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Fortune Page 17

by Megan Cole


  ‘O. M. G! You totally have.’ Madison leaned in. ‘What was it like? You have to tell me.’

  Normally Sapphire wouldn’t share her confidences with a girl like Madison in a million years, but she was bursting to tell someone. ‘You have to promise not to tell anyone,’ she said, ‘but yeah, we did kiss.’ She couldn’t contain herself. ‘Madison, it was amazing!’

  Madison clapped her hands like an orgasmic seal. ‘That’s awesome!’

  ‘Thanks, Madison,’ Sapphire said. For once Madison seemed genuinely pleased for her. Maybe a human heart did beat under the grade-A bitch exterior.

  Madison gave her a little wink. ‘What about Raphael? I thought you guys looked pretty hot together.’

  Sapphire laughed. ‘What are you like? Raphael is just helping me with my music.’

  ‘Like, whatever! If you spend so much time practising’ — she made quote marks with her fingers — ‘then where are the songs? You can’t prove it, can you?’ She gave a wicked smile.

  Sapphire sat up. She had recorded her and Raphael singing ‘Jewel’ on her mobile phone. It was a bit crackly, but Raphael told her it would be good for reference. ‘Actually, I can. This is me and Raphael singing this new song, “Jewel”.’

  ‘Well, let’s hear it then!’ Madison motioned to Simonetta. ‘Come and listen to this! Sapphire’s going to play us a song she’s come up with, all by herself!’

  ‘It was Raphael as well,’ Sapphire said hastily. ‘It’s only really a rough version,’ she said as Simonetta wandered over.

  ‘Oh, don’t get all shy on us now!’ Madison said brightly.

  ‘I’m just telling you,’ Sapphire said, scrolling down. ‘Here we are.’ She clicked on play and waited. A few seconds later, her voice sang out, Raphael’s guitar strumming gently in the background.

  ‘The brightest star, the richest sunrise, nothing compares to your glitter


  Colours fade when you enter a room, birds lose their chatter


  Raphael’s voice merged in seamlessly with hers, bringing a rich intensity.

  But just as there is light, you bring with you dark

  Taking all around down with you

  Raven hair, raven heart


  Sapphire saw Simonetta and Madison exchange looks. She switched the phone off. ‘What do you think?’ she asked self-consciously.

  Madison had actually thought it was quite catchy, but there was no way she was telling the runt that. She might get too full of herself. ‘It was OK,’ she shrugged. ‘If you like that sort of thing. I mean, like, that schoolkid MySpace kind of vibe.’

  Sapphire’s face fell. ‘Oh.’

  ‘I liked it,’ Simonetta said, and wafted off back to her sunbed.

  ‘She’s only being nice, I can tell,’ Madison said sympathetically. ‘Still, practice makes perfect, hey?’

  The happiness had suddenly seeped from Sapphire’s day. Maybe Madison is right, she thought. Maybe I will never be good enough.

  Even the thought of seeing Cam again couldn’t lift her sudden despair.

  Chapter thirty-five

  The collision came from nowhere. One minute Sapphire was walking out the front door, the next Simonetta came flying into her. It was a surprise to see the Italian model in such a hurry as she normally didn’t move faster than a catwalk crawl.

  ‘Watch it!’ Sapphire said, as they narrowly avoided banging heads.

  Simonetta jumped back, her normal sleek mane wild around her face. ‘You should be more careful!’

  ‘You’re the one who was going like a bat out of hell!’ Sapphire protested. She stopped, noticing the shadows under Simonetta’s eyes. She looked tired, and for the first time her complexion had lost its glowing hue. ‘Are you all right?’ Sapphire asked.

  Simonetta looked annoyed. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You just look a bit stressed.’

  Simonetta tossed her hair back angrily. ‘Of course I am all right! Why wouldn’t I be? What have I got to worry about?’

  ‘I was just asking!’ Sapphire said. Someone had got out of bed on the wrong side!

  Simonetta gave her a filthy look. ‘If anyone has anything to worry about it is you. Have you seen the split ends on your hair recently?’

  Sapphire held her hands up. ‘OK, I give up. I don’t know what’s put you in such a bad mood, but don’t take it out on me.’ She walked past Simonetta out into the garden.

  Face tight, Simonetta watched her go. The tiny twinge of guilt she felt at being nasty to Sapphire was quickly forgotten. No matter how much she tried to quash it, worry was starting to build inside her. Lexi had just left her a cold voicemail, saying they were suspending her contract with Models Italia, and both the bank manager and the estate agency were phoning daily now, to find out where their money was. The last message from the estate agent said that if she didn’t pay her outstanding rent within forty-eight hours, they were going to evict her.

  There won’t be much to evict, she thought bitterly. Besides a beautiful face and a Louis Vuitton suitcase full of designer clothes, she had nothing in the world.


  Suddenly, her indestructible self-belief seemed to be slowly slipping away.

  Even worse, The Problem had found her again. At the time, she had been naïve and young, but by the time she realised what a terrible choice she’d made it had been too late. It had been an abusive love-hate relationship and Simonetta had fought hard to get out. From experience, she knew the pattern. Clever and manipulative, The Problem would try to coax her back, pretending things would be different this time. Panic momentarily gripped Simonetta. Was she strong enough to resist? Did she want to resist? Ironically, The Problem had given her some of the best times, as well as the worst times, of her life.

  Calm down. Focus, she told herself. She could deal with it, just as she had before. Gradually, her breathing became calmer. She fixed an indifferent look on her face and stepped out into the sunlight. She wouldn’t, wouldn’t let herself be won back. Not this time.

  Her life depended on it.

  As she wandered round the garden, Sapphire felt a thrill of excitement. Cam would be back later. Despite her previous gloom, the world had suddenly become a more exciting, colourful place. She gazed dreamily up at the sky. It had never seemed so blue, or the sun so bright. She wanted to go and write pages and pages of lyrics about a gorgeous, funny, laid-back boy who made her whole body go into explosions every time he even looked at her. She could write a whole song about Cam Tyler’s abs. Forget Taylor Lautner — Cam’s body was a million times better.

  Not only that, but his lips were so soft and his eyes so deep…

  You’ve got it bad, girl, she told herself. She mustn’t get too carried away — looking too keen was definitely not the way to go.

  ‘If you keep staring at the sky like that, you’re going to fall again,’ a voice said. Sapphire looked round to see Raphael walking towards her. He was carrying some apples in his hand. He threw one to her and Sapphire caught it. ‘Nice catch,’ he said.

  ‘Netball captain at school.’

  Raphael came up to her, his skin whiter than ever, green eyes burning in his face. ‘Netball?’

  ‘It’s a bit like basketball. It’s an English thing.’

  He shrugged. ‘Very well.’

  Sapphire studied his pale skin. ‘Being Italian, aren’t you meant to be a bit more… I don’t know… tanned?’ she teased. She was in such a good mood she didn’t mind if he ignored her.

  To her surprise, Raphael smiled back, showing off perfect white teeth. ‘We don’t all have the luxury of lying by the pool.’ He took a huge bite of his apple, chewing vigorously.

  Sapphire cocked her head to one side and looked at him.

  He stopped chewing. ‘What are you looking at?’

  ‘You. It’s nice to see you smile for a change.’

  Raphael finished the apple and threw the
core in a bush. ‘I suppose I have to take a break from being a… moody git, as I think you call it?’

  Sapphire laughed. He was actually quite funny if he tried.

  He looked at her. ‘Would you like to walk? We can go through the orchards if you like, that’s where I got the apples.’

  ‘Been pilfering, have we?’

  Raphael frowned. ‘Pilfering? Is that another of your strange English sayings?’

  They made their way through the gardens towards the orchards. Although Raphael still wasn’t much of a talker, the silence between them was companionable rather than strained. Sapphire walked with a spring in her step, gently humming.

  ‘You are very happy today,’ he observed.

  Sapphire stretched her arms out. ‘What’s not to be happy about? The sun is shining, we’re in a beautiful place.’ And I’ll be seeing Cam in approximately six hours, fourteen minutes and twenty-one seconds!

  Raphael touched the side of his head. ‘I think the sun has made you matto.’

  He was calling her mad? Cheeky bugger. Sapphire play-punched him on the arm.

  ‘Ahi!’ he exclaimed, pretending to rub where she’d hit him. ‘I think you’ve broken it.’

  ‘Ha ha,’ she said, smiling lazily. ‘You’re quite the joker today.’

  ‘Better than being a git, no?’

  She laughed. ‘Definitely better than being a git.’ She didn’t know what had caused the change in his mood, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask. Better to enjoy it while it lasted.

  ‘How are your friends?’ he asked suddenly. Sapphire couldn’t help but give a little start. There was something about his question that seemed loaded. ‘Fine… but I wouldn’t exactly call them friends.’ She stopped. This was a subject they’d better not get on to.

  Raphael raised an eyebrow. ‘Oh? And what are they?’

  ‘Just holiday companions, I guess,’ she said hurriedly.

  ‘Do you have any brothers or sisters?’

  ‘S-sisters? Sapphire stuttered. ‘No, why do you ask?’ .

  Raphael shrugged again. ‘You seem very at ease around people.’

  ‘I guess I’m just a people person!’ she said in an overly cheery voice.

  Raphael gave her a faintly amused look. ‘Your parents must be nice people.’

  ‘Actually, it’s just me and my mum.’ As she said it, she realised this wasn’t strictly true any more. It made her feel really weird, so she directed the conversation back to him instead. ‘What about your brother, are you close?’

  For a moment, Raphael’s expression darkened. ‘We were, once.’

  ‘Sibling rivalry, eh?’ she joked, but Raphael didn’t smile back.

  ‘No cousins, aunts, uncles or anything?’

  ‘No,’ he said shortly. ‘You?’

  It’s like we’re playing a conversational game of ping-pong, Sapphire thought. For whatever reason, Raphael seemed as unwilling to open up as she was.

  ‘I’ve got a great aunt — my mum’s aunt Beattie. She’s funny. She comes to stay with us and smokes like a trooper and drinks all my mum’s brandy.’

  Raphael shot her a mischievous look. ‘I see a love of alcohol runs in the family.’

  Sapphire felt herself go red. Someone must have told him about her getting drunk, after all. ‘Yeah, well, the less said about that the better,’ she muttered.

  ‘I was pulling your arm,’ he said.

  Sapphire smiled, pushing aside the embarrassing memory. ‘I think you mean leg, Raphael,’ she told him. And he said she had a way with words! They continued their walk in easy silence.

  For once, everything’s going all right, thought Sapphire.

  Chapter thirty-six

  The text came through at six o’clock, when Sapphire had just emerged dripping wet from the shower. It was short but sweet.

  Back at 9. C U on beach? Cam xx.

  Hands shaking, she replied.

  Gr8. C U then. S.

  She wondered for ages how many kisses to put and in the end settled for two as well. Taking a deep breath, she pressed ‘Send’ and watched as it disappeared from the screen. Her stomach filled with butterflies again — she was going to see Cam again!

  ‘You’re twitchy tonight,’ Madison said, eyeing her over the dinner table.

  ‘I am not,’ Sapphire said quickly, as Brad and Simonetta turned to look as well.

  ‘You’ve looked at your watch, like, ten times in the last minute!’ Madison said.

  Shut up, Sapphire thought. Stop drawing attention to me. She looked at Brad. ‘Actually, I’m feeling a bit tired,’ she said to him. ‘Would you mind if I skipped dessert?’

  ‘Of course not,’ he said. ‘Are you all right?’

  Sapphire forced a smile. ‘Just a bit too much sun probably.’ She felt bad lying, especially to him, but there was no way she would get out of this meal otherwise. She was sure Madison was dragging it out on purpose.

  The velvet sky was alive with stars as Sapphire slipped down the winding stone path to the beach several minutes later. There was a slight breeze that ruffled the hem of her skirt, making it ride up her thighs. For the umpteenth time she smoothed down her blow-dried hair, praying it wouldn’t revert to its normal, tumbling mess in the wind.

  She stepped out on to the sand and looked left and right. The beach was deserted. Curling her legs underneath her, she sat down to wait. Her heart was pounding so much it almost drowned out the sound of the waves.

  Every second ticked by painfully. Sapphire checked her watch for the umpteenth time — it was nine twenty-four. That was not a good sign. Five minutes, yes, even ten, but nearly half an hour? The realisation hit her.

  He’s stood me up.

  She could almost taste the bitter disappointment in her mouth. Stomach churning unpleasantly, she started to get up.

  ‘Sapphire!’ The shout came from somewhere behind her. Instantly her spirits lifted. Jogging over the sand towards her, in baggy jeans and a Diesel T-shirt, was Cam. He looked so bloody gorgeous that all Sapphire’s negative feelings melted away in a moment.

  ‘Hey, I am so sorry,’ He threw himself down next to her, kissing her on the cheek. Her stomach flipped upside-down, but she managed to keep a calm smile on her face. Cam ran his tanned hands over his face, as if tired. ‘We got held up in a meeting.’ He rolled his eyes. ‘My manager loves to do meetings! Sometimes I forget I’m actually a musician.’

  ‘Anything exciting?’ Sapphire asked. Cam’s leg fell against hers and, even though he was wearing jeans, she could feel the warmth of his body melting into hers.

  ‘I’m not really supposed to talk about it until it’s all been decided.’

  ‘Sounds very mysterious,’ Sapphire said, smiling.

  Cam laughed. ‘Well, when I can tell people you’ll be the first to know.’ He turned to her and Sapphire took in the square jaw, the long-lashed eyes, the sheer symmetry of his face. Guys like Cam aren’t real, she thought. They’re almost too perfect to walk amongst the human race.

  He cocked his head, smiling. ‘What are you thinking about?’

  Sapphire’s heart started thudding even faster. ‘Nothing, really.’

  Cam held an arm out, his bicep rippling under his T-shirt. ‘Come and snuggle up with me. I don’t want you getting cold.’

  Slightly dazed, Sapphire inched down the sand to sit next to him. His arm wrapped round protectively, warming her and making her shiver all at the same time.

  ‘So whatcha been up to?’

  ‘Nothing much,’ Sapphire mumbled. She was suddenly finding it hard to speak again.


  ‘Uh, no. I leave that to the experts.’ Cam smiled at this, making her feel calmer. ‘I’ve been practising a lot with Raphael, actually,’ she said. ‘We’ve just written a really cool song together.’

  Cam frowned. ‘That guy is weird. I don’t like you spending so much time with him.’

  Sapphire felt a tingle of joy. Was Cam jealous? ‘I’m not really,’ she
said hastily. ‘It’s more of a favour he’s doing for me.’

  ‘Hmm, well.’ Cam didn’t sound convinced. ‘I’ve seen the way he looks at you.’ A slow smile spread across his face. ‘Then again, I don’t blame him. I can’t take my eyes off you either, Sapphire.’

  As Cam lifted her chin up and moved to kiss her, Sapphire started to have that out-of-body feeling again. I can’t believe I’m kissing Cam Tyler! But the moment his mouth crushed down on hers, Sapphire realised just how real it was. Cam’s tongue found its way into her mouth, moving gently against hers. Gradually his tongue got more persistent, kissing harder. Sapphire felt herself melt into his arms as he pulled her into him, running his hands through her hair and down her arms. His mouth moved on to her neck and instantly Sapphire’s whole body went on red alert, delicious little thrills running through her. Cam pushed her down on the sand, his hands holding her arms above her head. She couldn’t go anywhere even if she wanted to.

  ‘My English rose,’ he whispered into her ear. He started kissing her again, their bodies pressed together. Sapphire could feel every muscle, every part of his hard, warm flesh against hers. His hand moved down her stomach and on to her leg. Sapphire stiffened as one of his hands started creeping up her inner thigh. ‘Cam, I don’t think…’

  ‘Hey, it’s OK,’ he whispered back. ‘You just turn me on so much, sexy Sapphire. But we can go as slow as you want.’

  He started kissing her again, his hands running through her hair and across her face. As a cloud rolled across the moon above, the beach was plunged into darkness. Sapphire lay back on the sand, wanting the moment to last for ever.

  Chapter thirty-seven

  ‘Morning, girls.’

  All three of them looked up, surprised to see Brad. He never normally joined them for breakfast. It had been a quieter affair than usual today; Madison was happy to gabble on about herself as normal, but Simonetta was more aloof and uncommunicative than ever. As for Sapphire… she hadn’t slept a wink all night, replaying the events with Cam over and over in her head. Already it almost didn’t feel real, like it had been a scene from the most romantic film ever. She could still feel his hands on her, running over her body. It was all she could do to shove a few bits of toast down, her mind whirring with the memories. It was her glorious secret, a barrier between her and the rest of the world. I could take anything that was thrown at me now, she thought happily. Life is bloody brilliant!


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