Chance Encounters

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Chance Encounters Page 31

by Linda Wells

  “Of course, Louisa.” He looked up as Hurst, an amused smile on his face, brought him some more wine and gave a glass of sherry to Caroline. “Darcy met Elizabeth in February at the theatre performance where we saw him with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam. He was actually on his way out the door to introduce himself to her when I was speaking to him.” Caroline groaned. If they had arrived sooner, she could have prevented this ever happening. Bingley continued. “He began paying calls, and invited her family to dinner to meet Georgiana and his family. I was invited that night as well, which is when I met Jane.” He paused, smiling at the memory of his first sight of her.

  “You were invited to dinner?” Caroline said, suddenly remembering the night that he said Darcy was inviting family over. “That was why he did not ask us to dinner that night.” She said putting the pieces together.

  “Yes, he asked Mr. Bennet for permission to court her that night.” He left out the tension of the evening. “They spent the next few weeks seeing each other, then Elizabeth left for Kent, to visit Mrs. Collins, Sir William Lucas’ daughter. Mr. Collins has the living at Hunsford, which is attached to Rosings, Darcy’s aunt’s home.”

  “Mr. Darcy just came from visiting there, did he not?” Caroline whispered.

  “Yes, that was where he and Elizabeth were engaged.” He saw Caroline’s pained expression. “His aunt apparently did not object, and she was already accepted by Lord and Lady Matlock. They decided that they would marry as soon as they arrived here. They did not want a fuss, and saw no point in a long engagement. Darcy spoke to Mr. Bennet this morning and since he had the license, we all walked straight to the church, and well, now they are very happily married.”

  Caroline said nothing. She just sat staring. Louisa grasped her hand. “It was surely a love match, then, was it not, Charles?”

  “Oh most definitely. I have never seen Darcy so happy. He smiles and laughs. Georgiana is thrilled with her new sister.” Bingley spoke happily, not realizing how his words pained Caroline.

  “Well, Caroline, Louisa, it seems that your objections to your brother’s choice should be quite significantly lessened.” Hurst grinned. They looked at him without understanding. “By Darcy marrying Miss Bennet’s sister, her connections have vastly improved!” He laughed, watching the truth register on their faces.

  “He never wanted me.” Caroline finally said.

  “You never wanted him.” Louisa told her. “You just wanted what he had and represented.” Caroline just looked at her blankly. “I suspect that he wanted someone who truly loved him.”

  “But we were taught to marry for connection and money!” Caroline cried out.

  “I heard the same lessons you did, Caroline,” Bingley tried to help her understand, “but I decided to marry for love. I am happy that nobody tried to persuade me otherwise, or I might have listened to those lessons and foolishly given Jane up.”

  Caroline soon left for her rooms. She decided to ask Charles to lend her his carriage and return to London, and throw herself into the Season; surely her friends would be willing to escort her. She hoped to catch a man before she was forced to establish her own home, and secretly, and foolishly, she hoped that Darcy would realize his mistake and turn to her for comfort, she wondered if it was not too late.

  “I WONDER IF I could be as strong as Darcy?” Bingley said to his horse as he rode towards Longbourn the next day. “Could I have continued with my courtship of Jane if I were faced with Mr. Bennet’s anger? Could I have stood and taken his abuse as Darcy did when he asked for his consent and could I have defended her and won her as Darcy did Elizabeth?” Deep down in his heart, he knew that he would have run away. Perhaps that was what Mr. Bennet had been counting on, he might have hoped Darcy would think Elizabeth was not worth the trouble.

  Bingley was standing outside of the library door with Elizabeth when Darcy went in. He heard every word of the conversation and watched the increasing fury on her face, and physically held her back from storming into the room. He saw Elizabeth’s, and heard Darcy’s passion. He did not think that he had that in him and was grateful that he did not have to find out.

  Bingley entered Longbourn to find it strangely quiet. Mrs. Bennet and the girls were out paying calls and spreading the word of Elizabeth’s marriage. Jane welcomed him, and taking his hand asked, “Could we go for a walk this morning?” Seeing her strained face, he immediately agreed.

  They walked down the lane and when they were out of sight of the house, he stopped and raised his hand and touched her face. “What is troubling you, Jane?”

  She bit her lip and sighed. “Papa. He has not spoken a word since Lizzy left. I am worried about him.”

  “If you had heard what he said to Darcy, perhaps you would not be so concerned about his well-being, but instead be happy that he is suffering.” It was harsh, but he meant it.

  “Charles! That was cruel! He surely feels terrible about losing his daughter!” Her blue eyes showed an unusual flash of anger.

  “So you supported his plans to prevent your sister from marrying?” He prodded, questioning her choice.

  Obviously torn, she wrung her hands. “No, of course not! I just do not wish him to be unhappy!”

  “You cannot have it both ways, Jane. Someone will be unhappy in this. Either your father or Elizabeth and Darcy.” He looked very seriously into her eyes. “Jane, I know that you love both your sister and your father, and you look for the good in everyone, but sometimes you just have to accept that the people who you love can be weak, and make terrible decisions. If they realize their mistakes, then it is up to us to love them more.” He thought of Caroline. She might come out of her disappointment a stronger woman. He hoped.

  “Then there is nothing that I can do but wait and see what my father does when they return.” She unhappily looked down.

  “I am afraid that it is up to the three of them. I know that it is difficult to be caught in the middle of a family conflict, and trying to play mediator, but I have faith in you.” He smiled at her, tipping her chin up so that she met his gaze.

  “You do?” She stood mesmerized by his large green eyes.

  “I have the utmost faith that you wish nothing more than to make people happy. You certainly make me happy, Jane.” His gaze moved to her mouth.

  Jane licked her lips nervously. “You make me happy, too, Charles.”

  “Good, because that is my plan.” He softly kissed her. It was a gentle and tender meeting, but very soon was followed by another and another, until breathless, they drew apart. Bingley encased her in a warm embrace, thrilled that he finally kissed her. She was trembling like a leaf. “Now, my dear Jane, shall we discuss our wedding day?” He moved away and looked down at her, grinning.

  All thoughts of her father were gone. Now the only subject she wished to discuss with Lizzy was what happened on her wedding night.

  THE HAPPY COUPLE spent the next several days as newlyweds should. They did absolutely nothing but make love, eat, tease, and talk. They discovered the joy of openness and the comfort of being in the company of their soul mate. Neither one had ever experienced such a feeling of solace and absolute love.

  On Sunday they emerged from the townhouse to attend church in the morning, much to the great interest of their fellow parishioners. The announcement of the marriage of Fitzwilliam Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet was the sensation of the Season, first because he was amongst the most eligible and hunted bachelors in the country, and second, because nobody knew his bride. She had been seen with him twice, and other than learning her name, very little information was available. It was a poorly kept secret that Lady Catherine de Bourgh had long declared that he would marry her daughter, but she remained unexpectedly silent on the marriage. It was further known that Lord and Lady Matlock had publicly acknowledged Miss Bennet at the theatre, so it was surmised that she was of good breeding and was accepted by the family. That made the members of the ton even more desperate for a good look at her, and to invite the couple to the
ir affairs. There were a great many unhappy mothers and daughters who wanted to see just what this girl had that they did not to ensnare such an elusive man. Darcy’s desk was piled high with invitations that he decidedly ignored.

  Sunday evening they were invited to dinner at Matlock House. Elizabeth donned one of her lovely new gowns, and Rosie was finishing her hair when Darcy knocked on the door frame and entered the room. Elizabeth stood, and the deep red of her gown matched perfectly the lovely blush that was gracing her cheeks. It seemed that the look of desire in Darcy’s eyes, and the reminder of what would follow, was all that was needed to make her respond. Rosie rapidly retreated from the room, and Darcy came to her and looked appreciatively down from her face to her bare neck, “You are stunning, Elizabeth. How could I be so fortunate to have won such a beautiful woman?” He then began to caress her throat with his lips.

  Elizabeth attempted to maintain control. “William! You must stop! We must attend this dinner!”

  His muffled voice rose from behind her ear. “I have plenty to nibble on here in my arms.” Feeling her trembling in response to his ministrations, he began tenderly caressing her, knowing that his touch was weakening her resolve.

  “William.” She pleaded, now turning her head to kiss his hungry mouth. He pulled her closer and she felt how much he wanted her. She was rapidly losing her commitment to attend the dinner.

  “I love you.” His warm breath tickled her ear. Her moan only encouraged him, and feeling the bliss of her body melting into his arms, he began gently working at the buttons of her dress.

  His soft tugging finally brought her back to the moment, and she pulled herself together. “William! We must stop!”

  He sighed in frustration, he knew that she was correct, but he really did not care. “I will stop, but only because it is family that we are going to see. If it was some silly dinner party. . .”

  Elizabeth took his hand and kissing it, finished his thought, “Then we would be in our bed by now.” They both sighed.

  Darcy drew from his pocket a velvet box. “This is for you. My mother left this for me to give to my wife, and I have often imagined you wearing it.”

  Elizabeth opened the box and gasped. Inside was a lovely ruby necklace, simple, but very elegant. Darcy lifted it out, and standing behind her, placed it around her neck and hooked the clasp. He then ran his hands over her shoulders and kissed her neck. “It is perfect for you.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist, and looking at their reflection in the mirror.

  “I do not know what to say, William. Thank you.” She touched the jewels with wonder in her eyes.

  “The look on your face is all I needed.” He turned her around and kissed her deeply. His hands again ran over her body, caressing her seductively. She wrapped her arms around him, and gloried in the evidence of his desire pressing insistently into her belly. She could feel his hands lifting the fabric of her gown, and soon the sensation of his fingers running up her legs to her bare bottom made her moan with anticipation. Darcy pulled his lips from hers and growled into her ear. “Let me love you, Lizzy.” His husky voice heightened the growing need that she felt for him.

  Helplessly she nodded as he captured her mouth again, and lifted her to sit on the edge of the bed. Her passion-drugged eyes watched as he opened his breeches and released his straining pride. Laying her back, he lifted her gown, grasped her hips, and swiftly entered her, thrusting with the unwavering rhythm of his deep desire. Elizabeth held onto his hands and wrapped her legs around his waist, allowing him to drive in further. The entire time, they never tore their eyes from each other. It was not until they reached their moment of release that they finally closed, as waves of sheer pleasure encompassed their bodies. When their shudders died away, Darcy leaned to kiss her gently. “Thank you, my love.”

  Elizabeth caressed his face and smiled. “Thank you for convincing me.” He laughed softly, and withdrawing, found a towel to remove the evidence of their love from her, and helping her to rise, embraced her tightly.

  After smoothing their wrinkled clothes they left their rooms and boarded the carriage. Matlock House was not far and they were soon there. Darcy observed the unusual number of carriages in front of the home with a frown. “I wonder if someone nearby is having an affair tonight.” He looked at the other homes on the street. Only Matlock House was brightly lit. With a sinking feeling he closed his eyes.

  “What is wrong, William?”

  “I am afraid that this is not going to be a simple family dinner, after all, Elizabeth.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I have a feeling that my aunt has decided to introduce us to the ton tonight.”

  Elizabeth gasped. “Oh no, William, I am not ready for this.”

  He laughed hollowly. “Neither am I. And I have been doing this for years.” Then seeing the very real fear in her eyes, he straightened. “We will endure this together, my love. You know by now how I hate being on display, so I beg your forgiveness now if I seem to retreat into myself. I am hopeful that with you by my side I will be better behaved than is my wont.” She did not look at all reassured. He saw this and hurriedly added, “I have every faith in the world that you will be magnificent. You are beautiful tonight, and every time that I have seen you in company, you have always been captivating and much admired. I have no doubt of your absolute success.” Caressing her worried brow he promised, “I will not leave you alone.”

  Relaxing a little with his reassurance, she caressed his face in return. “I promise that you will not be left alone either. At least you know that you are finally safe from matchmaking mamas and their conniving daughters!” She laughed at his brightened countenance.

  “You always know how to make me feel better, Lizzy.” He captured her lips in a fervent kiss.

  Their fears for the evening were rapidly confirmed upon entering the house. They could hear the distant hum of many voices upstairs. Darcy looked at the old family butler, “Are we the last to arrive?” Upon receiving the confirmation, he and Elizabeth exchanged resigned glances, and holding hands, ascended the staircase. They heard the footman announce, “Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy.” A little thrill passed through both of them, hearing that for the first time, and despite their trepidation, they turned to each other and grinned. They stepped into the room, still smiling at each other, and all conversation ceased as they were observed with great interest. Their happy glowing faces told the story to everyone. It was a love match.

  The mothers and their daughters worked to find fault in Elizabeth, and failed utterly. She was beautiful, her gown, although perhaps not of the finest modiste in town, fit well, the colour was lovely with her glowing complexion, and the rubies matched it perfectly. The men looked with great appreciation at her voluptuous figure and enticing lips and eyes. Darcy could not help but note their reactions, and stood with great pride with her on his arm, waiting for the approach of Lord and Lady Matlock.

  “Elizabeth, Darcy! It is so wonderful to see you! Congratulations!” Lady Matlock immediately gave Elizabeth a kiss on the cheek.

  Surprised, Elizabeth thanked her. “Lady Matlock, this is such a surprise, we were expecting a family dinner, not a public reception. It is so kind of you to arrange this for us.”

  She smiled. “I apologize, Elizabeth. I knew that if I told my nephew that I planned to introduce you to society tonight, he would not have come. But since you are leaving for Pemberley tomorrow, it is very important that you be seen now. Not just for your sake, but for Georgiana’s as well. You must be acknowledged and accepted in the first circles. I have every faith that you will do very well tonight. You look lovely, my dear.” Noting Elizabeth’s blush she added. “You must know that your wedding has been the talk of the town. Everyone wants to know who captured Darcy’s heart.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head and raised her brow. That was a statement guaranteed to raise her courage. “Well, I suppose that I will simply have to let them know me, will I not?”

  “I knew that I was right abo
ut you, Elizabeth! Please call me Aunt Elaine.”

  “Thank you, I will.” She looked up at Darcy, who was receiving a similar greeting from his uncle. He smiled seeing her confidence, and drawing from it, he relaxed. He was happy to hear of his aunt’s full acceptance of her.

  Lord Matlock turned and gave her a kiss on her hand. “Mrs. Darcy, how well that sounds! It has been a long time since my sister held that title. I am proud to see that such an outstanding woman has followed her. Welcome to the family, my dear.” He added, “And following my dear wife’s lead, I ask that you call me Uncle Henry.”

  Elizabeth beamed. “Thank you sir, I am delighted to join the Darcys and the Fitzwilliams. I am afraid that I am still not quite familiar with my new name, it still surprises me to hear it!” They all laughed.

  Richard arrived with Georgiana on his arm. Darcy was delighted to see her. “William! I have missed you so much!” She kissed his cheek then turned to hug Elizabeth. “Oh Elizabeth! At last I have a sister!” She kissed her and exclaimed. “You look so beautiful! Are those mother’s rubies, William?”

  “Yes Georgie, they are. I could not wait to give them to Elizabeth.” He smiled at her enthusiasm.

  “They look lovely on you, Elizabeth!”

  “Thank you Georgiana, I hope that you do not mind me wearing them.”

  “Oh no, Mother left me several things, but these jewels were always meant for William’s wife.”

  “Georgie, I am surprised to see you invited to this party.” Darcy said, looking to his aunt.


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