by Rob Mundle
Suddenly it was obvious that our family held a powerful and exciting direct link to the clipper ship era; and we were among the million-plus Australians who today can trace their heritage back to these swift and majestic thoroughbreds of the sea.
From that moment writing Under Full Sail became more personal: it took on an even more exciting dimension for me. The subject matter was very much in my blood.
Even so, completing this historic undertaking did not come without considerable assistance, and here I must salute the superbly professional crew of dedicated book lovers at the ABC Books division of HarperCollins Publishers. In particular I must again thank my guiding light, Publisher Helen Littleton, who has been an inspiration and a ‘rudder’ across all six books I have written relating to Australia’s maritime history. Special mention must also be made of copy editor, Emma Dowden, who did a superb job within a very tight timeframe; Senior Editor, Lachlan McLaine; the designer of the impressive cover, Darren Holt, plus Linda Braidwood, who did a great job researching and securing the images. And, not to be forgotten are the sales and publicity teams at HCP, and the hardworking typesetter Graeme Jones, who has set all my maritime history books.
Beyond the publishing house I must also thank the booksellers who have been wonderfully supportive of my books for many years.
On a personal note my gratitude again goes out to my personal assistant, Liz Christmas. She has been an exceptional asset for me for more than a decade – my ‘watch captain’ and first assistant who is always on deck when needed. I must also recognise Brian McDonald for his assistance with research and Nick Burningham for his excellent technical review of the typeset pages.
Most importantly, I’m indebted to my perfect partner, Christine Power, for her resolute support and understanding during this project. She stood by me, more often than not seven days a week, as I worked to meet the publisher’s deadline.
Finally there is my ever expanding crew – my readers – whom I must recognise. Thank you, one-and-all, for the inspiration you have provided me over the years. I now look forward to having you with me aboard the amazing clipper ships and enjoying this adventure Under Full Sail.
Rob Mundle
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
Aberdeen Line221
Adelaide (SA)90, 91, 150, 345, 346, 348, 349
Alexander Hall & Company125, 182
American–Mexican War32
America’s Cup21–2
Amsterdam Island266–7
Amundsen, Roald17
design301, 302
rivalry with Marco Polo297–302, 319–20
Ariel250–2, 326, 334
Atkins, William254
Australia II22
Bache, Samuel221
Baines & Co118, 142
Baines, James7–10, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 154, 182
Ballarat (Vic)77, 85, 86, 102
Baltimore clippers12
Bank Quay Foundry155
Bathurst, Henry106
Bathurst (NSW)66, 74
Belmore, Lord126–7
Bendigo (Vic)76, 77, 86, 89, 102
Bird, Edwin302–3, 304, 306, 307–8, 309, 310, 312–13, 314–15, 316, 317
Blackadder335, 338
Black Ball Line118, 124, 130, 137, 138, 154, 225, 242
accommodation standards139
name origins137
Queensland free passage scheme123
reputation139, 182
rivalry with White Star Line54, 155–6, 206
Blackwall frigate design131, 133
Blervie Castle249–50
Blue Jacket235–6
Bonaparte, Napoleon322
Bowen, George122
Boyle, Thomas H.245
Brannan, Samuel30–1
Bray, Sarah Ann345–7
Brewer, Edmond225, 227
Brooklyn Navy Yard45
Bruce, William336–7
Bruhn, George Hermann76
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom286–7, 288–9
Buckland Valley (Vic)91
Buffum, Edward Gould32
Buninyong (Vic)76
burials at sea97–8, 147, 167
Burnett, Peter Hardeman34
Burns, Robbie326
Butterworth, Captain (Dalhousie)203
Byron, Lord25
Cabarrus County (USA)29
Cadle, Dr (Cospatrick doctor)238
Calf Light (Isle of Man)288
Cameron, Donald76
Campbell, William75
Canoona (Qld)125
Capper, John103–5
Carby, Robert219–20
Carby, Samuel207–8, 219–20
Carby, Sarah207, 208, 219–20
Castambul (SA)62
Castlemaine (Vic)76, 86
Central America57–8
Champion of the Seas22, 25
Chinese experience in Australia88–92
Chinese Immigration Act (Vic)89–90
Chinese Immigration Regulation and Restriction Act (NSW)91
City of Adelaide344–9
conditions on board345–8
personal accounts345–7
role in migration to Australia345
Clacy, Ellen94–102
Clarke, William Branwhite66
Claxton, Christopher288
clipper ships10–12, 23–5, 56–8
building industry20–21, 46, 132
building materials18–19
building techniques18–21, 46
design11–14, 45, 125, 353
effect on migration129–30
effect on trade22, 23–5, 131–2
industry statistics56
name origins11
passenger accounts95–9
rivalry with steamships284–5, 319–20, 350–3
Clunes (Vic)75, 77
Cobb & Co79–81
Cobb, Freeman79
Coloma (USA)30, 35
colonisation of Australia59–60
North Australia colony120–5
Western Australia106–8, 116–17
See also gold rush in Australia: effect of migration
See also migration to Australia
Commodore Perry118
convict settlements
Frederick Town (WA)108
Fremantle (WA)117
Moreton Bay (Qld)119–20
Van Diemen’s Land117–19
convict transport117, 119–20, 133–5, 190
Coolgardie (WA)117
Corrimal Beach (NSW)222
Cotter, Edward239
Creesy, Eleanor48–53
Creesy, Josiah Perkins48
Cunningham, Mr (Tayleur surgeon)214–15
Cutty Sark25, 325–33
2007 fire344
cost of building329
design328–9, 329–30, 337
London–Shanghai 1870 voyage331
origins of name326–8
personal accounts339–43
rivalry with Thermopylae331, 331–3
br /> Shanghai–London 1872 voyage331–3
Dana, Richard36–7
Darling, Ralph107
dead reckoning51
Disappointment Island261
disease on board ships243–4, 245–8
Donald, Archibald221
Douglass, James42–3
Dowman, Wilfred344
Drake, Francis37
Duke of Abercorn335
inquest into sinking196–200
Dunbar, Duncan190
Dunbar Line189
Eastern City231–2
Edelstein, Frederick346
Eldridge, Asa156, 157, 161
Elmslie, Captain (Cospatrick)236, 238
Elmslie, C.T.127
Elmslie, Captain J.A. (Sobraon)126–7
Elson, George254
Emma Colvin282
Esmond, James William75
Eureka Rebellion87–9
Fenwick, John171–2, 173, 175, 176
Fiery Creek (Vic)84
Fiery Cross333–4
Blue Jacket236
Cutty Sark327–8, 328
Marco Polo147
Red Jacket157
superstitions surrounding328
Finlay, Christopher188–9
fire danger on ships229–30, 230–1
Fish River (NSW)62
FitzRoy, Charles61
Flookes, Thomas254
Flying Cloud25, 156
construction cost240
New York–San Francisco 1851 voyage10, 49–53
Flying Spur23
Follin, Noel85
Forbes, James Nicol (‘Bully’)129, 137, 182, 297, 308, 320
character2–6, 14, 154, 172–3, 186, 305–6
death of186
Lightning captaincy162–3, 169–73, 180
Marco Polo captaincy140–54
Schomberg captaincy183–6
Forbes, Jane304, 307
Forest Creek (Vic)76, 80
Fowler, Captain (Hallowe’en)336
Fowler, J. (Eastern City passenger)231–5
Francis, George253, 254–5
Francis, James202
Francis, John253, 254–5, 336
Frederick Town (WA)107
French, A. (Antelope first officer)302
General Grant256–63
George Marshall224–5
George, Thomas268
Gibbs, Bright & Co289
Gifford, Alden241
Gilmour, Allan293
Gilroy, Captain P. (Amherst)263
Gipps, George63
gold rush in Australia27–8
Chinese experience88–92
coach transport during79–81
effect on Melbourne81–4
effect on migration58, 59–61, 77–9, 81–2, 88–92, 105–6, 115–16, 118, 140
effect on shipping industry9–10, 78, 83, 93, 136–7, 149–50, 186–8
effect on society72–5, 83–4, 90–2
effect on wool industry115
Eureka Rebellion87–9
first discoveries61–71
Gold Discovery Committee75
personal accounts101–2
Western Australia116–17
gold rush in California27–8, 29–39
Australian involvement33, 115
Chinese involvement35
effect on migration59–61, 115
effect on Native Americans34–5
effect on San Francisco36–9
effect on shipping industry10, 33, 38, 40, 43–4, 57
effect on society35–40
foreign miner’s tax35
Golden Line224, 297
Gordon, J.R.39
Great Australia25
Great Britain286–97, 319
conditions on board291–4
cost of building286
design286–7, 290, 295–6
Liverpool–Melbourne 1853 voyage296, 319
Liverpool–Sydney 1852 voyage290–5
Melbourne–Liverpool 1853 voyage296, 319
passage by English cricket team296
role in migration to Australia297
rules for passengers291–2
‘great circle’ route18, 145
Great Republic25, 240–3
Great Western Steamship Company289
Green, George132
Green, James190
Grey, Joe254
Griffiths, John Willis12–13, 14, 15, 45
Guiding Star224–5
Guyong (NSW)66, 74
Hall, Charles116
Hall, William74–5
Hannell, Henry202
Harding, Robert254
Hardwick, J.M.294
Hargraves, Edward Hammond61, 64–71, 75
Hargraves (NSW)77
Harris, Fortescue William253
Hassam, Andrew293
Heathcote (Vic)253
Henderson, Charles277
Henderson, Thomas272
Hernaman, Richard264, 267
Highland and Island Emigration Society113, 114–15
Highland Clearances110–15
Hoare, Frederick166, 167, 168, 177
Hood, Walter135–6
Hornby Lighthouse (NSW)200
Hosken, James288
Hotham, Charles87
Howard, Thomas226
Howitt, William94
Howland & Aspinwall13
Hull, Patrick Purdy85
Immigration Restriction Act (Commonwealth)91–2
Indian Queen225–9
Jacobs, Ephraim303
James Baines118, 326
Jewell, Joseph260
Jewell, Mary Ann260
Johnson, Dr (Marco Polo cook)304
Johnson, James195–200, 201–3
Johnstone, Captain (Eastern City)231, 232
John Willis & Sons326
Jordan, Henry122–4
‘Jordan’s Lambs’ migrants124
Joseph Walker243
Kalgoorlie (WA)117
Keay, Captain (Ariel)250–2
Keen, H.C.301
Kelly, Jim84
Keppel Bay (Qld)125
Kerr’s Hundredweight77, 78
Kimberley (WA)116
King George Sound (WA)106–7
King Island (Tas)188, 189, 250
King Ludwig I of Bavaria85
Kyneton (Vic)102, 253
Lairdet’s Beach (Vic)99
Laird, John301
Lalor, Peter88
Lambay Island213, 219
Lambert, John79
Lambing Flat (NSW)91
Lang, Dunmore121
LaTrobe, Charles75
Launceston (Tas)118
Lesseps, Ferdinand de322, 323
Levi Strauss36
Lewis, Thomas239
Leyvret, Philip226, 227, 228
Lightning25, 118, 156, 158–60, 181, 326
fire on board230
Liverpool–Melbourne 1854 voyage162–3, 169–73, 175–7
maiden voyage154
Melbourne–Liverpool 1854 voyage180, 182
passenger numbers181
personal accounts171–2, 173, 175
, 176
rivalry with Red Jacket154, 155–6, 158, 159–60, 160–1
Linton, Hercules328
Lister, John66–71
Lochleven Castle23
Loch Torridon325–6
Lockyer, Edmund107
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth20–1, 47, 241–2
Loughlin, William H.256
Lubbock, Basil127, 133, 186, 325, 329
Ludlow, Isaac280
Lutwyche, Alfred James Peter
later life282–3
Meridian shipwreck account264–82
McBrien, James62
McClure, Robert17
McDonald, Charles143, 154, 298
Macdonald, Charles238, 239
McEvoy, Edward254
McIvor Gold Escort Robbery253–56
Mackay, James317–18
MacKay, Thomas M.9–10, 137, 141, 182
McKay, Donald44–7, 125, 156, 158, 181, 240, 241
Maclean, Peter232
McLean, Duncan159
McLeod, Donald111–12
McNeill, John113
Macquarie Lighthouse (NSW)191–2, 222
Maggie Lauder25
Marco Polo135, 137, 155, 182, 290, 295, 297
advertisements for140
conditions on board144, 145–6, 303–4, 305, 307–8, 310–11, 312–13
design features138
iceberg damage229
Liverpool–Melbourne 1852 voyage1–7, 140, 142–8, 174–5
Liverpool–Melbourne 1853 voyage302–21
maiden voyage2
Melbourne–Liverpool 1852 voyage7–9, 149–53
Melbourne–Liverpool 1853 voyage319
Melbourne–Liverpool 1861 voyage229
passenger numbers24, 144
rivalry with Antelope297–302, 319–20
maritime laws of Britain131–2, 135
Marshall, James Wilson30
Mary Celeste252
Mathews, Barnard Robert290
Maury, Matthew Fontaine16–17, 48, 167, 311
Melbourne74–5, 82–4, 94, 98–101, 105, 148–9, 150–1, 175–8, 295, 317
Melville, George254
survivors’ experience274–82
wrecking of266–74
migration to America31, 123
gender imbalance34
See also gold rush in America: effect on migration
migration to Australia115, 118–19, 129–30
assisted passage schemes109, 244
bounty system109
Britain, from93–4
charitable schemes110
Chinese migration88–92
conditions on ships186–8, 243–8, 291–4
Earl Grey Scheme110
Europe, from93–4
gender imbalance89, 108, 110
Highland Clearances, following110–15
‘Jordan’s Lambs’ migrants124
personal accounts of94, 94–102, 103–5, 133–5