Unexpected Dad: Gay Romance

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Unexpected Dad: Gay Romance Page 14

by Solet, Trina

  “You can stop doing that now that we’re together,” Jake told him.

  Of course he didn’t listen.

  “Like hell,” Ty said. When he found them, he waved them over his head in triumph.

  Once he had the boxers on, he climbed back into bed and into Jake’s tight embrace.

  Jake didn’t want to lose the awareness of Ty in his arms, warm and heavy with sleep. He didn’t want to fall asleep and didn’t realize he had until the next morning when he felt Ty’s kisses against the back of his neck, waking him.

  Tyler woke up Jake gently. It took a while, but it gave Tyler a chance to enjoy him. His scent and taste, and the feel of his skin were a treat. Tyler ran his hands up his arms and over his shoulders. His hands spread out to cover more of his muscular back. His mouth moved up the length of his spine. He kissed Jake’s neck, nuzzling him until he stirred.

  “Do we have time...?”

  “No,” Tyler told him regretfully and got up before the temptation got to be too much for him.

  That morning Tyler was almost giddy. Julie noticed his mood and said, “You woke up on the right side of the bed, right?”

  “You could say that,” Tyler told her.

  “Not as right as it could have been,” Jake grumbled.

  “Jake got the wrong side,” Julie concluded, but then Jake gave her a secret smile and a wink, which Tyler pretended not to notice.

  Chapter 26

  These days Julie wanted to go visit Jake at his apartment all the time. That’s because all her Christmas gifts were stashed there. Tyler moved them over to Jake’s when he caught her poking around in the closets and shaking the gift wrapped boxes. She was not happy about his strategy.

  Tyler didn’t usually do much decorating for Christmas. Every year, he and Fiona went to his mother’s to help her with her decorating. They always polished off at least one bottle of wine while they were doing it. Tyler’s only Christmas decoration was the little plastic tree that Jake got him one year. It was cheesy with built in lights, some of which didn’t work any more.

  This Christmas was different. Julie demanded the works. At the Christmas tree lot, she fell in love with a giant tree that was taller than his apartment ceiling. He talked her out of that one. He and Jake had plenty of trouble bringing in and setting up a smaller tree. Pine needles were everywhere. It did smell nice though. Even with plenty of bought ornaments, Julie demanded home made snowflakes. She had learned how to make them in school. She assumed everyone did. Tyler and Jake had to tell her that they didn’t know how to make them. Julie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “You don’t know how to make snowflakes? Weren’t you ever kids?”

  “Yes, but we were boys,” Jake told her.

  Julie didn’t consider that a valid excuse. She sighed and proceeded to explain the technique to them.

  “Isn’t this something we could just buy?” Tyler asked.

  “No. We have to make our own. We have to make a hundred for good luck,” she said.

  “I think you have that wrong. It’s paper cranes, and isn’t it a thousand?” Jake corrected her.

  “What?” Julie asked.

  “What are you trying to do? We’re in enough trouble with a hundred,” Tyler told Jake.

  Julie went to the bathroom but made them promise to keep making snowflakes. Jo came by to find them following orders.

  “What are you two doing?” Jo asked, but he wasn’t talking about the snowflakes they were cutting out. “You sicken me. I hate couples. I don’t want to be friends with a couple. Couples are horrible and boring,” Jo ranted.

  “What are you going on about?” Tyler asked him since he hadn’t told him anything about what he and Jake had been up to. And he bet Jake didn’t either.

  “Why did you have to turn into a couple, you jerks? You were hardly even any good separately. Now you’re ruined. Ruined!” Jo said.

  “You and Mikah are a couple. We are not a couple,” Tyler told him. Not officially anyway.

  Jo was aghast and speechless. Since he couldn’t speak, he mutely pointed at the two of them sitting on the floor, cutting out paper snowflakes. They guiltily looked at each other. The two of them were sitting close together in the midst of a paper snowstorm. Before Jo arrived, Tyler had been kissing Jake’s neck. But Jo didn’t see that. He had no hard evidence. But apparently he had a sixth sense about these things.

  “We’re doing compulsory crafts. Don’t act like you caught us fucking,” Jake tried to say in their defense.

  Tyler shushed him when he saw Julie coming back from the bathroom. She hadn’t heard anything, and she was delighted to see Jo.

  While Jo kept Julie busy, Tyler and Jake ducked into his bedroom.

  “Are we a couple?” Jake asked worriedly. He was in denial.

  “I’ll say no if it will make you feel better,” Tyler said, but they both knew it would be a lie. Things between them had changed, and there was no going back.

  “I don’t know how to be a boyfriend. I ran from every guy who tried to make me into one,” Jake said. And Tyler was there to see him run. He also escaped some close calls of his own. But the two of them always ran to each other because that was where they belonged.

  “Neither one of us knows how to be a boyfriend,” Tyler told Jake. “So when we screw it up, we won’t know the difference. And we have a rough idea of what a happy couple looks like. We’ll fake it.”

  “Not me,” Jake said. “Whenever I see a happy couple, I look away. Happy couples are sickening. Have you seen Jo and Mikah?”

  Tyler had seen them, nuzzling each other in public, glued together. They were like a pile of kittens. But even if he kind of agreed with him, that didn’t mean Tyler was going to let Jake off the hook. Tyler wanted to shamelessly sink into his feelings for Jake.

  “Get ready to make me sickeningly happy like those two,” Tyler declared.

  “You’ll have to settle for fucking my brains out,” Jake told him, but he also smirked and looked deep into Tyler’s eyes like he was making him a silent promise.

  “Same thing,” Tyler said then he realized what they had to do before anything else. “We have to tell Julie before Jo does.”

  Jake agreed. He didn’t want to risk her wrath.

  They quickly threw Jo out so they could talk to Julie.

  “It turns out me and Jake are a couple,” Tyler told her. “That means we’re boyfriends.”

  Jake groaned, but Julie had a completely different reaction.

  “Really? Yey!” she said as she jumped around happily and clapped her hands.

  “So we have your blessing? You approve?” Jake asked her even though the answer was obvious.

  Julie nodded. She hugged Tyler then Jake then both of them together.

  “Can we have a wedding now?” she asked.

  Jake looked at Tyler with fear in his eyes.

  “Please don’t propose to me,” Jake begged.

  “Now I have to,” Tyler told him.

  “We’re going to have a wedding?” Julie asked as Jake grew even more horrified.

  “First we’ll have Christmas. Then we’ll have a wedding,” Tyler told her.

  “I can’t breathe,” Jake claimed and he sat down. Julie fanned him with a Christmas card.

  “Maybe you’ll be better at being a husband than a boyfriend,” Tyler said as he leaned over him.

  More drama followed Tyler’s words.

  “I have to lie down,” Jake said and stretched out on the couch. Julie put a throw over him.

  “Is he ours now?” she asked Tyler.

  “Yes, he is all ours,” Tyler said as he smiled down at Jake evilly.

  Julie went off to bring Jake some pretend tea after he refused real tea, telling her he didn’t like it. Pretend tea was nonnegotiable. As Julie told Jake, “It’s not real tea so you can’t not like it.”

  Tyler took the opportunity to lean down and kiss Jake. Jake grabbed him and tried to pull him down on top of him. It didn’t work

  “Feeling better?” Tyler asked him.

  “It’s going to take a lot more than that,” Jake said.

  Tyler leaned into him and whispered in his ear.

  “I promise to fuck you senseless every night of our married life.”

  “If that’s part of the deal, then I’m OK,” he said and stood up. He tried to cancel the tea, but Julie brought it to him anyway, and he had to pretend drink the pretend tea.

  Once Jake was feeling better, Julie got started planning the wedding. Jake had some ideas of his own.

  “You can be my best man,” he told her.

  “No. I’m going to be the flower girl,” she said decisively.

  “Who’s going to be my best man?” Jake asked.

  “A man! You have to get a man,” Julie told him.

  “I already got one.” He pointed his thumb at Tyler.

  “You mean Dad? Can he be the groom and the best man too?”

  “In his case, yes.” Jake smiled at him.

  “So you had me slated as your best man, now I have to do double duty?” Tyler asked, pretending he didn’t know that Jake was complimenting him.

  “Oh, no. You were never going to be the best man at my wedding. Because there is no one else I was ever going to marry except you,” Jake said and grinned at him.

  “Listen to you sweet-talking me. Ease off, you already got me.”

  “Are we going to all live together? Do I get extra presents?” Julie asked.

  “Yes and maybe,” Tyler told her. She ran off to find her Christmas list.

  While Jake accused him of using any excuse to buy more gifts for Julie, Tyler looked around at his apartment.

  “We’ll have to move,” he told Jake

  “Don’t say a house.”

  “I need a real office, and you take up a lot of room.”

  “Don’t say a house,” Jake repeated.

  Tyler smirked at him and pointed at the ceiling.

  “A three bedroom apartment is available right upstairs.” Tyler had already looked at it. It was a lot like the one he had now but bigger.

  “You call that moving?” Jake asked.

  “We can always get that house you were begging me for.”

  “I don’t care where we live.”

  Tyler smiled at him. That was something he learned long ago. As long as they got to be together, Jake wasn’t hard to please.

  Next day, Tyler took his mother to lunch and later met with Fiona for coffee. He told them that he and Jake were together now. Neither one was a big Jake fan, but they both surprised him with how they took the news.

  “It’s about time,” his mother said. “Honestly, the way you two were carrying on, I thought I would be an old woman before I got to walk you down the isle.”

  “I didn’t say anything about a wedding,” Tyler pointed out.

  “Don’t worry. When you make the big announcement, I promise to pretend to be surprised.”

  Fiona expressed her approval with sarcasm.

  “I am so shocked I just might fall out of my chair, hit my head and die.”

  “Or ‘I’m happy for you, little brother’,” Tyler said.

  “You idiots. You could have been happy this whole time,” Fiona told him.

  “Not without Julie. She was the secret ingredient.” Tyler smiled thinking of Jake and Julie and all the wonderful people in his life though some of them were also sarcastic jerks.

  Before going on his mission, Tyler made Jake promise to come over that night. He wanted to make sure he had something to look forward to after his ordeal. It didn’t turn out so bad, but he was still glad to close the bedroom door and watch Jake unbuttoning his shirt. Staring at this beautiful man, Tyler couldn’t believe he would have him all to himself from now on. But as Jake undressed, he looked at Tyler as if he was the prize no other man could have. Tyler went up to him and kissed his chest. He kissed his neck and then waited. Jake leaned forward slowly. As soon as their lips touched, their mouths melted together. Their hard cocks brushed, teasing each other. They kissed and took each other’s clothes off.

  Tyler kneeled down for a taste of what he had been craving. There it was, that good, salty taste of Jake deep inside his mouth. Tyler tightened the grip on his cock then eased off again. Jake’s moans were praise for the rhythm he established.

  Tyler stood and pulled Jake against him fully. Jake walked him backwards to the bed. Soon he was on top of Tyler, the weight of his body welcome and intoxicating. Tyler kissed him almost savagely. But Jake slowed down their kiss then pulled away.

  “Hold on a second. I have something to say,” Jake said, but instead of speaking he just stared into Tyler’s eyes for a while.

  Tyler saw only his burning gaze and heard only his breathing. Just as Tyler was about to prompt him, Jake spoke up.

  “Now you have to promise not to cry because I’m going to tell you I love you,” Jake warned him while looking at him intently.

  “So far you’re not making me want to cry. You’re just pissing me off,” Tyler told him.

  “Wait for it.” Jake smiled at him, but he didn’t mess around when it came to saying it. His eyes grew deep and serious then he said, “Ty, I love you.”

  Tyler couldn’t help himself. Those words coming from Jake touched his heart. Tyler felt a new kind of excitement. It was like some old promise between them was finally being fulfilled. He could feel himself becoming transparent. Jake could read the emotion on his face easily.

  “Ha! I got you,” Jake gloated.

  “Hold on! I get a shot at you now.” Tyler rolled over and got on top of him. He kissed him briefly and then he said simply, “I love you, Jake.”

  Jake breathed in raggedly then grabbed Tyler and kissed him hard. Tyler kissed him back just as hard, pushing him into the mattress. When they stopped for air, Jake looked a little overwhelmed.

  “You big marshmallow,” Tyler teased him.

  “You too,” Jake said, his voice raspy with emotion. “You’re a dream I’ve been dreaming my whole life.”

  For the first time Jake felt like he could lose himself in his feelings for Ty, the man who had always been there, within easy reach but never before completely his. That had been his life’s dream. He and Ty would join, only belong to each other and never separate. It was incredible to know that they were together in every way while holding Ty in his arms and kissing him. Jake felt like his heart was beating for the first time.

  Jake loved the feel of Ty’s kiss. If there weren’t other parts of Ty demanding his attention, he would never pull his mouth away. But Ty’s cock was brushing against his. Moaning into his mouth, Ty pressed against him harder. Jake pulled his mouth away from Ty’s and kissed his neck then his chest. Each nipple needed to be lavished with attention before he could move down. Jake kissed his stomach, the muscles perfectly outlined, tensing under his touch. But he didn’t move in the direction Ty wanted him to go. He was now kissing his way back toward Ty’s chest.

  “Put that thing in reverse,” Ty said. “You’re going the wrong way.”

  “Scenic route,” Jake told him.

  Ty groaned.

  “When I’m enjoying something, I don’t like to be rushed,” Jake said then he kissed Ty’s mouth.

  But Ty was only patient for a little while. Soon he had Jake on his back. His kisses were hungry and demanding. They were both hard with unfulfilled need.

  Knowing that they had all the time in the world, Tyler still felt like he couldn’t lose another second. He had to have Jake now. He entered him as they kissed. Jake moaned into his mouth. As they fucked, the words “I love you” played over and over in his mind. They had always been there, unsaid, but they were loud and insistent now. They had to be spoken again and again. But Jake beat him to it, saying, “I love you. Ty, I love you.” Tyler got to say it back to him, but he vowed to be first next time and to never stop saying “I love you, Jake.”

  Their coming was sweet and hard. Tyler said Jake’s name quietly like
he wanted to put every feeling he had into saying it. He felt like he was falling, and Jake was there to catch him as their straining bodies relaxed into each other.

  Holding each other, they kissed gently. It had always seemed like an indulgence to fall asleep with Jake, to wake up with him. It still felt that way. Tyler was almost asleep when Jake brushed his lips against his ear.

  “Ty,” Jake said. “Do you know how many times we’ve fucked?”

  “Aha,” Tyler said, not sure what he was getting at and also feeling sleepy.

  “I want to lose count,” Jake said.

  “I can arrange that,” Tyler promised him.

  The End

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  Also by Trina Solet:

  And Manny Makes Three - Mark is a struggling college student who has been working as a nanny for a nice family, but they don’t need him any more. Zack has been raising his son, Al, by himself and needs help. Al is a funny kid, and Zack is a funny dad, but more serious issues lurk under the surface. Will Mark be able to deal with these two? And how will Zack and Mark deal with their mutual attraction?

  Make It Better - A favor leads to a life changing experience. Ray is willing to do anything for the man he considers his savior. His mission of mercy is Marcus, a young man who can’t overcome his guilt over a tragedy in his past. Is Ray making a terrible mistake giving his heart to him, or will his love for Marcus be strong enough to save him?

  My Love Is Real: The Benson Brothers Story - For almost a year Sean and Brian thought they were brothers. Sean wants him more than anything, but will Brian ever accept his love? His pride is only one of the obstacles standing in their way. A dangerous man has a claim on Brian.




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