Unexpected Dad: Gay Romance

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Unexpected Dad: Gay Romance Page 6

by Solet, Trina

  Jake came by before Tyler had a chance to try to talk to Julie again.

  If he didn’t see Ty, Jake felt like his day wasn’t complete. Since Ty was always glued to his computer, he hardly ever came by his place. If they didn’t have any plans, it was up to Jake to go over to get his daily dose. He had always liked going over to Ty’s place, and he liked it even more now that Julie was there. He looked forward to her happy greeting whenever he walked through the door.

  “Where’s Jules?” Jake asked seeing that she didn’t come out like she usually did. So much for his happy greeting.

  “Sulking,” Ty said. He kind of looked like he was sulking too. Then he called out to her, “Jake is here!”

  Julie poked her head out of her room just long enough to say to her father, “You’re no good!”

  “Not me, just him, right?” Jake asked, but she just ducked back into her room. Jake turned to Ty for an explanation.

  “We were supposed to go to a movie, but something came up. I got buried in work, and Julie is mad at me. She saw me watching an animation, and she thinks I was playing.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell her what you were doing?” Jake asked.

  “I tried, but she didn’t believe me. She got so upset. She cried and called me a liar. Then I got tongue tied and flustered. I hate letting her down.”

  Jake frowned at him. He wanted to know more about what had tripped him up, but he figured he’d try sorting out Jules first.

  “I’ll go see her,” he said.

  Jake found Julie sitting in the far corner of her bed with two dolls for company.

  “Hay, Jules. Can I sit with you?” he asked her.

  “I guess,” she said with a pout.

  “You know how you think your dad was playing? He really was working,” Jake stated simply.

  “No. He was watching cartoons.”

  Jake could tell that she was really upset, both sad and angry.

  “That’s work too. You know the cartoons that you watch. Someone has to make them. That’s someone’s job,” he explained. He watched her face as she thought about this.

  “Dad makes cartoons?”

  “They aren’t regular cartoons. They are for the internet. They’re more like commercials.” Jake figured that was the best way to describe what those annoying things were supposed to be.

  Julie looked like she was slowly coming to a realization.

  “So Dad wasn’t lying?”

  “No, honey. He really was working.”

  Now she gasped.

  “I was so mean! I was mean to Dad for no reason.” She jumped off the bed.

  “You weren’t mean. You guys just had a misunderstanding,” Jake told her.

  “A misunderstanding?” she said like the word wasn’t completely familiar to her. Then she ran off to her dad. She practically collided with him where he sat at the computer.

  “Dad! I’m sorry I was mean!” she said and reached up for a hug.

  “You weren’t mean,” Ty told her as he hugged her and lifted her to sit on his lap in the same motion.

  “Jake said I had a misunderstanding.”

  “Yeah, it was a misunderstanding. I love you. I would never lie to you,” Ty assured her. Then he asked her, “Do you want to see what I was looking at before?”

  She nodded and he played it for her. When it ended she asked, “Is it over?”


  “So short,” she said.

  “It’s just an intro. It’s supposed to be short.”

  She frowned at him. Ty smoothed down her unruly hair. Jake could tell how glad he was that she wasn’t mad at him any more. When she went off to play, he looked up at Jake.

  “Why couldn’t I explain it to her?” Ty seemed to think that he had failed some kind of parenting test.

  “Because when she got upset, you got upset. You have to keep your cool,” Jake told him.

  “Am I now getting parenting advice from you?” Ty asked, astonished and appalled.

  “That’s not parenting advice. You always have to stay cool.”

  “Look who’s talking. You have the shortest fuse of anybody. You never keep your cool,” Ty said to him.

  “That’s why you have to.”

  As a reward for fixing things with Julie, Tyler told Jake to order whatever he wanted for dinner. He knew that meant a big, sloppy, barbeque delivery that Tyler would usually veto. But of course it tasted good.

  When Julie reached for a rib, Jake asked her, “Are you sure you have enough teeth to eat that?”

  She glared then bit into the meat like a little carnivore to show him. Jake took a picture of Julie eating a rib with barbeque sauce on her nose.

  “That’s not a nice picture. Delete it,” Julie demanded when she saw it.

  “Yeah, right,” Jake said and made it his wallpaper instead.

  After Julie was in bed, Tyler and Jake sat together on the couch, shoulder to shoulder. Tyler was enjoying the feeling and also feeling grateful for Jake, and not just for today. The way he had been there for him, for a long time, but especially since Julie came along, meant so much to Tyler.

  “You saved me today.”

  “You would have gotten through to her,” Jake assured him.

  “I don’t know. I was floundering. When she started crying and what she said. It was like she was speaking for her mom. Saying that I was lying to her and only pretending to like her.” The words and her tears had made Tyler feel helpless.

  “The kid was only speaking for herself, having a little kid tantrum. You’re just nuts,” Jake told him.

  “Hey. Lay off. I had a hard day. I need a Jake hug.”

  A Jake hug was a big, rough hug that almost hurt, but that Tyler felt right down to his bones even after Jake was gone. When Jake gave him that kind of hug, Tyler made it last, enjoying the simple, easy pleasure of it. Damn, no one hugged like Jake. He was worth having around just for that. And now he proved himself with Julie, saved Tyler’s ass.


  The second time he and Jake had sex it was because Tyler was afraid he was going to lose him. Jake had been Tyler’s go to guy ever since they met. That was true even when Tyler had to drag him away from fights involving guys with a crazy look in their eyes or who were probably armed. Without a doubt, Tyler knew that for him, Jake would both leave a fight and get into one no matter how dangerous. But if Jake let his protectiveness show, it only made Tyler mad. This was especially true as Tyler gained confidence as a gay man. He felt like Jake was still treating him as his apprentice even after he had been out for a couple of years.

  Russell Crain had a reputation that said, “For a bad time, call Russ”. Tyler wanted to see for himself what that was all about. He was curious and figured he could handle himself. He approached Russ but only after making sure Jake was occupied and out of sight. Tyler and Russ didn’t make it out of the bar fast enough. Maybe someone even whispered a few words to Jake about what Tyler was up to. But there was Jake, stepping between them, telling Russ to fuck off. Jake barely spared him a glance though, he was glaring at Tyler, and Tyler was glaring right back at him. Russell was ready to get into it, but he had quickly become irrelevant. As far as Tyler and Jake were concerned, he didn’t exist. After some yelling and shoving, Tyler and Jake went their separate ways, pissed off but cooling down fast. They made up without even saying one word about it.

  Heated moments like those, and there were a few, never worried Tyler. No little scuffle could endanger their friendship. He knew things between him and Jake were solid. But as their last term approached, Tyler was afraid that he might lose Jake not because of some big fight, but just because life sometimes pulled people apart. To relieve his worry, Tyler decided to do something he had wanted to do for a long time.

  First Tyler made sure that no one would disturb them in his dorm room and called Jake over. Then he made his move. He pushed Jake on the bed and straddled him. Before he could say anything snarky, Tyler kissed him. When he stopped to breathe, J
ake tried to talk. Tyler kissed him again quickly. Kissing Jake and grinding into him had the desired effect. Less interested in speaking, Jake now ran his hands all over Tyler’s body then under his clothes. Tyler took this as a hint that he should take them off.

  It was when Tyler put the condom on Jake and started lubing himself that Jake got the idea.

  “This is what you’re up to?” he said like Tyler had been playing a trick on him.

  OK, Tyler was being a little sneaky, but he wanted to avoid the exact thing that was happening now. He didn’t want to have a discussion about it. He just wanted to do it.

  “You said I should try it,” Tyler reminded him. “Who did you think was going to do the deed? Some random guy off the street? You’re the only one I trust with my ass.”

  “If that’s how it is, I’ll do my best for you,” Jake promised.

  Even as he gave Tyler an admiring look, Jake took issue with the position they were in.

  “If I’m showing you the ropes, I should get on top,” Jake said with a smirk as he ran his hands over Tyler’s thighs.

  “I’m calling the shots. Just lie back down,” Tyler ordered him.

  “I do like the view,” Jake said looking from Tyler’s jutting cock up to his flushed face.

  “Me too,” Tyler said.

  Tyler was looking down at the amazing sight that was Jake. Jake’s dark eyes had that intense, burning look. His mouth was parted. His muscular chest expanded with deep breaths. His cock was ready for Tyler, who refused to be intimidated by its size. Of course the size of his own cock intimidated plenty of guys. Tyler wasn’t about to join that cowardly bunch. He was taking that big cock inside him no matter what. But this wasn’t a test of endurance or an experiment. Desire seared every nerve in Tyler’s body. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted Jake inside him. As he positioned himself, he actually had to tell himself to slow down. Jake’s hands on his hips told him the same thing. Tyler gave him a challenging look and then he let Jake guide him down onto his cock. That was a good idea. Tyler had to fight the urge to just force himself down and take it all in and to hell with the pain. His desire was so strong. He was glad Jake was restraining him, making him hold off. Even though it happened slowly, being filled up was an incredible high. The stretching, the parting of his insides were sensations he had only felt from the other side. It was a fantastic feeling. As he was entered, Tyler felt like he was rising toward more and more pleasure. Jake was so big, but Tyler just wanted more of him until he had all of Jake inside him. When it happened, when Jake was fully inside him, Tyler gasped and arched his back. He closed his eyes to revel in the feeling. When he opened them, Jake was smiling at him.

  “Look at you,” Jake said, proud of him. Maybe Tyler was proud of himself too.

  Tyler didn’t say anything. He just leaned forward and kissed him. Then he started to ride him. He was cautious, but Jake was downright cruel, making him go slow. Having had enough of it, he pulled Jake’s hands away. Jake got the message, but he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His arms stretched out so he could caress Tyler’s legs, his ass and his chest. Tyler now set his own pace, letting his own body decide. And his body was an insatiable slut.

  “I think you like this. I told you you would,” Jake said sounding out of breath though he was not the one doing the hard work.

  “I do like it. Now don’t spoil it by gloating,” Tyler said, also out of breath.

  “Come on. Let me get on top. I want to show off a little,” Jake said to him.

  Tyler indulged his own straining muscles and let Jake roll on top of him. As soon as he got on top, Jake kissed him. If he didn’t stop soon, Tyler would have to stop clutching at him and ramming his tongue deep in his mouth, and make him start fucking. Jake only eased off a little. They continued to kiss more gently as Jake lifted his legs and pushed them up. Tyler held on to him with one hand on the back of his neck and the other one on his ass. He could feel Jake take aim, align himself with Tyler. The anticipation made him groan. As Jake thrust into him, Tyler felt his cock inside him in a new way. Jake used deep, even thrusts to fill him completely. Though Tyler wanted him to, Jake didn’t pound him. He did speed up. That’s when Tyler felt like they were moving in unison, as one. Then it was like the slow friction ignited a fire in his brain, and he came harder than he ever had in his life.

  The second time they had sex, it was Ty’s first time bottoming. Ty did always have the best ideas. His mood was a little funny, but Jake knew this would be a new thing for him. It was his first time, and Jake was honored to be the man he chose to do it with. He didn’t usually like to initiate a guy, mostly because his size was a challenge even for more experienced men. But he had faith in Ty. Somewhere along the way, he had become certain that Ty was a man who would never let him down.

  If any doubts had existed, Ty was about to obliterate them. He was a vision as he impaled himself on Jake’s cock. Jake was sorry not to be able to let him go at it however he liked. But Ty would have pushed himself right over from pleasure into pain, and Jake couldn’t have that. That blissful face Ty was wearing went straight to Jake’s heart. That’s how he wanted to make him feel. The only thing better was when Ty came, driven out of his mind by new sensations. It was like watching an angel fall out of the sky and catching him in your arms.

  There wasn’t much room in Ty’s bed so they had to sleep wrapped around each other. It was no sacrifice at all. They were chest to chest. Jake had Ty’s strong arms around him with a hand resting against the nape of his neck, stroking him softly. Ty had put Jake’s boxers on again. Now that was officially a tradition.

  As Ty started to get sleepy, he hinted at his worry that the end of college meant the end to the two of them. But Jake had no worries about that. He wasn’t going to let anything split them up.

  “Friends for life,” he mumbled just loud enough for Ty to open his eyes again. Only half awake, he managed a thoughtful look.

  “That’s not something you say. That’s something you prove,” he said.

  “Then I’ll just shut up and go to sleep,” Jake said since his heartfelt words weren’t being appreciated.

  Ty held him tighter and then kissed him. They looked at each other for a second, and Jake could tell that Ty didn’t really doubt him. He was just afraid that they might lose each other the way you can lose someone in a thick crowd without ever meaning to.

  Chapter 10

  Jake and Tyler were going to Matt’s for one of his get-togethers. Jo was recruited for babysitting duty, but he wasn’t there yet. Jake was on his way though. When he showed up earlier than expected, he was not empty handed. He called for Julie and refused to tell Tyler what he had in the shopping bag he carried.

  “I heard you like these,” Jake said as he pulled a gift-wrapped box from the bag.

  Julie unwrapped it on the coffee table excitedly but carefully. Tyler and Jake sat down to watch her. She squealed when she saw what it was. It was a fairy music box that actually worked. It wasn’t new but it was much more recent than the one Tyler had bought her. This fairy was made in imitation of Tinkerbelle. To Julie, it was wonderful. She was delighted when she wound it up and it started playing while the fairy turned slowly.

  “Thank you, Jake,” she said and threw her arms around him. She stayed like that while the music box played to the end. Then she clapped. When she took it to her room, she spent a long time arranging it perfectly next to the other fairy, the one Tyler had gotten her, the one that didn’t work.

  “Are you trying to outdo me?” Tyler accused Jake.

  “It’s not even a good one. It’s cheesy as hell. It’s the first one I came across that fit the bill.”

  “It is cheesy,” Tyler agreed. “So I’ll forgive you this time.”

  “Good. Because there’s another one. Here.” Jake handed him a printout with a picture of another music box figurine with a description and a price underneath. “Check the price. That one is not a cheap piece of crap. I figured you could get i
t now and give it to her for Christmas.”


  “No. It’s at a little antique store. And it works. Saw it in action myself.” Jake pointed to the address printed on the back. Then he waited as Tyler kept staring at the picture. “Pretty good?”

  It was good. It was similar to the first fairy Tyler bought her but prettier.

  “I’m getting this. Thank you,” Tyler said and looked at Jake. He would never have expected him to go to all that trouble over something so silly. Tyler probably stared at him too long because Jake waved a hand in front of his face. Tyler slapped his hand away and told him, “You’re not such a bad friend.”

  “And you thought I was stabbing you in the back,” Jake reminded him.

  “I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait till Christmas to give it to her.”

  “You are weak,” Jake said then he added. “She’s a good kid. Don’t you spoil her.”

  “She’s mine to spoil,” Tyler said, but he didn’t really mind if Jake reigned in his impulse to give Julie everything.

  Jo arrived a little late and grumbled.

  “Why am I the designated babysitter?” he asked, enviously looking at Jake and Tyler, who were ready for their night out.

  “Because you are bone-idle, and you need the money,” Jake told him.

  “You did tell me you wanted to earn extra money so don’t complain now,” Tyler added.

  “My consolation is that you are going to that boring Matt’s boring house,” Jo said and went to say hi to Julie.

  Matt’s parties weren’t crazy, but they always stretched out. Most of the guests would slink away, usually two by two. But a core group of them would stay and talk long into the night. They sat on the deck in the back of Matt’s house. It gave them a view of a dull neighborhood of nice houses. The view was comforting. It said that all was well. Night insects bumped into the lights. The air was chilly though it had been nice while the sun was out. The laughter of their little group was the only thing breaking up the peaceful, late night atmosphere. Their voices would rise to be heard over all the other raised voices. Their noise must have carried and disturbed some sleeping suburbanites. Tyler was questioned and teased about how he became a father. Now the conversation was about everything and nothing. Before Julie, Tyler wouldn’t have cared what time it was. Now he was very aware that it was late, that Julie was asleep under Jo’s care. He worried that Julie might wake up and see that he wasn’t home. What if she got scared or thought that something happened to him? Just as Tyler was getting antsy, Jake leaned close to him.


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