Devil: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Baby Romance (Black Talons MC) (Outlaw MC Romance Collection Book 2)

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Devil: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Baby Romance (Black Talons MC) (Outlaw MC Romance Collection Book 2) Page 7

by Vivian Gray

  So Laurie picked out jeans and T-shirts, but she also grabbed a couple of short skirts and tank tops, the kind she’d always loved to look at but never dared to buy. She’d been so afraid of looking cheap.

  Jacob had offered to have someone go by her apartment to pick up her things, and after a while, she agreed. A couple of the guys dressed like movers and showed up to pick up her stuff. She sent an email to her old roommates saying she’d gotten a great job in another city and would be moving. She gave them a check to cover the rent and her portion of the security deposit. She didn’t bother with a forwarding address.

  But when the boxes with her few meager possessions arrived at the club, she found herself sorting through them without any kind of attachment. They felt like props from another life. She remembered using them, holding them, she could even convince herself that she’d cared about them. But they weren’t hers, not in any ways that mattered.

  She kept one pair of leather lace-up boots that she’d loved but never had the courage to wear for fear of looking like – well, some kind of biker girl, with her steel-toed boots and their big, chunky heels. She threw out everything else.

  The day Jacob came into the room where she was working and found her in a miniskirt and those boots, she almost needed to get a new laptop; he pushed her up against the wall and fucked her, telling her to beg him to stop while he did it. She’d begged him until she was sobbing, and she came that much harder while she did it.

  He was true to his word. He never once asked her if she wanted to fuck. He found her, and he fucked her, and she didn’t get to say no. That was fine by her. Laurie had never had a regular partner, just a few dates she’d picked up on the rare occasions she had allowed herself to go out. She and her vibrator had maintained a good working relationship up until now. She’d been fine with that. Quick, efficient orgasms while she focused on the bodily sensations and didn’t bother with fantasies. Scratching a physical itch so she could get back to the work of erasing her past and creating a future.

  She’d never thought it could be like this. Jacob woke up something absolutely primal in her, something that begged to be protected. She felt safer with him than she ever had on her own. It was strange; she’d worked so hard to be safe and separate, and she felt better connected to him, and through him, to this family of rough and tumble bikers.

  And it was more than safer. She felt sated, something in her body that had felt unmoored all the time was grounded and whole. Not everyone felt completed by sex, some people had no interest in it, and that was fine, but for her – for her, she’d never felt complete in this way before.

  She didn’t want him to ask. She didn’t want to be bothered with giving him permission every time he wanted to whip her ass or choke her with his cock or slap her tits until she screamed. She loved the bruises. She loved seeing them as she got dressed and showered. She’d said yes once; after that, it wasn’t necessary.

  Laurie had been at the clubhouse for more than six weeks before she realized that she hadn’t needed to buy tampons.

  Chapter Nine


  Jacob sat in the war room with his men, trying to figure out their next move.

  After they’d understood what the Devil’s Weapons were doing, the Talons had assembled a strike force and ridden out into the night. They had been fully prepared to take down every Weapon still on their feet, and make sure that any girls still contained were freed and given the same choices the others had: a ride to the police station, a return to their old life, a way to start a new one. Whatever they needed. Frankly, Jacob kept waiting for someone to say they wanted to be the one to put a bullet in Whip. The girls who had been bought by the Talons, however, they mostly just wanted to get away.

  The strike force had turned up nothing though. The warehouse was empty, there was no sign of where the Weapons had gone, and the old hideouts Jacob had known of were also emptied. The group had left no trace, and frankly, the group was so new that the Talons didn’t have enough information to track them effectively. They had essentially disappeared, and unless they popped up in the city again, there was nothing Jacob could do about them.

  That wasn’t a satisfactory answer.

  It had been the club’s motto since the day Jacob had taken over: the Black Talons only hurt people who were asking for it. He didn’t allow any of his men to sample the Molly they sold, he didn’t tolerate excessive drinking or needless fighting – sometimes people just wanted to fight each other for the shit of it, and that was fine, but no picking fights with abandon – and he absolutely did not allow women or children to be hurt within the confines of his club. The world was a shithole, and he couldn’t fix that, but he could also make it absolutely known that the Black Talons had a zero-tolerance policy on domestic violence and assault. Any pledge would be barred; any patched member would find himself having a very uncomfortable conversation with the barrel of a pistol.

  And then there was Laurie.

  He kept thinking of her. That small room at the back of the club was theoretically hers, but she hadn’t slept there since that first night. She slept in his room. He wanted easy access to her when he woke up hard, when he was up late with club business and needed a release before he could sleep. He loved the way her eyes went wide, and she started to grin when he’d come barreling through the door, tossing aside whatever she was doing and taking her whatever way sounded best. Sometimes he didn’t bother getting her naked; sometimes he just moved things out of the way so he could fuck her as efficiently as possible.

  Sometimes, he asked her if she wanted to say no. If she wanted to beg him to stop, like that first night. It made her come so hard, squeezing his cock until he thought he’d die, fucked senseless by this wild girl.

  Once, she’d begged him to hold her down no matter what she did, and not stop fucking her until he was drained, no matter how long it took. He’d lost track of how many times she’d come on his cock that night.

  Having a regular and reliable source of incredible sex wasn’t the problem. The problem was that he was sitting in a room as Buzz and Snake-eye tried to tell him about their efforts to track down Whip and the Devil’s Weapons, and he was half hard thinking about the sloppy sounds this girl had made while she was sucking his cock last night. He’d let her fuck a dildo while she did it just so he could call her a gang-banged whore. Her eyes had rolled up into her head, and she’d shuddered on the dildo, looking like she was about to come; he’d pulled out of her mouth and slapped her hard. That had been what drove her over the edge. He’d never seen anything like it.

  He dragged his mind, yet again, to the table. To these men telling him something crucial he needed to keep his club, and all of those under its protection, safe. Ultimately, they knew their work, and they knew what to do next to keep everyone where they needed to be. He was really there to stay informed and to nod and sign off on what they were going to do next. Which was good because his balls were going to explode if he didn’t have Laurie bouncing on him soon. Maybe he’d call her in here and fuck her on the war room table. Goddamn. He’d never be able to think clearly in this room again.

  “So the long and short of it,” Snake-eye was saying, “is that we don’t really know any more than we did. We have a couple of leads, maybe. There’s some unmarked Molly coming in from the city, and no one’s quite sure who the maker is. We’re going to track that down. We’ve talked to a lot of the local professional girls and let them know that if anyone goes missing, or they see anyone shady, that we’re offering help and protection. That we want these guys off the street too. But how much difference it will make?” Snake-eye sighed.

  Buzz had his hands folded in front of him. “I know you don’t like it, Jacob, but we may not be able to fix this one.”

  Jacob shook his head hard, his focus exactly where it needed to be for the moment. “Unacceptable.”

  “Boss—” That was Snake-eye again.

  “No.” He rubbed his hands over his eyes. “It’s not just about
the girl. About Laurie. We stand for something, and they can’t do this here. Where we are responsible. The Black Talons stand for something, and I won’t allow a bunch of punk shitheads to sully that.”

  The men were quiet for a moment, then Snake-eye nodded. “All right, boss. We’ll keep working.”

  They stood and left, and Jacob took a long moment to try and ignore his throbbing erection. It didn’t work. God, he’d never been horny like this. Of course, he’d never been satisfied like this either. He wanted a drink and a fuck, and probably not in that order. He wanted – he wanted the girl who was standing in the doorway, her arm held tight by Delilah. Laurie looked ashamed and afraid, and his stomach flipped over. What in the name of God could have happened? Had she – what, stolen something? He choked back the panic and gave Delilah a long look with raised eyebrows.

  “Laurie needs to talk to you about something,” Delilah said in a no-nonsense tone that had always made him smile. Her voice was stern, but her eyes were glittering with... amusement? It was hard to say for sure.

  “Is this a good time?” Laurie’s shoulders were hunched in, and her face told him she was desperately hoping he’d say it wasn’t, and she’d be able to just keep ignoring whatever was going on.

  “It’s a great time,” he said, partially because he wanted to get her alone, partially because he was curious what was happening, and partially because she was such a delight to torture. It got her so wet; nearly as much fun as when he called her a stupid slut and a whore. Especially when he called her his whore. “Let’s go to my office.”

  Delilah stepped back, and he gestured for Laurie to follow him. The war room and Jacob’s office were next door, so it was a short walk. He let her in, then shut the door behind them. “What’s up, beautiful?”

  He gestured towards a chair, but Laurie ignored it. She leaned against the wall a few steps away from his desk; he took up a spot leaning against the desk itself. It was a beaten old thing, but it was solid wood, and his dad had sat here a million times, handling issues for the old president. When the club had gone dark, it was his own father who had led the uprising. Jacob had taken up the flag in part for his old man.

  Now, he tried to focus on Laurie. She looked truly nervous, maybe even verging towards afraid. And she had something in her hand. He couldn’t quite see what it was, but a long moment’s thought told him that the best thing to do was wait her out. She wasn’t going to take well to being rushed, and he could wait.

  After a few minutes of quiet, she let out a huge sigh, and then tossed what was in her hand on the desk. It was a slim white piece of plastic. He didn’t recognize it at first, and when he did, his heart stopped. He flipped the pregnancy test over and saw the second blue line.

  A grin wanted to spread across his face, but he forced himself to keep his face neutral. He had no idea how she would feel about this, and if she didn’t want it… He made himself swallow hard.

  He looked up at her, at the misery everywhere, and couldn’t guess. Was it that she didn’t want to be pregnant, or that she thought he’d flip out? Or both? He reached out a hand to her, and after a moment, she took it in. He drew her into his arms and held her, stroking her back. It took a little while, but some of the tension ran out of her back.

  Now that he was thinking about it, there were some things he should have noticed. She’d bought new bras, and he’d found himself wondering if it was his imagination, or if they were too small for her. She’d hissed sharply over the last few days when he’d bitten her nipples or twisted them, but she loved it, so she hadn’t complained. And neither had he. Most noticeably, in retrospect, they hadn’t had to avoid intercourse for her period. In… He counted back – six weeks, give or take. Well. That ought to have been a fucking sign. Idiot.

  “It’s not really a surprise,” he said, carefully. “We haven’t used any kind of protection, and I didn’t ask if you were on birth control.”

  She nodded into his chest but didn’t say anything.

  “How are you doing with this?”

  She sighed heavily, but she finally spoke. “If I just ignore it, it isn’t going to go away.”

  “That is true. Do you want to just ignore it?”

  She shrugged again. He had one hot moment of wanting to tell her to use her fucking words, but that was the kind of anger and release that didn’t help.

  “Laurie. I’m not upset with you. We do need to talk about this. We need to – I need to know what you want.”

  She sighed again and drew back, rubbing the palm of her hand over her forehead hard enough to leave a red mark. “You’re not exactly the kind of guy who dreams of being a dad, are you?” There was bitterness in her voice that twisted him up.

  “I do, actually, yeah.”

  She froze in place and then looked up at him, slow. He saw hope blossoming on her face, and it felt good. Really good. “What?”

  He shrugged. “This place... it’s my home. It’s my family. Maybe it’s not the American dream of a nuclear family, but it’s mine. My dad raised me here. I’ve always thought that someday, when the club is under control, and things are right, I’d raise my own kids here. I thought that would be farther in the future, but if now’s the time?” He let that smile out, just a little. “And if it’s not, if you don’t want it—”

  “I want it. I want it, and I want you, I just didn’t—” She took another breath. When she started speaking again, her voice was quieter. “I didn’t have much of a family. We haven’t talked about what it was like before, why my brother wasn’t part of my life. I don’t want to, really. It’s the past. But I always thought – I never thought I’d want a family. Just another thing to screw up, you know? But I saw that test. I saw the line, and I wanted this. I wanted you and this.”

  “Okay,” he said. He reached out a hand, and when she took it this time, he pulled her in hard. “Let’s have a baby.”

  He kissed her hard, smoldering, and she responded with an open mouth and a hungry hand reaching for his cock. He’d never stopped being hard, not really, and he groaned into her mouth as she ran her palm over him, through his jeans.

  “You do that,” he said, “and I’m going to fuck you right here, and I’m going to make you scream so loud that everyone can hear.”

  She let out a cry as he lifted her tits and twisted her nipples hard. She didn’t try to hold back at all, and his cock just got harder. “Do it,” she said. Her eyes were glazed over with need, and he realized she’d been holding back just as hard as he had. Alright then. Time to live up to his promises.

  He wished for just a moment that he kept more stuff on the desk so that it would be more erotic when he flung everything on the desk onto the floor, but he made do with what he had. The pregnancy test, a balance sheet, and a plastic snow globe that had been in the office since he was a kid scattered onto the floor. Laurie laughed, but when he picked her up and tossed her easily onto the desk, she stopped laughing. She was wearing one of those short skirts that drove him crazy; he barely had to move it up her hips to get at her cunt. He pushed her thighs apart, and it was already high enough that it was out of his way. A pretty pink scrap of lace was all that rested between his mouth and her pussy, and shoving that out of the way was easy as anything.

  God, she was so sweet. He loved tasting her, and he pressed into her folds delighted to have her on his tongue again. She was delightful to eat out; so rewarding with her grunts and groans and eager movements with more of the same was just the right thing to do. She was glistening wet before he put his tongue over her cunt, and she started to twist on his tongue the moment he suckled her clit. By the time he stuffed her cunt with two, then three fingers, she was writhing, the heel of her hand hard against her mouth.

  He reached up and delivered a stinging slap to one of her tits. “I said you’re going to scream. Don’t you fucking pretend you don’t want this.”

  Her hand came away from her mouth, and both hands clenched at the sides of the desk. He stayed standing, one hand fucking
her cunt mercilessly, the other slapping her tits in no particular rhythm. No point in letting her get used to it and anticipate it. She was crying, much faster than usual; they had to hurt, they’d swollen so fast. He groaned, thinking of how she’d look in the months to come. That tight belly swelling with his baby, stretching her out, twisting her hormones up into knots. Pregnant women he’d known were constantly looking to scratch that itch. He’d never held back with her in the first place, but damn. Damn.

  “Jacob,” she panted out. “Oh my God. Jacob. I’m going to—”

  He slapped her tit harder. “No, you’re fucking well not. You’re going to come on my cock, and you’re not going to do it until I say you will. Understand me?”


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