Ice: A Reed Security Romance

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Ice: A Reed Security Romance Page 7

by Giulia Lagomarsino


  I was exhausted by the time I got home that night. It was different work than I was used to and my body was telling me that I wasn’t cut out for the construction business. Walking in the door, I noticed that it was cold in the house, which I didn’t understand considering that there was a woman here that would make sure that the house was warm. So, what the fuck was going on? I walked into the kitchen and looked around, not seeing any windows open or anything. Then I went to the thermostat and saw that it was set at sixty-eight degrees. What the fuck? I tried turning the heat up, but nothing happened. Shit. I went the closet and looked at the heater, knowing immediately that something was wrong. I opened the panel and saw that the fucking thing wasn’t working. Why the fuck didn’t she say anything? I stormed into the bedroom to see her huddled under the covers. Flipping on the light, I glared at her when she rolled over and squinted at me. “You want to tell me why the fuck you didn’t say anything about the furnace going out?” “How would I have told you?” “I don’t know? Pick up the fucking phone and call?” “I don’t have a phone. Or did you forget that you kidnapped me without any of my belongings?” I went to yell back at her when I realized that she was right. Fuck. “Well, you still could have…” What? Walked over to a neighbor’s house? She raised an eyebrow at me, begging me to finish that thought. Irritated with myself and her just for being here, I stormed out of the room and put in a service call to the twenty-four hour hotline for repairs. The earliest they could come out was in two days. That wouldn’t be a big deal for me. I could sleep anywhere in any conditions, but I had a damn woman in the house with me to think about. I was probably going to have to listen to her bitch about how cold it was in the house. Taking a quick shower, I crawled in bed, staying firmly on my side of the bed. Despite what Sinner said, I wouldn’t be trying to fuck her out of my system. What was the point? I knew it wouldn’t work. I woke in the middle of the night to feel the bed shaking. Looking over, I saw that Lindsey was shivering on her side of the bed. I rolled my eyes in frustration. As much of an asshole as I was, I wasn’t going to let her freeze over there. I scooted closer to her and pulled her into my body. She came willingly, wrapping her arms around me and burrowing into my body. My cock responded immediately, standing proud and begging for some attention. However, when she put her cold as fuck feet against me, that took care of my woody problem. I tucked her feet between my legs to warm them up and cursed myself for falling into this woman’s trap. She may not be setting one intentionally, but I sure as hell was falling for it. The thing that killed me was that I liked the feel of her in my arms. I liked the way her body fit against mine. I liked her in general, when she wasn’t being a pain in my ass. Which was probably the reason I was such an ass to her the next morning. “Next time, put on some fucking socks. Your feet were freezing and it kept me awake all night,” I snapped at her. “Well, if the heat wasn’t broken, I wouldn’t be so cold, now would I?” “Look, the repair guy can’t come out until tomorrow. You’re just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. Put on some fucking clothes and curl up under a blanket. It’s not like you have any place special you have to be.” She glared at me, her nostrils flaring in anger. “I would have someplace to be if you hadn’t-” “Burned down your house,” I finished. “Yeah, we’ve been over this a million times. How long are you going to continue to blame me for that? Shit happens. Get the fuck over it.” “Easy for you to say. You have someplace to live. You have a job to go to. What the hell do I have? I have nothing. Everything that belonged to me is gone! And to make matters worse, I’m stuck with you because I have nowhere else to go. So, I’ll get the fuck over it the day I move out of this house and back where I belong.” She stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. It’s not that I didn’t see her point of view, I just couldn’t do anything to fix it at the moment, so what was the point in yelling at me? I heard the shower running and decided now was my time to slip out before she could come back and bitch at me some more.


  Two weeks later and I needed that woman out of my house more than I needed air. Hell, there was no air left to breathe because she never shut the fuck up. If there was ever an oxygen crisis, I would know who to blame. I had successfully avoided sleeping with her for the past two weeks, but only because I slept on the couch most nights. I couldn’t risk accidentally sticking my dick in her again. But it just seemed that the more I stayed away, the bitchier she got. She even left me notes and they were mean as fuck. Like the one she left me last night, We’re out of pretty much all food in the house and if you don’t want to starve or have me go out and start killing wild animals to survive, maybe you could actually be home at some point to take me to the fucking store. Or at least let me drive your truck so that I could go to town myself. Don’t worry, I won’t destroy your truck the way you destroyed my house. So, she was still a little touchy about that. Maybe I had been a little hard on her. Maybe she did have a right to be upset that we had destroyed her livelihood. Either way, I knew that I had to face her at some point, so I let Sinner know that I wouldn’t be out until later today so I could take her to the fucking store. I walked into the bedroom and yanked the covers from my bed off her and snarled at her. “Get the fuck up. I have shit to do today and I can’t waste time waiting for you to get your pretty, little ass out of bed.” I stormed out of the room, pissed and turned on all at the same time. I had really tried not to see how that shirt she was wearing was riding up her ass. I really tried not to look at how perfect those cheeks were or think about how much I wanted to spread them. The damn woman was driving me insane. Usually when there was a woman in my bed, she was willing and begging for more. This one, I didn’t want to touch with a ten foot pole. But my cock sure did. She came out ten minutes later, dressed and yawning. I walked over to the coffee pot, thinking I would make us some coffee really quick, but saw that there was none. Slamming the cabinet door, I stalked to the front door and out to the truck. I was pleasantly surprised when she followed behind me and didn’t say anything. I was really expecting some attitude from her at this time of the morning, but she just sat there. We were just a few minutes down the road when I heard it. A low, loud grumble came from her direction, but she didn’t even flinch. “What the fuck was that?” She looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. “My stomach. I’m hungry.” “Why the fuck didn’t you grab something before we left?” “Because you don’t have anything. You haven’t had anything for days.” “Then what the fuck have you been eating?” “I haven’t,” she snapped at me. “The last time I ate was two days ago, which you would know if you weren’t avoiding me like the plague.” My face reddened and I was glad that it was still dark out. I was such a dick. Ignoring her was one thing. Letting her starve because I wasn’t paying attention was another. And I couldn’t even yell at her for not telling me because she had. Practically every note she left was her telling me that we were running low on food. And I had ignored them all because I was worried about my dick getting attached to her. I pulled into the diner in town and threw the truck in park. “Let’s go.” I got out and walked into the restaurant without looking back. Her stomach was growling even louder now and the waitress was looking at me like I had picked up a homeless person to feed. I really looked at her for the first time this morning and swore to myself. She looked like shit and not just in the you dragged my ass out of bed before I was ready to get up kind of way, but the I’m a slug because I haven’t eaten in two days and I have no energy kind of way. I really was an asshole. “What can I get for you today?” “Two coffees, two orange juices, and everything on the breakfast menu.” The waitress' eyes widened, as did Lindsey’s. “That’ll take a little time,” the waitress said hesitantly. “Just bring it out as it’s ready.” She nodded and walked away. Lindsey was looking at me like I was insane. “The whole breakfast menu? Who’s going to eat all that?” “Both of us.” She snorted and shook her head. “Look, I’m sorry. I was an ass. I was ignoring you so that I d
idn’t accidentally fuck you in your sleep again.” “I would have preferred you fuck me over not having food,” she growled at me. I nodded, ashamed of myself. I was never like this, but this woman had a way of pushing my buttons in every way that she could possibly torment me. Both good and bad. “It won’t happen again.” We sat in silence, and one by one, the food started pouring out of the kitchen. I watched as Lindsey devoured plate after plate of food until she was holding her stomach. “I think I ate too much.” I looked at my plate that I hadn’t touched yet and then back up at her. She was eyeing it like it was a Thanksgiving turkey. I slid the plate over to her and watched as she stole my bacon. I deserved that. When she shoved the bacon in her mouth and moaned, my cock hardened painfully. I watched as she devoured the bacon and then licked the grease from her fingers. I shifted, trying to get comfortable, but it was useless at this point. Nothing could make me forget what I just saw. I sat through the rest of breakfast with the most uncomfortable woody of my life.


  Lindsey and Ice


  After breakfast, John grabbed my hand and dragged me from the diner, hoisting me up into the truck. Truth be told, I was grateful because I was so full I wasn’t sure I would be able to bend in any way, shape, or form. He drove first to the grocery store where he proceeded to buy practically every piece of food in the store. Seriously, the bill was outrageous, but I wasn’t going to say anything. That food would ensure that I wouldn’t be starving anytime soon. After that, we went to the AT&T store where he bought me an iPhone, something I protested greatly, but he wasn’t having it. “John, all I need is a flip phone. I don’t need an $800 phone.” “Well, now you can do all the shit that you probably did before. It’s cheaper than buying you a computer.” It made sense. “Fine, but just so you know, I’m keeping a running total of how much you’ve spent on me and I’m paying you back when my money comes through.” “Fine,” he said in irritation. We drove through town in silence until I shouted for him to stop. There was an old Victorian house with a For Sale sign out front. It was gorgeous. It definitely needed some work on the outside and I had no idea what the inside looked like, but this was exactly what I wanted for a B&B. I pulled out my new phone and took a picture of the sign with all the contact information, smiling to myself that I was finally excited about something. Even if I technically couldn’t afford it at the moment. “What’s with the house?” John asked. “It’s perfect, don’t you think?” “It’s a fucking dump.” “But with some work, it would be a great bed and breakfast.” “You want people to stay there?” he asked incredulously. “It looks like it belongs on Ghost Hunters.” “If I fixed it up, it would be gorgeous. It just needs a little TLC.” “It’s needs a fucking match and gasoline.” I glared at him, but he just rolled his eyes. “What about your old property? Are you thinking of sticking around?” I shrugged. “I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it. I just saw the house and knew it was what I wanted.” “What about your old town? Nobody you’ll miss back there?” I snorted and laughed slightly. “You mean the hotel manager that looked at me like I was dirt? Or the waitress that called me a homewrecker?” “What was that about anyway?” “There was this couple that lived in town. They were the perfect couple on the outside. Beautiful kids, perfect house. He had a great job and she was the woman that did all the fundraisers in town and practically rode around on a float.” Judging by the look on his face, he had no clue what I was talking about. “Everyone loved them, but their marriage was a farce. They got married young and kept up appearances. Unfortunately, keeping up appearances was costing them a lot of money. His wife was a spender because she always wanted to look perfect and had everything everyone else had. One night, the man came into my B&B looking for a room. He couldn’t take their marriage anymore and he didn’t want to stay at the house with her. I guess he had been sleeping on the couch a lot and he wasn’t getting any sleep. He had a big meeting the next day and he needed to be focused, so he asked for a room. He said it was the best night of sleep he ever got. After that, he started coming by a lot, but I knew that it was just as stressful for him to stay at the B&B because he didn’t have the money for it. I felt bad for the guy, so I let him stay there whenever he needed and I didn’t charge him. Word got around that he was staying with me and soon the rumor mill was going that I was sleeping with him.” “How do you know that he actually couldn’t afford to pay you? It sounds like he was taking advantage of you.” I shook my head. “I went to school with his wife. She always had to have the best of the best. Besides, the pain in that man’s eyes was real. He was drowning. I was just trying to help.” “And the whole town turned against you.” “Basically. They ended up getting a divorce and he moved out of town, but she still lives there, spreading the rumor that I was sleeping with her husband and that’s why they divorced.” “And he never corrected anyone?” “What was the point? People believe what they want. That’s the way it is in a small town.” “But that had to kill your business.” I shrugged. “It did, but I don’t regret it. I could see the man was drowning and needed a lifeline. I’m not one to sit by and watch someone else suffer.” He looked over at me curiously, but didn’t say anything else. When we got home, he actually helped me unload all the groceries and put them away. “I have to head over to Sinner’s house. I don’t know how late I’ll be.” He pulled out his wallet and set a card on the counter. “This is for you. For emergencies, in case I’m working late. I’ll leave some numbers for you to call if you need something. This weekend, we’ll look for a junker for you to drive until you can get something you want.” I stared at the card like it was a rattlesnake that would bite me, then back up at him. I didn’t understand this man. “Don’t give me any shit,” he barked. He ran a hand over his face in frustration. “Look, I’m not usually a dick. You just…and the way you…it’s infuriating and I need to stay away.” I just stared at him. I wasn’t quite sure what he was trying to say. He grabbed me around the waist and hauled me against his body, pressing his lips to mine. His hands found my ass and I sank into his touch. I needed him. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I had missed him the last couple of weeks. Even if he was an asshole, I was beginning to think of him as my asshole. When he detached himself from my body, he groaned and pulled at his hair. “Was that you staying away?” I asked in confusion. “Just so you know, if I come home tonight and your ass is bare like it was this morning, I’m sinking my cock inside of you whether you’re asleep or not.” He turned and stormed out the door, leaving me standing there wondering what the hell just happened. I walked around the house in a daze all day. There wasn’t much for me to do, but clean. But now that I had my phone, I could at least call my insurance agent and see what was going on. Unfortunately, nothing was happening yet. They were still investigating the fire and I was shit out of luck.



  When I pulled up to my house, I was relieved that all the lights were out. I had been leaving early in the morning and not coming back until late at night so that I could avoid her. She had been here a few weeks and I had successfully avoided her for most of that time. I couldn’t let my cock do the talking anymore. It was bad enough that it had happened once, but it sure as fuck wouldn’t be happening again. Even if the woman was sexy as hell and had a body that made my dick stand at attention, she had too much sass for me. I liked my women to keep their yaps shut, except when they were wrapped around my cock. I wasn’t sexist or anything, but talking with women was dangerous. As I had seen with all my friends that had recently gotten themselves attached to a woman, they were constantly trying to figure out what they had said wrong and how to fix those fuck ups. It just wasn’t worth the trouble. I walked into the kitchen and smelled something absolutely mouthwatering. She had cooked again. Something I had yet to thank her for. She cooked every night for me and there were always leftovers neatly wrapped up in the fridge. She was an amazing cook, but I kept telling myself to enjoy it because this sit
uation was temporary. After eating, I showered and toweled off, tiptoeing into the room and hoping I didn’t wake her. We had successfully avoided each other every night, if you didn’t count the mornings that we woke up tangled in each other’s arms. Somehow during the night, we found our way to each other and every morning I wasn’t on the couch, I woke up with her in my arms. I snuck out of bed just so that she wouldn’t get the wrong idea. I tried not to think about how good that felt and how much I wanted to keep that feeling going. I stared at the ceiling, trying not to think about the sexy woman next to me, but it didn’t work. My cock went hard just being this close to her. I wanted her. I wanted to sink my cock into her heat and pound into her until she was screaming for me. Shit, there was no way I was going to sleep when I was this keyed up. And just when I decided to get out of bed and go sleep on my torn up couch, she rolled over and threw her leg over mine. Her hand was resting just inches from my throbbing cock. “Shit,” I said quietly. I slowly put my hand over hers and moved it off my stomach, but as soon as I set her hand down, she moved it back to me, resting it on my dick. I squeezed my eyes shut as she wrapped her fingers around my erection and started jerking me off. My hips were moving involuntarily along with her strokes and my brain was shouting at me to stop this. My body was saying, kick this into overdrive and nail her. She flung her leg over my hip and straddled my hips. My cock was so close to slipping inside her, but she was still dreaming. Damn, if I was hers, this would be the best damn way to wake up. But I wasn’t hers and I couldn’t allow this to happen. I shifted to my side, catching her body as it slid off mine, but her leg still clung to my hip. I was going to have to roll her over and then get off the damn bed. Hell, I was going to have to sleep on the ratty couch just so I wouldn’t be tempted to crawl back to bed and fuck her. “Fuck me, John,” she murmured. I looked closely, seeing that her eyes were still closed and groaned. She was fucking dreaming again. Why did she always have to be dreaming about me? I rolled until she was underneath me, holding my breath as my dick slid just slightly inside her. I didn’t dare breathe for fear that it would shove my dick all the way inside her. I didn’t know if I’d be able to stop myself if that happened. Her legs widened, allowing more room for me, allowing me to slide home. Shit, shit, shit. Her eyes popped open and she stared at me for a moment in horror. “This is not what it looks like,” I said calmly. “It looks and feels like you’re fucking me while I’m sleeping,” she said quietly. I searched her eyes trying to let her know that I really wasn’t that much of a dick. “I can see how it looks that way, but I swear, I didn’t mean for my dick to slide inside you.” She didn’t say anything for a moment, but her hips jerked up, pushing me deeper inside her. “So, you’re saying we somehow accidentally started fucking again?” “Something like that. More like, you were dreaming and you started grabbing my dick. I tried to roll you over and pull away, but…” “But your dick accidentally found my pussy and now you’re stuck inside me?” I didn’t have anything to say as I looked into her beautiful eyes. I wanted to tell her that this was all a mistake and there was no way that I would have willingly stuck my dick in her, but her heat was wrapped so tightly around me that I couldn’t seem to speak anymore. “Just so you know, it was just a dream. I’ll still hate you when this is over,” she murmured. “Same here,” I said before I crashed my lips down upon hers and shoved myself fully inside her. Her legs wrapped around my ass, pulling me in close to her. I slammed my hips over and over into her tight cunt, chasing the high I felt the last time I was inside her. It wasn’t enough though. I needed more. I pried one of her legs from around my waist and threw it over my shoulder as I got to my knees. Slamming inside her at this new angle was everything I needed. It must have been for her too, because seconds later, she was clenching my cock and screaming my name. I pounded harder and harder, ramming my cock so far inside her that she wouldn’t be walking straight for a week. “Oh, God!” she yelled. “John! Harder!” I would make it my mission to fuck her into the mattress if that’s what she needed. I slammed into her two more times before jerking inside her and spilling my cum in that sweet pussy. Her leg flopped down from my shoulder and I fell to my back, lying at the other end of the bed. Damn, that was exactly what I had needed. Sex with her was better than anyone before and I couldn’t believe that I couldn’t even continue to do it. I didn’t want to go get cleaned up or find somewhere else to sleep. I just wanted to lie down next to her and pretend that she was a one night stand that would be leaving in the morning. “That can’t happen again,” she said breathlessly. “That’s what you said last time.” “Yeah, well, this was an accident just like last time.” I huffed in irritation because I knew as well as she did that we could have stopped at any time. This didn’t have to happen, but damn, I sure as hell wanted it to. The feel of her wrapped so tight around me, strangling my cock…damn, I was getting hard again. And she noticed when she sat up and stared at my erection, standing proud and pulsing angrily, needing to be inside her again. Fuck, I was so screwed. Her eyes flicked up to mine and lips parted slightly as she licked her bottom lip. I stared at it, wanting to taste it again. Wanting to pull her against me and taste the sweetness of her mouth. My eyes drifted to her breasts that hung heavy, her nipples hard and ready for my mouth. My fingers twitched with the urge to pinch them. “Just tonight,” she said quietly. I nodded in agreement. “Tonight.” She flung herself against me just as I was sitting up, her breasts crushing against my chest. She straddled my hips as she pressed her mouth to mine. Her tongue lashed out, twisting with mine as she ground her hips against my erection. I groaned when her wet folds rubbed over my cock and she slowly slid down, inch after agonizing inch, taking me deep inside her. I bit and nipped at her lip as she took me slowly, grinding down against me and clenching that sweet pussy around me. My mouth had a mind of its own, swiping across every inch of her delectable neck and down to her breasts. I took one nipple in my mouth and moaned when she started riding me harder. I bucked against her with every bounce, needing to be deeper. My hand slid down to her pussy, pinching at her clit and slipping through her juices. She threw her head back as she screamed for me, begging me for more. The curve of her neck had me pumping harder inside her and I abandoned her breasts for a taste of her neck. Latching on, I sucked at the soft flesh as she started throbbing around me. She stopped moving, letting her orgasm take over, but I was far from done. I needed more and I wouldn’t stop until I had my fill. I fucked her doggy style. I fucked her missionary. I took her on the hard floor until my knees were sore. Then, after I came, I took her into the shower and fucked her pussy with my tongue until she came two more times. We were both exhausted by the time the sun came up and fell back into bed to sleep for a little while longer. When I woke up, I laid in bed staring at her, trying to figure out how I was going to sleep with her in my bed every night and not touch her.


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