One Night With Him

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One Night With Him Page 3

by Smith, K. S.

  “Come on, Reagan, was it that bad?” No, it wasn’t that bad, in fact it was probably one of the best nights of my life, from what I remembered, but I wasn’t going to tell him that, not after he completely ignored me after the fact.

  “I’m not doing this, Cole, not here, this night isn’t about us. Let’s just get through this evening and tomorrow and after that you can go back to ignoring me.” I whipped myself around and went straight for Addison. “Come on, Bridezilla, we need to get you to bed, we have an early morning tomorrow.”

  Casey wrapped his arms tightly around her and held on for dear life. “Please, don’t make her leave, can’t I just take her home with me? No one will know.”

  “Absolutely not, it’s bad luck. Besides, while you all are sleeping in tomorrow morning we’ll be at the salon getting beautiful, now say goodbye, we have to go.” Casey and Addison turned to each other and made out like two love struck teenagers without a care in the world. “Okay, okay, you don’t want any hickies on your wedding day do you?” I grabbed Addison’s arm and pulled her away.

  She waved to Casey and yelled back to him, “I love you, baby, tomorrow you’ll be my husband!”

  “I love you, more, Mrs. Conrad!” We heard Case yell as we walked out the front door of the restaurant.

  Both of us were laughing at their performance. “You two are so lame.”

  “We are not, we’re just in love. Don’t you worry, one day you’ll find yourself someone just as special as Casey is to me. Who knows, maybe you and Cole will hit it off?”

  “It’ll be a cold day in hell.” I said under my breath, trying to avoid that subject. There was no way I wanted Addison to know Cole was my GQ, she’d flip and we’d be up all night talking about it. Knowing her, she’d have us engaged and married by next weekend, just so she and I could finally really be family.


  “Get up! Get Up! Get Up! I’m getting married today!” Addison was shouting at the top of her lungs and jumping on my bed like a child.

  I rolled over in bed to look at my phone and the time read 6:30 AM. “Ugh, go back to sleep, we don’t have to be to the salon until 8:30.”

  “Who cares, this is the best day of my life and I can’t sleep any longer and I need you to get your ass out of bed and celebrate with me.” Clearly she didn’t get enough sleep last night, but what could I do, she was right, it was the happiest day of her life. I forced myself to wake up and I climbed up on the bed, so I was standing face to face with her. We both began jumping on the bed and screaming like fools. We were laughing so hard the tears were pouring down our faces. I hugged her so tight.

  “I’m so happy for you, you have no idea. You and Case are perfect for each other, and I cannot wait to see the two of you finally make it official today.” She grabbed my hand and pulled us both down onto the bed, so we were lying side by side.

  “Okay, I’m going to get sentimental here, so just bear with me for a second. Today is the happiest day of my life, but I want you to know none of this would’ve been possible without you. You knew Case long before I did, and it was your bright idea to introduce us. You’re the sister I never had and I’m so grateful that we’re celebrating this day together. There is no one else I’d rather have by my side than you. And one day, when you finally get your head out of your ass, you’ll be waking me up at who knows what hour of the morning, so we can jump up and down on the bed and scream about the fact that you are marrying the man of your dreams.”

  I hugged my best friend so tight. And in that very instant a picture of Cole flashed through my head. “Okay, enough of the heavy, let’s get this party started.” I jumped out of bed, pulling Addison up with me. I had to get focused on something else, so I wasn’t thinking about him. He was the last person I wanted to associate with marriage.

  It hadn’t taken much to get my mind off of Cole. Mimosas, a Swedish massage, hair and makeup, and I was in wedding la-la-land, right there with my best friend. “Reagan, you look stunning.”

  I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself, I looked great, but Addison was the belle of the ball. “I’ve definitely got nothing on you, Mrs. Casey Conrad.” She was beaming as she critiqued every centimeter of the both of us in the full length mirror we were posing in front of.

  “Can you believe that will be my real name in just a few hours?”

  Of course, I could. Case had fallen head over heels on their very first date. “Of course I can.” I said, hugging her. Oh man, this day was going to get emotional, I could already tell. “Okay, okay, no tears, we don’t want to ruin our make-up, and you don’t want the first thing Casey sees when you are walking down the aisle towards him to be raccoon eyes.”

  She laughed. “You’re right, no more crying.”

  After spending the morning at the salon, we’d all packed into the limo and headed towards the church to finish getting ready. Addison had us on a tight schedule, there was no way we could be late, and she was beyond ready to finally become Mrs. Casey Conrad. The bridal room was packed with bridesmaids, family members, photographers, and hair and make-up artist in case we needed touch ups. We were all buzzing around the room getting ready, while enjoying the day together.

  “Reagan!” Addison screamed from across the bridal suite.

  I was at her side in an instant. “What’s wrong?” I asked, worried.

  “Oh, nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to see if you could take this gift over to Case. I got him cufflinks, and I want to make sure he wears them during the ceremony.”

  “Of course, I’ll take them, and I’ll bring back a mental picture of how handsome he looks.” I grabbed the perfectly wrapped box and card, then walked out of the room towards the groom’s suite.

  Knocking on the door, I heard loud laughter and commotion. I let myself in just as the guys were lifting shot glasses to their lips, a half empty bottle sitting in the middle of all of them. “And here I thought the only rule you all had was no drunken groomsmen?” I giggled.

  All of the guys turned to me and grinned as they set their empty shot glasses down. “You know we won’t get drunk, we’re just celebrating.” Casey had the cutest smirk on his face as he stood up and came over to hug me. “Reagan, if you look this beautiful I can’t even begin to imagine what my future wife looks like.”

  “She’s stunning, Case, you’re definitely the luckiest man alive.” He released me and I handed him the box and card. “This is from Addison. She wanted me to bring them to you, so you could wear them during the ceremony.”

  He opened the card and laughed at what she’d written him. When he opened the box you could tell he was taken back a bit. He pulled the cufflinks out of the box and looked up at me. “These are my great grandfather’s cufflinks. He wore them the day he married my great grandmother, right before he shipped off to war.” You could tell he was surprised and thrilled at the same time. Addison had done well.

  “They’re perfect, Case.” I said, taking them out of his hands and putting them on for him. He held out his arms for everyone to see. “Well” I said, adjusting his tie “you all look very handsome and as much as I’d love to sit around and admire that, I have a bride to get back to.” I hugged Case once more and turned to walk out the door. As I opened the door to leave the room I ran smack into a rock hard chest, and muscular arms wrapped around me to steady my wobbly body.

  “Hey there, little lady.” I didn’t even have to look into his eyes to know who had their arms wrapped around me.

  “Excuse me, Cole, I’ve got to get back to Addison” I said, pushing him off of me, trying to avoid eye contact.

  “Wait,” he demanded, grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around, so I was facing him. I was staring up into those eyes as he looked me over from head to toe, his scent filling my nose. “You’re beautiful, Reagan.”

  “Says the best man who probably just wants to get laid by the maid of honor tonight.”

  His eyes filled with rage and he stepped in closer, forcing me up against a wall as
his right hand came around the back of my neck, while his left leaned against the wall holding his entire weight centimeters from my body. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. My mouth fell slightly open as I looked up into his eyes. “I don’t need to give compliments to get laid, Reagan.” My name on his tongue sent shivers down my spine. “But, if that’s what it’d take to get you back in my bed, I’d never stop.” I stood there, gawking at him, not knowing what to say. He leaned in, kissed the side of my cheek, and closed my open mouth with his finger. “You’re going to catch flies that way.” He grinned and left me standing there as he walked into the groom’s suite and closed the door behind him. Damn him. I thought as I stomped away.

  Once back in the room with the girls it seemed things began moving at full speed. We were all getting our jewelry on, bouquets in order and getting ready to begin our walks down the aisle. Theo came and hugged both Addison and me. “You’re both beautiful beyond words.”

  I smiled at him. “I’ll give you two a minute alone.” I walked out into the foyer where all of the girls were lined up and made sure that everything was in order. The wedding planner was sending the first bridesmaid down the aisle as Addison and her dad emerged out of the room. “You both ready?” I asked them when they got to my side.

  “Yes” they said in unison. We all smiled. Just then the wedding planner shuffled me into line, as I was next. The music was playing, I held my bouquet in place and I began my journey towards the front of the church. Case looked so handsome. He was grinning from ear to ear. I could tell he was looking past me to try and catch a glimpse of Addison. No such luck buddy, you’ve got two flower girls and a ring bearer to get through first. I thought to myself. As I passed Casey and stood next to Addison’s spot I tried to focus on everything but Cole. I hadn’t even looked at him as I was making my way towards the front. The kids were next and then the bridal march began.

  Everyone stood up and the doors swung open. I’d already seen Addison, so my first reaction was to look at Casey. He was beaming at the sight of his soon to be wife. I looked back to Addison; she was practically floating down the aisle, until she reached Casey. Theo kissed Addison’s cheek, shook Casey’s hand, and gave his daughter away to her future husband. The ceremony was lovely. It took everything I had to not cry throughout the entire thing. I was just so elated for my best friend. When Pastor Bob announced them husband and wife the place erupted in applause and cheers. I tilted my head, grinning as I watched them have their first kiss as husband and wife.

  I glanced up to try to keep the tears in check, and saw Cole staring hard into my eyes. It caught me off guard. I’d been trying to avoid looking at him throughout the entire ceremony. He flashed a smile at me and I felt my stomach summersault. I quickly straightened back up and handed Addison’s bouquet to her as she and Case made their way up the aisle together. Cole met me in the middle and I linked my arm in his, fighting the tingle I felt upon touching his body. “You know you’re the most gorgeous woman here today.”

  “Shut.Up.Cole.” I said through gritted teeth, trying to maintain my smile as we made our way towards the back of the church.

  Addison and Casey were still kissing when we made it to them. When they finally unlocked lips, I got to hug and congratulate the both of them before everyone else got their attention. We spent the next hour taking pictures as guests made their way to The Bellevue, where the reception would take place.

  The photographer must have thought it was opposite day, because he was doing exactly the opposite of what I wanted. Every time I’d move to the opposite side of where Cole was for a picture, he’d grab me and pull me back towards him. It was really starting to aggravate me. Even on the ride over to the hotel he had to sit next to me in the limo. Case was toasting to everyone on the ride over, “Here’s to spending the rest of my life with my beautiful wife. To my best man, who has always been there for me and to Reagan, if it weren’t for you introducing me and Addison we may have never met.” He went on and we all took a drink as he finished.

  But before I could get my champagne down my throat Addison interjected “And here’s to Reagan and Cole, you two look great together, who knows, maybe we’ll be celebrating your wedding next!” I choked on my champagne as it flew out of my mouth. My eyes were bulging out of my head. Cole laughed and Addison shot me a wink, but it was attached to a devilish grin.

  “What the hell was that about?” I whispered to her as she climbed out of the limo. “Case and I have a no secrets policy and apparently while him and Cole were having drinks last night you came up.”

  “I came up?” I parroted, blushing.

  “Yea, you. And don’t give me that innocent look, Case told me Cole’s the guy you slept with the night of my bachelorette party.” She was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Shit, Addison, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was trying to wait until after you got back from your honeymoon.”

  “That’s ok, I forgive you, well, as long as you agree to the date me and Case are going to set up.”

  My heart stopped. “No, no way, I’m not going on a date with him. It was a one night stand and that’s it. You aren’t playing match maker with me again.” I was still getting over slime ball Sam from the last time Addison had set me up on a blind date.

  “Oh yes, you are. I already talked to Case about it, we both think it’s a great idea.” There was no winning with her, I knew it was best to just agree and get it over with. Addison was a force to be reckoned with. I knew her well enough to know once she had her mind set on something she wouldn’t stop until she’d achieved her goal.

  “Fine, I’ll agree, but only because I’m sure Cole won’t.”

  She laughed, giving me a very un-reassuring squeeze. “You know how persuasive I can be, especially when it comes to getting you settled down.” I groaned as we all walked into the hotel together.

  The DJ announced all of the wedding party, followed by Addison and Casey upon our arrival. They walked into the reception hall and made their way to the dance floor as the music began playing for their first dance. We all sat down to watch from the head table, of course, Cole’s name card was right next to mine. Case and Addison were spinning around the dance floor, completely in love with each other while we all watched. As the song ended Case dipped Addison and kissed her lips before handing her off to her father.


  Tears began to spill down my cheeks as I watched Addison and Theo twirl around the dance floor to Heartland’s I Loved Her First. I was so happy for her in this moment, but I was also hurting so badly inside, knowing I’d never get the chance to dance with my own father at my wedding. It was something I’d dreamt about since I was a little girl; my Dad and I would practice dancing to our favorite song, Lionel Richie’s Ballerina Girl, whenever it would come on the radio.

  Cole leaned over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. My body stiffened as hard as a statue. “My mom told me about your parents. I’m so sorry, Reagan. I know this has got to be difficult for you.” He had no idea. I’d never get to share this special moment with my parents, my heart was breaking into a million pieces as that realization came crashing down upon me. And for that moment I forgot about the fact that I was still utterly pissed off at him and let him comfort me. When he felt my body relax he held me even tighter into him. I laid my head on his shoulder, tears still slipping down my face as he rubbed my arm. I stayed there throughout the entire song, eyes closed imagining my dad spinning me around the dance floor.

  The song finally ended and the room erupted in applause, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, so luckily I didn’t look fully out of place. I tugged myself out of my daydream just as the DJ called the entire wedding party to the dance floor. Great, I was going to have to dance with him. Cole stood up, reached for my hand and led me to the dance floor. “I’m sorry their dance made you so upset.” He said lifting my chin, so I was looking into his golden eyes.

  “It’s no big deal, don’t wor
ry about it, I’ll be fine.” He pulled my body even closer to his as we swayed from side to side. “You aren’t a superhero, Reagan, quit acting like you don’t have any emotions.”

  “I’m not trying to be a superhero, it’s just a stupid dance. My dad didn’t even like to dance, so I probably would have had to nix it anyways.” Can we please not talk about this right now. I looked away from him, trying to hold back the tears, knowing that was so far from the truth.

  Cole pulled me closer into his massive build, as if that was even possible as he rested his head atop of mine. “Even if your dad didn’t dance, there’s no way he’d miss out on dancing with you on your wedding day. There wouldn’t be a man in the room who wouldn’t want to dance with you.” I let out a chuckle as he swayed our bodies back in forth, inhaling the scent that I’d still yet to figure out. Arguing with him was getting exhausting, so I just left it alone.

  The wedding ended perfectly as fireworks lit up the night’s sky over the water, it was beautiful and everyone had a wonderful time. As Casey and Addison were preparing to climb into their vintage white Rolls Royce they pulled both Cole and I to the side. “Cole, I need you to do me a favor while we’re away, I want you to take my best friend out on a date, wine and dine her heart out. Anything she wants, do it. And if she asks you to take her to a fast food restaurant and call it a night I want you to call me immediately! You understand?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “You got it boss.”

  “And you,” she said pointing her perfectly manicured finger in my face. “I want you to enjoy yourself. Maybe not as much as the last time the two of you were together, but nonetheless, have a good time, relax and get to know him. Don’t let his playboy reputation scare you. I know he’s a good guy and he’ll treat you right, because if he doesn’t, Case will kick his ass, and so will I.”

  I smiled and pulled her into a hug. “Quit telling us what to do and get your ass to the airport, you’re killing poor Case. He’s ready to consummate this marriage, now quit making him wait!” We all laughed, and they hugged us both goodbye, waving out the back of the window towards everyone as they drove away.


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