The Road To Avea

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The Road To Avea Page 11

by Lynn Lorenz

  Sarah, write to me and tell me of your new life and hopefully of a new interest.

  Your dearest friend,


  Find my match, Sarah thought. That might not be a bad idea. She thought she knew just the one.

  She conjured a parchment and picked up her pen to write.

  Dearest Luci,

  Things are going well. My classes are keeping me busy and the officers are proving to be a capable lot. I am starting to patrol and it's very exciting.

  There is a man here, Luci, one that may be your match. He's an inspector and handsome in a careworn way. He's seen much sorrow and needs some beauty in his life.

  He is cursed, Luci--a werewolf.

  Do I have your interest?

  He needs you, dearest.

  Come visit me and see for yourself.

  As for myself, there is a man. Such a man, Luci, like none I've ever seen! He's an inspector, the second-in-command here. Every time he nears me, I feel, well, as I've never felt before and it terrifies me.

  He barely notices me and when he does, we're at odds. I'm sure he thinks little of my skills. Which is just as well, I suppose.

  I'm still determined to make it here on my merits, keep to my goals, and not to fall victim to any man's silky seduction. I'm sure he has women strewn from one end of the district to another, but I'm determined not be counted in that number.

  Chief Thatcher's faith in my talents and skills is a comfort and I find he is a man that I can put my trust in without fear of betrayal.

  Return my letter soon and let me know when you can come.

  Your friend,


  She slipped it into the envelope and sealed it with her candle's wax.


  "Aye, miss." Tandy stood before her, hands clasped, waiting for instructions.

  "Take this letter and have it sent to Miss Luci in Avea."

  "Is she well?" Tandy smiled.

  "Aye, I'm hoping to persuade her to visit here."

  "That would be very nice, miss." Tandy took the letter and disappeared.

  * * * *

  "Patroller Tallow?"

  Sarah looked up from the lesson plan she was writing. Stefan stood in her office doorway.

  "Inspector Bane. Can I help you? Are you here to sign up for the class?" She smiled, knowing that would be the last thing he'd do.

  "No. You'll accompany me to Chester for patrol duty in one hour. Can you teleport?"

  "No, but I'm working on it." She tried to sound confident, but the skill had been giving her a difficult time.

  With a sigh of obvious annoyance, he said, "Have an addler 'port you there. Meet me at the guard shack at the bridge. We'll start the patrol there."

  "Aye, sir. One hour."

  "Don't be late." He pulled the door shut behind him.

  * * * *

  Sarah checked her pocket watch. Right on time.

  Stefan leaned against the railing of the bridge, staring into the small stream. As she approached him, he spoke without turning around. "Patroller, glad you could make it."

  "Am I late?"

  "No." He straightened and faced her. "Let's proceed. We will do a sweep of the village. The main road first, then on the return, we'll do a sweep of the side streets. There aren't many to cover and two men can do it in less than three hours."

  Sarah fell in step beside him. His strides were long and swift. Taking two steps for every one of his, she tried to keep up, but even her skirt fought her as it swirled around her legs, threatening to trip her.

  The man infuriated her. Did he mean for her to spend the entire patrol running and panting?

  "Inspector." She reached out her hand and took his arm. "Wait."

  He stopped and turned. His gaze fell on her hand clutching the sleeve of his uniform jacket. She shouldn't have done that.

  He stared at her hand, then brought his eyes up to meet hers. "What is it?"

  "Can you slow down? Your legs are much longer than mine and if you continue at this pace, I'll be exhausted before we finish the main street and you'll have to carry me the rest of the way." She brushed a strand of hair from her face.

  He looked down at her. Her head came up to just the top of his shoulder. "Pardon me."

  "Not used to accommodating others?" She kept her smile from becoming a smirk.

  "I usually work alone." He turned and started again, this time at a slower pace.

  As the dirt road entered the village, it turned to cobblestone. The first rows of buildings were shops. It seemed there was a fair business in Chester.

  "This is a charming village." Sarah took everything in as they walked.

  "I like it, too. Didn't you live in Avea? You don't find Chester too small and rural?" Stefan raised a hand and waved to the butcher standing in the door of his shop.

  "I shared a set of rooms with a friend, Luci Greenwood. It's an interesting city, but, if truth be told, I prefer smaller and slower." She glanced around. "You can really get to know things and people in a small town. And I guess I'm used to country living."

  As they walked on, he pointed out the different shops and advised her of the current problems that troubled Chester. He told her of a small gambling game that floated between the two pubs in the village. And of the argument between the dry goods owner and the butcher he'd acknowledged. Sarah wished she could have taken notes to keep it all straight.

  They had patrolled the main street from one end to the other and were turning back.

  "We'll do the side streets now. I'll take the right side, and you take the left. Take your time and be observant. Use your mirror to call me if you run into trouble."

  "Aye, sir." She nodded and crossed the street. Slowing her pace, she took it all in. After the first few buildings, businesses disappeared, replaced by small cottages.

  Sarah thought they were charming. There weren't many thatched roofs off-world anymore. At one time, long ago, off-world looked just like this. However, time and necessity had a way of bringing change, and off-world had moved along, far surpassing its majikal twin.

  She would rather stand still here than rush forward there.

  * * * *

  Stefan stood in front of the empty cottage. The last tenants had moved out months ago.

  His careful external inspection told him it needed work. Nevertheless, it was the largest on the street. The thatched roof looked in good shape, but the fence surrounding the dwelling was half down. Weeds had taken over the spacious garden, yet a hardy pink rose clung to an arbor, fighting to stay alive and add its bit of beauty. No telling what the inside looked like, much less the condition of the plumbing, plus it was probably overrun with vermin.

  What the hell am I doing here?

  Estimating how much money it would take to buy the cottage and repair, he held that amount next to his savings.

  What would he do with a house?

  Turning away, he continued his patrol. He'd almost reached the main road when a voice called to him.


  A chill went down his spine. He knew that lovely, icy voice. Turning, his hand on his wand, he kept his expression bland.

  "Cordelia." He didn't offer her any courtesy. "What are you doing here?"

  "Looking for you. I have a message. From the Sorcerer." Hard, beautiful blue eyes bored into his, her full lips pulled back in a parody of a smile.

  "I have my own message to give him. Tell him he can rot in hell." Stefan's voice lowered in anger.

  "He wants you back. My love." The smile twisted upward.

  "I was never your love, Cordelia, and you were never mine."

  "I thought you loved me, Stefan." He couldn't miss the mockery in her voice.

  "Never. Desired, perhaps, but loved, never."

  "He still loves you. Come back to him. To us." She held open her lithe arms as if he would fall into them. Those days were twenty years gone.

  "You're wasting your breath. I'm sworn to fight against him, and I will bring
him down."

  "At one time, you were sworn to him." She ran her hand over his jacket front.

  "Never." He stepped back and shook his head.

  "Your body says different."

  "He may have marked my body, but he didn't mark my soul. Unlike you and Marsh."

  "My brother loved him. As do I." She held her beautiful face up to his in defiance.

  "I saw how your brother loved him." Stefan's face twisted in a grimace of disgust. "That night in the woods, I saw them."

  "What did you see, my love?" She waited for his answer, her eyes on fire.

  "Marsh, on his knees in front of the Sorcerer. I couldn't believe he would partake in such depravity."

  "But, you've had women on their knees in front of you, Stefan. Don't deny it." She took a step closer to him, their eyes locked in some parody of the childhood test to see who would blink first.

  Stefan's eyes held. "Marsh went too far, when he gave himself to the Sorcerer. I couldn't follow him there." He took a breath and held it.

  "And could you follow me? If I got down on my knees? Now, in front of you?" Stepping up to Stefan, she placed her hand on his trousers and began to unbutton them. He felt stirrings in his loins and cursed his body for the reaction.

  "Get off me, you whore." Stefan pushed her away.

  "Whore, am I? For him and his power, yes. You could have that power, too, just as Marsh had." Again, she tried to persuade him with her hands.

  "Marsh had only an illusion of power. The Sorcerer kept all of it for himself." He pushed her hands off his chest.

  "Marsh was to take his place, when the time came."

  "If Marsh was so powerful, why is it he lies dead and buried these last five years?" Stefan's words were like a sword, and she reeled from them.

  "My brother's death is on your head, you bastard." She pointed at him.

  "I merely captured him. How did he die in that cell, Cordelia?"

  "You killed him."

  "Not I, but it had to be someone close to him. Like a sister, perhaps."

  "You can't prove that." Her voice was a hiss of hatred.

  "Perhaps not, but I'll make you a promise, Cordelia. I'll bring the Sorcerer down, if it takes my last breath to do so." Stefan took a threatening step toward her, his hand on his wand. "Now, get out of here."

  "He will destroy you and all you love. That's a promise."

  Stefan's eyes must have given him away because she pounced on whatever she saw in them.

  "You do love! Who is she? Some district maiden, no doubt. Are you old enough to be her father? Or have you found yourself some rich dowager?"

  Over Cordelia's shoulder, his gaze flicked to Sarah, returning from her round, walking down the narrow lane toward them, then back to Cordelia.

  She spun to follow his gaze, then turned back to him. "So, is she the one? Has that cold hard heart of yours actually melted enough to feel love?"

  "Sir, is everything all right?" Sarah's eyes darted from Stefan to the woman. "I thought I heard arguing." She stopped a short distance away from them.

  "What have we here, Stefan?" Cordelia raised a hand to rest on her hip. "Is this your woman?"

  Sarah stared at Stefan, her eyebrows raised and lips a thin line.

  "She? Merely a new patroller I'm training." He raised a hand as if to shoo Sarah away.

  "Merely, eh? She's quite beautiful, Stefan. Have you noticed?" The woman turned to Sarah. "Has he noticed you, dear?" Her smile became a smirk. "Of course not. Inspector Bane is above having physical desires, aren't you?"

  "Cordelia." His voice warned her to stop.

  "Address me as Miss Waterford, you bastard." She turned back to him.

  "What did you say?" Sarah stepped forward. "How dare you speak like that to Inspector Bane."

  "How sweet, she defends you. Are you sure she's not your lover? No, that wouldn't be honorable, would it? And you value honor above all, don't you? Even above a woman." She bared her teeth as she grated out the words.

  "Inspector, are you going to let her speak to you that way?" Sarah's hands fisted.

  "Patroller, keep to your duties. Continue your patrol," he ordered. "Miss Waterford, you delivered your message, so please leave." Stefan stared at Cordelia as she faced him. Now her fist clenched around her wand.

  "I'll go when I am ready and not before, Stefan." Cordelia stalked toward Sarah. "Get out of my way."

  Sarah held her ground. The two women glared at each other and squared off. Sarah wouldn't follow his orders, and Cordelia was spoiling for a fight.

  "I believe Inspector Bane deserves an apology for your slanderous words, Miss Waterford." Sarah nodded toward Stefan.

  "Sarah, stay out of this." Stefan tried again. "That's an order."

  "Better listen to him. He's your superior, isn't he? Now, get out of my way." Cordelia reached out to shove Sarah to the side. Taking a quick step back and twisting her shoulders to the side, Sarah let Cordelia's own momentum carry her. With no one to push, the energy of her movement was lost, and Cordelia stumbled past Sarah for several feet.

  "You'll pay for that, bitch." Cordelia spun around and aimed her wand.

  "Sarah, watch out!" Stefan pulled his wand, but he was too late.

  * * * *

  Sarah stared at the tip of the woman's wand and her heart hammered in her chest. She fired at almost point blank range. Blue fire surged toward Sarah. Without thinking, she raised her hands up to block the blast and poured her majik into her hands, creating a barrier. The blast hit the barrier and the heat rose, her palms burn and the air crackled. If she weakened or stopped, she'd be injured, perhaps even killed. Focusing her mind and tamping down her fear, she threw more majik at the barrier.

  The blast became inert as its energy finally dissolved.

  "Suffering bastard!" Stefan cried out.

  Cordelia's eyes went wide; she paled, and with a shift in pressure, 'ported out.

  Sarah staggered. Stefan caught her in his arms as her knees gave out, then lowered her to the ground.

  "Sarah, are you all right?" He stared into her face, as he brushed a strand of her hair from her face.

  Sarah opened her eyes at his touch. Stefan's face hovered above her, his forehead creased with worry. His arms tightened around her as he crushed her to his chest.

  "Stefan, I can't breathe." Sarah struggled in his arms, but he was so strong.

  "You need a healer." Stefan looked up and down the street, clutching her even tighter.

  "No. You're holding...too...tight."

  He looked down at Sarah and, with a deep exhale, loosened his grip on her. "Are you hurt?" His deep voice grew even huskier.

  Her entire body tingled, but she was sure it had nothing to do with the blast she'd deflected and everything to do with the man in whose arms she found herself.

  "My hands burn." Sarah held her hands up to look at them. Her palms were bright red, but there were no blisters forming. "I feel very weak, but I'm fine."

  "I want to get you to a healer, Sarah."

  He stood holding her in his arms. For one foolish moment, she thought to protest. It passed, and she selfishly allowed herself to rest her head against his shoulder.

  "Hang on. I'm going to 'port to Avalon."

  Wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, she buried her face in his neck and inhaled his scent. Her nose brushed the muscles in his neck. Sarah heated.

  They 'ported.

  Chapter 9

  "I came as soon as I heard." Thatcher stood next to Stefan in the waiting room of the castle's infirmary.

  "The healer is with her now," Stefan said as he leaned against the wall.

  "What happened?"

  Stefan related the events in Chester about him, Cordelia Waterford and Sarah, judiciously leaving out most of the personal conversation between Cordelia and himself.

  "You say she put up a barrier strong enough to stop a blast with only her hands?" Thatcher rubbed his lips with his thumb. "Very interesting."

esting?" Stefan pushed off the wall. "Is that all you have to say? I've never seen anything like it. She has incredible power, Damon. Did you know?"

  "Not at all. However, it doesn't surprise me."

  "It doesn't? What do you know that you're not telling me?" Stefan scowled at Thatcher.

  "It's not for me to say, son. What I will say is that our Sarah is a truly remarkable witch and a great asset to this station." Thatcher looked over his glasses at Stefan. His look said end of discussion.

  Gritting his teeth, Stefan knew he'd get no more information from Thatcher.

  The healer came out of the ward carrying a leather satchel. "She's fine, sir, just a little shaken up. That's all. The redness on her palms is gone. No damage done." He nodded to them and 'ported away.

  Stefan stared at the door to the ward.

  "Go to her, Stefan," Thatcher said.

  "I have a report to write." Stefan 'ported out, leaving Thatcher alone in the waiting room. With a shrug of his shoulders and a shake of his head, Thatcher went in to see Sarah, pulling a chair to her bedside.

  Sarah sat up in bed, the covers pulled as far as her waist. Part of her braided hair had come loose and strands stuck up on one side of her head, giving her a sort of wild look.

  * * * *

  "Thank you for coming, Chief Inspector. It wasn't necessary. I'll be going back to my quarters soon." Of all the people she didn't want to see her like this, it was Thatcher. Her cheeks burned and she had a hard time meeting his gaze. How could she face his disappointment?

  "Stefan told me what happened in Chester."

  "Oh. Well, I'm not sure I understand it at all." Sarah plucked at the blanket.

  "Sarah..." His voice softened. "We both know your lineage. You are a very powerful witch, capable of anything you set your mind to."

  "Is Stefan, Inspector Bane, all right? He seemed me." She bit her lip, looking over his shoulder for Stefan.

  "Upset? I don't know about that, Sarah. Surprised, to say the least." He chuckled. "He had some reports to take care of."

  "Sir, I made a mistake today. I should've stayed out of it, but that woman said the most disrespectful things to Inspector Bane." Best to come clean and take what he doled out to her in punishment.


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