Fallin' For a Boss 2

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Fallin' For a Boss 2 Page 12

by Lucinda John

  Stopping at Steak-N’-Shake, we grabbed dinner and headed home. I went in the baby’s nursery and put some of her things in the closet. I also called up the decorator I found online to let her know the theme I wanted for the baby’s room.

  Once I was done, I went to search for Stacks so he could take me back to Lisa’s house. He told me he didn’t want to live in a separate house from his baby. However the baby wasn’t born yet. I found him lying in the bed stripped down to his boxers, wife beater, and socks.

  “I’m ready to go, can you take me home now?”

  “This is home,” he replied.

  “Well, can you hand me my keys, so I can head over to Lisa’s house.”

  “Lisa is barely at home. I am not about to let you spend another night alone over there, Lala. If you want, I’ll sleep in the guest room.”

  “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and went to my woman cave.

  Since I loved art, Stacks had a built-in art studio for me in the back. I played my Trey Songz ‘s CD and went to work. I must have been painting for a long time because Stacks came down to look for me.

  “That looks hot,” he said examining the portrait.

  It was a picture of him holding a baby in a pink blanket.


  “You are going to have to give me this so I can hang it in my office.”

  “When it’s done drying, you can have it.”

  I put the finishing touches on the painting then went to get prepared for bed.

  Sending Lisa a text letting her know that I will be spending the night at home, I got in bed. Stacks’ phone started to beep. It was a text from Amanda. I slid the screen and was pissed when I failed the passcode attempt. It made me mad that he would change it. Fed up with trying to figure out his passcode, I purposely entered the code incorrectly, locking him out for an hour.

  “You need anything?” Stacks asked standing in the doorway, dressed in jeans and a hoody.


  “I have to make a quick run. I’ll be back.”


  He grabbed his phone, kissed me on the forehead, and the left. Getting out of bed, I made sure he was complexly gone before getting dressed and leaving behind him. I pulled up the “Track my iPhone” app and headed in the direction he was going. I watched where he was going before parking me car in the field across the street.

  When he entered the diner, I waited five minutes before exiting my car. Peering through the diner window, he was seated alone before a female walked in from the back and sat in front of him. I couldn’t believe he was doing all of this ranting and raving, and demanding I come back home, and he was still up to that sneaky shit.

  If he wanted me so bad, he wouldn’t have left me alone at home to meet up with some bitch. I watched them interact for a few minutes before leaving. I made my way towards Lisa’s house. It was the first time that I decided to start making moves. First thing tomorrow morning, I was going to find me a house. Stacks and I were now history.

  Chapter 24


  Leaving the 11th St. Diner, I was satisfied with the numbers Ralph were bringing in. He came to me with a new way to triple what we were already making, and I was all down for it. The only bad thing about my meeting was running into Amanda. I hadn’t seen her since the day I went to her house to rough her up and for some weird reason she was under the impression that I missed her. Yeah right. If Ralph didn’t come in when he did, I probably would have ended up in jail with domestic violence charges pending against me.

  I swear I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I didn’t see Lala’s car parked in the driveway. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. When she didn’t answer, I texted her.

  Me: Where are you?

  Wifey: Lisa’s house.

  Me: Why did you leave after I told your ass not to?

  Wifey: Go text that bitch you went to go meet at the diner, I’m going to bed, bye.

  Me: It wasn’t even like that, I went to go meet up with Ralph. That’s why Lisa is home and not with him. Ask your girl.

  Wifey: Good night Anthony!

  I wanted to drive over to Lisa’s house and drag her hard headed ass home, but decided against it. Instead, I went inside to pump some iron in my weight room. I lifted weights until my body screamed from me to stop. Finally giving in, I went to the bathroom and showered.

  I couldn’t get my mind off of Lala. I had every intention on coming home and giving her ass a dose of act right, so she could get the hell out of her feelings and come home. When my thoughts got too much for me to bare I put on some clothes and hopped in my car. Parking in the parking lot, I walked inside Ink Daddy’s to get tatted up.

  “Welcome to Ink Daddy’s, how can I help you?” the receptionist asked.

  “I need your best tattoo artist to ink me up.”

  “Chink, someone is here requesting a tattoo from our best.” She spoke into the intercom. A few minutes later, a guy that had tattoos on every inch of his body walked out of the back room.

  “Follow me,” he said, “What are you looking to get.”

  I handed him a picture of Lala.

  “I want her on my back, but I want her holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket.”

  “Okay, let me just draw this up and I’ll be right with you.”

  It was eight am when he finally finished my tattoo. The shit hurt, but I needed it to calm my nerves. Looking at my back in the two-way mirror, he really proved to me why they called him the best of the best. The tattoo cost me seven hundred dollars, but I gave him a stack for a job well done.

  I walked next door to a small little Spanish café and had some breakfast. The large cup of coffee with the three extra shots of espresso, plus this pressure I was smoking on had a nigga wide-awake. I took Lala’s ring to a jeweler and had them update it. I had some pink and white diamonds added around the bands and made them engrave our names on the inside. I picked up a few pieces for my little princess as well. She was going to come out the womb draped in diamonds.

  Finally making it back home, it was a little after ten am. I was going to shower, check on a few things then drag Lala’s ass home by her tracks if I had to. I noticed an old white man knocking on the door. He was looking at the car, so I concluded it was the police. My heart suddenly sank to my stomach praying Lala was okay.

  “How may I help you?” I asked the old pig.

  “Yes. I’m looking for an Anthony Jones.”

  “And you are?”

  “Officer Livingston with the City of Flint Police Department.”

  “Okay, so how can I, a residence of Miami, help you, a cop from Flint?” I asked praying like hell none of my old murders came back to bite me in the ass.

  “Are you the grandson of Luther and Solise Jones?”

  “Yes,” I answered feeling my knees attempting to go weak.

  “Can we go inside to talk?”

  “Tell me out here,” I said refusing to allow that pig in my house. I knew how they operated. They would do anything to get a glimpse of your lifestyle, so they’ll have a reason to build a case against you.

  “I’m sorry son, but they were murdered last month. When no one came to claim their body, we had them cremated. I didn’t know they had any kinfolks until you’re grandfather’s daytime nurse was able to give us your information.”

  “Noooo!” I yelled out a gut-wrenching scream before breaking down and crying like a bitch. I didn’t care how I looked at the moment. Those were the only parents I knew. I felt like everything I loved was being snatched from me. First my mother, then it was Donna and my twins, my brothers, now my grandparents.

  “I want to show you something, maybe you could help us with figuring out who would want to do this to your grandparents,” he said handing me some photos of the crime scene.

  Paying close attention to the note, I knew it had to be Bear behind this, which only meant he found out about his broth
er and was out for blood.

  “No. I have no idea. I can’t think of anyone,” I lied to the cop.

  “Okay, if you can, here is my card,” he said handing me the card “Oh, and before I forget, here.”

  He handed me two containers that held my grandparents’ remains. I planned on having my jeweler make them some urns, so I could have them placed in a Columbarium. I wanted them to have a burial place of remembrance, so I could always visit them.


  I went inside the house and closed the door behind me. Placing the containers on the fireplace, I left to go be with the only person I had left in this world. I was happy when I didn’t see Lisa’s car in the driveway. Knocking on the door, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. I was really crushed.

  “Stacks, what are you…”

  “He took them from me,” I cut her off.

  I collapsed in her arms and broke down crying. She just sat there on the floor with me holding me. I felt so secure in her arms. I could feel the love radiating off her body and onto mine. After emptying my body of all its tears, I got up and picked her up off of the ground. I really didn’t feel like talking, so I went in the guest room where she’d been staying in and went to sleep.

  * * *

  The smell of food woke me up out of my nap. There was a tray next to the bed with baked chicken, green beans, mash potatoes, and cornbread. A tall glass of juice, a cup of ice, and a bottle of Advil was on the tray as well. I took a few bites of the food, and then washed down two of the pills with the juice.

  I laid my head back on the pillow and thought of the different ways I was going to kill Bear as soon as I found him. I was going to round up the guys and make a trip to Flint, Michigan. I was praying he would still be there and if not, I was taking down anyone close to him.

  “Are you ready to talk about it?” Lala asked taking a seat on the bed.

  I pulled her close to my chest and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Bear killed my grandparents.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “I need you.”

  “I’m here.”

  I slipped my tongue in her mouth and began sucking on it. It had been one whole month since I felt the insides of her walls. I was feeling sick, and I needed a dose of her to make me feel better. Lifting her shirt, I grabbed one of her breast and sucked on the nipple.

  I pushed both of her breasts together and went back and forth between kissing then sucking each of them. Kissing my way down, I licked down her legs, stopping at her toes, taking each of them in my mouth. Spreading her legs I could see her juices spilling out of her like a cup of milk dripping on the floor.

  Using my mouth, I licked and sucked her dry. Grabbing one of the melting ice cubes out of the cup, I used it to play with her clit. The warmth from her instantly melted the ice. Grabbing another one I stuck it in her hole, then sucked it out.

  “Ooooooh papi eat this punani,” she purred, pulling my head deeper in her pussy.

  I ate her out until I felt a gush of liquid squirt out of her and into my mouth. Tugging at my pants, I released the beast. My dick doubled in size as the veins pierced through it anticipating the feeling of her pussy. Unable to resist any longer, I put my dick in her and held it there. I wanted to feel her walls tighten around my dick. She started grinding her hips on my dick, allowing her clit to rub against my shaft. She started grinding faster, letting me know that she was almost there. I played with her nipples, squeezing them causing more pleasure to shoot through her body.

  Her body shuttered as her legs began to shake. Another flood of fluids leaked out of her coating my stomach. Getting up, she laid me down flat on the bed and began licking her cum off of my stomach. She lowered her head some more until she had my dick in her mouth. Gathering saliva in her mouth, she allowed it to drip down my dick sucking it all up making it real nasty. She played with that sensitive area I had between my balls forcing me to a premature orgasm. I filled her mouth up with my kids, and she swallowed them all.

  She mounted my dick and began riding me nice and slow. Gripping her hips, I pulled her deeper into me. Laying her on her side, I put her in the ‘L’ position and started blowing her back out. Her pussy was so tantalizing that I was in a daze. It was so good I found myself drooling. I put in overtime in that pussy, and she paid me by squirting all over my dick soaking the sheets. I released myself in her then got up, and lifted her up with me.

  I filled the tub with water and bubbles then sat her in it while I searched for fresh sheets to make the bed with. When I was done fixing the bed, I packed all her things in the suitcases and sat them by the door. Life was too short for us to be playing these games. She was either going to come home with me now or we were going to end it once and for all.

  She rode me like a surfboard in the tub before we showered and got out.

  “Get dressed we’re going home,” I said.


  I’m glad she didn’t put up a fight with me. I would have hated to have to put these paws on her or even worse end our relationship. I put her bags in my car and waited for her to come out. After an hour of waiting, I was about to go back in the house and cause hell until I saw her coming out with a plate of food and a cup of juice in her hand. I had to shake my head at how greedy she had become.

  I couldn’t complain though because our lil mama was doing her body well. She now had a visible baby bump, but it was her ass that looked nine months pregnant. Arriving home, I placed her suitcases in our bedroom and went to my office to hold a conference meeting with the guys. The following morning we were going to fly out to Flint. I didn’t want to chance waiting and having him flee again.

  * * *

  2 Pac’s Hail Mary, blasted through my Studio Beats, as the plane finally landing in Flint.

  “You ready to bleed the block?” Ralph asked.

  “No doubt, these niggas about to feel me for real.”

  I picked up the rental, and we made our way straight to Bear’s mom’s house. This wasn’t a vacation. We were on a mission to find that nigga. If I couldn’t get to him, I would go fuck with that baby mama he thought no one knew of and his little sister. For the sake of their life, I just hoped and prayed he showed his fat ass.

  We sat in the car in the same position for a day straight and there was still no sign of any movement from the house, so I drove to the upper east end to his baby mama’s house and waited. I didn’t plan on doing his son any harm; I just had to rough up his mother a little bit to get any information that would be beneficial to me.

  We waited another night at Bear’s baby mama house just to see if he would ever show up, but he never did. The nighttime sky took over; so we decided to go in. Picking the locks, we had access to the house. The foul scent of the house hit my nose and threatened to make me throw up everything I had for lunch.

  Bear’s three-year-old son was sleeping on the dirty floor next to needles, beer cans, and roaches. Feeling bad for the boy, I lifted him up, but the shit that was piled in his diapers weighed him down.

  Walking inside of one of the bedrooms, the once beautiful Lacey was now a strung out whore. This was probably why he never mentioned he had a child. He was embarrassed. Either way, that was no excuse to have your child living in this nasty ass condition. Putting on my gloves, I slapped her in the face. The place looked contaminated as hell, so there was no way I was touching that bitch.

  “What the fuck you doing in my house?” she screamed as she woke up.

  “Bitch, get the fuck up!” Ralph said yanking her up by her frail arm.

  She smiled a disgusting, toothless smile and sat up in the bed.

  “Stacks, nice to see you again,” she laughed.

  “Let’s cut the bullshit, Lacey, where’s Bear?”

  “Does it look like I know where he’s at?”

  “So, you telling me your baby daddy come back in town and don’t stop by to check on your son?”
br />   “He came and checked on Kenny, but I don’t know where he’s at. You know he works for Alan now. She picked up a half smoked cigarette off the floor and fired it up.”

  “What Alan?”

  “Alan. The Alan y’all was beefing with, Nico’s Alan.”

  “Word?” I was shocked, I knew this nigga was a snake, but I didn’t know he was a rat, as well.

  “Yup, word on the street is he killed Donna and your grandparents. Now he’s teaming up with Alan and Nico to come after you.”

  “Not if I get to him first.”

  ”Yeah, okay. You’re on our turf nigga. You and your little sidekick out numbered.”

  Picking up a mirror she started doing lines, ignoring her baby’s cry. I gave Ralph a head nod, and he slit her throat. Picking up the baby, I put him in the back of my car.

  Driving to a nearby Wal-Mart, I bought him some diapers, wipes, clothes, shoes, and snacks. Cleaning him up the best way I could, I changed his diapers, clothes, and shoes and allowed him to finish up his snacks. When we got to the Catholic Church, I pulled the hood over my head and covered my eyes with a pair of shades. I sat him in a stroller in front of the church door then rang the bell. I sprinted back to the car. I sat and waited until I saw a nun pick him up, look around, and then take him inside.

  Our next location was Bear’s sister’s house. The house looked quiet, so we made our way inside. JuJu, Bear’s sister, was laid in bed asleep next to a man. Using the tip of my gun, I tapped her on the forehead.

  “What in the world?” she screamed and jumped up.

  Her reaction woke up the guy she was with. Ralph put him in a chokehold, putting him to sleep permanently.

  “OMG, you killed my fiancé!” she cried running over to his limp body.

  I allowed her to grieve over her lost before getting down to the reason of my visit.

  “JuJu, have you seen Bear?” I asked.

  “Fuck you, Stacks!”

  “That’s not the answer I want to hear.”

  “Go join your dead bitch in hell!!”

  She struck a nerve in me when she said that. I slammed the butt of my gun into her face with so much force five of her teeth flew out.


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