Skylar's Guardians

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Skylar's Guardians Page 7

by Breanna Hayse

  “Are you telling me that you need another person to keep your heart working? Like a living pacemaker?”

  “I am not familiar with that term.”

  “It’s a medical device that is inserted into a heart to regulate its rhythm. Some people need them to live.”

  “That sounds similar, only ours is chemical.”

  “The pheromones? You both smell so good to me.” Skylar’s interest was piqued.

  “Exactly. You are an intelligent little human. Don’t you want to learn more? To explore a world that no one else knows?”

  “The only reason I finished high school was because I promised my grandfather that I would. I’m not smart enough…”

  “Skylar,” Tralec lifted her hand to his lips, “you are capable of doing anything you desire. You must allow Troy and me the opportunity to show you that life with us will be a good one.”

  “You want to treat me like a child. You threaten to… to spank me!”

  “Yes, and it is what you have desired since the day you purchased your first manual. You just have not accepted that need yet. We will give you what you desire, baby.”

  Skylar shivered as his lips grazed the back of her hand. He clearly knew the power he held over her and was not afraid to use it. She found herself hoping that he would.

  Chapter Five

  Skylar gulped as she watched the room darken with the setting of the sun. The men were sitting at the table developing a ‘cheat sheet’ derived from the manuals they were reading and actively discussing different ways to address various scenarios. Tralec glanced up at the skylight, noticing the time.

  “Solaris has set, Skylar. Have you made a decision?”

  “Please, Tralec, just let it be,” she pleaded as he approached her with Troy on his heels.

  “You are not to call me that any longer. Since you have not made the choice for yourself, I have made it for you. We will do the detoxification. Without sedation.”


  “Yes. Troy, take her out of the cubicle and hold her in place over your lap. I will need access to her expulsion port.”

  “Leave my ass alone. I mean it! No!!” Skylar began to kick and slap as Troy picked her up.

  “Your lack of cooperation is going to earn you a spanking. Are you really trying to bite me?” Troy asked as Skylar sunk her teeth into his arm. She blinked dumbly, releasing him quickly as he failed to even react. It was like biting into a solid brick! He tsked, pulling her garment up past her hips and exposing her pale, round bottom. He plopped her solidly over his knees.

  Skylar cried out as his large palm landed with a loud splat across the entire span of her backend. She arched her back, yelling out again as he landed a flurry of swats in rapid fire, each landing in the same place because of the size of his hand.

  “Ow! Holy fuck! Stop!! I’m innnnnnjured!”

  “Your injuries are healed except for those bruises, so cease with the manipulation. I am not going to stop until I know you will behave yourself,” Troy scolded, the spanking causing her bottom to turn bright crimson. “And there will be extra for using foul language.”

  “Daddy! Make him stop! I’ll be a good girl. I swear, I’ll be gooooood!”

  “He will stop spanking you when he feels you have learned something, Skylar,” Tralec’s voice sounded sad but frustratingly unmovable.

  “I’m learning! I’m learning! Oh God,” Skylar sobbed, scissoring her legs in a useless effort to avoid his heavy, flat hand.

  “The manuals say that it is fine to cause some discoloration to this region if needed. I don’t want to do that, but I will,” Troy tilted her forward to catch the underside of the slender backside.

  “I’m sorry, Papa. I am so very sorry,” Skylar bawled, gripping the material of his pants and clinging to it.

  Troy sighed, briskly smacking her backside four more times before lowering his hand across the scorched flesh. “You are forgiven. She’s yours now, brother.”

  “My poor Skylar,” Tralec tsked, gently applying lubricant to her tiny bottom hole. “All of this could have been avoided. Spread her for me.”

  Troy reached with both hands and pried her cheeks apart to expose her tight opening to Tralec’s sight. Skylar continued to sob as the tip of the probe was pressed against the little opening and eased slowly inside her body. Her crying increased as Tralec spread her legs wide apart to allow him easier access to the controls on the device.

  “Take deep breaths, Skylar. The machine will do all the work once it is seated. I am activating it now.”

  Skylar gasped as she felt the widening of the device as it molded itself inside of her cavity and then expanded to the point of uncomfortable stretching. Skylar was held down firmly by Troy’s elbows on her back while the machine buzzed and vibrated just prior to initiating a pumping motion.

  “I’m adding the chemical, baby,” Tralec said softly. “It might feel strange as the device forces it inside of you.”

  “No more, Daddy,” Skylar wept as she felt the liquid being squirted into her. It burned slightly and caused her to cramp. “No more, please.”

  “Am I hurting you? I am trying to proceed slowly,” Tralec said gently, squeezing the plunger and administering the medication in small doses.

  “No, but I hate it! Please, Daddy…” Her voice was tiny.


  “She is not being harmed. I have to add enough of this medication to flood her system and allow it to clean her out. It will cause some cramping and abdominal discomfort, but nothing more.”

  “Papa, help me…” Skylar whimpered.

  Troy patted her red bottom affectionately. “I am helping you by keeping you in place, baby. You will feel so much better after this is over and the gas can finally put you to sleep.”

  “Please, stop…” Skylar begged. She tried to wiggle to relieve some of the cramping of her stomach, but she was held tightly in place. “My tummy hurts.”

  “Just a little more.” Tralec pushed a plunger filled with the chemical into the base of the probe. “The unit will indicate when enough fluid is inserted.”

  “I can’t take any more. It hurts so bad.”

  “You’ll be fine, honey. There we go. I’m activating the chemical now.”

  Skylar squealed as the large probe began to twist slowly as it churned the remaining chemical in her rectal vault. Her insides tickled as the medication pulled the toxins from her body, momentarily distracting her from the sense of fullness. The rate of the vibration changed as the sensors targeted different organs and her bloodstream. The bloated feeling dissipated as the chemical was routed through her system, leaving her with the probe plunging and twisting in her bottom. Between her sniffles, Skylar was surprised to experience arousal and lifted her head as she felt fingers touch her slit and work their way up to her clit.

  “Oh my…” she groaned as the pads of the fingers brushed across her swelling nub, occasionally dipping inside the moist slit and pumping slowly. “Oh…”

  Tralec inserted his thumb into her womanhood and began to massage her clit with his middle finger, encircling it slowly and gradually increasing the pressure and speed. Skylar was still pinned down, the probe pumping vigorously in her ass as Tralec teased her with a very talented digit. She lifted her hips to accept more stimulation, not noticing how Troy had loosed his hold so that he could massage the muscles of her backend and tickle the tiny dimple at the base of her spine.

  Skylar closed her eyes, the pleasurable sensations inside and out more than she could bear. Her body tensed and she began to tremble and gasp under their hands, growing rigid right before she released an unintelligible shout. The orgasm rocked her entire being like an earthquake, momentarily stealing her breath and ability to function. The tremors continued rolling through her, leaving her consumed by the aftermath and oblivious to the probe shrinking and being slid from her.

  Skylar panted, still face down on Troy’s lap. She murmured as four hands stroked her skin, helping her body rec
over from the unexpected pleasure she had received.

  “Skylar? Can you stand?” Tralec asked softly, massaging the back of her thigh.

  “No,” she answered breathlessly, not moving from the comfortable mattress of Troy’s thighs.

  “The chemical is going to expel itself shortly, honey. We need to get you to the cleansing area.”

  “I’ll just carry her,” Troy said, lifting her limp body in his arms and taking her into the small chamber. He placed her on the pedestal and steadied her as she slumped forward, exhausted from the event.

  “Are you all right by yourself? Do you need me to hold you?” he asked.

  “I’m okay, I… don’t feel too well,” Skylar said, paling drastically.

  “Try to relax. It will be over quickly,” Tralec said, stroking her hair.

  “Go away. Please.”

  The men nodded and stepped outside of the chamber, leaving Skylar alone. Waves of nausea made her head spin just before her stomach began to cramp viciously. She groaned in pain as the chemical filtered back into her digestive tract with the toxins that inhibited her ability to metabolize the alien medications fully. It erupted from her body with such violence that Skylar thought she would die from organ damage.

  But Tralec had been correct. After the initial wave, the worst was over. She was weak and lightheaded as she clung to the pedestal, trying not to fall off. “I need help,” she whimpered under her breath. “Someone help me.”

  “We are right here, baby,” Troy said, flicking on the cleansing switch while Tralec patted her face with a cool, wet cloth.

  “You heard me?”

  “We more than heard you,” Tralec said. “We felt you call. You belong to us now, Skylar. You cannot leave even if you wanted to.”

  “What do you mean?” Skylar looked at him through glazed eyes.

  “You were able to take pleasure from us. It bonded our heartbeats to yours. We will always be aware of you, no matter where you are. The longer we are together, the stronger the connection.”

  “My very own orgasmic vampires.” Skylar forced a chuckle.

  “What is a vampire?”

  “It’s a mythical being that supposedly claimed the ownership of humans if it saved them by sharing its blood.”

  “We didn’t share blood. We exchanged airborne chemicals,” Troy said with confusion.

  “I think she is just comparing the situation with something she understands,” Tralec said with amusement.

  “Will I feel you, too?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her.

  “No, not like this.”

  “What will happen if I’m gone from you? If I leave.”

  “I am not completely certain…” Tralec began.

  Troy said firmly, “Tell her the truth, brother. We need her now.”

  “You won’t die without me, will you?” Skylar looked frightened.

  “You sound concerned. Does this mean you are starting to care for us?”

  “Of course I am starting to care for you. I have feelings too, you know. Answer me!”

  “No, but if you are gone from us, we will lose much of our vitality. This connection was a selfish one. It provided us with joy and did not benefit you.”

  “Not benefit… are you kidding? I have never come like that in my entire life. Ever. I hope that won’t be the last time I get to experience that. It could be addictive.”

  “Are you angry with us?” Tralec asked, pulling her onto his lap to cuddle.

  “For giving me the most pleasure I could dream of? Hell, no.”

  “Not that. Are you angry that we locked ourselves to you? We laid first claim to you, Skylar. Without your permission. I am truly sorry,” Tralec said quietly, rocking her to his chest.

  “Why are you upset? I don’t understand.”

  “In our society, stimulation without consent is equivalent to taking someone violently,” Troy explained. “Your people call it rape.”

  Skylar was silent, contemplating her answer. She decided on honesty. “No, I am not angry. And, believe me, it was not rape. I know what that feels like. Paul…” She stiffened slightly.

  “The Paul will never harm you again, Skylar.” Troy’s gills began to flush.

  She squeezed his hand. “I know. Thank you. I want you both to promise to, uh, lay claim on me again before we leave this place.”

  Troy grinned, running his hand along the inside of her thigh. “There are many more ways than that to lay claim, and each will be ever more exciting. We both were designed for pleasure, as well as function. Our creators were very imaginative females.”

  “Designed by female creators? What secret aren’t you sharing?” she asked eagerly.

  “Such an impatient little creature, aren’t you? You will see, little Skylar. Now, it’s time to sleep off the detox and let every cell in your body gain full strength. It will take some time for you to be completely whole again. The marks on your face and the soft tissue damage to your ankle must restore themselves naturally as well.” Tralec squeezed her lovingly, inhaling deeply as he closed his eyes to enjoy her closeness.

  “Yes, Daddy,” Skylar yawned. She kissed his cheek and reached for Troy’s hand. “I’m sorry I made you spank me, Papa.” Her words were surprisingly sincere. She consigned herself to accept her new life with these incredible beings. Thoughts of escape began to fade from her mind as she was affectionately rocked in huge, loving, warm arms.

  “Sleep, baby girl. Tomorrow is a new day for you,” Troy smiled.

  * * *

  It was shortly after dawn when Skylar awoke upon Tralec’s broad chest. Something stirred against her leg, and she twisted her body to look down.

  She gasped. Was this for real? Slowly, she scooted down the length of his body to come face to face with his amazing features. After looking up at Tralec’s peaceful, sleeping face, she returned her gaze downward. She reached to touch him, starting with the large ‘bellybutton’ on his pelvis. Her mouth hung open as it began to gently engulf her finger and suck upon it.

  “No fucking way,” Skylar whispered, watching in fascination as the organ milked her digit. “This is like every woman’s dream… Oral sex plus penetration. Holy shit…” Her eyes widened as the cock began rising from its slumber.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, little one?” Tralec’s warm voice disrupted her musing. He pushed the lid of the containment cubicle out of the way and perched himself on his elbows to gaze down his body at her.

  Heat rose to her face as she jerked her hand away and looked up at him. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, uh… Oh God, this is embarrassing.”

  “Stay there. There is no need for embarrassment. I am certain you are as curious about our bodies as we are of yours. That is a glenach… An old-fashioned organ designated for pleasuring the female. Unfortunately, most of our females are no longer designed with an external nerve bundle, so it is not used very often.”

  “Your ‘creators’ certainly had an interesting imagination. Can you control it?”

  “It takes some practice, but yes. It will learn how to pleasure you and retain it.”

  “I like that type of muscle memory. How does this design process work? And why don’t they make all the females with a clit?” Skylar asked, allowing the second mouth to suck upon her finger again.

  “Our population is controlled very carefully, and new offspring are grown only as needed. We have a cell bank that furnishes the initial building block for a set of podlings, and it is arranged in family groups to maintain the genetic integrity of the culture. Thousands of different eggs are stored there and are rotated every two or three generations to avoid sets of identical clones from the same family being present at the same time. The creators are masterminds of genetic synthesizing and use the needs of society to design their next batch of podlings. The cells that are chosen are at the creators’ discretion, and the DNA is programed into it that allows certain skills, talents, and features to rise to the surface. Our particular creato
rs were older females and likely remembered the pleasure of having an external device, so they made certain to incorporate us with the glenach.”

  “It sounds like your male creators are total bores. That and they were not very interested in pleasure.”

  “I fear that your conclusion is correct. Our male scientists tend to focus on necessity, and sexual pleasure is not a subject they waste time on. If it has no purpose, then they discard it.”

  “I’m glad you had a female creator with some brains in her head. If this thing works, I will personally thank her.”

  “I do not think you will be disappointed. That we simply refer to as a tool. There are two…”

  “Holy cow… you are serious!” Skylar gasped in admiration as she coaxed the second shaft out from behind his first, well-endowed rod.

  Tralec chuckled, stroking her hair as she explored him. “I am very serious. They work independently of each other and will adjust to the neurological needs of my partner.”

  “What does that mean? Damn, you are huge…” Skylar began to salivate as she ran the tip of her finger down the rigid shaft of his first rod. The second rose behind it, the mushroom head bobbing for equal attention. “Where are your testicles?”

  “Do you remember how the probe filled you and adjusted to your body so it could work properly? It is the same technology. The nerve endings equipped at the tip send messages to lengthen or shorten, expand or contract. The primary tool is permanently exposed. The secondary tool performs in the same manner. However, it can fold up and be tucked away if it is not being used. As for testicles, we have no need of reproductive organs.”

  “How big can this grow?” Skylar asked, unable to wrap her fist around the protruding pole.

  “As big as is needed to provide maximum pleasure. We also produce a substance that causes the female’s nerves to be more sensitive and extend pleasure for many hours after the act. What are you doing?”


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