Doc T (Macha MC Book 1)

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Doc T (Macha MC Book 1) Page 13

by Skye McNeil

  “One hundred percent. Our mother owned a bakery in Snowshoe.” He glanced over to Dolly. “Sis and I would bounce between Macha and the bakery every day after school. It was the best childhood.”

  “Being around bikers all the time?” She shook her head. “I think I’d rather hang out at the bakery.”

  Brewer scraped the last bit of cobbler from his plate. “I don’t have anything else to compare it to, but I think the Macha kids turned out pretty well.” He gently nudged her arm. “Doc is among them, you know.”

  Isa watched the bikers finish their meal. Not one frown could be seen. Well, except for Doc. From Reaper to Snoopy’s daughter, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It warmed her heart to see such a large group of people getting along. She’d never been huge on crowds, and her mother’s side of the family was limited to one other member who never had children. Isa grew up alone save for Orla and Niall.

  “It’s such a small world,” Brewer commented, pushing his chair back. “Who would’ve thought your dad and my uncle were related.”

  “It’s funny how the universe connects us.” She noticed Doc chatting with Dolly. “Have any plans for the rest of the night?”

  Brewer glanced to Doc and then back. “I was going to take stock of the liquor downstairs, then head to the poker game, but I’m open to suggestion.”

  “I’ll help you with the liquor.” She stood and linked her arm with his. That got an immediate reaction from Doc, but she merely walked toward the exit. When they cleared the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “He’s an idiot, by the way,” Brewer said, leading them toward the patio.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Isa, if you and I weren’t related, and if you were even remotely interested in me, I wouldn’t sit idly by and let some other guy drool all over you.” He winked at her. “But hey, we’re only like third cousins….”

  She rolled her eyes. “Ha ha. Not happening, sorry.”

  “Damn. Had to try.” He opened the patio door. “Reaper built the liquor cellar away from the beer one because, well, Macha men like to drink, and it’s better to keep them separated.”

  Two hours later, Isa emerged from the cellar with more knowledge of Irish whiskey and how the Belfast chapter ran a distillery there.

  Brewer locked the door behind them. “I think I’ll check out that poker game now. Will you be okay by yourself?”

  “Poker, huh?”

  “Yeah, plus a bit of a strip show.” He rubbed his hands together maniacally. “The nymphs like to treat us every so often.”

  Alarm flashed through Isa’s mind. Doc was undoubtedly in the nymph lair, enjoying the view. Suddenly, flaunting herself around at dinner seemed like a horrible idea.

  “Can I come?”

  Brewer stuffed his hands in his baggy jeans pockets. “Erm, it might not be a scene you want to see. The guys tend to get raunchy after a few rounds.”

  “I’ve seen stuff at the bar.”

  “Okay,” he said slowly. “But if Reaper asks, you snuck down by yourself.”


  The nymph lair looked entirely different than it had earlier in the day. Isa stumbled in the darkness, but thankfully, Brewer caught her arm. Rock music blared over the giant speakers in the room’s four corners. Stripper poles abounded throughout the room, scantily dressed nymphs dancing seductively around each one.

  Her mouth dropped open at the sight before her. She’d never been in a strip club before, but she guaranteed they weren’t as posh as Macha’s pop-up one. A multicolored strobe spread dim light around the room.

  On the far edge was a table, six bikers sitting around it with cards in hand. They didn’t seem to be engrossed in the game. Then again, the three nymphs dancing around their table stole most of the attention.

  “You sure you want to be here?”

  Isa met Brewer’s worried eyes. “Of course. Go have fun.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. The redheaded man disappeared into a throng of nymphs before she could inhale.

  Bracing herself for the worst, she searched the room for Doc’s notable stature. Unfortunately for her, the place was filled with bikers of all shapes and sizes. Plenty who fit his height.

  She stepped away from the wall and strode toward the first set of men in leather cuts. None were familiar to her, and a whole new set of panic set in. She hurried away, focused on finding Doc and setting him straight.

  A group of prospects directed her toward a nearby poker table.

  “He was here five minutes ago,” one of the men stated, drinking from a tumbler.

  Well, he’s not here now. She frowned, searching the card players. None were Doc. Where is he?

  She turned to take in the entire room, her heart drooping lower the longer she watched the nymphs grind on the bikers. One member was in the corner fucking a redhead against a wall while another was getting a blow job from a brunette.

  It’s a man’s paradise down here.

  A new song blared over the speakers, and she whipped her head to the left to see a busty blonde leading a familiar hand to the bedroom portion of the room. Following quickly, her heart rate doubled when Doc’s profile came into view. He yelled something to Hawk, then disappeared in one of the curtained-off areas.

  Feck, what do I do? She bit her thumbnail. What would Dolly do? She shook her head. She didn’t want to know what Dolly would do.

  Acting instead of thinking, she pulled back the red curtain and ducked inside. Sure enough, her missing biker was suddenly found.

  “Who the hell are you?” the nymph asked, hands under Doc’s shirt.

  “The person who will send you to hell if you don’t get your grimy fingers off him,” Isa replied, stalking over and yanking on the blonde’s hair.

  “Hey, watch it, bitch!” the nymph shrieked, but Isa didn’t give a damn.

  She shoved the blonde to the floor. “If I catch you anywhere near Doc O’Brien, I’ll show you exactly how much of a bitch I can be.”

  The nymph cowered slightly, then crawled out of sight. Shock suddenly hit her at what she’d just done. She’d never been in a catfight—or any fight, for that matter—but she’d managed to get herself into one tonight.

  Turning on her toes, she met Doc’s eyes, which were alight with humor. He stood and gazed down at her. “What was that?”

  Shame washed over her. “Damn, I should apologize to her. I was such a—”

  “Jealous woman?” he finished for her, tilting her chin up.

  “Yeah, that. I don’t know what came over me.”

  His gaze flicked to her lips, then back to her eyes. “Why’d you come downstairs? Didn’t Brewer warn you about what you’d find?”

  “Aye, but I had to find you.”


  “Brewer’s my third cousin. Actually, I’m not sure that’s even right, but we’re related.”

  He dropped his hold. “So?”

  “So, I’m not interested in him. Like at all.”

  “I know.”

  “And even if we weren’t related—” She stopped, his words finally registering. “What do you mean, you know?”

  He straightened his cut. “You were trying to make me jealous, weren’t you?”

  “Not intentionally. It kind of happened.”

  “You accidentally wore a shirt that showed off your gorgeous tits and jeans that make your ass squeezable?”

  She noticed his small grin despite the dim lighting. “No. That was on purpose.”

  He took a step closer as the thump of the rock song echoed in her ears. “And why would you wear something so sexy to dinner?”

  “So you’d want me.”

  Doc let out a strangled sigh. “Isa, I want you. You already know that. I’ve done everything possible to stop wanting you, but it always comes back to you. Hell, you could wear a donkey costume and I’d still want that ass.”

  She rolled her eyes at his attempt at a joke. “Seriously?”

  He pul
led her against his chest. “What did I tell you about rolling your eyes?”

  Her gaze locked with his, the pounding of her heart louder than the bass in the song surrounding them. “That you’d punish me.”

  “But only if you want me to.”

  “I want more than that.”


  “You say I’m not ready, but I am, Doc.” She locked her arms around his neck. “I want you in every way possible.”

  His lips were on her before the beat dropped, their mouths colliding in a frantic fury. He grabbed her arse and pulled her against his hard groin. She moaned at the feeling of what she did to him. She couldn’t get enough of his lips and never wanted to try.

  “Not here,” he rasped, pulling back. He set her feet on the floor and shoved his hands through his hair.

  Isa traced her lips, swollen from their passionate kiss. “Come back to my room.”

  She watched him wrestle between wanting her and wanting to be a gentleman. She’d never guessed a biker would act in such a way, but it was endearing in all the right ways. “You won’t break me.”

  “You say that now.”

  She took his hand. “And I’ll say it later.”

  Finally, he nodded. “Let’s get out of here before I change my mind and take you on every surface I can find.”



  If Doc thought for one second that Isa wasn’t ready, he’d never have followed her up to the bedroom. His cock screamed at him for even considering turning her down for another hot session in the shower.

  They managed to leave the nymph lair without anyone stopping them. That alone was a miracle in his book. Once they made it to the main level, he could properly see her full ass shaking back and forth in those blue jeans. It did things to his body he couldn’t explain and didn’t want to. The slight tremble in her hand reminded him to be gentle.

  Isa didn’t let go of his hand once until they reached her bedroom. The lock slid in place behind him too easily. A glow from her bedside lamp cast her in a perfect light. She stood beside the bed, looking everywhere but his face. He couldn’t blame her. He’d been a bumbling idiot his first time.

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  She looked up then, and he saw the fear behind her gray eyes. It sliced straight to his soul. “I know.”

  Fuck, I’m gonna have to go really slow.

  He kicked off his black boots and motioned for her to get on the bed. When she flat-out sprawled over it, he held in a chuckle. “Come here.”

  She moved to the edge of the bed, and he could almost see the pulse in her neck. Carefully, he unlaced her boots one at a time and tossed them next to his.

  Kneeling in front of her, he cupped her face in his calloused hands. “If at any time you’re not comfortable or want to stop, tell me.”

  She nodded.

  “Words, Isa. I need words.”


  He smiled and stood. Taking off his cut, he laid it on the dresser before pulling his shirt away. Her sharp inhale reminded him she’d never been with anyone. Deciding against stripping completely, he moved back to the bed and knelt beside it.

  Isa’s eyes followed every movement, lust overtaking her gorgeous body already. Slowly, he caught her lips beneath his. She tasted so damned sweet. It was enough to make him swear off all sugar except her saccharine lips.

  She kissed back tentatively but eagerly. He’d have such fun with this girl. Going slow meant his stiff cock would have to wait. Isa deserved the best, and that was exactly what he’d provide.

  Moving from her lips, he kissed down her neck. Her breathing hitched, and when she moaned, he realized he’d found a sensitive spot. Flicking his tongue over the area, he waited until he heard another wispy sigh to kiss the other side of her neck.

  His lips traveled down her chest. Even her skin tasted sinful. He paused when he neared the V in her shirt. Moving too quickly might scare her, so he eased back to kiss her lips. She greedily kissed him back.

  Doc’s hands slowly made their way to her breasts. He kneaded them softly through her shirt and bra. Already he felt her nipples harden beneath the cotton. He wanted more of those sounds she made, so he slipped his hand under her shirt. She immediately reacted, arching her back into him.

  Using this to his advantage, he pulled away enough to slip her shirt over her head. The delicate bra covering her breasts wasn’t long for this world. He met her gaze and smoothly unlatched her bra. The dainty thing fell down her shoulders, exposing rosy nipples against her creamy skin.

  “Damn, Isa,” he murmured, lightly kissing above each breast. Her fingers threaded in his long hair, nails running along his scalp and sending a chill down his spine. His lips hovered at her nipples. Keeping her gaze, he licked the right one. Her eyes lit up before they rolled into her head. Sucking the nipple into his mouth, Doc traced her left breast with his fingertips. After properly turning her nipple to a peak, he gave the other one equal attention.

  By the time he finished with her breasts, his cock demanded an audience. Ignoring his selfish body part, he helped her out of the tight jeans. He climbed on the bed, kissing her again.

  The musky scent of her arousal tempted him too much. He moved down her body, lips touching everywhere his fingers weren’t. When he reached her hips, he traced the curve above the lace panties. They matched her black bra, and he couldn’t wait to see them on the floor too.

  Nestling between her legs, he looked up. Her gray eyes were hazy and curious at the same time. “How far have you gone with a man before?”

  “Some stuff.”

  He nuzzled her apex and she jumped.

  Evidently not a lot of stuff.

  “Tell me.”

  A stunning blush started at her cheeks and spread over her face. “Second base.”

  He reached up and grabbed her breasts. “This?”

  She nodded and he rolled her nipples between his fingers. The way she pushed toward him enticed him to kiss above her panties. A tremble shook her body and he froze.

  “Isa, are you all right?”

  “Aye, don’t stop.” She grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts again.

  Chuckling, he tempted her for another few seconds before slipping one hand beneath the lace that separated her from him. Her eyes locked on him and her breathing staggered. He groaned at her recently manicured womanhood. He didn’t give a shit so long as it was tidy, and she was most definitely tidy.

  “I see our resident madam has been whispering in your ear,” he teased, finding her slit and tracing down it. Her legs clenched.

  “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Princess, you could never do that.” His finger reached her core and found it wet. He couldn’t stop the groan from escaping his lips. “Fuck, you’re drenched.”

  “Is that bad?”

  He licked his finger clean. “No, baby, but you’re about to get so much wetter.”

  Another blush raced down her body, enticing him further. Doc brushed her panties down her thighs and chucked them out of sight. Isa lay before him, the tastiest feast he’d ever seen in his life.

  And she was his. All his.

  Positioning her against his mouth, he met her eyes and slowly started licking her clit. Isa’s eyes bulged but she didn’t recoil. Instead, as his tongue made contact, her hips rose to welcome him deeper.

  “Damn, you taste so good.” He plunged his tongue into her tight hole and gently rubbed her clit. Already he sensed the buzz in her body. He’d make her come undone at least three times before he released.

  Switching his tongue and finger, he slid the digit in and out of her. Her muscles clenched him tight. He added a second finger. When he added a third, she mewed. His girl liked big. Well, that was good, because he wasn’t anywhere close to small.

  Rubbing her clit with his thumb, he felt her thighs against his head. He continued to eat her pussy while she neared her climax. He looked up and caught the sight of her thrashing h
er head into the pillow, loud moans filling the air. She was nearly there.

  He increased the pressure on her clit and his beautiful Irish princess came undone. He eagerly lapped up her pleasure, the taste sweeter than fresh honey. Her hips shook and she cried out his name, clenching his head between her legs. If he died then and there, his only regret would be not loving Isa sooner.

  “That’s it, baby,” he murmured, lapping up the last of her passion. Isa lay back, trying to catch her breath, her cheeks flush with her recent release. Moving to her lips, he caught her mouth and let her taste for herself. Instead of shying away, she tangled her tongue with his, further turning him on.

  He released the kiss and shook his head approvingly. “I think you liked that.”

  She tangled her fingers in his hair. “I did.” She looked to his jeans still in place. “When are you going to let me see what you’re hiding beneath those?”

  “Anytime you want.”

  She sat up, hands rushing to unbuckle his belt. He pushed her hair out of her face and watched her nimble movements to free his cock. She paused when his belt was off and the zipper down. Seeing her surprise at his girth, Doc stood and shoved his pants and boxers to the floor. He grabbed a condom from his pocket and held it behind his back, not wanting to rush her.

  “Holy damn.” Her eyes widened as she took in the sight.

  He stayed perfectly still while she examined his cock first with her eyes, then with her soft hands. It took every ounce of self-control to remain rooted to his spot. She needed to be comfortable with this, and that meant keeping his balls blue as long as it took.

  “I don’t think it’ll fit.” She turned concerned eyes to him.

  “Trust me, he’ll fit.” He kissed her forehead. “And you’ll enjoy it too.”

  Isa crawled to the middle of the bed. “Will it be painful?”

  “Only for a moment,” he promised, slowly joining her. He’d never forgive himself if it hurt longer than that.

  “I’m ready.”

  He scanned her body, his cock begging to sink into her virginal flesh. She was ready. He’d made sure of that. Tearing the condom open with his teeth, he kept her gaze as he slipped it over his hard length. “Tell me—”


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