Forbidden Temptation (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #4

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Forbidden Temptation (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #4 Page 11

by Teresa Gabelman

  Roslyn rubbed her hip against his hardness with a grin. “So, you busy after all the fun?” She flirted.

  “Yeah, I’m going to be real busy, and so are you.” He had leaned close to her ear, knowing how his whispered words of how they were going to be busy would make her as anxious as he was.

  “You don’t play fair.” She pouted, looked around, and then cupped his hardness, giving him a squeeze. “Then again, neither do I.”

  “You’ll pay for that,” he warned. Dell then pulled away from her because if he didn’t, the haunted trail would have another attraction. Him taking his mate against the nearest tree. “I’ll be right back.”

  Walking away from her was the hardest thing he’d done in a while. He could smell her desire, and everything inside him screamed in protest the further away he got. He knew his cock was pronounced through his jeans, so he untucked his black shirt to cover his erection. Looking toward the woods, he wondered if he could escape long enough to rub one off. The last thing he wanted was to give the kids an anatomy lesson. Glancing behind him, he saw Roslyn with a huge grin watching him. She knew exactly why he had untucked his shirt and found it funny. Yeah, he’d show her funny later, he vowed.

  “We ready to go?” He headed toward Garrett and Hunter.

  “What’s the hurry?” Hunter frowned, his arm draped around Emily’s shoulder. “We still have hot chocolate, roasted marshmallows, and shit. I’m starving.”

  Dell never wanted to hit Hunter more than he did at that moment. There he was with a raging hard-on, thinking of nothing other than fucking Roslyn, and Hunter wanted to roast marshmallows like a little bitch. Once a male found their mate, nothing other than claiming her over and over again filled their mind. He’d never understood it, but it was true. He couldn’t keep his hands off her, couldn’t stop thinking about her and how he was going to take her, and when he wasn’t with her, his dick became hard just thinking about her sweet ass, nice tits, and tight pussy.

  “Why’s your face all red, bro?” Hunter frowned, looking at him real close. Hunter stepped closer as Emily walked over to help serve the hot chocolate. His eyes went down to Dell’s groin, and he howled in laughter.

  “Shut the fuck up, man.” Dell looked around, but no one was paying attention.

  “Dude, if you only knew how many times I was and still get in the position you are in now.” Hunter hooted a few more laughs. “You found your mate so now your dick is in control,” he whispered, so none of the kids could hear him.

  Hunter was weirdly right. His dick was in control, and no matter what Dell did, it became hard with every thought of Roslyn. He’d had many women in his lifetime, but this was different. Way different. He took his job seriously, but in all honesty, if a small window opened right at that very moment to bury himself inside her, he’d take it and fuck his job.

  “With Emily being human, it was a little different. I have to use some control, which was fine because she is one fine piece of woman. Roslyn is one of us, and I bet she’s ready to be fucked, my man, so go fuck her. I’ll cover you.” Hunter nudged him. “Go on, take care of that before you kill someone with it.”

  Just the thought of doing exactly that had him ignoring the crude talk about Roslyn, but he knew Hunter didn’t mean any disrespect, because what he said was true. Shifters were sexual beings, and when they had sex, it could get pretty out of control at times. He wasn’t embarrassed that Hunter knew his situation. They’d talked about sex for as long as he remembered. They were brothers at heart, and when not talking about it, they were having it.

  Dell was actually considering it, but looked around and shook his head. “Nah, I appreciate it, but I’ll wait.”

  Garrett, who had walked up during the end of the conversation, grinned at him.

  “What?” Dell asked, glancing down to make sure he was covered.

  “Just never thought I’d see the day Dell Farris was being led around by his cock.” Garrett chuckled. “It’s nice to see—”

  “Dude…” Hunter looked at Garrett. “That sounded a little… you know….”

  “It’s nice to see…” Garrett glared at Hunter as if he were an idiot. “…that you’re just like us poor mated bastards.”

  Just at the moment, Marcus and Roxy were coming out of the woods both wearing a satisfied grin. “See!” Hunter pointed toward Marcus and Roxy. “Things are smooth, man. Go take care of your woman.”

  Garrett just shook his head with a grin. “You might as well wait. We’re going to be pulling out soon. No pun intended.”

  “Oh, he has jokes.” Hunter snorted, heading toward the hot chocolate and food. “Who knew.”

  Dell grinned, feeling more a part of the brothers than he ever had. He watched as Hunter and Garrett gave Marcus shit for taking Roxy in the woods while working, and laughed. Weren’t they just telling him to do it? Shaking his head, he started rounding up the recruits for the ride back home. He was both pleased and relieved that everything had gone smoothly. His eyes went to the man who had been talking to Roslyn earlier. Reed wasn’t a bad guy, but he was a known womanizer and had screwed half the population of Lee County and then left them. Dell knew for a fact he had been trying to make Roslyn one of his conquests. Good thing the man had backed down and saved his own life. Human men didn’t usually take the hint so fast, but Reed had. Shifters, on the other hand, could smell the scent of another male shifter on a female and knew if they touched the female, death would soon follow by her mate’s hand.

  He had marked Roslyn, and tonight he would definitely be marking her again for good measure. His softening cock began to throb again at that thought.

  “Fuck!” he growled, then got busy trying to take his mind off the many ways he was going to mark her.


  Roslyn sipped on her hot chocolate watching the kids roast marshmallows on the large fire. Their laughter brought a smile to her face. Dell was busy getting the cars lined up, but she had been told to stay with the kids.

  “Hey.” Leda came up, her expression concerned as she pulled Roslyn away from the crowd. “I was checking Sam’s candy and found this.”

  She handed her a large red foiled heart with a white folded paper taped to it. Taking the heart, she felt the candy inside was broken into pieces. As she pulled the tape off, the foil ripped and out fell a piece of chocolate at her feet. At that moment, she knew this wasn’t good. Glancing around she noticed that no one was paying attention, so she turned and headed to the edge of the woods and opened the paper. Leda was beside her.

  The crude writing swam in front of her face, the hot chocolate swirling in her stomach making her nauseous.

  If you don’t show up at Shoemaker Ridge by tomorrow night, then hell will rain down on your new friends. I’ve already left, and as soon as Cylus finds out you’re not with me, I will save my own ass by bringing him and the rest to that nice little town. Many will die by your hand. Save them by sacrificing yourself. See you soon, Roslyn.

  “It’s the man I saw in the woods that chased me, isn’t it?” Leda frowned, shifting from foot to foot.

  Roslyn ignored her question because it was obvious that it was. “What did he say to Sam?”

  “He gave him ten bucks to make sure you and only you got it, but with all the excitement, Sam forgot,” Leda explained, then glanced behind them. “What are you going to do?”

  “You read it?” Roslyn knew she had, but dammit, she wished she hadn’t. When Leda nodded, Roslyn cursed. “You can’t tell anyone about this, Leda.”


  “No!” Roslyn had to make her understand. “You saw the man. You know he’s evil. You felt it, and that’s why you ran. All of them are that way. Cylus is the worst. He will come here and tear this town apart. People will die, Leda. Please don’t tell anyone. We took an oath to protect this pack and telling them is not going to do that.”

  “What are you going to do?” Leda didn’t say she would or wouldn’t say anything, so Roslyn needed to be careful.
/>   “I don’t know, but I need your promise.” Roslyn shoved the note in her pocket as she stared at Leda, begging her to stay silent.

  “I promise,” Leda finally said, but didn’t look sure about the promise she just made.

  “Thank you.” Roslyn grabbed her and hugged her. “Nothing is going to happen to anyone here, that I can promise you.”

  “What about you?” Leda’s eyes searched hers, as if already knowing the answer to that.

  “I’ll be fine,” Roslyn replied, then glanced over her head. “Now let’s go help get everyone out of here.”

  Leda nodded. As she turned to leave, she turned to give Roslyn one last glance before running off. She just prayed that Leda kept her word. A sudden sob escaped her throat, but she swallowed the rest. It wasn’t the time to break down. She needed to think, but deep down, she knew exactly what needed to be done. She was surprised that you could actually feel your heart shatter into a million pieces, just like the chocolate heart with the attached note that sealed her fate.

  Chapter 17

  Once back home, the pack and town residents waited until all were gathered. The excitement of the night and the candy high had everyone laughing and talking. Roslyn watched from the sidelines, but not really seeing anything other than the doom she knew was waiting for her in just a few short hours.

  Leda had given her only a few looks, but so far, she knew without a doubt her secret was safe. She was keeping her promise. Garrett’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Garrett, Marcus, Hunter, Jonah, and Dell standing together in a line. Everyone walked toward them and quieted. Dell’s eyes found hers, and for the life of her, she couldn’t look away.

  “Tonight was successful, and I want to thank you all for the way you handled yourselves. Whether you are a shifter or human, you did our pack proud.” Garrett gave the crowd a nod of acknowledgment as they clapped. “The reason I wanted everyone to meet is because I have a big announcement.”

  The whispers became louder waiting for the announcement. One thing Roslyn had learned was other than Hunter, the Foster brothers were a quiet group, Dell included in that. For Garrett to stand in front of them all, something very important was about to happen, and Roslyn was just as curious as the rest.

  “I’m stepping down from the alpha position,” Garrett finally said, his eyes full of authority as he looked over the group. “This has been a very hard and well thought-out decision, but it is time for someone new to take over.”

  “But what will happen to us?” one person shouted, but Roslyn couldn’t tell who it was.

  “Yeah, who’s going to be alpha and where are you going?” another shouted. “We will follow you wherever you go.”

  “And I appreciate that, but I have found my replacement and I know all will approve.” Garrett gave them a reassuring smile. “If I didn’t feel this was the right decision, I would not be in front of you announcing it. You all know me well enough to know that your welfare, the welfare of this pack, is my main priority and always has been. My family is not leaving the pack.”

  “Well, who is it?” another male shouted over the nervous mumbling of the crowd. “Please don’t let it be Hunter!”

  “For the love of God, Willis,” Hunter called out and rolled his eyes. “I’m a mated man now and not after your daughter.”

  Garrett stood silent while the crowd laughed and then quieted down. “Dell Farris will be your new alpha.”

  There were gasps, Roslyn’s the loudest. All eyes went to Dell who stood proudly next to Garrett.

  “It was offered to each of my brothers, but they turned it down. All three of us, including Jonah, believe Dell is the perfect fit,” Garrett announced and then waited.

  The silence of the crowd was deafening until one person began to clap, and then soon, everyone was shouting their approval. Dell was then surrounded by the pack who were congratulating him, and all Roslyn could do was feel the darkness of doom creeping closer.

  “There will be no battle for the status as I willingly hand over the pack to Dell,” Garrett shouted over the noise. “Now a few words from your new alpha.”

  Roslyn saw the look Dell shot Garrett and knew he wasn’t prepared to speak. Dell was a very quiet man, except in the bedroom. She gave a sad smile at that thought. She saw that he searched her out and knew he wasn’t happy about having to speak. She gave him the most radiating smile she could muster, with a nod of encouragement.

  “Thank you, everyone.” Dell then cleared his throat. “I will never be the alpha that Garrett Foster has been, but I do promise each of you here that I will take my position seriously. I will protect this pack with my own life and treat each of you just as fairly as Garrett has. I will never be able to fill his shoes—”

  “Yeah, ’cause you wear a fucking size 20,” Hunter called out lightening the mood, making all agree and laugh.

  “But I will continue on the path he has set.” Dell finished to more claps and hoots of excitement.

  Roslyn watched as the crowd continued to surround Garrett and Dell. She stayed toward the back of the crowd, more in the shadows. Now more than ever, she knew for a fact her plan was the right course of action. Tonight would be her last night with these wonderful people and the amazing man who’d stolen her heart. The pain she felt at her loss was so great she wrapped her arms around her stomach and squeezed, hoping it would ease, but it didn’t. Feeling someone staring at her, she turned to see Leda at the edge of the crowd, watching her.

  Giving the girl a smile, Roslyn knew by the look on Leda’s face she didn’t fall for the fakeness of it. So she shook her head and mouthed the word, “Please.”


  Dell had never talked more in his life than he did in the last hour, but he felt so much better about his decision. He had searched out Roslyn several times wishing he knew her thoughts, and in truth, he probably should have asked her before truly accepting. Having a mate and having to answer to someone was all new to him. Something he was happily getting used to, but he’d make mistakes. Maybe this was going to be his first of many, but he’d make it right.

  Eager to find her, he spotted her at the edge of the crowd alone. After being stopped a few times, he was finally standing in front of her. She looked up at him, her smile slow to show, and his mind told him something wasn’t right. “Are you okay?”

  That question seemed to snap something inside her as a flash of fear crossed her eyes before it was hidden. “Of course, and I would say congratulations is in order. You will make an amazing alpha, Dell.”

  “I should have told you.” His response was direct.

  “What?” She looked surprised by his statement. “Dell, what you decide to do with your life is your decision to make.”

  “No, it’s our decision to make.” Dell touched her cheek. “As my mate, we make decisions together. I’m sorry, but this is all new to me, and I’m learning.”

  “No one has ever apologized to me before,” Roslyn said in awe, her eyes brightening with unshed tears. “And it comes from a man who has no reason to apologize.”

  Confused by her small confession, Dell’s alertness came to the forefront. “Roslyn, is something wrong? Has something happened?”

  “No,” she answered quickly. “Of course not.”

  He peered at her, knowing something was off, but not sure what it was. He knew no one had approached her here or at the haunted trail, because she had never been out of his sight. The only one other than himself she had talked to was Leda and well, that asshole Reed, but Dell had taken care of that situation. He had no problem interrogating Leda if needed.

  “Nothing is wrong.” She smiled up at him as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Now, if you are finished with your duties, how about we go celebrate?”

  He tipped her chin higher so he could stare deeper into her eyes. She was trying to distract him, and at the moment, he was going to let her. His instinct told him that something had happened, and his instincts always proved right, bu
t for now, he would let it go.

  “And how do you want to celebrate?” He gave her a slow grin.

  “Ice cream.” She sighed, then closed her eyes. “Chocolate with chocolate syrup.”

  “Ice cream?” He frowned with disappointment.

  She peeked at him with one eye open as a large grin spread across her face. “Not what you were thinking?”

  “Not even close.” He growled as he glanced around and headed toward the woods.

  It was a cool night, but not overly cold. The moon was almost full, and it was perfect. Even while giving his little speech, which he still didn’t know exactly what he’d said. He’d been too busy looking at Roslyn and imaging her naked underneath him out in the open, in nature where they truly belonged.

  “Where are we going?” Roslyn laughed as he led her deeper into the woods.

  “To celebrate, my way.” He hurried her along. Thinking she was going too slow, he picked her up and carried her.

  “I can walk.” She snuggled against him.

  “You can,” he agreed, his eyes searching, his senses open to humans and shifters.

  She ran her hand along his bicep. “But I do like being carried by you.”

  “Then I will carry you everywhere.” His head turned, looking for the path he was seeking. Finding it, he headed that way.

  “I don’t think that will be acceptable behavior for the new alpha of the Lee County Wolves.” Roslyn leaned up and kissed his neck.

  Dell growled low in his throat, knowing she didn’t have a clue the restraint he placed on himself. He hurried to the spot he knew was close. It would shelter them somewhat, but he was only thinking of her and not himself. He couldn’t care less if someone spotted them, but he wasn’t sure how Roslyn felt about that. He wasn’t going to take the chance of embarrassing her.

  “I don’t care,” he finally said with a grunt. Spotting the place he sought, he grinned. At last he could bury himself inside her. He was a patient man, usually, but with Roslyn, he had no patience.


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