Only By Moonlight

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Only By Moonlight Page 24

by Emery, Lynn

  She covered her startled cry by pretending to gasp with pleasure. In a quick motion, LaShaun lifted her hips and let his fingers rip the fabric of her leggings down the center seam. One more tear and she’d be wearing nothing else. Abiku bucked against her and moaned louder.

  “I love the flesh,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Then taste it,” LaShaun replied.

  Despite her actions, her mind focused like a laser on what she must do next. The chorus in her mind grew louder. Chase tore free of his pants in two quick motions. With fingers like claws, he shredded the leggings and shirt LaShaun wore. It seemed the sight of LaShaun in tattered fabric drove him even wilder. He growled in an attempt to form words. LaShaun felt repulsed even though she saw Chase.

  “Be strong,” a voice said.

  “Yes,” LaShaun murmured.

  A glint to ravenous lust made Chase’s eyes bright, but the glow really came from the demon. “I knew the power of his strong body would rule your senses.”

  LaShaun turned her head so he wouldn’t see the fear in her eyes. Every part of her spirit rebelled at being in union with Chase while he was controlled. But the chorus in her head urged her on. So she lifted her body and lowered her hips on his pelvis.

  “Devour me,” Abiku’s accented voice gasped.

  He licked LaShaun’s neck like a man starving for the taste of her. Through his guttural pleas as he called out her name, LaShaun heard the phrases again. She spiritually grabbed onto them until her mind cleared to the one true purpose. At first she repeated them silently, but after a few seconds she whispered the words.

  “We are bound in truth and faith. Yes, we are truly joined, but not in the darkness that attempts to enslave us. We are bound by the pure love of our union before God,” LaShaun said, her mouth pressed against Chase’s cheek. “We are united, we are wed, but not with the unholy purpose. We did not willingly choose this way.”

  “Ah, ah, what is that? What…” The voice of Abiku grew hoarse; his grunts sounded more in pain than pleasure.

  “We are joined in God’s love as we intended with this token,” LaShaun yelled. “With these words I declare our marriage is true and…”

  “Stop this defilement!” The demon roared.

  The true evil essence of the thing pushed to get away from the power of her prayer. Chase’s skin felt clammy suddenly. A blast of hot air swept the room causing the heavy drapes to sway. LaShaun shivered in a second sudden gust of icy cold. The bed shuddered and the rest of the furniture in the room started to move. LaShaun wrapped her body around Chase. She continued her vow despite the whirlwind. LaShaun ignored the way the room shuddered. She had no idea how much time passed, but when she finally opened her eyes Chase panted against her breast. Her left hand tingled intensely. LaShaun gazed at her engagement ring. The Ametrine sparkled even in the muted light of the room.

  “Open this door,” Neal called.

  “I told you not to leave them alone,” Marion Saunders said.

  “We don’t have time for your harping,” her husband shouted.

  The banging on the door intensified until it vibrated on the hinges. LaShaun looked for anything to use as a weapon. She intended to fight her way out no matter the odds. She pulled back from Chase. He slid down to the bed when she let go, his eyes half closed. Her feet hit the Persian wool carpet just as the bedroom door rattled ominously. Though solid the wood, it couldn’t withstand much more of multiple people applying such force. LaShaun heaved in air and let it out to clear her head.

  “You need to get dressed.”

  LaShaun whirled around to find Chase fumbling with the leather straps. He soon had one untied. With effort he grunted, sat upright and managed to get the second strap loose from her wrist. He braced himself with both hands on the bed. When Chase started for her, LaShaun raced to the table. She broke the plate and pointed the jagged piece of China at him.

  “Who the hell am I talking to?” she shouted.

  “What’s she saying?” a voice asked on the other side of the door.

  “Me, but I don’t know how long before…” his voice trailed off and his dark eyes looked glassy. Then he looked at LaShaun again.

  “I, I…” LaShaun fought to stay in control, but she heard it in his voice. Only Chase remained in the room. At least for now. Tears rolled down her cheeks despite her efforts not to cry. No time, a voice barked in her head. This is no time to fall apart.

  Chase took a step toward her with his hands extended. “I love you, and that’s forever. No matter what I said or did, we are one.”

  LaShaun trembled at the tenderness in his gaze. Her heart told her no demon could mimic what she saw. “Don’t leave me, Chase. Please. We have to fight him together.”

  “I know, cher. I know. But do what you have to.” Chase continued talking to her sweetly as he approached.

  “No. No.” LaShaun shook her head. She tried, but couldn’t bring herself to attack him.

  Seconds later, Chase took the improvised weapon from her shaking hands. LaShaun collapsed into his arms, not caring if he killed her in that instant. The sweet touch she knew well combed the wild hair from her face.

  “We don’t have much time,” Chase rasped. “Once I get you out of here don’t look back, no matter what.”

  “Chase, I can’t.” LaShaun shook her head frantically. “Don’t ask me to.”

  “Listen, do you think I want to live not knowing when I’ll black out or do things I despise? You might say something supernatural is happening, but… inside me is something dark. I went through hell in the war. Things I saw.” Chase squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again. “Things I did, LaShaun. Don’t let me become a monster. No matter why, don’t let it happen. Promise me.”

  She gazed into his dark eyes for a second. “We’re married, but not because of the foul ceremony they performed. Once we’re both free we’ll exchange holy vows.”

  “Married?” Chase gripped both LaShaun’s shoulders. Before he could say more wood splintered into the room.

  Chapter 18

  Seconds later the door flew open and hung crazily to one side. Neal rushed in first holding a thirty-eight pistol. Harry Saunders waved an iron fireplace poker over his head. Ted Waterman hung back looking much less eager to jump in. Gina and Marion craned their necks to see around the men.

  “What the hell happened to my room?” Marion blurted out with her eyes stretched wide.

  Neal scowled at her and Marion snapped her mouth shut. He turned back to Chase. “Are you okay?”

  LaShaun sank to her knees and whimpered. Or pretended to. She looked up at Chase. At that moment she hoped he could read her expression since he couldn’t read her mind. More importantly, she hoped Chase was still Chase. He blinked a few times and then stood straight.

  “I hope you have a damn good reason for interrupting our wedding night consummation,” Chase said. He held out a hand to LaShaun. When she moved back, he reached down and forcibly pulled her up. Then he yanked a decorative throw from a chair nearby and draped it around her.

  “We apologize for the intrusion, master,” Ted Waterman wheezed.

  Neal walked closer to Chase with the gun still pointed at him. “Nice try, but I’ve been around long enough to know better. The connection is weakened. It’s not him.”

  Harry Saunders stepped closer with the poker still raised. “We need to speed things up then. She’s still able to block his energy enough that the possession is unstable.”

  “I agree,” Neal replied. “We’re running out of time. The hearing is in two days.”

  “Two days?” Ted squawked. “You expect us to keep them both locked up for that long? Look at him. He’s strong as a young bull.”

  “Hmm, yes he certainly is,” Gina agreed. Her gaze roamed over Chase’s body.

  Marion pushed past Ted to enter the room. “And she’s tricky. We don’t know the true extent of her paranormal abilities. All I’ve heard are vague rumors and superstitious gossip.”

/>   “Manny can tell us,” Neal replied.

  “Then why hasn’t he? He’s still playing games,” Marion answered sharply.

  LaShaun held herself stiff as though she loathed being close to Chase. In truth the warmth from his body fed her spirit, reminding her of their love. With their captors intent on their conversation, she gently nudged him with her hip. His hold tightened and then loosened.

  “The Blood River Ripper isn’t some poodle I can train with treats after a few weeks,” Neal growled at her. “I’ve been in The Fold longer than you, so don’t question me. I’m not your whipped hubby. Remember who I am.”

  He glared at Marion first, and then his heated glance flickered to the others. The room grew still, the air heavy. A faint whiff of something burnt, something dead, snaked in like a foul invisible beast. Marion’s overbearing expression dissolved as she inched away from Neal. Ted looked scared enough to wet his pants.

  “Marion didn’t mean to challenge you. Tell him, honey,” Harry said, his voice strained with tension. Seconds ticked by before she spoke.

  “Of course not. I’m just anxious to advance our cause. Proceed as you see fit.” Marion gripped her hands together.

  “Thank you,” Neal retorted with smile that looked deadly rather than conciliatory. He looked at Chase again. “Step away from the bride.”

  A hot breeze swept the room and Chase rolled his shoulders. LaShaun’s stomach lurched as she watched Chase’s handsome face take on a foreign look. His jaw muscles tightened until he wore a ferocious smile, his lips pulled up into a sneer. The brutish gleam had returned to his dark Cajun eyes.

  “Ah, but being with you fed me in more ways than one. Sweet love,” the words came from his mouth with the faint accent. Chase looked at Neal. “You’re right. We don’t have much time. Have the women dress my soul mate properly.”

  LaShaun jerked free of his grip on her arm. “I’m not your soul mate.”

  “You will be.” The smile that Chase wore bore no resemblance to the one she loved so well. Then he turned to Neal. “We have much left to do tonight.”

  “We must reinforce the connection,” Neal said quietly. He looked at LaShaun.

  “Agreed.” Chase gestured at him and strode out of the bedroom.

  Neal followed him after a few instructions to the others. Seconds later LaShaun let the throw slip from her shoulders. The shredded fabric of her cotton night shirt left her breasts and thighs exposed. She brushed hair away from her face and turned to Harry.

  “Don’t let them do this to me. Please,” she whispered. Then she looked at Ted. “Please.”

  “You’re going to be a lot better off because he’s chosen you,” Harry said. His stern expression loosened once his gaze slid down to her breasts.

  Ted gawked at her exposed thighs. “Listen, honey, you’re actually going to have a lot of fun. I mean once you get used to us we’re not so bad.”

  Gina came up behind Ted and slapped the side of his face. “Stop drooling and do something useful.”

  “She’s right, Ted. I’ll make sure this little spitfire is secure,” Harry replied.

  “Think again. Gina and I will get her dressed,” Marion said. She walked around him to block her husband’s view of LaShaun. “Stop fantasizing. From what I’ve seen, he has no plans to share her. I don’t think you want to cross our new leader.”

  Gina barked a laugh. “Hell, I don’t think you want to piss off Marion either. You two horny middle-aged dudes need to leave. Now.”

  “We’ll be in the study.” Harry avoided his wife’s gaze as he left.

  “Yeah, in the study,” Ted echoed. Then he looked at Gina. “You’re no prize you know. Remember, he didn’t choose you.” When Gina hissed at him, Ted scurried after Harry.

  “Why do I waste my time?” Gina asked no one in particular.

  “He’s got millions,” Marion replied in a dry tone.

  “Oh yeah.” Gina snorted a laugh.

  “Now get the clothes in the armoire,” Marion ordered. She shoved LaShaun onto the bed. “Don’t try working your little charm on the men again, dear.”

  LaShaun pretended to be still too shaken to resist much physically. “You’re all insane and evil.”

  “Then that’s real bad news for all of you worms not in our circle, huh? We’re about to rule the world,” Gina said.

  “Oh please. You can barely hold on to your men,” LaShaun wisecracked. “Five minutes alone with those two and they wouldn’t have remembered your names.”

  “Shut up,” Marion snapped.

  LaShaun honed in on the button she’d just pushed. “Harry will be sniffing around me sooner rather than later.”

  “I’m going to…” Marion advanced toward LaShaun with her hands balled into fists.

  Gina cut her off. “Cool it. You saw how he acted toward her. Our leader has a permanent hard on for this one. He’ll eventually get tired of her though. Then we’ll teach her some manners.”

  Marion glowered at LaShaun for a few moments then let out a slow hiss of air. “I look forward to the day.”

  Gina tossed LaShaun a pair of cotton yoga pants and a long sleeve T-shirt. “Here, put those on lover girl. You won’t be such a temptress in that.”

  “By the way, don’t think you can get away.” Marion marched to the heavy drapes and pulled them aside. “There are bars on both windows. And we’re going to keep you company while Harry fixes that door.”

  LaShaun caught a glimpse of a darkened landscape, but part of the sky still looked orange. “What time is it?”

  “You’re not going anywhere, so it doesn’t matter,” Gina replied with a laugh. “It’s just about five o’clock in the evening. Don’t worry though. Your date will be on time.”

  “We’re prepared for you, bitch,” Marion said with a feral smile.

  LaShaun said nothing as Marion tied the thick leather straps around her wrists again. She attached them to metal circles on the wall above the bed’s headboard. Made to look like they were part of the decorative wall sconces, LaShaun hadn’t examined them closely before now. Harry and Ted returned. They replaced the broken door. Marion and Gina kept the men from re-entering the room. Harry tried his best to get a look at LaShaun stretched out on the bed with her arms extended over her head. After a few choice curse words from Marion, he retreated. Ted called the two women over. Voices low, the three of them talked a few moments before Ted left.

  Gina looked around the bedroom. She’d done the job of putting furniture back in place. “Okay, this was just a minor distraction.”

  “You’re going to stay tied up like this if I have anything to say about it,” Marion said. She laughed when LaShaun didn’t answer.

  “I think we’ve taken the fight out of her,” Gina retorted.

  Gina sat at the table, took out her phone and stared at the screen. Marion sat in an armchair next to the table and stared at LaShaun. The hostility in her glassy eyes gave her an unhinged look. Though tempted, LaShaun restrained her itch to taunt the woman. Instead she centered her thinking. She breathed in and out in a steady rhythm. After a while Gina put down her phone.

  “Damn, wish we had a television or something in here.”

  “No. We need to watch her,” Marion said, her gaze still on LaShaun.

  Gina looked at LaShaun and then at Marion. She tapped Marion on the arm. “Hey, you need to lighten up on the jealous woman shit. Harry might have the hots for her, but he’s no fool. He would slice Harry up for touching her.”

  Marion’s eyes narrowed. “She’s got some kind of supernatural thing that makes men lust after her. I say we get rid of this piece of trash.”

  “What we need is some entertainment,” Gina replied forcing a playful tone. “Hey, I’ll keep an eye on her. Go get that backgammon set and a deck of cards. Could be a long night.”

  “Backgammon?” Marion glanced at Gina sideways.

  “It’ll be fun. Besides, I can fix her some more of that special brandy,” Gina said low, but not low enough
that LaShaun didn’t hear.

  “I’m not going to fall for that one twice,” LaShaun snapped.

  “You’ll drink it if I have pour it down your throat,” Marion snarled. She started toward the bed, but Gina grabbed her arm.

  “Will you calm the hell down? You don’t want him to catch you threatening her. Besides, I’ve got a Plan B for this one. Ether. One whiff of that and Miss LaShaun will do as she’s told.”

  “I say we skip to Plan B anyway. Be right back,” Marion replied with a nasty grin. She continued to glare at LaShaun until she disappeared through the door.

  A click indicated Marion locked it from the outside. Gina went to the window. She gazed out of it for a few minutes then paced the room. LaShaun felt the nervous energy radiating from her.

  “You got something to say?” LaShaun raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Quit keep making cracks about Harry, okay? Marion can be a little… she gets crazy when it comes to him.” Gina frowned at LaShaun.

  “I noticed,” was all LaShaun said.

  “Look, I didn’t know all this crap was going down. Kidnapping, murder, a bunch of bat shit crazy teenagers. Now they’re trying to get some guy with a nickname like The Blood River Ripper out of prison. I’m not ready to hang out with devil worshipers and serial killers.” Gina chewed on her fingernails until she chipped polish on one. She muttered a curse word and snatched her hand down.

  LaShaun watched Gina pace a few seconds more, her agitation increasing. “How do they plan to get Manny out of prison?”

  Gina went to the door and put her ear to it. “Okay, before Marion comes back—”

  “She’s not coming right away,” LaShaun said quietly.

  Gina looked at LaShaun over one shoulder. “Is it true? They say you have paranormal gifts, like you know things before other people.”

  “Tell me what’s going on.”

  LaShaun wondered why the demon hadn’t filled them in on her skills. Then she remembered her grandmother’s lessons about demons. They didn’t know everything. Despite what movies or myths said, not even Satan could create. His lesser minions had fewer powers than he did. Demons took advantage of the weakness of people, appealing to their lust for power, money and pleasure. Those desires lead humans to perform dirty work for demons. With little time to spare, LaShaun had to test if Gina’s fear could be used to advantage.


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