Slave: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance (Dothkhan Alien Warriors Book 1)

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Slave: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance (Dothkhan Alien Warriors Book 1) Page 1

by Tahlia Black

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


























  A Note From The Author:

  A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance

  (Dothkhan Alien Warriors)

  Tahlia Black

  * * * * *

  Published by Tahlia Black

  Edited by Sennah Tate

  Copyright © 2018 by Tahlia Black


  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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  A hot blast of plasma cuts so close to my canopy I can feel the heat through my visor.

  “I’m taking heavy fire!” I relay, only static returning.

  It’s not looking good. Here in the canyon our fighters have the disadvantage. They cannot maneuver as fast as the Dothkhan ships.

  I pull hard into a barrel roll, my g-suit taking most of the force but still threatening to return what I had for breakfast if I increase the speed of rotation.

  I jam the joystick back and head towards the sky, climbing and climbing, the entire vista abuzz with crisscrossed beams and bursts of color. Each is another Alliance ship down.

  This one Dothkhan ship is right on my ass. The fucker just won’t let me go.

  “Squadron Leader, tell me what the fuck is going on,” I transmit. “I could do with some help here.”

  No response.

  It’s only then I realize I am alone. My entire squad’s been blown to kingdom come. The girls and guys I’ve spent the last three years training with, eating with… fucking with, they’re gone, turned into space dust by these alien scum.

  No one expected a portal to an alien world to open right above us, or the attack that was to follow. I saw the vision myself, the entire company gathered around the holos, watching the destruction that unfolded a galaxy away as the Dothkhan killed and ravaged.

  We weren’t ready. We sure as hell weren’t prepared, but now we’re fighting back—the same way the Alliance has fought every threat before. I couldn’t sit around on my ass and watch. I had to take it to them, the invaders.

  I look down to the console, the series of cuts I’ve made in the metal to indicate kills. They cover the entire cabin.

  The engines start to wheeze as I push the altitude. The hard ceiling is coming up, that dark blue void of space and beyond it the pink eye of the nearest moon.

  I turn around and take a good look at the Dothkhan ship tracking me. Each is unique in both color and design, perversions of Alliance fighters.

  This one’s orange with inky black stripes, the insignia of what looks like a tiger crossed with a phoenix on the side.

  I snap back to attention and try to work out what the hell I’m going to do, letting the pulse drives stall and dropping like a stone past the enemy ship.

  They clearly weren’t expecting that. I fall into a spin and struggle to regain control, finally pulling up before I become a smear on the canyon floor.

  Close one, Eve.

  Something rips up through the side of the fighter, a burning sensation against my leg. My console turns red, warnings blinking up left and right in my HUD. I look down and see smoke, sparks, turning to spot the same Dothkhan ship on my tail.


  I’ve been hit, my main drive down and losing propulsion fast. I switch to auxiliary, but it’s not going to last. The Dothkhan ship is gaining too fast.

  I pull in a shallow breath through clenched teeth.

  This is it.

  This is the end.

  If it’s one thing they teach you in the Academy, it’s ‘don’t be taken alive,’ especially if you’re a woman.

  The Alliance keeps tight-lipped about what they’ve discovered about the Dothkhan. We know that aesthetically they are similar to us, though lacking hair and human pigmentation, instead glowing from within with a kaleidoscope of color based, we think, around mood. They’re taller, stronger, improved versions of ourselves in every way capable even of telepathic thought. They’re a fierce, fighting race with no interest in peace. They take what they want.

  I don’t know why the Alliance doesn’t want us to be taken alive, but they were very clear on the point during training. ‘Worse than death,’ popped up a few times, fellow soldiers conjuring up all kinds of theories—strange, gladiatorial battles on another world, being skinned alive, tortured endlessly… forced into sexual slavery, or worse.

  I don’t want to find out.

  I pull off my helmet breathing hard, the Dothkhan ship so close I can hear the beating wail of its engines, the front of the ship lighting up ready to pull me away with its T-beam.

  Not today, fucker.

  I punch in the self-destruct sequence, the countdown starting. Struggling to keep the ship steady, I reach down into my suit and find my tags between my breasts, taking them out and cracking one open. The capsule falls into the palm of my hand, instant death.

  They said it would be over quickly.

  Only ten seconds remain, the ship about to explode. I sure as hell don’t want to be around for that BBQ.


  I look at the capsule and prepare to throw it down.


  I lift my hand up and open my mouth.


  A vibration runs through the hull as the auxiliary engine starts to seize. It’s enough to cause the capsule to fall from my hand, clinking its way to the floor.



  I search frantically around my feet, but there’s nothing there. I can’t find the fucking capsule.


  I’m shaking, lost, about to be torn apart by the blast.

  The alarms increase in both volume and urgency.


  I think of everything I’ve abandoned, every friend I have ever known taken from this world. I have never felt more alone.

  Three. />
  Not like this.


  I close my eyes.



  I look down at the console. It’s blinking ‘00:00’ but nothing has happened. The ship is still in one piece. I’m in one piece.

  It’s right then a cobalt cloud envelops the cabin. My muscles are caught in some kind of pull, strained and turning me into a pained statue.

  I cry out silently in agony, bound by forces unseen. The blue iridescence increases until I can’t see anything else.

  I feel like I’m being torn apart from the inside out.

  It’s too much. I can’t bear it.

  I let the pain take me, my world fading into a pinprick of black.




  Truthfully, I don’t know how long it’s been since I was captured.

  “Good morning, 331. Your meal is waiting.”

  I lift the covers off and make my way to the small dining table, three pills waiting as always.

  Outside the barred windows, two suns are converging.

  I throw the pills back. I’ve become a junkie. They are all I think about, all I look forward to. They are my entire world in this zoo.

  It’s not long before crowds start to gather at the windows, peering in with their black, Dothkhan eyes, bodies glowing. They show no overt emotion, no facial expressions. I cannot bear to look at them, to see the way they observe me here in my cage, and that’s what it is. There is a bed here, a table, even an approximation of a kitchen, but there is no food. There are only the pills.

  The nakedness bothered me at first. I screamed and slammed at the glass, threw myself against it for days when I first arrived, but I’ve been implanted with something. If I act out, they turn it on, the pain debilitating in the extreme, tearing me apart.

  So, now I sit here, naked, and spend my days thinking of home, making up stories, the pills. They shave me, down there, trigger the thing inside me until I pass out. I wake up with my hair cut and my skin clean, red and raw. It makes me sick thinking about them touching me, doing with my body what they will.

  Even at the Academy I was popular, the athletic girl with the perfect physique. I had my pick of guys, and I loved it. I loved sex. Here I barely think about it. This place, what I now know to be a zoo for our kind, a place for them to look on us like a novelty, has destroyed any shred of happiness, of life left inside me, so I exist.

  It’s all I can do.



  At first he blends in like all the others, the Blue One. Like their ships, each Dothkhan appears unique in color, but this one is bluer than most, a striking mix of sapphire and teal blending and shifting over his skin. He’s impressively built, with wide, strong shoulders and slabbed abdominals leading down to a cock almost as long as my arm.

  The zoo is popular, especially during the day when the two suns are high in the sky above. I have no way to ascertain what the weather is like, if there even is weather here. I don’t know anything about this world. We could be anywhere. Perhaps this is not even a world at all, but a ship, or a holo. I’ve been through it all.

  Another day, the same story.

  I watch the crowds in the mirror. The Blue One is here again today, that towering specimen of a Dothkhan male with his tessellated body and piercing, inky eyes. The Dothkhan have no need for clothing, his cock hanging thick as always between his legs. The crowds move on, but this one stays, watching.

  For a moment I am sure he notices me watching him in the mirror. I turn away, for the first time in a long time conscious of my nakedness. I attempt to cover my breasts, pressing my thighs against one another.

  A flush of heat overcomes me as I watch him, the first real emotion I have felt since I was captured. My thighs clamp tighter together, tendrils of need twisting and churning at my core. My lips part and my breathing becomes labored the more I look at him.

  Eventually, I turn away and watch the wall. When I look back, he’s gone.


  The Blue One returns the next day, and the next. Finally, I can’t take it anymore.

  I march up to the glass and bash it with both hands. “What the fuck do you want?!” I scream, but he registers no emotion. Instead, he comes closer to the glass and I swear to the Grand Commander himself he’s smirking.

  I look right into those beady black eyes of his and see nothing but another Dothkhan scumbag, another invader.

  “Fuck you!” I scream.

  The pain starts where it always does, right at the top of my spine just under my skull.

  It increases until I collapse to my knees, hands searching the back of my neck for the source of the pain but finding only the thin line of a scar long since forgotten.

  The Blue One watches, fascinated.

  “You like this?” I yell through a fog of pain. His cock is lifting between his legs, growing hard. “You get off on this?”

  No reply.

  I jump up and punch the glass so hard I leave blood.

  “Warning, 331.”

  “Fuck you too!” I scream at my invisible keeper. “Fuck all of you!”

  I punch the glass again, feels like something breaks in my hand, but I don’t care. I smash my fist into it over and over aiming right for his face.

  Suddenly the pain ramps up to an unbelievable level. I drop to the floor and hold my head, the pain running deep into my very bones.

  The last thing I see before I lose consciousness completely is the Blue One, upside down, a smile on his face and his cock in full erection.


  I come to with a killer headache, the kind where it feels like someone’s been sharpening an axe against my skull all night. Before, I was sure I’d damaged my hand, but it’s fine now, good as new.

  The room is dark, much darker than normal. I can make out a table, the walls, but they’re wrong, different. This isn’t my room, my cell.

  I’m struck with a sudden panic.

  If this isn’t my room, where am I?

  “You are awake.”

  A voice.

  My head whips from left to right, but I can’t trace the sound. It seems to be coming from behind me. Behind me?

  I look around and realize I’m upright, my arms and legs stretched out. I’m on a cross of some sort, heavy metal rings around my ankles and wrists keeping me fixed to it. I try to move, but the bracelets appear to be attached to the cross with some kind of magnetic field, far too strong to break.

  I squint to take in more of the room. It’s more like a castle, with stone walls and floor, torches lit around the perimeter. There’s a sort of control panel next to the door, the alien technology at odds with the gothic architecture.

  “Who’s there?”

  A Dothkhan steps in front of me, his color even more vibrant in the darkness, his cerulean glow lighting up the room, a room I now see is far plusher and more luxurious than the one to which I have become accustomed to at the zoo.

  It’s the Blue One. It’s him. There’s no mistaking it.

  He’s not alone.

  Another Dothkhan sits in the corner of the room, in shadow. Curiously, he shares the same coloring of as the Blue One.

  The one in front of me speaks perfect Alliance. “You recognize me, Nu’va?”

  I’m not familiar with the title. “Yes,” I reply. “You can speak?”

  “We can, but we chose not to.” He taps his head. “Your language is… primitive.”

  “Let me off this thing and I’ll show you just how primitive we can be.”

  He smiles again. I’ve never seen a Dothkhan show emotion before, but this one flaunts it.

  I study his chest, his translucent skin and the glow emanating from below, a sea of energy.

  I jerk my head towards the other Dothkhan who remains unmoved in the corner. “Who’s that? Your bum buddy?”

  “None of your concern. Are you not curious why you are here?”

I play along. “Why am I here?”

  He runs a finger down the side of my chest, running it over my ribs. I’m surprised at how warm his touch is, the heat this one finger transfers through my skin. Where it touches it leaves a lingering tingle, a simmering that swims its way to the tender spot between my legs.

  “You are here,” he continues, “because I have acquired you, for a substantial sum, I might add.”


  “You fascinate me, 331.”

  “My name is Eve.”

  “Eve,” he corrects. “But tell me, Eve, what are we to do with you?”

  “Take me back to my cruiser so I can blast you back to whatever shithole you came from.”

  This seems to amuse him.

  He comes closer, his finger falling to the curve of my hip, others joining the pilgrimage south. I stiffen and relax, trying to fight the need building, but failing. His cock brushes against my leg — warm, the shaft of it thickening.

  “I’m afraid that is not possible. This is your home now, Nu’va, and I am your master.”

  “I’m slave to no one.”

  He runs his fingers over my pubis, one separating my lips and sawing through the wetness that has started to build there so traitorously. “We will see about that.”

  His hand leaves and he turns, walking to a table by the wall. From it he selects a small object that looks like a cone-like seashell. He holds it up to me, its surface opalescent.

  “What the hell’s that?” I ask.

  He runs his hand behind my neck, fingers pressing. I wince at new pain there. “You were implanted with this device when you arrived, for compliance.”

  I remember the pain, the source of agony.

  “We removed it. The wound is healing well.”

  He takes his hand away and places the seashell into the valley between my breasts, letting it drop slowly down my body.

  I stiffen at the memory of the pain.

  He runs it over my belly button, letting it continue to progress until it’s pressed against my sex.

  I gasp, sharp.

  He turns it, the rounded point sitting against the rim of my entrance. He adds pressure, the seashell beginning to penetrate me, filling me. He adds more pressure and it disappears completely, swallowed up by the slobbery mouth of my sex.


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