
Home > Fiction > Forsaken > Page 10
Forsaken Page 10

by Bec Botefuhr

  “It’s going to be ok, everything will be ok.”



  Devastation doesn’t even cover how I feel right now. Seeing him lying in that bed each day is doing my head in. My best friend, my Brother, if he dies…I shake my head. I can’t think like that, I have to be strong, be positive. Maya is distraught; I hear her crying each night, even though she thinks I can’t. She is dealing with a lot, and I worry it is all just too much.

  When she told me she was pregnant, I was so shocked. I couldn’t think, and I felt like a dick for running out on her. I am happy about it though, God, I couldn’t be happier. I feel guilty, feeling happy while Nate is fighting for his life. I have felt every emotion in the past few days; I have felt fear, heartache, sadness, anger, happiness and loss. I blame myself; I was the one who made him run. I don’t know how much more I can feel before I explode.

  I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and I pick it up. “Hello?”



  “It is Nurse Annie from the hospital. We have some news, can you please come in?”

  “Is he ok?”

  She laughs, “He’s awake!”

  “What?” I cry, feeling my chest swell with happiness, “I’m coming.”

  I quickly shoot Maya a text, and then I get in the car and begin driving. When I arrive at the hospital, I run down the halls. I skid into Nate’s room and I can feel the massive smile on my face when I see him sitting up. He looks over at me, his face is still bruised but I can see the small smile he gives.

  “Oh fuck.”

  I rush over and grip him in a bear hug.

  “Whoa, go easy buddy,” he croaks.

  I let him go, and then I grip his shirt.

  “If you ever fucking do that to me again, I will make that face look a whole lot worse.”

  He laughs hoarsely, “I’m sorry bud.”

  “I’m the one who should be sorry, fuck, I over reacted.”

  “You had every right.”

  “The thought of losing you,” I whisper, shoving his chest, “Don’t scare me like that again.”


  We hear the little voice, and I turn to see Maya standing at the door. Her eyes are wide and tears thunder down her cheeks. She puts her hand over her mouth.

  “Come here bubba,” Nate whispers, his own voice cracking.

  She rushes over and crawls into the bed beside him. He soothes her and strokes her, caring about how she feels, even though he likely feels like shit.

  “I thought you were going to die…” she whispers.

  “You can’t kill me off that easily.”

  “I was so afraid.”

  The nurse comes back in with a tray of food. She sets it down in front of Nate.

  “The doctor said you can eat, just try it slowly.”

  Maya covers her mouth, “Sorry,” she groans, and leaps off the bed and dashes into the bathroom where we hear her lose her breakfast.

  Nate looks at me and raises his brows, “Why did Maya just run in there like a pregnant woman?”

  I grin and I see his eyes widen, “No?”

  “Yes, she’s pregnant.”

  “Holy fuck, get over here!”

  I walk over and hug him again, he pats my back.

  “Congrats man, that is awesome.”

  “Yeah, it is. We haven’t really celebrated yet because someone took all the attention away by trying to kill himself.”

  He chuckles, “You know me, center of attention.”

  “Yeah, typical,”

  “So a baby huh? That’s fucking fabulous.”

  “Yeah, it’s great.”

  Maya walks out look pale and sick. She smiles weakly; I walk over and pull her into my arms.

  “You ok baby?”

  “Just sick, again,”

  “Hey, you, get over here!” Nate calls.

  She looks over at him and smiles, “He told you?”

  “He told me, congrats, I am going to be a wicked Uncle.”

  “When you get out of that bed,” she teases.

  “Give me time; I will be chasing you again.”

  She laughs and walks over to hug him once more.

  “Has anyone called your parents?” she asks, “They have been frantic.”

  “The nurse did, they will be in soon.”

  “And Janelle?”

  “She came in this morning, Jasmine was with her.”

  “Was she ok?”

  “There was a lot of emotion, but they were a lot happier when they left.”

  “That’s good bud; we should probably let you rest.”

  Maya pouts and I laugh, flicking her lip.

  “Don’t pout at me beautiful, he needs rest.”

  Nate gives me a look, and I sigh.

  “Alright stay, I have to head back to work.”

  Maya beams and leaps up, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “I love you Ryder, you are the best.”

  “Yeah, well, I try.”

  “I will see you later?”

  I lean down and brush my lips across hers.

  “You know it.”



  I snuggle closer to Nate’s chest, breathing in his scent. He has his arms firmly around me, and we are laying in silence. I am thanking God, I have been for the past two hours. He gave me back my best friend, and I will be forever grateful. Nate shifts a little, so I move and sit up.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  He smiles, “No sweetheart.”

  “I am so glad you are ok Nate, the past week has been hell.”

  “How is Ryder?”

  “Truthfully? He was a wreck. He has his brave face on now, but he was devastated.”

  “I am sorry you guys had to go through that.”

  “If you hadn’t made it…”

  “Hey, I did make it, it’s all ok.”

  “Nate, I’m so sorry about everything that happened.”

  “You shouldn’t be sorry.”

  “Can we move on from that?”

  “Maya, I have to ask…”

  “It’s Ryder’s,” I whisper, knowing what he is going to say, “I am over four weeks along.”

  “Thank God, I couldn’t do that to him again.”

  I smile and grip his hand, “It’s all ok, we will be fine. Have you told Trey you are awake?”

  His eyebrows raise, “Trey has been by?”

  “Yes, every day. He was so broken over it Nate, you should call him.”

  “I will. Imagine his face when my number comes up on his phone?”

  I laugh, “Don’t kill the man.”

  “I promise not to. So, tell me more about this family of yours? I haven’t even had the chance to ask you after everything that has happened.”

  I lean back down and spend the next hour telling him about my new family. When a nurse comes in, I realize it is afternoon and I have probably drained him.

  “I should let you get some rest,” I say, stroking his pale cheek.

  “Yeah, I do feel a bit crap.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I cry.

  He smiles weakly, “And miss out on snuggles? Not likely.”

  I feel my eyes well up again.

  “Now don’t cry again sweetheart, I am ok.”

  “Nate, if anything ever happened to you…”

  He takes my face and brings my lips down to his, kissing me softly. When I pull back the nurse gives us an odd look. I know she has seen me with Ryder and is probably confused.

  “I love you bubba, ok?”

  I nod, biting my lip, “Right back at you cowboy, rest up.”

  I walk over to the door, and turn just as I reach it, “Call Trey, he needs to know you are ok. He has missed you. He is good for you Nate, I hope this helps things.”

  Then I turn and leave. Part of my speech was true, and the other part was for the benefit of the nurse who clearly thought I was having
some saucy relationship with two men. I snort as I walk down the halls; it’s hard enough to keep up with one, let alone two. When I get out into the car park, I see Mark waiting by my car.

  “Hey,” I smile.

  “Hey, I thought you might be here.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Do you want to come to a friend’s party with me tonight?”

  “I should probably….go…”

  “Ryder is working; he said it was all good. He also said if I let anything happen to you, he will cut my dick off and shove it up my ass.”

  I snort a laugh, “Oh God, he didn’t?”

  “He did, but he loves you.”

  “I…can’t drink, but will come for a while.”

  “It’s nothing big, just a few friends. I really want you to meet them.”


  “How’s Nate?”

  “He’s really good; he seems to be feeling better.”

  Mark smiles, “Good, come on, we will take my car.”

  We walk over to his car and get in, we chat easily on the way over to his friend’s house. When we get out of the car, I gape at the huge mansion in front of me.

  “This isn’t a house…” I mutter.

  He laughs, “No, I guess it isn’t. His parents are rich.”

  “You think?”

  We walk up the long driveway, and I admire the perfectly clipped gardens and rolling acres of green grass. The house is massive, and a light pink in color. I can’t see where it ends and begins when I am standing up close. Mark opens the front door and walks in, ok, I could so easily get lost in this place. We step out onto a massive patio with a spa, a pool and a really cool table set up.

  Six people are sitting around the table, four boys and two girls. I recognize one of the girls, she was with Mark at his house. I smile at them all, and they return the gesture. They look like a nice bunch of people, but I can’t help but feel a bit off. It’s been a long time since I socialized with people my own age; I haven’t really had the chance.

  “Maya, this is Jack, Matt, Deon and Kurt,” Mark says, “And that is Shasta and Laine.”

  I smile and wave weakly, “Nice to meet you all.”

  I get a lot of hi’s and hellos from them. Mark leads me over to a seat and I sit down, I am beside Matt, who gives me such a look, I feel dirty. It isn’t often I feel awkward around a person, but Matt makes me feel that way right off the mark. He has steely blue eyes and light brown hair, and while he is attractive, he is creepy.

  “I never knew Mark’s sister was so fucking hot,” he drawls, openly eyeing my breasts.

  “Matt, shut the fuck up and if you speak to her like that again I will give you a blood lip.” Mark snarls.

  “Dude, I was just kidding. Pipe down.”

  “So, Maya, have you lived here long?” Shasta asks.

  “Yeah, all my life,”

  “Oh, I can’t believe you two have been so close. Do you ever wonder if you passed each other on the street?”

  I shrug, “I don’t know, I guess we might have.”

  “It’s so cool. You look just like Mark’s Mom.”


  “So, do you have a boyfriend?”

  I smile, “Yes.”

  “Well damn, that makes it harder.” Matt mumbles just loud enough that I can hear him. I shudder.

  “Oh how sweet. What’s his name?”


  “Oh, that is a wicked sweet name,” she smiles.

  I like Shasta; she is friendly to me, even though she doesn’t know me. We talk for another hour more, but I am busting to pee so I excuse myself. I manage to find the large bathroom in the mansion and I use it quickly. Just as I am stepping out, I see Matt standing against the wall with his arms crossed.

  “Do you like my house?”

  Warning bells are going off in my head, something about this man gives me the creeps.

  “Yes, it’s very nice.” I say, trying to step past him. He blocks my way.

  “Shame on the boyfriend part, I could give you a great time.”

  “I’m not looking for a great time.” I snap.

  “Now come on, don’t lie. All girls want a piece of me.”

  “No, they don’t.”

  I try to shove past but he refuses to move.

  “Tell me Maya, does he fuck you real slow.”

  I gape and shove him hard.

  “Get the fuck out of my way.”

  “Or what?” he growls, shoving me against the wall.

  I kick him so hard between the legs he falls to the ground.

  “If you ever try to touch me again, I’ll cut them off!”

  I turn and rush off down the hall, and I pull out my phone and text Ryder.

  M: Can u come pick me up?

  R: Yeah, why? Is everything ok?

  M: It’s fine I just want to leave.

  R: On my way, what’s the address?

  M: Twenty Lane road.

  R: That big place?

  M: Yeah.

  R: Alright baby, be there soon x

  I head back outside, and Mark instantly comes over to me.

  “Was he bothering you?”

  “He won’t be anymore; he is lying down with a sore groin. Ryder is coming to get me.”

  “So sorry, but I’m not sad for him. I’m hope it hurt like hell. Sorry your night wasn’t great.”

  I smile and touch his shoulder.

  “It was lovely, thanks.”

  He grins and nods. “Thanks for coming.”

  Ryder shows up half an hour later and both of the girls stare in awe. Yep, my man is one hot piece of work. I let my gaze linger up from his toes. Black jeans, blue shirt that is tightly stretched across his chest – his hair is messy and he has that total bad boy look. I walk over and he wraps his arm around me.

  I introduce Ryder to everyone, and then we say our goodbyes and leave. I stare at him as we are driving home, and I realize that during the past week we haven’t been intimate because of the tragic accident. I reach over and my fingers stroke his thigh, his eyes meet mine for a split second and I can see the raw hunger in them. It’s enough for me.

  “I want to fuck in this car,” I say, softly.

  His foot hits the brake and the car skids to the side of the road. He pulls right off, and we can’t be seen from cars passing by. He turns the lights out, so we are in pitch darkness and then I hear his seat slide right back. He reaches over and grips my hips, and pulls me over and onto his lap. His lips find mine and I drag him into a deep, hot kiss.

  “God, I have missed you,” he growls.

  “Me too,”

  “I need to fuck you baby, hard and fast.”

  “I think we can manage that.”

  His lips drag down my neck and a ragged moan slides out of my parted lips. His hands slide under my shirt, cupping my breasts and teasing them with his thumbs. I can feel his cock beneath me, throbbing and so hard. He groans when I wiggle my hips around on his lap. With a great shuffle, I manage to get my bottoms off and I lower myself back down onto his lap, only to be met by a very hard erection.

  “Oh,” I murmur, biting my lip.

  “Oh alright,”

  He grips my hips and lowers me slowly over his length, his growl vibrates through my body as I rise up and slowly go back down again. A pleasured moan escapes my lips, and I rock gently up and down. Ryder groans and his head falls back, his jaw is tense as I slide up and down, bringing myself closer to a release.

  “I am going to come,” I whimper.

  “God yes, baby…”

  I erupt and cry out as my body trembles and shakes, Ryder thrusts his hips upwards furiously, pumping until he is shuddering and growling my name. When we come down from our high, he looks into my eyes and smiles. It is the first time I have seen him truly smile for weeks and it brings out my own relieved smile.

  “Ready to go home, you look like you need a good, comfy bed.”

  I smile, “I think I do.” />
  When we arrive back home, I head into the apartment with Ryder. Seeing the lights out next door, I figure Sandy is either out or sleeping so I figure I will spend the evening here. I shower, enjoying the hot water cascading down my skin. When I am dressed, I slip out to find Ryder already in the bed. With a smile, I leap in next to him.

  “I am so glad you aren’t working tonight, I miss you.”

  “I might have to reconsider my hours when the baby comes along,”

  I roll and look at him. “I never thought of that.”

  “I want to be part of it all, night feedings included.”

  I laugh, “I think I won’t have many complaints about that.”

  He smirks. “No, somehow I don’t think you will.”

  “Are you excited?”

  He grins, stroking a stray piece of hair away from my face, “Hell yeah.”

  “Do you think girl or boy?”


  I smile, rubbing my stomach with my free hand. “I think boy.”

  “Should we bet on it?”

  I laugh, and roll back onto my back, “After I sleep.”

  He rolls into me, and we wrap ourselves together and fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. Things are finally looking up.



  Three weeks pass, and Nate has recovered well, but he still can’t go back to work yet so he is house bound most of the day. So, like any normal house bound person; he is driving us crazy. Ryder is working extra hard to save for the baby, I am really proud of him for doing that. He dotes on me, rubbing my feet even though they don’t really need to be rubbed, washing my hair when I am in the tub at night. He is just beautiful.

  “God, I’m going cray cray!” Nate groans from the couch one afternoon.

  I am in just out of the shower, and dressed for a night out with Ryder. He wants to take me to dinner, so I have spent the afternoon prettying myself up. I sit down beside Nate, who gives me a helpless look.

  “Why don’t you invite Trey over?”

  He brightens, “I suppose I could do with my own private nurse while you two are out.”

  “Ugh, images…”

  He winks at me, and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “We both know you like those images.”

  “Oh shut up, you are never going to let me live that down are you?”

  “Hell no, you watching Trey suck my…”

  “Stop!” I cry, throwing my forearm across my eyes, “Stop.”


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