Chance Encounters

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Chance Encounters Page 66

by Linda Wells

  Mark looked down. He was of the highest circles, and did make such a marriage, and regretted it. Alex continued, “I watched as friend after friend married, for various reasons, but out of ten, perhaps one was a love match, and few of the others blossomed into more than a friendship.” He sighed. “And then I saw Darcy. He found the most extraordinary woman, and did not let anything get in his way.” He looked and saw the three men with wistful expressions, all for different reasons. “I was taken with Georgiana when I spotted her one day in the company of her aunt. I knew immediately that she was not artificial like the ladies of the ton. Perhaps it was her youth, and not yet being exposed to the simpering behaviour, but I felt almost instinctively that her kindness, her being was, somehow, untainted, pure, and was naturally so, and unlikely to change.” He looked down in frustration. “I wanted that. I wanted that kindness to be extended to me. I knew that as Darcy’s sister she was exposed to things that other women would never experience, so her mind was broadened and challenged. Then knowing Elizabeth, and the influence she would have on her, well I was sure that she would be magnificent by the time she came out, and I was correct. Georgiana is both beautiful and fascinating. How could I let that slip through my fingers?” He faced Lord Matlock.

  “You cannot.” He said quietly.

  “Do you love her?” Richard asked.

  “Or do you love the ideal that you think she represents?” Mark added.

  Alex sighed. “That is the final question that I must answer before I present my suit.”

  “Well then sir, if that day comes, we will certainly know that you took into account possibilities that most men never consider. So, I suggest that we return to the ladies now, and you can continue your courtship. I know that Georgiana is anxiously awaiting you. She, it seems, has made a decision.” He looked at Alex’s startled face significantly, and led the way out of the room.

  THE LADIES SETTLED into the music room, tea was poured, the servants departed, and a blanket of silence fell over them. Georgiana anxiously looked around and wished profoundly that Elizabeth was there. Lady Matlock spoke first. “Mr. Carrington seems to be a very pleasant young man.”

  Georgiana looked up gratefully. “Oh yes, he is. I have been introduced to so many gentlemen since my presentation, and not one has compared to him.”

  “He seems fond of his parents and home.” Kathleen offered.

  Again Georgiana smiled and eagerly agreed. “I have not met his parents yet, but William and Elizabeth like them very much.”

  Laura was watching the excited smile of her cousin. “Well, it is a step down for you, but considering William’s choice, perhaps it is the best you can expect.”

  Lady Matlock looked at her daughter-in-law sharply. “What do you mean?”

  Laura shrugged and adjusted her gown before meeting her gaze. “Before William married so far below himself, I would have expected Georgiana to be married into a titled family or at least to a landowner of equal status to her brother. However it seems the Darcy name has fallen in consequence, if her suitor is a man of only seven thousand a year.”

  “Honestly Laura, some of the ideas that come out of your mouth!” Lady Matlock looked at her with frustration. She sent a glance to Lady Catherine, who had surprisingly not weighed in as yet. She was focusing on Georgiana.

  Kathleen took Georgiana’s hand. “There is nothing wrong with Mr. Carrington. It is very clear that he cares for you, and I would hardly call seven thousand a trifling income. Why, Rosings brings in eight thousand, and I recall Mark telling Richard he could have married almost any woman, but he admired that Richard chose to marry me for love.” She smiled.

  “He did not say that!” Laura stared at her sister.

  “He certainly did!” Kathleen glared at her.

  Georgiana drew herself up and jumped into the fray. “How can you say that Elizabeth was a poor choice for William? They love each other and she has changed him so much. He is so happy now!”

  Laura moved her glare from Kathleen to her cousin. “There is more to marriage than love.”

  “Do you mean money?” Georgiana asked.

  “Money, power, connection, it was the reason I married as I did.”

  Lady Matlock laughed coldly, “Yes, and it is obvious by how very happy you both are. I am grateful that George Darcy helped us to realize the importance of a love match, or Darcy would never have found Elizabeth and would be as happy as you are now.”

  “I am content.” She said with narrowed eyes.

  “Where are my grandchildren, then?” Lady Matlock lifted her brow.

  “I do not seem to recall you objecting to your son’s choice at the wedding.” Laura replied icily.

  “That was before you turned from a pleasant young woman to a status-obsessed shrew!” She shot back

  Kathleen jumped in. “Mr. Carrington’s estate is quite large.”

  “It is nothing to Pemberley.” Laura said dismissively, still shooting daggers at her mother-in-law.

  “Neither is Matlock, but you do not hear me complaining.” Lady Matlock met her gaze.

  “You married an Earl. That makes up for the smaller estate.”

  Georgiana had heard enough of the fight. “I do not care of his estate!” Lady Catherine’s brow rose with interest. Georgiana closed her eyes, remembering and finally understanding Elizabeth’s description of love. “Mr. Carrington . . .” She paused, gathering her thoughts and determination. “Mr. Carrington makes me happy; he brings me a feeling of regard, trust, safety, and joy. I want to care for him, and fulfil his dreams, and I hope to share my dreams with him. I think that I need him to feel complete. I want to give myself to him. No amount of money could every buy that feeling! A title or status is meaningless when you are home alone with the person you married! I know that. I have witnessed first-hand what a true passionate and loving marriage is, and that is what I want for myself. I hope that someday Mr. Carrington will give me that opportunity. I will never settle for a marriage of convenience when I can be loved!” Georgiana gasped, spent from expressing herself so forcefully, but quickly straightened her back and looked around the room. Elizabeth would not crumple at this moment, so neither would she.

  Kathleen and Lady Matlock smiled at her with approval. Laura stared at her, facing the raw truth of her empty marriage, and wondering if it could ever approach the shocking description she just heard. Lady Catherine was the one who finally broke the silence.

  “Well, Niece. For a very long time I thought as she did.” She nodded towards Laura and returned her gaze to Georgiana. “I wished for my daughter’s entire lifetime that she make a marriage of convenience to your brother. Not once did I consider either of their opinions on the matter because feelings such as love are not important in our world. The only thing that mattered was keeping the money in the family and advancing the name. It was why I married, it was why your aunt married, and it was why your mother married. Of all of us, I refused to allow the marriage to grow beyond the business contract that it was. I provided a daughter, but became so disgusted with my husband’s drinking and mistresses that I refused to provide his heir. The lack of affection hardened me to him. My marriage fortunately ended when his habits caught up with him.” She sniffed. “I suppose that I never gave the marriage a chance to become more than it was. He did make overtures at the beginning, but my heart remained cold, which likely drove him to the habits I so abhorred. I recognize the same behaviour in you, Laura. I suggest that you change things now while there is still time.” She addressed her red-faced niece and returned her attention to Georgiana. “I have observed your brother and his wife, and although I wish that such a gentleman would have married my Anne, I know that only Elizabeth could have coaxed his true self to emerge from the mask that society forced him to wear. I would be truly a cruel woman to deny him that which is so obviously what he needed, and I cannot deny the same of you. If your Mr. Carrington is of the same calibre of man as Darcy, you would do well to secure him, and be glad of it.”r />
  “Thank you, Aunt Catherine, I will!” Georgiana rose and went to embrace her.

  Lady Catherine accepted her kiss on the cheek then batted her away. “Enough of this display young lady; go and resume your seat. Excess of emotion is not to be displayed in such a public setting. It would do well for you to remind your brother and sister of that!” She huffed and rearranged her gown.

  At that moment the door opened and the men returned. Alex’s eyes went straight to find Georgiana’s, and seeing her distress he instantly was at her side. He took her hands and said urgently, “Miss Darcy, are you well?”

  She looked up into his concerned gaze and smiled brilliantly up at him. “I am now.”

  He gasped at seeing for the first time passion in her eyes for him and returned her smile full-force. He kissed her hand. “I am so very glad.”

  The sound of laughter broke the spell. “Georgiana! Enough of this! Be seated immediately!” Lady Catherine’s irritated voice filled the room. Georgiana and Alex blushed and let go of each other, but did not break their gaze.

  “Yes Aunt, anything you say.”

  Chapter 42

  Darcy and Elizabeth were surprised upon arriving at Lyndon Hall to be met not by their hosts, but by the housekeeper. “I am so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, but Mrs. Bingley is lying down and Mr. Bingley was called out to address a problem on the estate. I will show you to your rooms.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “That is quite all right Mrs. Pritchett; I can certainly understand my sister’s fatigue and my brother’s duties. Please show us where we are to stay.”

  Soon they were in their chambers and the trunks were being noisily delivered to the dressing rooms. Elizabeth turned to Darcy, “William, do you mind if I follow Jane’s example and lie down for a little while?”

  He looked at her with concern. “Are you tired? I am so sorry Lizzy. I should have let you sleep in the carriage.”

  She leaned into his arms. “Mmmm, we were much more agreeably occupied.” She smiled up at him and caressed his chest.

  Darcy looked down at her, whispering. “If we were not currently surrounded by servants . . .”

  Elizabeth laughed and stood on her toes to kiss his chin. “Yes, I know my love, I know.” She took his hand. “How will you occupy yourself while I rest?”

  He kissed her hand then wrapped a long curl around his finger. “I have a letter to write to my solicitor. I think that I will pursue the investment in steam engines that we were discussing. I will ask him to look into both railways and industrial uses. That, along with the investments in mining and in your Uncle Gardiner’s business that I have already made, will help to diversify our income. I do not wish for all of our monies to be dependent on interest and the whims of the weather and the yields from our farms and livestock.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head and reached to brush one of his unruly locks from his brow; they spent many hours discussing the future and ways to secure it for their children. “That is wise William, not just for us, but for Pemberley. I am happy that you have made this decision.”

  “Yes, but do not let the other landowners hear of it! They will steal my ideas!” His eyes twinkled and he leaned down to kiss her. “I will be in the library if you awaken and wish for my company.”

  “Do you think there are any books there?” She grinned.

  He laughed. “I certainly hope so; it will be a very long visit if the shelves are empty!” He hugged her tightly and kissed her again. “Rest, my love. I will see you soon.”

  Darcy left Elizabeth to her nap and after asking a footman, found the library. He wrote several letters, and then took to perusing the small collection of books on the shelves. He saw that he had been working over an hour, and he knew that Elizabeth would likely sleep a little longer, so he settled in an armchair with his selection, an apparently unread treatise on the benefits of crop rotation, and soon his eyelids grew heavy.

  Caroline learned from her maid that the Darcys had arrived and that Mrs. Darcy slept in her room while Mr. Darcy worked in the library. Thrilled to hear he was alone, she examined her appearance and entered the silent room where she saw him soundly sleeping in the chair, a book falling from his hands. Caroline stood still and watched him for some minutes, drinking in his handsome features. It had been so long. She considered how to approach him.

  She called his name and saw that he would not wake. Turning, she closed the library door and advanced, now breathing in the intoxicating scent that she remembered from the night when he was making love to her at Netherfield. No, to his wife, she reminded herself. NO, to me! I should be his wife! She was suddenly awash in the memory and she wished to prove to him she was the better choice.

  She approached his sleeping form and drew near enough to feel his warm breath on her face as he slept deeply. She leaned closer and closer, then shaking with anticipation, moistened her lips and brushed them across his mouth. A wave of overwhelming desire spread throughout her body. Her breath ragged, she drew back. He had not moved. She leaned close again, feeling the heat of his skin next to her lips, and studied his peaceful, handsome features. The dark lashes of his closed eyes fluttered slightly in his dream, and she nearly gasped. At last it was time to make him her own. All of the months, the years of dreaming were over, she would finally feel what she had watched and wanted. She lightly held his face in her trembling hands, and lowered her mouth to caress his, kissing him again, and this time he responded.

  “Lizzy” he whispered.

  The book dropped to the floor and his hands came up. Caroline suddenly felt herself drawn onto his lap, encased tightly in his arms, her mouth the subject of deep, passionate kisses. Her heart was pounding. It was all coming true! She felt one of his hands come around to touch her breast, as the other caressed her ankle and glided up her leg to stroke her thigh. She moaned, and his tongue entered her mouth to touch hers. The kisses became more demanding, and she joyously responded, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his, when suddenly everything stopped.

  To Darcy something did not feel right. Even before she was with child, Elizabeth’s breasts were full; her lips were soft, and her taste, so very sweet. The woman he was caressing had no figure, thin lips, and tasted, bitter. Darcy’s eyes flew open and he found himself staring into the passion-filled face of Caroline Bingley, who was revelling in the feel of his arousal pressing urgently against her bottom. Darcy instantly rose, dropping Caroline in an undignified heap on the floor. He strode rapidly across the room, spotted the closed, and he noted, locked library door, and opened it wide. He then quickly turned to face the woman who was unsteadily rising to her feet.

  “What is the meaning of this Miss Bingley?” His face was red with rage. “Explain yourself!”

  She stared at him with confusion. “I . . . I thought that you wanted me . . .”

  “Why would I want YOU?” He stared at her, incensed, incredulous, and nauseous.

  “YOU kissed ME!” She accused him.

  He looked at her in disbelief. “I was asleep and thought you were my wife!”

  She watched as he poured a large glass of port and took a huge swallow, as if he was trying to rid himself of her taste.

  She was mortified, but unwilling to accept the truth of his rejection, and decided she must present her plan now. “I wish to offer myself to you as your mistress.” Darcy’s eyes grew wider. “Your wife is with child, she will not be able to accommodate your needs. I will come to live at Pemberley, and . . .”

  “ARE YOU INSANE?” Darcy bellowed at her.

  Into this arrived Elizabeth. She had come downstairs from her nap to be greeted by the sound of her husband’s voice raised in fury, and the sight of servants standing in shock in the hallways. They scattered at her approach. She hurried into the room and was brought to a standstill by the site of Caroline. Elizabeth took one look at Darcy’s frightening face and Caroline’s dishevelled appearance and knew something terrible had occurred.

  “William? Are you
well?” She moved to where he was gulping down the rest of the port. He never drank like that. She took the glass from his hand and stared into his eyes.

  He coughed and shuddered from the great amount of alcohol then took her hand. “I am very sorry Elizabeth, apparently I fell asleep, and Miss Bingley took the opportunity to close and lock the door . . . and kiss me.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “SHE DID WHAT?!” She spun around in fury and faced the other woman.

  Caroline jealously took in her very pregnant form and became defiant. “Well he obviously enjoyed it because he dragged me onto his lap and kissed me back!” She stared at him then looked at Elizabeth with triumph.

  “THAT was because I thought you were my wife!” He threw back at her. He turned quickly to Elizabeth. “I was asleep and did not open my eyes. I truly thought you had come to wake me, Lizzy. I am so very sorry.” He held her hand tightly, staring anxiously into her eyes.

  “I understand, William, I know enough of your reactions to me to envision exactly what you did. You have nothing for which to apologize.”

  He drew her to his chest, “Thank you darling.”

  Caroline stared, Would nothing separate them? Infuriated, she screeched. “But he wanted ME!”

  The Darcys broke apart and rounded on Caroline. Elizabeth’s eyes burned into the woman. “Why are you here Miss Bingley? I thought you lived in Scarborough?”

  Caroline’s face grew red. “My aunt suggested I come to aid Jane through the birth.”

  Elizabeth’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she moved close enough that her pregnant belly brushed against Caroline. “Ah, and so that naturally includes accosting my sleeping husband? How fortunate Jane is to have such admirable assistance!”

  Darcy held onto Elizabeth, and pulled her back, both keeping her from launching herself onto Caroline and keeping himself from personally strangling her. Bingley, learning that his guests were in the library, entered the tension-filled room and asked what had happened.


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