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TAMING THE BEAST: An Alpha Male Page 7

by Olivia Cox

  “Thank you, Ms. Johnson.” Robert typed in a few more notes, and then he folded the keyboard, closing his tablet. “I appreciate your help and your directness. I'm sorry again if these questions were in any way upsetting to you. But we had to investigate this fully.”

  He got up to leave. Chanise rose to her feet as well. “So, is that it? Is Jake going to be allowed to play again?”

  “I can't say,” Robert said. “My job is only to investigate the situation and file a report. Mr. Stone will be informed if and when the suspension is lifted.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Phillips,” Dr. Johnson said. “I'll see you out.”

  Chanise sat back down while her father led the investigator out of the office. When her father returned, he sat across from Chanise. “I don't think there's anything to worry about,” he said. “Though I certainly hope that next time, you think things through more before you do something like this.”

  Chanise shrugged, giving her father a bashful smile. “I know, Dad. But I couldn't help it.”

  “You feel that strongly for him?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

  He reached over and patted her on the knee. “Well, then. You make sure to keep a hold of him then. No use getting into such a mess over a man if you let him get away.”

  * * *

  A few weeks passed without any word about Jake's suspension. Jake and Chanise continued seeing each other each week, and they even had dinner one night with Chanise's father, making Chanise feel like maybe her dad actually approved of the relationship. Some nights, Jake came over to Chanise's apartment and spent time with her and Deena. He even brought some Pixar videos with him when he visited so that they could all do a movie night together with something Deena would enjoy. Other nights, Deena spent the night with her Grandpa so that Jake and Chanise could get some much-needed alone time together.

  One night, when Chanise arrived at Jake's place for a private dinner date, he greeted her at the door with a bottle of champagne in his hand. “Great news, babe,” he said, popping the cork. Foam poured out of the tip of the bottle, spilling all over the hardwood floors.

  Chanise stepped back to avoid getting any champagne on her dress. “Careful with that, sweetie,” she said.

  “Oops.” Jake set the champagne bottle down on the coffee table, then ran into the kitchen to get some towels. He came back and knelt down, sopping up the champagne. “But like I was saying, great news.”

  “Is it about your suspension?”

  Jake looked up at her and grinned. “I just got the official notice today. I'm off suspension. I'll be able to start playing again by mid-season.”

  “Oh, that's wonderful.”

  Jake rose to his feet and she gave him a hug, squeezing him tight. “I'm sorry about almost getting you into more trouble,” Chanise said.

  “Nah, it's okay,” Jake said. He tossed the towel into the kitchen, barely getting it to land on the kitchen table. “I was the one who went after you, even when I knew it could get me into trouble. I knew what I was doing.”

  He poured the champagne and they sat on the couch together, sharing a toast. “So, what now?” Chanise asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you've got your career back,” Chanise said. “But what about the rest of it? What about us?”

  “What about us?” Jake asked. “I mean, I thought everything was going great.”

  “Is that enough for you?” She frowned at him, toying with the stem of her champagne glass. “Just to be dating, and having things going great?”

  “Do you want something more?” Jake set down his champagne glass, giving her a serious look.

  “Eventually, yes. I'm not asking you for a proposal. But I want to know where this relationship is heading. I've got my daughter to consider.”

  “And Deena's great,” Jake said. “I love her. She's an awesome kid.”

  “She's a kid who needs stability in her life. I need to make sure I can provide that for her.”

  “Well, I've been thinking about that,” Jake said.

  “You have?” Chanise's eyebrows rose.

  “Yeah, sort of. I mean, about us, and all. I've been thinking that maybe I should look into getting a place outside the city. I mean, living in the city is great and all. It's an amazing view.” He gestured to the floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city. “But it's not really the best place for settling down or anything. Not that I'm ready to settle down yet, exactly. Just, you know, I want to get myself into that place. Where I'm ready to.”

  “So you want to move?” Chanise frowned, not sure where he was going with this.

  “Yeah. And I was thinking.” He took her hands in his, looking deep into her eyes. “I was thinking, maybe if I move, maybe you could move, too. With me, I mean. Move in with me.”

  Chanise froze, her hands trembling. “Are you serious? Is that what you want?”

  “Yeah. And then down the line, who knows.” He smirked, giving a little shrug. “It's the first step, though. I mean, I've never lived with a woman before. Hell, I've never had a relationship last this long before. So I want to do it right.”

  Chanise was stunned. She stared at him, not sure what to say.

  “So,” Jake asked, a hesitant look on his face. “What do you think?”

  Chanise smiled. “I think yes. Definitely yes.”

  ****THE END****

  Also included with this book are two bonus books:



  Continue reading to enjoy these special bonuses!


  Chapter one

  I thought that I had it all and my dad was always that big shot that had me rolling in luxury. I had nothing but the best. I didn’t even know that there was anything to worry about until it was too late. I lived thinking that money grew on trees. Any time that I asked for something, it would be given to me freely without reservation or hesitation. Growing up, I was forced into culture and religious beliefs by my dearly departed mother.

  I also had a naughty and rebellious side of my father that was most likely the cause of my father going prematurely gray. Thankfully, it didn’t make him look old. It made him look sophisticated and worldly.

  You’re welcome dad.

  “Jessica, I want you to come down here and apologize to your brother.” I heard my father’s voice and I knew that I was in a bit of trouble. It wasn’t anything that I couldn’t get out by batting my eyelashes or feigning innocence. It would work on my father, but my stepmother Allison was another story altogether. She never let me get away with anything. The days of having my father wrapped around my little finger had vanished a year ago.

  My father was a bit of a playboy and he used his good looks and charming personality to bed down several different playmates. Thankfully, his bedroom was on the other side of this large estate and I could barely hear anything. The most that I got were mumbles and girlish glee, but it was what happened a year ago that changed everything.

  We had the most amazing collection of cars and they started to dwindle, as my father started to sell them off to keep the roof over our head. He claimed that it was only a precautionary measure, but I knew that being a real estate mogul didn’t help matters. The bottom had dropped out and he was one of the few that had stuck it out to the bitter end. We downsized everything, but our home was a heritage that was passed down by his father and his father before that.

  I knew that there was only so much that I could do and ignoring my father was not going to be seen in the best light. My father the consummate player had fallen for a well to do socialite. Allison was born with this silver spoon in her mouth. Her family came from old money revolving around a media empire. Why she wanted to get sidled with an instant family was beyond me. It must have been love. It was the only thing that would explain her need to drop into our lives.

  She didn’t come alone and her main bit of baggage w
as her twenty year old son. Anthony was one of those guys that thought the world owed him something.

  I was sitting on my bed in the Lotus position with the flecks of moonlight coming through the window. It was pretty damn cool to be this flexible and big boned.

  I could see the bathroom and the illumination of the light underneath. I remember lying here many nights hearing him in there showering and wondering what he would look like completely naked.

  “Jessica…Sarah, get down here and you are trying my patience. If you don’t want to lose television privileges and your phone, you will make an appearance whether you like it or not.” Using my middle name with my first meant that he was serious. One thing that I couldn’t do without was my phone and I pretty much had my whole life inside that thing. I even had some risqué photos of my stepbrother. I’d caught him on a couple occasions with his shirt off and was able to subtly take a few quick snapshots for my fantasy life. A six pack and muscles busting out all over the place fueled many nights alone in the room.

  “OKAY…OKAY…I’m just finishing up some homework. Give me about 5 minutes and I’ll be happy to come down and face the music.” He had always considered my homework to be the one thing that I could not slack off on. He expected nothing but the best. I had an IQ that was the equivalent of Einstein himself. I didn’t have the social skills and only one real friend of the gothic persuasion. Helena was a Greek transplant to the school and we had become fast friends, despite the fact that she wore dark makeup and clothing that made her look like she was in mourning 24 hours a day.

  I looked out the window and I saw his black jeep. Anthony was quite the ladies’ man and his idea of making a commitment was paying for dinner and expecting something in return. I didn’t think much of him when he first got here, but I did notice that I had those butterflies whenever he was around. I was constantly looking in his direction and biting my bottom lip with the anticipation of seeing him without his clothes on one day. He had the football player body and the gym in the basement was now getting used too. It was pretty much a second thought, but then he came along and brought with him those muscles that probably could easily carry me all over the house.

  I stood at my mirror looking at my body and knowing that calisthenics and Yoga had made me the vivacious woman that I see looking back at me. My lips were adorned with the slightest bit of makeup. It was just enough to enhance my already natural beauty. I was at the perfect height at 5’8 and was carrying 160 pounds in all the right places. I had the kind of ass every woman was jealous of with more junk in the trunk. A modest pair of C cup breasts rounded off my figure. I had been told by several boyfriends that I had the most amazing green eyes that they had ever seen in their lives.

  I was getting ready for bed and was wearing nothing, but a pair of very sheer panties and a white man’s shirt. It made me feel like I was closer to my father by wearing his stuff. It seemed a little silly and maybe a little creepy to some, but this was something that was between me and my father. There was nothing unsavory about our relationship. I wouldn’t consider wearing his shirt to be that strange.

  I came out into the hall and I bounded down the stairs. Anthony was standing there in a pair of black chinos with a silver belt. His shirt consisted of a pullover blue Henley. His dark hair was combed straight back and that clean shaven look was only making it the much more difficult to be around him without wanting to do something.

  “I don’t know what this is about, but I do hope that we can dispense with pleasantries.” Anthony had his keys in his hands and I could tell that he had found that small tiny little dent in the back of his bumper. It was so small that you would have to literally be looking right at it to see it. “If I didn’t put the dishes away, then I apologize. I’m sure that I can get to them later.” I was showing a bit of attitude, but it was mostly for Anthony’s benefit.

  “Anthony has told me that you took his jeep for a joy ride. I told him that there was no possible way that you would do something like that, but then I thought about Helena. She’s always over here and to be honest I find her to be a little off putting. I believe that she might be a bad influence on you, but I would never tell you who you can be friends with. Before you say that you didn’t do it, remember that we have cameras outside in the yard.” I’d almost forgotten about that and there was virtually nothing I could do that my father wouldn’t find out about.

  “We didn’t go very far. We went down to the lake to watch the fireworks the other night. It wasn’t even my fault. Some drunken jock bumped into it with his jaguar. I was only told this after the fact, but it was so small that I didn’t really concern myself.”

  “You’re going to have to work it off. I suggest that you give your brother your expertise with organization. I walk by his room several times and it looks like a tornado went through it. Your punishment is one week cleaning up after him.” I didn’t enjoy being made into his personal maid, but it did offer me a unique opportunity that I never expected. I would be able to go into the inner sanctum of his bedroom. It was always off limits before, but now my father had given me the perfect way to take a look around.

  “I’m going to be out until curfew anyway. By all means, you can tidy up. Just don’t come crying to me when you find some old pieces of pizza or dirty underwear.” He patted me on the head like I was some tiny little pet. “Just make sure that you’re done before I get home.” What he didn’t want to mention was that he usually came home, but not by himself. He was always sneaking young impressionable girls up to his room. In the last year, I counted at least 30 different partners and all of them left with a smile on their face. Our bedroom was right beside one another with a connecting bathroom. You can imagine that their screams to God were not exactly in a religious way.

  “I’ll spend an hour in there and whatever I don’t get done today, I’ll finish up during the week. I apologize for what happened to your jeep, but it isn’t anything more than a nuisance. You could probably have it hammered out very quickly. You really didn’t have to squeal to my father.” I made him look like he was some kind of snitch.

  It was only lucky that Allison wasn’t around or I would have gotten one of those stern expressions.

  Chapter two

  I went down the hall with my heart thumping in my chest. I put my hand on the doorknob to his bedroom and took a deep breath to ready myself for the manly essence that was going to strike me when I opened the door. It was exactly like what my father said it was. It was a war zone and it really looked like somebody had ransacked the place.

  I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. I couldn’t believe that I was actually here. It was one thing to hear what was going on inside the room, but to see where the magic happened was a revelation onto itself. I stepped over a few discarded pieces of football equipment.

  I didn’t even realize that I was doing it, but my hand had now made its way into the waistband of my panties. I found my wetness and I traced it with my finger, but didn’t attempt any kind of penetration. There was a part of me that thought it was wrong to even consider doing anything like this in his room, but it was also such delicious thought that it was almost too tempting to pass up.

  I looked towards the bed with the sheets hanging off the side. The blue comforter was on the floor and I spied a pair of red lace panties sticking out from underneath his pillow. I surveyed the work that I had to do and there was no way that I was going to finish in an hour. There was no point in procrastinating and I went ahead and started with the small stuff. I cut it into quadrants leaving the bed to be the last thing that I would touch. He had no idea how to live. This was like looking at a perpetual bachelor that had no idea how to take care of himself.

  I had noticed that Allison doted on him hand and foot. His laundry was done and she had even given him an allowance. I didn’t want to know how much he got, but it was always a stack of bills rolled up and put into his pocket.

  I had noticed that his taste in women were mostly dark haired be
auties with a large endowment.

  I picked up a few of his rolled up socks and stuffed them into my bra. I stood in profile at his mirror on the back of his door. I couldn’t understand how any woman could carry around balloons on their chest. It couldn’t be good for their posture and would put a strain on their back. I was happy with what I had and they were more than a mouthful. They probably wouldn’t sag to my knees when I got to be old enough not to care about my appearance.

  I opened his closet and had to jump back with several things falling at my feet. I took everything out of his closet and there was this box in the back. I put it on his bed and I went about to reorganize his closet. I made sure that his summer stuff was right where he would want it and his winter stuff was stuffed back for use in the next few months. Living in Connecticut was great for a ski bunny like me. I loved the feeling of moving down and feeling the crisp cool air on my cheeks. I was alive with nature and not a care in the world.

  An hour had elapsed. I didn’t realize that I was sweating so much that the white shirt I was wearing had become somewhat see through. My hair was matted and I really did look like I’d just finished with a marathon sex session.

  I unbuttoned the first couple of buttons to see the swell of my bosom. My nipples were hard enough to cut through glass. I turned abruptly and I saw that box mocking me on top of his bed. I was about to put it back where I found it, but my curiosity got the best of me.

  There was a lock on it, but he had mistakenly left it open. He was a little forgetful. Most times he would always have to go back out after supper to lock his car. This worked out in my favor and I turned the lock and pulled it off. I left it beside the box on the bed. I couldn’t breathe and I kept looking toward the door to make sure that nobody was going to interrupt this.


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