Forbidden Temptation (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #4

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Forbidden Temptation (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #4 Page 13

by Teresa Gabelman

  He backhanded her again, but she didn’t go down. The pain was excruciating, and she tasted the hint of blood inside her mouth. Fully aware her nightmare was only beginning, she tried to make peace with the fact this was her life and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. A flash of Dell’s strong features crossed her mind, but she pushed it away. That was over, and the sooner she realized it, the better off she would be.

  “You have nothing to say?” Cruelty seeped into every word he spoke. Even if it was to say, “good morning,” which had never left his lips, it would have the same cruel, evil intent to it like everything that escaped his lips did.

  Spitting out blood, she looked back at his eyes and knew all he would see there was emptiness. “I hate you.” The whispered words escaped and there was no pulling them back. Maybe if she pissed him off enough, he would just kill her and all the pain she knew was coming her way would be shortened to just one day, not drawn out.

  Instead of turning angry or even hitting her again, his head fell back, and he laughed loudly. She hated his laugh; it was as cruel as his words. Once he stopped, he looked over at Uric. “Take her to my tent,” he ordered with a grin on his face. Then his gaze traveled down her body. “I’m so going to enjoy this.”


  Dell walked straight through town naked not caring and went directly to his garage. Going into the storeroom where he kept extra clothes, he dressed and started packing a bag. After that, he headed toward Garrett’s. Walking inside he found Janna with the babies in the kitchen.

  “Hey, any luck?” Janna asked, her eyes concerned as they searched his.

  He just shook his head. “Where’s Garrett?”

  Janna frowned, but pointed to the back door. “Out back cutting firewood.”

  Walking outside without saying another word, he found Garrett chopping firewood with Hunter stacking. Garrett stopped when he spotted him and wiped sweat from his forehead. “Devon told us what was going on,” Garrett said first. “Any luck finding her?”

  “No,” Dell replied, not really wanting to talk about it. He knew for a fact she had left him, and he didn’t know why.

  “Me and Marcus scouted around, and Taz is right. She was alone. No sign of anyone with her or a struggle.” Hunter frowned, then looked away from Dell as if uncomfortable. “Sorry, man.”

  Dell wanted to kill something. He hated anyone feeling sorry for him; in fact, it pissed him the fuck off. “I know this is bad timing, but I’m leaving town for a few days,” Dell stated, ignoring Hunter as he stared straight at Garrett. “You may have picked the wrong person for alpha, and if you need to reevaluate your decision, I have no problem with that. I need to reevaluate things myself.”

  Garrett didn’t say anything for a minute but just stared at Dell. “Hunter, leave us for a minute.” His eyes never left Dell’s.

  Hunter only nodded, then patted Dell on the back as he passed without saying a word.

  “Are you sure she left of her own free will?” Garrett set the ax down and leaned against the pile. “Is there any reason we shouldn’t be getting everyone together to go look for her?”

  The very exact thought had come to his mind more than once, but he knew the only contact made was with Leda and then the writing on the mountain in deer blood. He had been with Roslyn from that day since. One of them would have smelled foul play. No, she had left him. He was sure of it. “She packed a bag” was all Dell said.

  With a sigh, Garrett nodded. “Then she didn’t deserve you.”

  “Don’t even go there.” Dell’s anger was clear in his voice. “You don’t know everything so don’t judge her.”

  “Sorry, but when I see one of my brothers hurting, I tend to be a little one-sided.” Garrett picked up the ax. “Go do what you need to do. I made the right choice in alpha and will cover until you get back.”

  “Thank you,” Dell replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder. Any other time Garrett’s words of confidence would have put him on top of the world, but not today. He felt anything but the right choice. “I’ll keep in touch.”

  Garrett nodded. “Watch your ass, Dell.”

  He didn’t answer, just turned and walked away. He headed toward the last spot he had picked up Roslyn’s scent. He stopped right there and closed his eyes, trying to picture which way she may have gone.

  The vision of her smiling up at him flashed through his mind, making him growl. His emotions were so prominent it was hard to focus on what had to be done. Once he found her, and he would find her, he would not make her come back with him. No. He would, however, make her tell him to his face why she walked. He deserved that much.

  His eyes opened and his head turned west as he scanned the area. Taz was damn good at tracking, but this was something Dell needed to do on his own. He didn’t care if it took a week, month, or years. He would find her.

  His wolf was pushing him to head west, and usually, his wolf was right, so he gave in and took the first step toward finding her. Nothing short of death would stop him.

  Chapter 20

  Leda drove into town and parked. Rushing out, she grabbed her bags out of the back seat and headed inside. She had been gone all morning running errands for Janna, and she was exhausted, but it was always good to get out of town for a while. Her thoughts kept going back to Taz from last night. Her feelings for him hadn’t changed even after seeing him kiss Darla, the witch.

  Rushing inside, she scented something amazing coming from the kitchen and her stomach grumbled. “What is that smell?” She tossed the bags on the counter to find Hunter slaving over the stove, which wasn’t anything new. With Emily at the feed store, Hunter usually came over to help Janna cook, since she was so busy with the babies. He was actually a really good cook.

  “Chicken gumbo,” Hunter replied, then glanced over his shoulder. “What’s in the bags?”

  “Stuff for Janna.” She went over to look in the large pot. “Chicken gumbo, huh?” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Don’t like it, don’t eat it,” Hunter replied, his tone not his usual funny self.

  “Well okay, grumpy, I won’t.” She walked toward the counter to empty the contents of the bags. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Before he could answer, Garrett walked in, a large frown on his face as he headed over to the sink to wash his hands. The tension in the room was palpable, and Leda knew something had happened.

  “Are the babies okay?” Leda glanced toward the hallway where the baby room was before looking back at Garrett, who was drying his hands. He and Hunter shared a look.

  “They’re fine,” Garrett answered, tossing the towel on the sink. “Roslyn left.”

  Garrett said the last so bluntly it took Leda a second to get her mind off something being wrong with the twins to what he said. “What?”

  Leda’s heart started to thump in her chest and her knees started to shake.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Hunter eyed her. “You look pale as hell.”

  “Roslyn left?” Leda looked at each of them. “Are you sure?”

  “Well, Dell seems pretty sure of it. Said she packed a bag.” Garrett was also looking at Leda. “Why? Do you know something, Leda?”

  “Where is he?” Leda started to head out of the kitchen.

  “Who?” Hunter called out as she headed for the front door.

  “Dell!” Leda just slammed out of the door. “Oh, God.”

  She ran toward the car garage, but it was locked up tight. She spotted Hunter and Garrett running toward her, but they weren’t who she wanted to see. At the top of her lungs, she screamed for Taz. “Taz!”

  “Dammit, Leda.” Garrett grabbed her. “What’s going on?”

  Taz came running down the street and slid to a stop beside them. “What’s wrong?”

  “You have to find Dell,” Leda said, with more panic than she ever had felt in her entire life. Oh, God, what had she done?

  “Leda!” Garrett shook her gently. “What is going on?”

know where she is,” Leda cried, feeling responsible. She explained about finding the candy and note in Sam’s bag. “I saw the note. It said that if she didn’t show up at Shoemaker Ridge, they would come and take the pack out.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Garrett was furious that someone had gotten that close to not only the pack, but to little Sam. “And you didn’t think that was fucking important to tell someone?”

  “Hey, chill.” Hunter stood up for Leda. “She just made a mistake.”

  “Is that what you and Ross were arguing about at the haunted trail?” Taz frowned down at her.

  Leda didn’t like everyone coming at her, but she understood it. She messed up. “Yes, but she promised me she wouldn’t do anything. When I pressed her, she said she would tell Dell about it after everyone was back safe after the haunted trail. Yes, I believed her. I never thought she would go back there.”

  “To save the pack, she would have,” Taz replied with a sigh. “All the talks I’ve had with her, I knew she was afraid of something, but she cared about this pack. She worked just as hard as any of us to keep it safe.”

  “I know where Shoemaker Ridge is,” Hunter said as more of the recruits and Marcus arrived. “We’ll head that way.”

  Garrett nodded, still frowning at Leda. “Taz, take Devon and Les. Find Dell.” He pulled out his phone. “I’m going to text and try to call Dell, but he may be somewhere without signal.”

  “I’m going,” Leda informed them, but that was shot down quickly.

  “No, you go back to the house,” Garrett ordered, as he put the phone up to his ear.

  “No,” Leda said, her mind made up.

  “Leda,” Garrett warned, then hung up his phone with a curse. “This isn’t the time.”

  “I’m part of this pack and I’m the reason she’s gone. I will not go back to the house, and if you even think of making me, then I will leave.” Leda stood tall. “This is my fault, and I’ll be damned if I sit in the house like some pansy-ass girl.”

  Hunter cocked his eyebrow. “We don’t know exactly how big their pack is, so I say she goes.”

  Garrett just grunted, then pointed at Leda. “This isn’t over.”

  She watched Garrett turn away, hating he was mad at her, but she wasn’t going to budge on this one. She had really screwed up and felt terrible.

  “Let’s hope Dell doesn’t get that message before we get there.” Marcus frowned. “He won’t have backup.”

  “Once Dell finds out about this, he won’t need backup.” Hunter grinned. “He’s going to tear them apart. Poor bastards fucked with the wrong man.”

  “Get your shit together and meet back here in five.” Garrett headed toward his house, shouting the orders. “Taz, you guys go ahead and take off. If I hear from him, I’ll let you know. Make sure you keep in contact.”

  Taz agreed then started to take off, leaving Leda standing in the middle of the street. He stopped, turned and in three steps was in front of her. “Stay out of trouble until I get there.” He gripped her chin and kissed her hard. “I mean it, Leda.”

  Not having any other comeback other than to nod like an idiot, Leda watched him take off with Devon, and Les giving her a strange look before taking off after Taz. Her stomach dipped and swirled as she watched him disappear, still feeling the touch of his lips on hers. Shaking the thoughts off, she focused on what was to come and prayed Roslyn was okay. She would never again keep something from the pack like she had. She should have told someone, especially Dell. If something happened to Roslyn, or any of her pack, she would be to blame. That didn’t sit well with her at all.


  Dell jogged through the woods. He picked up some tracks and knew it was her, but soon they were gone in the mixture of leaves and mud. His phone vibrated in his pocket, indicating he had a text. Pulling it out, he noticed he had missed a call. Service was spotty in this area at best.

  Opening the text, his heart sped up to almost stopping its beat all together. The text was from Garrett.

  Garrett: A note was given to Sam at the haunted trail for Ross. It stated that if she didn’t show up at Shoemaker Ridge by tonight, then our pack would be taken out. We’re heading that way now. Do not make a move before you have backup.

  Dell had to read the message twice. The second time his grip on his phone was so tight, he heard it crack. Raising his eyes from the phone, he searched the area. He knew exactly where Shoemaker Ridge was. He also knew somebody was going to die.

  Sticking the phone in his pocket, his body radiated with fury. Relief also shot through him as he realized she hadn’t actually left him. Now anger pulsed through him. That she’d put herself in the situation which could end her life for his pack was almost too much to comprehend.

  Slinging his pack over his shoulder, he sped off in a full run, letting his rage spur him forward. If one motherfucker even touched her, they would die in the most unpleasant way he could think of. Questions of why she kept this from him plagued his mind, but he needed to worry about that later. He had one current mission, and that was to make sure Roslyn was safe and right now, he was terrified for her.

  After running for a half an hour, Dell slowed as he glanced to his left, aware that would be the shortest way, but it was also the hardest because he was going to have to scale the mountain in front of him. The faint smell of wood fire drifted toward him; they were still there. His fear had been he would be too late. Without giving it further thought, he raced to the base of the mountain and began to climb. His wolf urged him to shift, but Dell refused. The man was going to get his vengeance, not the wolf.

  Plans of attack ran through his mind, making the climb quick. Soon he was on top of the mountain, looking down at the ridge. He would have to swim the stream that separated him from Roslyn, but that was fine. Dell could tell that parts were deep by the color of the water. He would walk through the fires of hell to reach her.

  Scanning the area, he was too far away to see anything. Once down the mountain, he would have a better vantage point. With ease and carefulness that was driving him insane, he scaled down the mountain, his eyes rising every so often to scout the area below for threat.

  Soon he was at the base and found a spot where he could hunker down to strategize entry to their camp. Faint voices and a female’s scream echoed around him. His heart stopped until he realized that it wasn’t Roslyn.

  If he swam in, he would be coming out right in the middle of their camp. Searching, he was surprised to see no look-outs posted. This Cylus bastard must be cocky enough to think he didn’t need them. That was fine. The cockier they were, the quicker they went down.

  With stealth, he made his way up the stream to a point where he could cross. Fully clothed, he didn’t hesitate as he stepped into the cold water. Once it was up to his neck, he began to swim across, his eyes scanning for any danger. Dragging himself out once he was on the other side, he stood and stashed his bag so he could prepare himself mentally for what was to come. But that changed quickly when he heard another woman’s scream. This time it was Roslyn, and the pain he heard in her voice sent him over the edge.

  He sprang out of his position, his eyes zeroing in on where the scream came from and without hesitation, he headed that way.

  His plan was set.

  Kill the motherfucker who just made her scream.

  Chapter 21

  Every muscle in Roslyn’s body screamed in pain. It was almost too much effort to lift her head, so instead, she let it dangle, her chin resting on her chest. Her arms felt like they were being pulled from her body as the rope tied around her wrists burned and bled. Through her blurred vision, she watched the streams of blood slip down her body into the dirt below.

  Her head was lifted roughly, her vision filled with Uric’s ugly features. “Had enough yet?”

  If she had enough spit, she would have shot it in his face, but her mouth was so dry she could hardly muster up the words, “Fuck you.”

  “Soon, little whore.” He grabbed her breast
and squeezed then flicked her nipple. “Very soon I will be fucking that pussy, but not until Cylus is done with you.”

  “Disgusting,” she slurred, then screamed when the whip came down across her stomach.

  “Next time I’ll whip it across that pussy you think is so special.” He sneered in her face. “But Cylus isn’t done with it yet.”

  Tears pushed against her eyelids, but by some miracle, she kept them from falling. That was what they got off on: fear, tears, and causing pain to others. She refused to give them the satisfaction. While Cylus had raped her after the beating, she had just lain there as if dead. In truth, she was dead. The only thing that kept her going was the fact she was keeping Sam, Leda, the twins, and others safe from Cylus’s evilness. No one deserved this treatment, and one day she would kill him.

  She must have passed out or dozed off because the next thing she knew, cold water was thrown in her face. A lot of water. She coughed and sputtered, shaking it out of her face. Opening her eyes—well, eye because the other one was swollen shut—she saw Cylus smirking at her. His eyes went down her body, and when they came back to her face, there was anger reflecting back at her. He walked closer to her, making her flinch. She cursed herself for showing fear.

  “How is it that you look so disgusting and I still want to fuck you?” Cylus grabbed her chin to pull her ear close to his lips. “I have never had a weakness until you. You are a witch, aren’t you?”

  Jesus, he was crazy. While she’d known that all along, since she’d been back, Cylus had been acting way over the top with his talk and actions. He had never hurt her so badly before. He always liked her to look pretty, womanly, yet this time he had beaten her, whipped her, bruised her, and still, he wanted her. And he was blaming her for this.

  “Do you know what they did to witches?” he asked loudly as he stepped away from her.

  “Burned them!” someone shouted from behind her.

  “Burn them,” Cylus agreed with a sinister grin. “That’s right.”


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