Ice: A Reed Security Romance

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Ice: A Reed Security Romance Page 5

by Giulia Lagomarsino



  “OH, GOD. DON’T stop,” I begged as he thrust his hard cock against my ass. He may be the most aggravating man on the face of the planet, but he was a God in the bedroom. “Princess, I won’t be stopping any time soon. I’m gonna sink my cock so deep in your pussy that you’ll be feeling me for a year.” “Yes, do it,” I moaned. “I’m gonna fuck you hard. This isn’t gonna be sweet, romantic lovemaking. This is going to be hard, nonstop fucking until you’re raw.” “Yes!” I yelled as he thrust his length inside me. He was right. I would never forget the feel of him inside me. I shoved my ass back against him as he wrapped his arm around me and held me tight to his hard chest. His breath fanned across my neck as he squeezed my breast hard, pinching my nipple between his fingers and rolling it until it was hard. “Princess, you’ve got to stop that.” “No, don’t stop, John. I’m going to come.” He groaned behind me as I pushed back against him again. “You have to stop before I fuck you.” “You already are,” I gasped. “Fuck me harder.” “Princess, you’re making this really hard for me to walk away from.” “What? Why would you-”

  “Princess, stop fucking moving now.” My eyes snapped open as his voice rang in my ears. A dream, it was all a dream. Oh shit. I became aware of several things at that moment. One, his arm was in fact wrapped around my chest and he was holding me to him and his hand was most definitely grasping onto my breast. Two, I was fucking soaked and he could feel it because that wasn’t a vibrator between my legs. That was a hard, real, live cock that was shoved against my pussy and possibly very close to pushing inside me. And three, he wasn’t pulling away from me, but holding me closer. “Could you please remove your arms from my chest,” I said with as much restraint as I could. “I would, but if you move, I’m gonna come right now. Just stay still,” he growled. “Oh my, God. Are you serious right now?” I tried to pull away, but he held me tighter to his chest, something that I actually liked a lot, but would never admit. “Stop. Moving,” he bit out. “I don’t want my cock sliding inside your pussy anymore than you do, but you’re fucking wet and hot and my cock doesn’t know the difference.” “Great, good to know any pussy will do for you,” I said in disgust. “Just give me a fucking minute to get myself under control.” “It might help if you would remove your hand from my breast and stop pinching my fucking nipple!” “Fuck, this is so bad,” he groaned. “I need a cold shower.” “You need to move the fuck away from me.” I jerked to get out of his grasp, but I ended up pushing back against him and his cock slid home inside me. Oh shit. He groaned and his arms tightened around me. I couldn’t deny that he felt amazing. His hard cock was pulsing inside me, jerking and hitting me just where I wanted it. “Okay, I’m going to slowly slide out of you and we’re going to pretend this never happened. We didn’t have sex and I didn’t feel how hot and tight your pussy really is. Shit,” he said almost to himself. My heart was going crazy and as much as I knew this was wrong, I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel him fucking me hard. I wanted to know how good he was in bed. “Okay, yeah. Do it.” He started to slide out and I moaned loudly. I was sexually frustrated to say the least and I needed more from him. I needed this and before I could think better of it, I slammed my ass back against him, making him sink his dick deep inside me again. “Fuck,” he shouted as his hips started moving against me, thrusting hard and pushing me higher and higher until I was clenching down around him. “Goddammit, woman.” He fucked me harder and harder, pinching my nipple and biting my ear as his cock impaled me over and over again. His hand moved down and spread one of my ass cheeks, making it easier for him to fuck me deeper. I slid my leg over his so I was spread wide for him and his hand moved from my ass to my pussy. “Fuck, you are so wet for me. I’m so close to coming.” “Not until you fuck me harder. Make me come.” “Anytime, princess.” His hips worked overtime as he pounded into me. My orgasm pushed through me until I was seeing spots and on the verge of passing out from the intense pleasure that shot through me. He stilled inside me, gripping my hips as he held me still. His harsh breaths fanned across my face as he shot his load inside me. I could feel his cum dripping out of me, slipping down my ass. “That was…” I started, but couldn’t think of anything else to say. “Yeah.” Slowly, our breathing returned to normal and he pulled back slightly from me, the sweat from his chest leaving a fine sheen across my back. “That shouldn’t happen again.” “Definitely not,” he grumbled. “It was an accident anyway.” “Yeah,” he huffed. “My dick accidentally slipped inside you and fucked you until you squeezed my cock to the point of pain.” “Good. Glad to know we’re on the same page.” “We’re gonna have to wash the sheets again,” he mumbled.


  Things were awkward after this morning’s accidental fucking. I couldn’t look at him without remembering what it felt like to have him inside me, but every time he looked at me, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but near me. I busied myself with cleaning around the house. I figured that if I was going to be staying here, I should at least make myself useful. Besides, after talking to him about all the gross things that live in a bed, I couldn’t help but look at the rest of his house and wonder when the last time it was cleaned. I started in the bathroom, attacking the toilet first. It had to be the most disgusting place in any house, and in his it was no different. There was something about men that always made a bathroom more disgusting. It was like they didn’t know where the bowl was, or they had bad aim or something. Not to mention that they never cleaned around the base of the toilet. His was disgusting. I found a spare toothbrush and I really started scrubbing, getting all the grime that had built up around the toilet. Next was the shower and though it was pretty clean, I felt better knowing that I had just cleaned it. The sink, on the other hand, was a completely different story. While overall it was clean, there were tiny hairs all over the sink. Didn’t men know how to rinse the sink when they were done shaving? Even the toothbrush holder had seen better days. When I was satisfied that it was all clean, I scrubbed the floor, happy when I could see it sparkling. Satisfied with my work, I stood in the doorway and smiled to myself at the great job I did. “Move, I have to take a piss,” Ice said from behind me. “Charming,” I said as I rolled my eyes and moved out of his way. I went to put in the load of towels that had collected in the bathroom. By the time I got back to the bathroom to hang up fresh towels, I was irritated by what I saw. There was water all over the sink and he had rearranged the way I put the stuff back on the sink. I moved it all back the way I had it and nodded to myself in satisfaction. When I walked back toward the living room, I saw Ice pulling on his coat. “I’m heading out. I’m going to be working with the guys on rebuilding, so I won’t be around a whole lot.” “Okay, is there anything you want me to do?” “Yeah, stay out of my way.” “I meant, like is there something I can do to help? I don’t want to just sit around here all day.” “Sorry, princess. I’m afraid you’ll have to sit in your ivory tower all day and let the simple folk do the work.” “Why do you act like I’m some heiress that doesn’t know how to work? I had my own business and I worked hard every day.” He shook his head and walked out the door, not giving me a second glance. I didn’t understand what his problem with me was. Could this all be because I didn’t fall to my knees and beg to suck him off? I scoffed as his truck roared out of the driveway and turned left down the road. Screw him. I wasn’t going to just sit around all day. I would make myself useful in whatever way I could. I spent the whole day cleaning the house from top to bottom and I washed his laundry that he had shoved in the corner of the room. He mostly wore the same clothes every day, jeans and a t-shirt, but there was one nice button down shirt mixed in. I ironed it and then went to his closet to hang it up. I could have laughed for how sparse the space was. He barely had anything in it. However, there was a box that looked rather interesting. My fingers itched to grab it and see what was inside, but just before I grabbed it, I shook my head and walked out of the closet,
slamming the door shut. “I will not snoop through his things,” I said to myself. I went to the living room and turned on the TV, but that box was calling to me. I could hear it laughing at me in the closet, taunting me with its delicious secrets. Come to me. Open me. See what treasures I hold inside. “Shut up,” I shouted in the direction of the closet. “You will not tempt me. I will not open you and I will not look through his stuff.” Just one peek won’t hurt. Besides, maybe you’ll find out something about him that could give you some insight into his surly attitude. “No, I am not that person. I don’t snoop through other people’s things, and I don’t care what’s in there anyway.” I gave a final nod to the closet and then turned back to the TV, sinking back into the couch. Thirty seconds later, I was up and at the closet door, yanking it open and reaching for the box. I lifted the lid before I could think better of it and stared in shock at what I saw. Pictures littered the entire box. There was a beautiful woman standing with him in his military uniform. She had a huge smile plastered on her face as she stared at him adoringly. He looked just as happy. I had never seen that kind of smile on his face before. He looked like he was truly in love and it made me a little jealous that he wasn’t looking at me that way. I got sneers and shitty nicknames. What had this woman done that he looked at her like that? I went through more and more pictures, trying to see what it was about her, but it was pretty obvious. She was gorgeous, with long, dark, wavy hair, big brown eyes, a perfect smile, a perfect body. She was basically what every other woman dreamed of being. The question was, where was she now? I kept going through the box and was shocked when I saw what looked like engagement photos. Looking closer, I could see that she was in fact wearing a diamond ring on her finger. No other pictures showed a wedding or them with wedding bands. What the hell happened? Looking at all the pictures pulled out around me, I felt horrible that I had invaded his personal space. He was being nice enough to let me stay with him and I just went rifling through something that was obviously important to him. I quickly gathered everything up and put it away, making sure that everything was exactly how I found it. I spent the rest of the day watching TV and trying not to think about the woman in the box. I tried not to wonder what had happened to her. And most of all, I tried not to think about whether or not Ice still wanted her.



  I COULDN’T GET her off my mind. All day, I was fucking shit up because I couldn’t concentrate. All I could think about was how good it felt to wake up with her in my arms. Well, and how amazingly hot and wet that pussy was for me. When I heard her calling my name in her sleep, that was it for me. I couldn’t hold back anymore. Sure, I could have pulled my dick away from her and gotten the hell out of bed, but her body was just too tempting. Never in a million years would I have thought she would thrust her ass back on my cock and beg me like she had. But she did, and my dick took control after my brain went out the window. Now what the hell was I going to do? I needed to talk to someone about this and work shit out. I didn’t want to talk to all the assholes who had hitched themselves to someone already. They would just give me shit about being pussy whipped. No, what I needed was a real man’s perspective. We were rebuilding Sinner’s house because it had been burnt to the ground. When I saw that no one else was around, I pulled Jules aside, telling him I had an issue with a beam and needed his help. Thankfully, he just smirked and followed me. “So, what’s this problem you’re having with the beam?” he asked as we made our way around the house. “You ever,” I cleared my throat uncomfortably, feeling like my shirt was strangling me. “You ever accidentally, you know, fuck someone?” He gave me an assessing look before scratching his chin. “You mean, like you slept with someone you shouldn’t have?” “No, I mean like, you accidentally slipped your dick in someone and you weren’t meaning to,” I said slowly. “I’m not quite sure how that would even happen. What are we talking? Naked Twister?” “No kinky shit.” “I still don’t follow.” I heaved out a breath in irritation and started pacing. “Let’s say, for sake of theories, that you were laying in bed-” “With a woman?” “Yes, with a woman,” I barked. “Just checking, man,” he grinned. “Anyway, you’re laying in bed with a woman, and body parts just line up.” “Uh-huh.” “And someone moves the wrong way and…” “And?” He motioned for me to continue. “And then your dick slips inside and you’re fucking.” Jules considered this for a moment. “Question. Where’s the fucking underwear that would prevent this accidental fucking?” I rolled my eyes in frustration. “I just need a fucking answer.” He chuckled and slapped me on the back. “Well, I’m just saying that this could have all been prevented. I’m not quite sure what you’re asking me.” “Fuck, I don’t know. What the hell do I do?” “I’m assuming this is Lindsey we’re talking about.” “Who else, fucker?” “Alright, don’t get your panties in a twist. So, you accidentally fucked her.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head at me. “You know that’s not a thing, right? You could have stopped it.” “What could he have stopped?” I groaned when I heard Chris’s voice behind me. Damn, I didn’t want anyone to know. “Nothing,” I said quickly. “Not nothing,” Jules pointed out. “He’s doing the nasty with Lindsey.” “We accidentally slept together.” “Slept together or fucked?” Chris asked. “Fucked.” “How do you accidentally fuck someone?” Chris laughed. “We were sleeping and we woke up…you know…in a certain position that aligned our respective parts in such a way that it just kind of happened.” “So, you snuggled up in your sleep and ended up with a woody pressed against her ass. Nice,” Jules grinned. “And she went for it?” “It just sort of slipped in. It was…wet and…” “Slippery?” Chris asked. “Yeah.” “And then your dick just continued to slip back inside every time you pulled out?” Chris’s eyes danced with amusement and Jules was trying his best to hold back his grin. Fuck, they were going to give me so much shit for this. “I’m picturing the two of you on a slip and slide right now.” “Shut up, asshole. It happened, but it won’t happen again.” “Yeah, I don’t buy that,” Jules said. “Not unless you’re planning on having her go stay at a hotel.” “What am I supposed to do?” I asked incredulously. “Say, thanks for the fuck, but you need to leave?” “You could,” Jules shrugged. “You said it was an accident. So, accidentally kick her out.” I glared at him. “What? Like, if accidental fucking is a thing then so is kicking her out.” “Listen, I’m with Jules. If she stays with you, this shit’s gonna keep happening,” Chris said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Exactly, there are going to be cold nights coming up,” Jules smirked. “Your cabin always gets a little cold in the winter. You’ll need to keep her warm some way.” “Body heat, naturally,” Chris joined in. “Right, and you’ll both be naked,” Jules added. “Of course,” Chris said. “Your dick pressed against her wet pussy. Her breasts begging to be warmed up with your hands,” Jules grinned. “But nothing’s going to happen,” Chris finished. “You’ll just cuddle,” he laughed. “Stop busting my balls and tell me what the fuck to do.” “Move on,” Jules said harshly. “Move on? Just like that? Pretend nothing happened and go on with life.” “Exactly. The minute you show her that it had an effect on you, that’s the minute she starts playing mind games with you. She’s gonna want to fuck again, which is fine at first, but then she’ll want to cuddle. Before you know it, you’re snuggled up on the couch on a Friday night, watching Lifetime movies about women with cancer or running from abusive spouses. Or worse, those fucking Christmas movies. Then, her tampons are under your sink and her bras are hanging in your shower.” “She lives with me. Of course, her tampons are going to be under the sink.” “Now, but what about when she moves out? Or will she?” Chris asked. “Or will she what?” He was fucking confusing the hell out of me. “Will she move out,” Jules cut in. “I’m telling you, man. You start sleeping with her and that’s a one way ticket to you having a woman living with you the rest of your life. And the part that really sucks is that when you’re ready to kick her out, there’s no easy way to do it.
Because then you’re way past just fucking and you’re moving into the land of the dead. As in, your sex life will be dead and you’ll have one pussy for the rest of your life. The kind of pussy that’s gonna be used against you if you’re not home on time or you forget to take out the garbage. And that’s not even the worst part.” “What’s the worst part?” I asked, a little scared now of the answer. “She’s gonna let herself go. I’m telling you, man. I’ve seen it too many times before. A woman gets comfortable with her relationship and suddenly, she doesn’t need makeup and she doesn’t need to lose that five extra pounds. What the fuck is it with that? Here we are, working out and keeping up our bodies and they can’t even go on a fucking walk. Then, she’s walking around in sweats and her hair is always up in one of those messy heaps on top of their heads that they think is so cute. But you know what? It’s not fucking cute. It’s like women that walk around all day in fucking yoga pants. Put some real damn pants on! Those aren’t meant to be worn as everyday attire.” I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He was getting more worked up over this than I was. “You gotta calm down, Jules. Nobody is wearing yoga pants and we most definitely are not watching Lifetime movies.” “Sure, you say that now. I give it one month. Go ahead, stick your dick in her again and see how this ends,” he shouted. I glanced around, seeing that a few of the guys were starting to walk over out of curiosity. “Would you stop fucking shouting?” “It’s your fucking funeral.” “Who are you sticking your dick in?” Sinner asked as he got closer. “Nobody,” I said shortly. “Jules is just having a bit of a…lady problem.” Chris laughed under his breath and Sinner nodded to Jules. “What’s up, man?” “He slept with this woman that was really good in bed, but then she gave him the clap.” Jules glared at me, but I just shrugged. Sinner looked down quickly at his groin and then back up. “Definitely don’t stick it in her again. Do you know why they call it ‘the clap’? Because men used to clap their dicks between their hands to get the pus out.” “That’s fucking disgusting,” Jules said. “Is that what the sore throat was about last week?” Sinner asked. Jules turned beat red as he looked at me. I gave a slight shake of my head, letting him know he couldn’t say shit. “Yeah,” Jules grit out. “The dirty bitch gave me gonorrhea in my throat.” “Dude, that’s fucking disgusting. You drank out of my beer last week,” Sinner shook his head in disgust. “Now, I have to go get fucking tested.” “It’s a sexually transmitted disease,” he shouted as Sinner stormed away. “You can’t get it from drinking out of the same bottle as me.” Sinner held up his middle finger in response. Chris busted out laughing as he walked away, leaving me alone with a fuming Jules. “Now, before you get all pissed, just remember that you’re doing this for a friend.” I held my hands up in a placating gesture. “Yeah, well my other friend thinks I gave him a fucking STD. He’s gonna go get tested, and probably tell everyone else they have to also.” I tried to say sorry, but I wasn’t. If it came to Sinner thinking he had a STD or me getting away with an accidental fucking and not having to hear about it from everyone, I’d take Jules having a STD any day. “Just try and think about how fucking hilarious it’ll be when they all go into the doctor’s office and ask for a STD check.” I slapped him on the back and walked away, turning at the last minute to thank him. “Thanks for the advice, by the way.”


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