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Fortune Page 13

by Megan Cole

  Sapphire tried the door of the Ferrari and, to her surprise, found that it wasn’t locked. The temptation was too great. Looking round to make sure no one was watching, she climbed in. The leather seats were as soft as a baby’s skin, and the mahogany dashboard gleamed like burnished gold.

  ‘Sure beats the bus,’ she told herself. The next moment she nearly jumped out of her skin when someone poked their head through the window.

  ‘What are you doing in here?’

  To Sapphire’s dismay she saw it was Raphael, his chauffeur’s hat and jacket off, his shirtsleeves rolled up.

  ‘I, er…’ In her haste to get out she banged her head on the door frame. ‘Ouch!’

  Raphael moved his hand as if to help her, but quickly dropped it again.

  Shame-faced, she scrambled out. ‘OK, you’ve totally busted me. I suppose you’re going to tell Brad now, aren’t you?’

  ‘Why would I tell Brad?’ he replied. ‘Sitting in a car is hardly a crime, is it?’

  ‘I just thought… oh, forget it.’ Sapphire shook her head. ‘I really can’t work you out.’

  Raphael stood watching her intently. Sapphire tried to outstare those hypnotic eyes, but she couldn’t.

  ‘Work me out?’ he asked. His tone was still unfriendly, but not nearly as hostile as it had been. ‘How could you work me out, English girl?’

  Sapphire was getting tired of him calling her that. ‘My name’s Sapphire, actually.’

  ‘Well, Sapphire,’ he repeated, saying the name mockingly, ‘how would you work me out?’

  She shook her head again, unnerved by his sudden change in mood. ‘I dunno.’ Even though he wasn’t as well-built as Cam, Raphael was taller and had a certain presence.

  He cocked his head, those green eyes never straying from her face. ‘And what am I to make of you, Sapphire?’

  ‘I don’t know and I don’t care,’ she said curtly.

  Raphael’s pale cheeks burned, as if she’d offended him.

  ‘Anyway, I’d better be getting out of here,’ she said hastily. But just then, something behind Raphael caught her eye.

  ‘Is that a Franklin guitar?’

  Raphael looked behind him. ‘Si.’

  ‘That is so cool! Can I have a look?’ Franklin guitars were one of the most sought-after makes in the world, each one custom-made by hand. It was every musician’s dream to own one.

  Raphael hesitated. ‘If you must.’

  Sapphire rushed over to where the guitar was leaning against the wall. She picked it up as if she were handling priceless china, savouring the workmanship. ‘I’ve always wanted one of these. Jerry, he’s the guy whose music shop I work at, says they’re really rare. Is this one old? It’s in great condition.’

  She looked up to see Raphael watching her, an odd look on his face.

  ‘It was a family heirloom. From my father to me.’

  ‘You’ve got a pretty cool dad,’ she joked.

  Raphael didn’t smile. ‘My father is dead.’

  Sapphire’s smile vanished. ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ She’d had this with people all through her life — saying the wrong thing, offending them without meaning too. ‘My dad’s dead as well.’ Then she remembered Brad Masters was her father and her stomach did a funny little drop. She had thought time would be a healer, but it still felt as raw as when she’d first found out.

  Raphael stared at her knowingly, as if he could somehow read her mind. ‘You want to play?’ he asked. But Sapphire’s face fell. Even with a guitar as beautiful as this she’d be no good. The words to “Boy” danced through her head. If she could just get them out… ‘How about your song from the other day?’ Raphael continued.

  Sapphire started. ‘How did you… ?’ Has he been spying on me? Uncomfortable, she gave the guitar back to him. ‘I should be going.’

  Raphael didn’t reply. Once again his face was devoid of emotion. What was it with this guy? He didn’t seem to care about awkward silences. Eventually he spoke.

  ‘You are having trouble with your melodies.’

  ‘Did Brad tell you that?’ Sapphire asked, annoyed they’d been talking about her behind her back.

  Raphael shrugged. ‘It doesn’t matter. I can help you, if you like.’

  ‘Yeah, well…’ Sapphire’s pride was about to tell Raphael where to stick it, but Brad’s voice came into her mind. You should ask Raphael for help with your melodies, he’s a rare talent.

  ‘Why do you suddenly want to help me?’ she asked bluntly. ‘After all, you haven’t exactly been friendly up till now.’

  Raphael’s eyes flashed angrily. ‘Do you want my help or not?’

  ‘All right, I was just saying!’ she said hurriedly. As unsettling as she found Raphael, she knew she needed him.

  He flashed her a challenging look. ‘Now go, and leave me to work. You know where to find me.’

  As Sapphire walked out into the bright sunlight she was shaking with anger. That was the second time Raphael had dismissed her as if she were an inferior being. If they couldn’t even communicate in a civil manner, how the hell were they going to make music together?

  Chapter twenty-seven

  Madison was feeling very pleased with herself. The story about her being Brad Masters’ daughter was still huge in America, while thousands of miles away in Capri she could sit and play the wide-eyed innocent act and have everyone fall for it. She had seen Sapphire give her a funny look in Brad’s study, but the runt wasn’t stupid enough to cross her and start blabbing. Besides, if the worst happened and she did get found out, Madison would do what she’d always done. Completely deny it and point the finger of blame at someone else.

  It was killing her not being able to call her friends and discuss how fabulous she was, but it was a small price to pay for the day that Brad revealed her as his heir. Her mother had been frantically calling, saying they were being offered good money for Madison to tell her story, but Madison was ignoring her. She was only interested in hundreds of millions now, not hundreds of thousands. She wasn’t worried about her mom denying she’d leaked the story, either. Candy was such an attention-whore that nobody would believe her anyway.

  Business taken care of, Madison decided to pay Cam a visit. Now that the news was out that she was the boss’s daughter, she’d have no trouble hooking up with him. Maybe it could even be written into his contract or something? She gave a little self-satisfied smile. Oh my God, she and Cam would make, like, the hottest couple!

  When she got to the guesthouse, loud rap music was blasting out of the window. She knocked on the door and got no answer, but decided to go in anyway. She stood in the hallway, looking around. The music seemed to be coming from upstairs.

  ‘Cam?’ she called. ‘It’s Madison. Are you here?’ There was no answer, so Madison started to climb the stairs, admiring her reflection in every mirror she passed.

  Upstairs, huge bedrooms led off a mosaic-tiled landing. Madison poked her head into one and saw it had a sunken Jacuzzi in one corner. She smiled. She and Cam could so have fun in that.

  The music was coming from the bedroom across the landing. Madison pushed the door open. It was even bigger than the first room, with clothes lying on the chaise longue, a pile of magazines by the bed and a huge sound system pumping so hard the room reverberated. Madison moved round, picking up bottles of aftershave and expensive skin products. This was obviously Cam’s room. But where was he? She was finding it hard to think with this racket. As she turned the music down, Madison heard a voice singing from behind another door in the corner of the room. It must be the en suite…

  Madison walked over and knocked. ‘Cam? It’s me, Madison.’

  No answer. He totally wants me to walk in on him.

  Slowly, Madison turned the handle and pulled the door open. Steam wafted out and suddenly the glorious sight of Cam, soaping himself in the shower, confronted her. He had his back to her and Madison stood and savoured the view. Cam’s body was even better with all his clothes off. His butt was har
d and firm and, as she watched, water cascaded down his muscular legs, running in between his inner thighs.

  ‘My, oh my,’ Madison said softly. Licking her lips, she walked over and tapped lightly on the screen. Cam swung round violently.

  ‘Jesus H. Christ!’ Cam peered through the screen. ‘Madison, is that you? You nearly gave me a frickin’ heart attack!’

  Her eyes strayed downwards through the steamed-up glass.

  ‘I just came to say hello.’ She looked at him provocatively.

  Cam shook his head in disbelief. ‘Can you pass me a towel?’

  She pulled a fluffy white one off the chrome towel rack. Cam opened the shower door slightly and stuck his hand out. ‘It’s all right,’ she said, turning her head away. ‘I’m not looking!’

  Now that’s a lie.

  Moments later Cam stepped out, the towel wrapped round his waist. He shot her an amused look. ‘Do you normally come into a guy’s bathroom like this?’

  ‘Why, don’t you want me here?’ she pouted.

  Cam laughed. ‘It’s not every day I get a hot blonde to pass me my towel.’ Madison glowed at the compliment. Cam pulled another towel off the rack to dry his hair, before putting it round his shoulders.

  The air was still hot and steamy. Madison leaned back on the marble sink unit and smiled. Her see-through Matthew Williamson kaftan covered about as much flesh as Cam’s towel. ‘Isn’t this cosy,’ she breathed. She moved forwards and trailed a long talon across Cam’s chest.

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘Madison…’

  ‘Don’t say a word.’ She stepped behind him and trailed another finger across his wide, muscled back. Their eyes met in the bathroom mirror. ‘How about it, R&B boy?’ she said. Cam turned round and Madison closed her eyes. Any moment now he was going to kiss her…

  Suddenly, she heard Cam cough. She opened her eyes, to see him standing by the bathroom door. He looked at her apologetically.

  ‘Madison, you’re a sexy chick, but I don’t think we should go there.’


  Cam shrugged. ‘It would just be too… difficult.’ What I mean is it would be more hassle than it’s worth.

  Madison put one hand on her hip. ‘Er, hello? Haven’t you heard the news? I’m Brad Masters’ daughter!’

  Cam had heard the news, but he had enough money of his own not to be impressed. He shook his head. ‘Still no, sorry.’ He wasn’t stupid enough to get caught with the boss’s daughter. Brad was a powerful guy and he could knock Cam down just as easily as he had made him. Cam knew how it worked.

  Madison looked outraged. ‘I can’t believe you’re blowing me off!’

  ‘I’m sure you can find some other dude to blow off. Jeez, I’m only joking!’ he added as his electric toothbrush came flying across the room and he jumped to dodge it. Madison stood there, hands on her hips, face furious.

  ‘Are you calling me a whore?’

  ‘Madison, calm down! It was a joke.’ He watched it compute through her brain. Then she smiled.

  ‘I know what it really is, Cam. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. It’s our little secret.’

  ‘Tell anyone what?’ he asked, puzzled.

  ‘That you’re intimidated by me, of course! Not only am I hot, I’m about to become more loaded than Donald Trump. It’s too much for you, isn’t it? You don’t want me to steal your limelight.’

  Cam fought to keep the laughter back. ‘Madison, what planet are you on? You just offered yourself to me on a plate!’

  Her face became cross again. ‘I did not! Like, in your dreams, Cam Tyler.’

  Cam sighed. ‘Whatever. Can you get out now, please?’

  Madison looked scandalised. ‘You’re throwing me out?’

  Cam considered. ‘Pretty much, yeah. But it’s been very pleasant.’

  Madison stormed past him, leaving a trail of musky perfume in her wake. She’d got halfway across the bedroom before Cam called out, ‘Madison, wait!’

  She stopped in her tracks, smiling. She’d known he couldn’t resist her. She turned round seductively. ‘Yes, Cam?’

  ‘Sapphire left one of her earrings here the other night — it must have fallen off. It’s in the kitchen. Can you take it back and give it to her?’

  ‘Sapphire was here?’ Madison looked as if she’d swallowed a fart. ‘What was she doing?’

  ‘Same as you, visiting.’

  Madison didn’t want to even know how Sapphire had lost her earring. Probably making out on the sofa with Cam, the little slut! She gritted her teeth. There was no way she was going to show Cam how much Sapphire got under her skin. She gave a false smile. ‘Sure, why not?’

  Cam grinned. ‘Thanks, Madison, that’s good of you. And about us…’

  ‘What us? I was only screwing with you.’ She started to make her way down the stairs, giving her butt a wiggle for good measure to let Cam see what he was missing out on. In the kitchen she saw the silver hoop earring lying on the worktop. Madison picked it up; it was complete crap like the rest of Sapphire’s things. As she stormed out through the front door, Madison flung the earring as far as she could into the undergrowth. Who needed a boyfriend like Cam Tyler anyway? When she was rich and famous beyond her wildest dreams, she could have any goddamn guy she wanted.

  Chapter twenty-eight

  ‘Brad!’ The confident voice made him turn round. Walking towards him in a flowing leopard-print dress was Simonetta. Her tall, lean form moved seamlessly, as if she were on a catwalk. Brad had seen a lot of beautiful women in his time, but Simonetta was on another level. I wonder if I’m biased because she’s my daughter, he thought wryly. He felt an odd sense of pride and regret.

  ‘Do you have a moment?’ she asked.

  Brad held up his headphones and briefcase. ‘I haven’t got long. I’m flying off to Milan for a conference. Can we talk later?’

  ‘It is better like this, when you are on your own.’ Simonetta gave a dismissive shrug. ‘Otherwise there are too many people around.’

  By ‘people’, Brad guessed she meant Sapphire and Madison. ‘I can spare five minutes. What is it you want to talk about?’

  Simonetta held up the folder she had been carrying under her arm. ‘I have been thinking about ways we can make Giuseppe a global brand. With your business acumen and my contacts and profile, we could make a success of it. That I am sure of.’

  ‘That’s very encouraging to hear, Simonetta.’ Brad paused delicately. ‘But do you think you have the right experience?’

  She shrugged, as if it were a minor detail. ‘I have a good brain, you can teach me the rest.’

  ‘What about your modelling?’

  ‘What, do you think because I am a model I have no intelligence?’

  ‘No, that’s not it.’

  Simonetta smiled dryly. ‘I think the two go well together. Beauty is power, Brad.’

  Brad was impressed by her self-assurance. He held out his hand. ‘Let me have a look through your ideas. I’ll let you know what I think.’

  She surveyed him through half-closed eyes that were bright and intelligent. ‘Si, that is good.’ She leaned over and straighten his tie. ‘Now you can go. Ciao, Brad.’

  Brad watched her walk off, feeling as if he’d been dismissed rather than the other way round. He gave a chuckle.

  Sapphire lifted her hand to knock at the door, but it was suddenly pulled open. ‘Oh!’ She jumped back. Raphael stood in the doorway. She tried a tentative smile, which wasn’t returned.

  ‘Look, if it’s a bad time I can come back,’ she said. She’d known this was a bad idea! But to her surprise, Raphael stood back.

  ‘Come in.’

  Hesitating, Sapphire crossed over the threshold into Raphael’s little house. He pointed to a door — the living-room door, she remembered, from the time he’d caught her snooping around. ‘In there.’

  Don’t kill yourself with the niceties, Sapphire thought. Had this guy no manners? She swallowed the irritation Raphael always brought out in h
er. He would help her with the melody and then she’d be out of there. Sapphire wondered if Brad had specifically asked Raphael to help her. He was Raphael’s boss, after all — it wasn’t like Raphael could refuse. And he didn’t exactly look over the moon that Sapphire was here.

  The living-room was just as bare as it had been the last time — a few bits of furniture stranded in the middle of the floor and the Franklin guitar leaning against the wall. Raphael didn’t ask her to sit down, so she hovered uncomfortably.

  ‘You have some lyrics you want to start with?’ he said.

  With some reluctance, Sapphire handed over the words to “Boy”. Raphael took the piece of paper and read it intently.

  Sapphire blushed, embarrassed that he was reading some of her most intimate thoughts. But Raphael didn’t look at her. He just went and got the guitar. He sat down on the only chair in the room, an uncomfortable-looking stool.

  ‘Sing the first line to me,’ he commanded. ‘The one you sang the other day.’

  Sapphire suddenly felt really stupid. What she wanted to do was snatch the paper out of his hand and get out of there, but there was something compelling about Raphael that made her stop.

  ‘It’s not very good—’ she started.

  ‘I didn’t ask if it was good. I asked you to sing it.’

  ‘All right!’ she retorted, stung by his rudeness. Hesitantly, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth. The first line flowed out of her mouth like it always did.

  ‘Boy, you came along one day…’

  Then nothing.

  She stopped, feeling stupid. ‘That’s about as far as I ever get.’

  ‘Sing it again,’ Raphael told her. He seemed to be concentrating heavily, like he was in another world. Sapphire started again.

  ‘Boy, you came along one day…’

  Suddenly, Raphael started strumming gently, his voice cutting in over hers as he sang the lyrics from the page.

  ‘Saw you from a distance…


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