Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 5

by Michelle Rabe

  “Your Highness?” Thomas’s voice called through the heavy wood.

  “Yes, Thomas?” Killian replied.

  “Will you need some assistance with preparations for tonight’s ball?”

  “Yes, thank you,” he sighed, “I will be out shortly. Please prepare a bath.”

  “As you wish, Highness.”

  “Thank you, Thomas.” He turned to Serena and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “I should go,” she whispered.

  “I would rather stay here or attend the party with you.”

  “I know.” He kissed her and held out one hand so she could use it to balance as she stood. Having been his sparring partner for almost five years with several different types of weapons, Killian knew Serena’s balance was impeccable, but it was the proper gentlemanly thing to do.

  Serena stood and tugged on his hand, pulling him to her. She smiled, and their eyes met before she reached up with her free hand and brought him close for an extended kiss.

  “Will you be able to slip away tonight?” he asked, the latest argument with his grandmother still fresh in his mind.

  “I will try.” She knew Killian well enough to realize that even though he seemed relaxed, it wasn’t so. With his majority drawing near, the pressure to marry a suitable noblewoman was growing and would only increase with each passing day. She could see the tension in his eyes… saw it in the way he threw himself into their training bouts… heard it in his voice when he promised her things they both knew could not be. “I love you,” she whispered tucking a few errant strands of dark hair behind his ear.

  “I love you too.” He kissed her hand before walking to the door.

  Serena slipped out the secret passage she’d used to enter, pausing before stealing a last look. Killian stood at the door with his hand on it, took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders and stepped through the opening without looking back.

  Hours later, Killian strolled the palace halls with two members of the Royal Guard following close behind. The time he’d spent at the ball among the members of the court, having so-called suitable matches thrust at him, had left him feeling more restless than usual. He paused and turned to the guard on his left. “Ryan?”

  “Yes, Highness?” he answered with a slight bow.

  “Do you know if Serena is on duty tonight?”

  Ryan let a slight smile curl his lips, “She is not, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you.” He took one step away thinking about how much he wanted to see Serena, just to talk with her. The young noblewomen of the court and their parents hadn’t given him a moment’s peace during the ball. Though they chattered on endlessly, few of them took the time to ask about him. Those who did, used his answers as springboards to talk about themselves again. Reveling in the blessed silence, Killian walked through the corridors toward the gardens. Even if she’s not out here, I can sit beside the spring and take some time to gather my thoughts.

  He wandered the cobblestone paths to the head of the spring and sat on the nearby bench. His guards slipped into the shadows, giving him the illusion of privacy. Killian stared at the small waterfall that fed the spring, losing himself in the soothing sound of water running over rocks.

  Ignoring the footfalls was easy, because if anyone Ryan and Michaels didn’t know and trust approached, they would keep them away until Killian gave them leave.

  The newcomer stopped a few feet away, and Killian glanced up to see Serena standing in front of him. A quick smile flashed on his face, and he gestured to the bench beside him. Serena sat, making sure there was more than enough room between them so gossipmongers wouldn’t have any fodder for their wagging tongues come sunrise.

  “You look pensive, my prince.” Serena wanted to reach out and brush the curl of dark hair from his forehead but held back because they were in the open and his guards were present.

  Killian sighed and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and nodding. He’d made a decision. “I spent the evening being paraded around like a prized stallion to be fawned over and pawed at before tendering an offer for me to stand stud.”

  “I am certain it wasn’t as bad as that,” Serena whispered, with absolute sincerity.

  “I would have preferred a quiet evening.”

  “Care to talk to me about it?” she asked.

  “It was like it always is.” He wanted to reach out and touch her, but knowing that doing so would have severe consequences, most of them for Serena, he refrained.

  During their years together, she’d learned how to draw him out, so she asked. “Dancing?”

  “Yes.” He sighed and shook his head. “With one of the Hillman girls. Not Abigail. She’s far too young. The other one.”

  “Patrice.” The word came out as a low growl, and Serena’s hands balled into fists.

  “Yes. Then there was Lady Deanna, from the coastlands, old enough to be my grandmother and yet still making it clear that she is ready and, in fact, eager, to take another husband.” Killian didn’t bother to suppress the shudder that ran through him at the thought of sharing a bed with that particular lady.

  “Your grandmother would never allow it,” Serena assured him. “She is too old, and the purpose of such a marriage is to produce heirs.”

  He let out a short high-pitched almost hysterical laugh. “The old woman assured me she is still quite fertile.” Making that admission seemed to open the floodgates, so Killian told Serena about every lady who had made overtures toward marriage.

  As he spoke, Serena caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Although she wanted to dismiss it as one of the guards, something nagged at her. She found her eyes drawn back to the spot, trying to discern some new detail that might shed light on the matter. When Killian had finished speaking, she smiled. “I think it is time you returned to your chamber, my prince.” She didn’t say the longer they remained, the more concerned she became about the movement she’d seen. Serena wasn’t sure how to notify Ryan or Michaels without also alerting the unknown person… if someone was lurking… and it wasn’t just her imagination. “It appears you have had a long evening.” She stood and held out her hand.

  “Excellent advice.” He smiled and took her hand, using it to steady himself as he stood.

  To her right, a flash of silver caught Serena’s eye. Instinct and years of training took over.

  If the arc of the throwing knife flew true, she knew where it would strike. An image flashed in her mind, the blade sinking into the soft flesh of his abdomen.

  She pulled him close, wrapping her arms around him and twisting, so her back was to the deadly projectile. Killian’s surprised cry filled her ears.

  A flash of white showed in Serena’s eyes as agony blossomed in her back. Her voice echoed in distress. She felt him under her, his hands grasping her shoulders. Each breath sent lances of pain through her, darkness playing along the edge of her vision.

  “Serena?” his voice a whisper. His breath warm against her ear. “Forgive me, my love.”

  She frowned, unsure of why he was apologizing.

  His hands tightened on her upper arms, and Killian took a deep breath a moment before he moved them, rolling so her side was on the cobblestones.

  She screamed as the dagger shifted within her flesh sending new lashes of pain through her body. Killian’s face filled her vision, his fearful gaze darting from her eyes to her wound and back. “I love you,” she whispered as the darkness rushed in, stealing her vision.

  “No. Stay with me,” Killian said before Serena heard him call out to Michaels and Ryan, ordering them to send for a healer. The gloom took hold.

  Chapter 5

  Darkness enfolded Serena, tempting her to remain. It was soothing, simple, carefree in the black. There were times when disjointed voices filled the silence. She didn’t hear everything the speakers said. What little she did, slipped through her mind before she could make sense of the words. Killian’s voice was soothing, encouraging her to come back to him. She felt his lo
ve and the fear he had for her.

  If you remain, you can have him forever. A sibilant voice drifted through the darkness. No court. No difference in your station to keep you apart.

  Do not listen, Serena. A woman’s voice broke through the whispered promises. Your time is not finished. If you leave him now, Killian will be broken-hearted. He will not be the man… the king you know he can be. This is not your time, little Fireball. Fight. The woman’s voice disappeared but left an occasional hint of her final words running through Serena’s mind.

  After the echoes had faded into silence, Serena decided to fight. She began clawing her way out of the darkness, making slow progress, struggling her way toward Killian’s voice. He was her guiding star. She rested when he wasn’t by her side. After a while, she didn’t know how long, she could feel her body again, a dull aching pain in her back. When Killian came, she sensed his hands touch her cheek, knew when he held her hand in his, felt the too brief press of his lips against hers.

  She thought she was alone. When she opened her eyes, they roamed, taking in her surroundings. Serena was in one of the private chamber healing wards. This explains why Killian had no fear of touching me. Or perhaps it was all part of the fever dream, she mused, her mind fighting the fog, clinging to it and slowing her thoughts. Her focus landed on the queen. Anastasia sat in a chair a couple of feet from her bed. The monarch’s sharp hazel eyes fixated on the younger woman as though she could read every secret Serena held.

  “You’re awake,” the queen said, glancing down at the book she held. The volume was bound in black leather and had a seal Serena didn’t recognize embossed on its cover.

  “Your Majesty.” Serena tried to get up, to rise and offer proper obeisance, but her arms gave out, and she fell back on the pillows, sweat forming on her brow and her breath coming in short, panting bursts.

  “There is no need to rise.” Anastasia laid the book on her lap, folding her hands on top of it. “So, you are the girl I have heard so much about from my grandson.” The queen’s eyes locked on Serena’s and fixed with an appraising gaze.

  Serena shook her head, hoping that would clear some of the cobwebs clouding her mind. “I believe so, Your Majesty,” she said, frowning with confusion.

  “You believe so?”

  “I have not been privy to all of the conversations you shared with the prince.” Serena kept her tone and words neutral. I don’t know what he’s told his grandmother, but I don’t want to say too much.

  The queen wore an expression of surprise and some confusion. “My grandson has not shared everything with you?”

  Serena nodded. “The prince keeps his own counsel on certain matters.”

  “You do not object?”

  “Of course not. I understand some things the prince will not be able to share with me or perhaps anyone.”

  The queen considered her words. For several moments, the only sound in the room was the soft swipe of her hand across the cover of the book. Something about the seal on the cover tickled Serena’s memory as though she should recognize it.

  Anastasia’s hand froze, covering the seal. “Ryan and Michaels tell me you put yourself between the prince and the assassin.”

  Serena’s heart leapt into her throat, and it felt as though someone was strangling her. “Dear Gods, the prince, was he injured?”

  “No, he is well, currently attending a meeting with his father and several of the provincial lords.” Anastasia paused, considered something for a moment before she continued, “The attempted assassin has been captured, will be interrogated and put on trial.”

  Serena closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank the Gods.”

  “And you, young lady.” The queen glanced back at the door to check that it remained closed. “What are your intentions where my grandson is concerned?”

  “I love him,” Serena admitted without hesitation.

  The queen’s eyes narrowed, and Serena felt as though a protective grandmother, not her country’s monarch, studied her. “What will you do when he must marry another?”

  She didn’t hesitate and met her sovereign’s eyes as she spoke, knowing her words would measure and weigh by both queen and grandmother. “I will remain with the Royal Guard offering my life to protect king and country.”

  “Even though doing so means a vow of celibacy?” she asked, one gray brow arched high.

  “I have made my choice.” She took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and confessed to her monarch the honest truth, “I know what my heart wants. If it is not to be, then I will accept that fate.”

  “Such wisdom in this matter.” The queen paused and shook her head, frustration clear. “I do wish Killian had your insight.”

  “He is confident and headstrong at times.” Serena glanced at her hands, not sure if she should go on, but when the older woman remained silent, she continued. “However, Killian is a young man with strong opinions and passions. Once his heart is set, he cannot be easily swayed.” When she finished, a soft smile curled her lips, and a faint blush warmed her cheeks.

  The queen had considered her words for a few moments before a slight smile curled her lips, and she stood. “I have reviewed your service record, young lady. It appears you have done well both as a member of the regular military and in your training for the Royal Guard. Bearing that in mind, the country and I are in your debt. Your actions saved the second in line to the throne. Moreover, you have saved the life of my only grandson. For that service,” she said and paused, considering her next words with care, “I name you Lady Harlowe, governor of Lakeshire province.”

  Serena’s breath caught in her throat, and she frowned. “Your Highness?” she asked confused.

  “I believe the official ceremony can wait. Killian’s naming day perhaps?”

  “I thank you, Your Majesty,” Serena took a deep breath and plunged ahead before she really had her thoughts in order. She felt as though the ground was shifting underneath her, and she fought to remain standing. “However, I would prefer that it be done sooner rather than later.”

  Anastasia smiled and nodded. “As you wish. Once you are well enough.” A soft knock on the door and a voice on the other side asking for the queen interrupted the moment. “I must go.” She turned and started to leave the small room, but paused before reaching the door. The queen turned and met Serena’s eyes. “I do hope you know what you are getting yourself into, young lady.”

  Serena grinned, and a vision of Killian laughing flashed before her eyes. “I believe I have some idea.” When the only response was a skeptical glance from the queen, Serena felt compelled to explain. “The prince will need someone at his side offering support, not trying to push him in one direction or another for political reasons.”

  “Well said.”

  “Might I beg your indulgence, Majesty?”

  “That depends on your request,” her lips quirked up in a half-smile. “Lady Serena.”

  “I would like to be the one to tell Killian about your Majesty’s most generous gift.”

  “A most reasonable request.” The queen nodded. “It will be as you ask.” Without another word, she slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her with a resounding thud.

  Serena leaned back on her pillows and closed her eyes, letting her mind wander, drifting through pleasant daydreams of not only dragons and dragon-like creatures, but also of the future she hoped to share with Killian.

  When the door opened again a short time later, Serena looked up, hoping Killian would walk through. Instead, she was disappointed as an elderly healer entered carrying a change of bandages and a foul smelling poultice. After a few perfunctory questions, the healer sat on a stool beside the bed and leaned forward.

  The woman asked Serena to sit on the edge of the bed, back to her, shirt pulled out of the way to expose the bandages. Then she muttered something under her breath as she leaned close and pulled a small knife from her kit, using it to cut the bandages free.”This may hurt. I am sorry. However, the
re is no other way.”

  “I understand,” Serena said. A moment later, her breath hissed through clenched teeth as the healer peeled the bandages from raw flesh and dried blood. Serena gritted her teeth and bit back a cry of pain when the healer probed the area around the wound with her fingers. She didn’t hear the door open and close or the three quick, sure steps entering the room.

  When the woman looked up from her work, she bobbed a quick bow of her head as her hands began the work of rebinding the wound. “Your Highness.”

  “Healer. I came to see how my protector fares.” He spoke without emotion. For a moment, when she looked back at him, Serena caught a glimpse of how he would appear as king. Handsome, but untouchable, his expression was cool and calculating, words chosen with care.

  “I believe she will mend quite nicely, your Highness,” the woman answered though her voice was distant as if distracted.

  “No doubt in large part due to your excellent care.” He smiled and watched as she finished her work, never taking his eyes off Serena’s. After a few minutes, the healer tied off the bandages, stood and bowed before leaving the room.

  When they were alone, Killian crossed to her bed and sat beside Serena, touching her cheek. “You’re back,” he whispered. A sheen of tears welled up in his eyes before one spilled over.

  “Don’t do that,” she whispered, reaching up to brush away the tear with a calloused finger before it fell from his chin.

  “I thought you were going to die.” He frowned, his brow furrowed deeper. “All that blood,” he admitted in a shuddering whisper.

  “I’m here,” she assured, laying one hand over his. “I will heal.”

  “Don’t you dare do that again,” Killian admonished in his most commanding tone.

  “I’m afraid I cannot obey that command.” Serena shook her head and slipped her hand into his. “My prince. It’s my job to…” She kissed the back of his hand and continued, “do that.”


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