In the Dark by Lila Rose

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In the Dark by Lila Rose Page 9

by Lila Rose

  “Those girls.” I gasped. “The ones I saw at Boozers…”

  Caelen started laughing.

  Turning to Isaac, I glared. “You feed off them?” I was a little appalled and a bit disgusted.

  And very jealous.

  “What girls?” Isaac asked.

  Caelen coughed into his fist. “Heather, Chloe.”

  “Oh,” Isaac replied.

  Oh. OH. That’s all he can say?

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “They’re happy to keep us nourished. It’s hard to find trustworthy suppliers.”

  “Yeah, I just bet they’re happy to give you something.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “How else am I to feed, Leila?”

  “I-um. You…” I stammered and blushed. I was at a loss. I couldn’t come up with anyone, other than me.

  Jesus. It was time to change the subject. “How old are you all?”

  Isaac’s lips twitched. He knew what I was doing. Thankfully, he played along and asked, “Are you sure you wish to know?”

  Not really. Nevertheless, it was better than the conversation before. “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Jeremiah is the oldest. He’s 405. I’m 398, and Jezanna is only 101. Adan and Xavier are around that same age as Jezza and Caelen—”

  “She already knows, lad.”

  “Very well.” Isaac glared at Caelen before turning back to me. “Does it change what you think of us, Leila?”

  Studying him, I pondered how someone so old could be so good-looking. It was scary really, but then it had me thinking. How long would I live for with the feline blood running through my veins? Would I have enough time to have lived a happy, loving life with Is— someone?

  It was something no one knew.

  Each day as you go. Dad used to say that.

  “What’s the matter, Leila? Something has you worried.”

  “Other than your feeding.” Caelen laughed. We both shot him daggers.

  “Nothing. It’s nothing. And no, it doesn’t change what I think about you all. I doubt anything could scare me away from you. I, ah, all of you.”

  Quick, I need to change the subject again. Hide the blush.

  “So, do Adan and Xavier know everything about me?”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve informed them, because they need to be prepared for everything.” He smiled.

  “As long as they keep it to themselves.” Tilting my head to the side, I asked them, “Can you do that, guys?” They both nodded. It wasn’t that I trusted them, because I didn’t. However, I trusted Isaac and his choices. He wouldn’t bring people into my home if he wasn’t sure of them in the first place.

  Shrugging, I said, “I guess I have no more questions for now. And since I’m not going to school today, who’s up for a run?” I gave them all a sly look. Then without waiting for an answer and before Isaac could question why I didn’t want to go to school, I bolted for my bedroom, stripped and changed forms.

  Really, the main reason school didn’t appeal to me that day was because I wasn’t willing for another day of questioning from our peers. What I needed was a nice, peaceful day, and school was not peaceful.

  Stalking back out into the living room in my feline form, I swished my tail from side to side. I couldn’t have been prouder to finally share my secret with people I cared about. People who wouldn’t judge, and accepted me as I was.

  Pouncing onto the couch, I watched as Caelen and Jezanna stood smiling at me.

  “Leila.” I looked to Isaac standing next to me. He reached out and placed his hand under my chin to bring my face up to meet his. “Even though you will be slacking today, I have to go to classes. I’ll let them know you’re sick, but will be back tomorrow. I’m also going to meet with another friend of mine, who will be starting at our school today. So, for now, I’ll say goodbye.” He bumped his forehead against mine and smiled. He waved a goodbye to everyone else and left with Adan following.

  It was good to see Isaac wasn’t being silly and was taking a guard with him. He also needed someone to protect him. If anyone were to attack him, it would hurt many.

  “Well, love, are we running or what? I’m feeling a little peckish. I could show you how to truly hunt your prey.”

  My walls crashed down and I reached out with my powers. From the slight body shudder from everyone in the room, I could tell they felt the presence of my mind’s strength in the room—connecting to the link I had with Caelen. You had better watch yourself, pretty boy, or you will be my prey.

  He laughed and bolted for the back door. I leapt off the couch after him. He had the back door opened and ran with full vampire speed straight out into the woods, which adjoined onto my back yard. He was fast; I would give him that, and so were Jeremiah, Jezanna and Xavier. All of them only inches off my tail.

  Couldn’t let them have that though. I smiled to myself. Turning my head, I gave them a full-teeth grin and jumped into the air, my body ready for the impact of the tree I was heading for. I didn’t stop once I touched it. I pushed from one tree to another, gaining speed and momentum.

  I watched the others reach Caelen before I bounded out of the tree from above them. They all, even Jezanna, which I was proud of, readied themselves in a fighting stance, until they realised it was me.

  Wanting more because I was ready to play—I always was in this form—I raced around them. Without their knowledge, I easily managed herding them into a circle.

  Stopping, I sat back and watched them watch me.

  “Whatever it is you’re thinking, Leila. Do not do it,” Jeremiah warned.

  Yeah, right. I jumped anyway, landing on him, which sent him and the others falling to the ground.

  “Ooph, get off, you fat cat.” Jeremiah pushed at me. I placed all my weight to hold him down. As the others climbed to their feet, I stayed firmly on Jeremiah. Finally, he stopped squirming and looked up at me, smiling.

  “You do know I can get you off, but I’m not willing to hurt you in the process.”

  Digging deep within myself, I found that part which made me able to reach out to another’s mind. I absorbed it in and pushed it out to Jeremiah. His mind had a strong barrier. However, I didn’t know how or why, but I was able to get through anyone’s shields and, from the shocked look within his eyes, he’d just found it out.

  Just try it, He-Man. I sent my laughter into his mind. I knew what was coming, but before he could retaliate, I opened my mouth and touched my big, wet, rough tongue to the side of his face, licking from his jaw to his forehead. Everyone started laughing.

  “You disgusting little runt. I will get you for that.”

  Bouncing off him, I made a dash for the thicker woods.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent with all three of them trying to catch me. I had to admit, sometimes they would outsmart me and were able to tackle me to the ground. However, I wriggled my way out and the chase began again. At least I was able to say I got the best of the three vampires by managing to pounce on them all and giving them the biggest, wettest willies they had ever had.

  By the time we made it home, it was already six and the sun was setting in the horizon. We arrived at the house sated and satisfied. While we were out, we were able to hunt our own breakfast and lunch. It was strange to watch the others drink the blood from the animals, yet it was still intriguing. I’m sure they were just as interested in seeing me hunt, kill and eat my prey.

  What amazed me was how well they hunted. It was as though they were animals. They hid, stalked and pounced on the incognisant deer, rabbit or elk. And even though they were still zoned in on what they were doing, I could tell a part of them never stopped searching the surrounding area for danger or uninvited guests.

  We were so much alike and yet so different. Their bodies didn’t change like mine, but it was almost like they had feline tendencies in them.

  Jeremiah opened the back door and a new scent hit me. The hairs on the back of my neck raised and I crouched down on my front paws, releasing a warning

  Beside me, Jezanna patted my head, bringing my attention up to her. “It’s all right. It’s only our father cooking.”

  Walking in slowly, still on the defensive, I looked around. How could they have known it was him straight away? The only smell, which was overpowering everything else, was garlic. Nevertheless, there he stood at a stove that hadn’t been used for at least two years. He turned as Xavier shut the door.

  “Good evening, all. I hope you’re hungry. I’ve made lasagne, salad and garlic bread,” he explained to everyone, only his eyes stayed on me. I understood the curiosity. Not many people had the chance to see a cat the size of a cougar walking around the house.

  To let Gregory know I appreciated the effort he’d made, I walked over and rubbed my head, and therefore my scent, against his leg. His instinct, which was the same as everyone’s would be, was to pat me on the head.

  “You’re welcome, Leila. You had better go and change, slowly this time. I’m sure we can wait for you. Besides, Isaac is not here yet with his friend.”

  Butterflies took flight in the bottom of my stomach from hearing Isaac’s name, and the fact he would be there soon.

  Bobbing my head, I moved off to my room to transform back and shower. Hopefully, I’d be ready for more food by then.

  Chapter Ten

  Tying my hair back with an elastic band, I walked down the hall then out into the kitchen, feeling refreshed and relaxed. I’d dressed in a pair of black leggings and a long black T-shirt. With the house already warm from the heater being on and the oven being used, there was no need for something warmer. It was strange to have my house cosy and smelling, well, lived in.

  Upon entering, I found my usual empty kitchen table filled with people. Seeing it brought tears to my eyes. I quickly turned back around and stepped into the living room to wipe away the few drops I allowed to fall.

  Stupid, uncontrollable, silly emotions. I stomped back into the kitchen.

  “About damn time,” a deep voice muttered. It belonged to the guy who sat next to Isaac. My obsession sat at the end of the table. The only seat left was on the other side of him, so I sat there. I returned my gaze onto the person who was rude enough to say something, and I was pleased to see a shudder run over him upon meeting my unique eyes.

  Gone were the days I felt ashamed to have caused such a reaction from a person. Instead, I met his stare with confidence.

  “Darik, manners,” Isaac scolded. Darik rolled his eyes and shrugged.

  I didn’t know the connection or relationship he had with Isaac, apart from the obvious; Darik was also a vampire. His suffocating power showed me that. Stupid dickhead wants to intimidate me by thrusting his power out, instead of hiding it like the others have. On the other hand, was he unable to keep it under control like Isaac and the others did? Premature vamp power, no control on what he thrust out?

  Snorting to myself, I shook my head so I wouldn’t burst out laughing.

  “Evening, Leila. I’ve heard you had an eventful day. I’m sorry I missed it.”

  As I looked to Isaac, my breath caught from the way he was dressed. He’d changed since that morning into a pair of tight, black leather pants and a black silk shirt.

  “Yeah, wish you had stayed. We had a blast—” I would have continued if Darik didn’t scoff at me. I turned to glare at him and felt the others around the table stiffen. Jezanna, who was on my other side, made a small sound of annoyance in the back of her throat.

  “Listen here, buddy. I don’t know who you are, and really, I don’t give a flying shit, but you really need to quit the effing attitude, right now. I’ve just gotten past the problem with moody Jeremiah. I do not need another person here thinking time with me is not worth it.” I shook my head and smirked. “No, scratch that, I couldn’t care less if you like me or not. Whatever problem you have, take it somewhere else. I don’t want to see it under my roof. Got it?”

  “He gets it, don’t you, Darik,” Jeremiah stated.

  “Yeah, whatever.” He rolled his eyes.

  Isaac slid his hand toward me on the table, stopping a few inches away. “I’m sorry for his rudeness, Leila. He’s not usually like this. I’ve known Darik for some time now, and I trust him to guard me with his life while Adan and Xavier tend to Jezanna, our father and yourself.”

  “Then why is he being like that with me?”

  “I’m right here, ask me.” Darik glared.

  Sighing loudly, I rested my chin in my hand and tapped my cheek. “Darik darling, why do you hate me so?”

  “I don’t think our kind should waste our time and associate with scum like you. You’re nothing but a stupid shifter.” With that, he spat in my face.

  The table erupted in noise. Believe me, I was impressed he managed to get his spit across the table, but I wouldn’t stand for that type of treatment.

  I felt, more than saw, Isaac move. He raised his hand with lightning speed ready to strike Darik. To my surprise and his, I was quick enough to stand and grab his hand before it reached his friend. Slipping my two fingers between my lips, I let out a loud whistle to gain everyone’s attention.

  “Stop,” I said calmly and took the napkin laying on the table to use it to wipe my face.

  “Isaac, I know you and Darik go back a long way, but I don’t believe he should stay,” said Gregory, who sat peacefully at the other end of the table.

  “No, no.” I chuckled without humour. “It’s all right.” I smiled down at Darik. He still sat across from me with a smirk on his lips. “Everything is fine.” I nodded. “Because I’m going to kill him.”

  Before anyone could do anything, I jumped the table and forced Darik to the floor. Straddling his waist, I pulled back and pounded into him with my fists. Someone grabbed me around the waist and lifted me off the dick, who had his arms over his face, blocking the rest of my attempts at hurting him. I got a few good hits in.

  Idiot arse-muncher. An urge to shift and rip his head off crossed my mind.

  “Leila, please calm down.” I didn’t think I could’ve if it was anyone but Isaac holding me back. However, his nearness distracted me, especially when his breath fanned down along my neck as if it were caressing me. Isaac cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, Leila. He will be punished for it.”

  From out the corner of my eye, the look on Isaac’s face had me turning my gaze down to Darik. He lay on the floor smiling up at the both of us. Darik then burst out laughing.

  “You told me she was easy to get going.” He took a deep breath. “I didn’t think it would be that easy.”

  No way. No effing way. It was a test?

  “You… you, dick. You little effing bitch, you were playing me?” My eyes sprung open in shock and yet my hands clenched tight, because I was still pissed.

  Darik got to his feet, dusting off his clothes. “I had to test you in some way, see if you’re good enough for my sire. He doesn’t take on many friends, so when he does, they’re forever. I had to see if you were strong enough to have his back, which you are,” he said, rubbing at his jaw.

  “But you spat in my face.” I gagged.

  “So? I heard you’ve been licking everyone today. What, you can’t handle a little payback?”

  “Seriously?” I turned to Isaac who’d only just let go of me and stepped back, unfortunately. “You.” I pointed at him and glared. “Dear God, you brought someone here worse than Jeremiah.”

  “No fair.” Darik laughed. “I’m way better than him. But you have to admit, it was pretty funny.”

  I looked back to Darik. “Just you wait, when you least expect it, I’ll bring hell upon you. You won’t know when, but be scared, be very scared. Now enough of this stuff, let’s eat and be nice to one another.”

  Darik let out another laugh, and so did everyone else, except Isaac, who shook his head at Darik. Walking back around the table, I picked up my chair and sat down.

  Darik, maybe not knowing I had good hearing, whispered to Isaac, “You have a good one there, Sire.�

  Only I didn’t get to hear Isaac’s response, because Caelen bellowed out a loud burp. “You see, love, we vampires can belch as well. We’re the bomb.” Rolling my eyes, I shook my head and smiled. He always seemed to be the one who acted so young, like a fifteen-year-old.

  While we ate dinner, conversation flew around the table. However, all I could think about was what Isaac’s reply would have been to Darik.

  I knew I probably should have been annoyed by what Darik had done. In a way, I understood his revolting test. I would have done the same, yet perhaps without the spit, if I were in his position.

  In the end, did it really matter what Isaac’s answer would have been? It shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help hoping he wanted more from me.

  While Jeremiah had said Isaac didn’t see me as a sister, that could just mean that he saw me as his friend, and that alone.

  Goddamn, all this crap is confusing, and I swear my brain just farted from all the thoughts.

  What I needed to do was be happy with what I had. I’d had no one for so long, and since had a heap of wonderful people who sat with me at my table, sharing a meal, joking and laughing together.

  It was something I’d always wished for with my uncle and me.

  Yes. What I had should’ve been enough. I needed to stop my emotions from getting in the way.

  Though—sigh—I was worried what I felt for Isaac was because he was the first person, in so long, to pay attention to me. Who wanted to be around me just the way I was. Perhaps I felt strongly for him, because he came to me when my life had been dark and he’d shown me my life could be filled with light.

  I’d been without anyone’s attention for so long, which could have caused my emotions to jump to the wrong conclusions. What would happen if something did occur between Isaac and myself?

  Will anyone care if I just start banging my head against the wall? It was what I felt like doing to stop my mind from overthinking bloody everything.

  “I’ll help you clean the table, Father,” Jezanna offered, standing. I glanced around at everyone’s cleared plates and down at mine. I’d hardly touched it. Getting up, I took it to the sink, got out the cling wrap, covered my plate with it and stored it in the fridge. I was sure I’d be hungry later; if not, I’d have it at breakfast tomorrow.


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