follow through with her promises. If you disappoint him, in any way, I will pull your eyes out of your head and feed them to you. Do you understand?”

  I stared into her cobalt blue eyes which were glittering intensely at this moment and then sat up, shoving her hands away from my face.

  Turning, I stared at her once more.

  “I understand that you think that I am a threat to the god of the Underworld. I understand that as a wife, you are concerned. What I do not understand is why you underestimate your husband so much or why you feel that you are skilled enough to threaten me.”

  Bright red spots of color stained Persephone’s alabaster skin and her lips pinched together. But before
she could speak, I continued.

  “Regardless of those things, I want you to know that I bear no ill toward you at all. I would like nothing more than to enjoy a healthy relationship with you. There is enough drama in the world without creating it when it is unnecessary, don’t you agree?”

  I could see Persephone’s buxom chest, clad in tight gold satin, rising and falling as she quickly breathed. As she gained control of her emotions, it slowed. And finally, she spoke.

  “I would like nothing more as well. It appears that you will be here for a while, if not forever. It would make things easier if we got along.”

  “Agreed.” I stared at her, almost daring her to look away first. She did not. We stared into each other’s eyes for an uncomfortably long time, before I finally smiled.

  “I hear that you are putting together a feast for me this evening. I greatly appreciate that and I hope that you haven’t gone to any trouble.”

  “You are my husband’s daughter and a true princess of the Underworld,” Persephone sniffed. “It is no trouble.”

  She and my father had a very strange relationship. She knew of his dalliances and she had her own, yet they were as loyal to each other as two people could possibly be in every other way but sexual. And they loved each other fiercely. I knew that if I proved worthy and true, her loyalty would eventually extend to me.

  She smiled back at me and offered me a hand. An olive branch, so to speak, a very tenuous olive branch. I took it and stepped out of the tub, dripping scented water on the marble. Persephone wrapped a soft towel around my shoulders.

  “You have a wedding to ready for,” she said knowingly. “And I have just the jewels for you to wear. They will look stunning with your gray eyes. Will you be wearing white?”

  I hadn’t thought of it, to be honest. But I did want to look beautiful for Brennan. Theoretically, we would only be getting married once. I should wear white. I nodded.

  “Perfect,” Persephone nodded. “You will be lovely. Just let me bring you the jewels. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She slipped out and I toweled my hair dry. I briefly wondered where Brennan was, but didn’t worry too much. We were in a strange new world now, one where everything was backward from the way it used to be. We were safe in the Underworld. Hades was an alliance. He was on our side and he needed me as much as we needed him. Plus, he was my father. That was a fact that I hadn’t allowed myself to think on just yet. Not really. But soon enough, I would have to sort out my feelings on that matter.

  For now, I concentrated on making myself as beautiful as possible for my wedding.

  I envisioned the most beautiful wedding gown I had ever seen, a long, flowing silken creation with thousands of pearls and iridescent beading and a simple train. It was slightly off the shoulder with an open back that reached the very small of my own. I pictured it clearly in my head and instantly I was wearing it.

  The silk was butter soft against my skin and looked lovely against my dark hair. The beading glittered in the light of the candles and I found myself twisting my arm to make them sparkle.

  Simone returned and sat me in front of her, patiently twisting and curling my hair into an elaborate up-do piled on top of my head. Wispy tendrils escaped from the front and framed my face and when she was finished, I gasped at the reflection in the mirror. I honestly did look stunning.

  And I didn’t care for myself. In fact, I could scarcely care less. But I wanted to be beautiful for Brennan. I wanted him to remember this night forever, no matter what we would have to face in the future. He deserved that and so much more.

  Persephone re-entered my bedchambers carrying a velvet box of jewels and a glass bottle with an ornate ruby stopper.

  “I’ve brought jewelry and the most beautiful fragrance oil you’ve ever smelled,” she announced. “It was a gift from Hera a long time ago. The perfume oil conforms to the woman who is wearing it, creating an exquisite, unique scent for each who wears it.”

  She dabbed some at my neck, cleavage and wrists and I had to admit that she was right. I drew my wrists to my nose and inhaled. I smelled…ethereal. Beautiful. I smelled like the loveliest of night-blooming flowers, which suited me completely. I was a creature of the night.

  Persephone dipped her head in and sniffed at me, nodding. “See? I told you.”

  She opened her velvet box and withdrew a sparkling, chunky amethyst necklace and draped it around my neck. It was elaborate, which perfectly offset the simplicity of my dress. As I stared into the mirror, I found that the deep purple stones seemed to bring out small purplish flecks in my eyes. I hadn’t even known those purple flecks were there, but Persephone had noticed. She was very perceptive.

  She fastened the matching bracelet on my left wrist and I left my moonstone on my right. She didn’t question it so I assumed that she already knew what it was and the importance of it. The earrings were the last touch and then she turned me to face the mirror. I was a vision in white, I could honestly say that without any conceit. While white usually washed out pale people, it went perfectly with my dark hair and gray eyes. My cheeks were unusually flushed, my eyes sparkled. I would do. I would make a fitting bride for Brennan.

  “You’re beautiful, princess,” Simone whispered to me. She seemed in awe and dropped in a low bow. I smiled and grabbed her elbow, pulling her back upright.

  “Thank you,” I told her. Turning to Persephone, I asked, “What time is dinner?”

  “Directly following the ceremony,” she answered, reaching around to tuck a stray piece of my hair into the updo. Strange how an hour ago she was threatening to rip out my heart and now she was doing my hair.

  “I still would do it,” she replied to my thought. “If you ever hurt Hades.”

  I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation and changed the subject.

  “What time is the ceremony?”

  Persephone looked at me like I was insane. “When you get there, of course,” she answered. “We cannot start without the bride.”

  “Do you know where Brennan is?” I asked her uncertainly. She laughed.

  “Do you think that he ran away after all of this?”

  I shook my head. “No. But I just haven’t seen him in a few hours.”

  “He went to get your ring. He should be back by now.”

  “My ring?” I was a goddess. I didn’t need a ring.

  Persephone read my thought. “It was his mother’s, I believe, and it means a great deal to him.”

  Warmth flooded my heart. Of course. Brennan was just that sweet that he would want to honor his mother on our wedding day. And honor me, too, by offering me his mother’s ring. I was suddenly overcome with love for him and couldn’t wait to see him.

  I made a beeline for the door and Persephone followed suit. I could hear the rustle of her silk dress behind me as she hurried to keep up. I knew that she wanted to see Brennan’s face when he saw me. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to see Brennan’s face.

  As I flew through the halls of Hades’ palace, I blurred into superhuman speed. I was on the ground floor within a minute and out the back terrace doors that led to the gardens within a few seconds more.

  Hades was standing there amid the flowers, vines and fountains. He was drinking from a one of the fountains, from a nondescript metal cup. He looked up when I approached and I saw the appreciation on his face.

  “You look beautiful, Em,” he acknowledged, setting the cup back down on the stone. “Truly, you are a vision.”

  “Thank you, Hades. The terrace looks beautiful, as well.”

  And it did. I had never been out here before, but I had to imagine that the twinkling lights that were strung above our heads and the hundreds of paper lanterns were put here specifically for my impromptu wedding. It was a beautiful setting and it was absent of only one thing.

  My future husband.

  I turned to Hades, and he was speaking before I could even form the question.

  “He’ll be back soon, Empusa. He i
s simply getting you a gift. A ring, I believe. It’s a mortal tradition, but it is an endearing one. We need a moment alone, anyway, you and I.”

  “We do?” I asked curiously. “Has something happened while I was in my rooms?”

  Hades shook his head. “No. Zeus will carefully plan his attack. It will be awhile. It will give us time to plan, as well. No, what I have to speak with you about involves Brennan.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “And?”

  “And we need to talk about what will happen to Brennan here in the Underworld while he is separated from the light of the sun.”

  My breath froze in my throat. Because while it was so obvious and simple, it was a problem that hadn’t occurred to me yet. There was no sunlight in the Underworld. And Brennan needed it to survive.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “I’m such an idiot,” I murmured. “I didn’t think of that. I should have, but I didn’t. Of course we can’t stay here. He needs the sun.”

  I pivoted and rushed for the doors, but Hades flashed ahead of me and blocked the way.

  “Empusa, it isn’t the end of the world. We can work around it.”

  “How?” I asked dubiously. “There is no sunlight here and Brennan needs it. We can’t stay here without it.”

  Hades rolled his eyes.

  “Who are you? Who am I? Do we not have enough magic between the two of us to think of a way to bring the sun to Brennan?”

  That did give me pause. He was right. There was always a magical solution to any problem. We just had to think on it.

  “Here,” a voice called out faintly.

  Hades and I both turned to find my mother making her way toward us from the fields of Erebus that lined the boundaries of the castle.

  “Mother!” I cried and rushed through the gardens to meet her.

  She looked exhausted, with lines of fatigue forming on her beautiful face. She was pale and had dirt smudges on her cheeks and her clothing was dirty and torn. But she was here. And she was safe.


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