Ice: A Reed Security Romance

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Ice: A Reed Security Romance Page 15

by Giulia Lagomarsino



  IT WAS APRIL and we should have been headed into nicer weather, but we got a late blizzard that was completely messing up all my plans. Jake and I were making good progress on the house, but it meant a lot of late nights and early mornings. John and I barely saw each other and when I came in at night, I was too exhausted for sex. He was probably getting pissed, but he had also taken some jobs out of town, so he couldn’t complain too much. “If you’re going to get home, you’d better leave now,” Jake said. “This storm is getting bad.” I looked out the window, afraid to even attempt it at this point. “I don’t think I’m going anywhere. John’s not here and I don’t want to be stuck at the cabin by myself. Mind if I hang around?” He laughed. “It’s your house, remember? Besides, I got the fireplace all cleaned out and ready to use. If the power goes out, we should be fine.” I looked back out the window and prayed that wherever John was, he wasn’t stuck in this. He wasn’t supposed to be home until the weekend, so when I saw his truck pull up outside, I practically leapt out of my skin. I ran to the door as he trudged through the snow that was mounting and flung the door open. He walked inside with a scowl. “Why the fuck did you stay here? You should have gone home.” “I didn’t want to be stuck there by myself,” I said, a little taken aback that he was reacting like this. “So, you were planning to cozy up to Al while I was gone?” I cocked an eyebrow, seeing exactly where he was taking this. I decided not to rise to the bait. “You’re horny and you want me alone. I get it. I stayed here because I thought it would be safer if I wasn’t alone. I have no plans of sleeping with Jake.” “Good,” he said in with a gruff voice. “Is that fireplace working?” “Jake just got it cleaned out. There’s firewood outside. I was just thinking of going and getting a load.” “You stay here and keep those toes warm. I’ll grab the firewood.” He leaned in and gave me a rough kiss before walking back outside. Jake joined him a few minutes later and they had a large stack of firewood inside and on the porch. John was bringing in the last load as I was finishing up making some food. “Fuck, it’s cold out there.” The door hit the wall as John carried a load of firewood inside. I quickly ran over and shut it so the snow didn’t come in. “Are you going to be working?” I asked nervously. He shook his head and tossed a few more logs on the fire. “Not likely. I’m not scheduled to, but I can’t say for sure that I won’t be called in. Why?” “I just don’t like the idea of you being out there in a blizzard. And I don’t like the idea of being here alone.” “Jake’s here,” he growled. I shot him a look of annoyance. “That’s not the same thing.” “There’s plenty of wood outside and food in the fridge. We should be set for anything.” I wasn’t so sure about that, but he seemed to be, so I shrugged off my concern. Three hours later, we couldn’t see the driveway anymore and the power was out. I was officially panicking. I could tell that John was irritated by my irrational behavior based on the way he had started ignoring me a half hour ago, which only made me madder and made me ramble more. “If the power’s out, can we even use the toilet? What am I going to do? Go outside? Then I’ll definitely freeze. It’ll probably freeze to me as I pee. Do you know how unsanitary that is? And what about washing my hands? Did you know that 80% of communicable diseases are transferred by touch? If I can’t wash my hands, I’m going to get a disease. A really nasty one, probably from you, and then I’ll die because I won’t be able to go to the hospital for treatment because it’s freaking snowing outside,” I said as I pointed out at the falling snow while John stared blankly at the fire. He was just ignoring me. “How are we supposed to cook food if we can’t wash our hands? No food means we’ll starve. We’re going to get stuck here and we’ll freeze to death,” I said as I paced the living room. John rolled his eyes at me for the hundredth time and sighed. “I already told you that we have plenty of firewood.” “But you said you might get called in,” I said as I chewed off the last finger nail I possibly could. “I’ll freeze to death and then be eaten by wild cats because I’ll be too weak from hunger to fight them off. That’s how they’ll find me,” I said hysterically. “Death by cats. That’s not the way I’m supposed to go!” John stood grasping onto my shoulders and shaking me slightly. “Would you calm the fuck down? I already told you that we’re going to be fine. It’s just snow!” “Just snow? Just snow?” I was getting hysterical. I could feel the anxiety building inside me. Even with him here, I was terrified. “You hear about people getting trapped in snow storms all the time and freezing to death. How can you pretend that everything is going to be fine when we could be dead in a day?” “You can survive three days without water, which wouldn’t happen because even if the pipes froze, there’s snow out there and I have everything we need to boil water for us to drink.” “You can’t just boil it,” I said in irritation. “You have to purify it.” “I was in the military. I’m well aware how to make sure that our water is safe to drink. As for food, you can survive up to a month without food. Worst comes to worst, we’ll chop off your leg and eat it.” “That’s disgusting,” I said in shock. “Of all the places in the world and all the people in the world, I get snowed in here, in the middle of nowhere, with you.” “Yeah, well you should hear it from my end.” “Your end?” “Ever heard yourself talk?” “Excuse me? What happened to I love you and all that other mushy crap you told me?” “That was before I got stuck in a fucking snowstorm with you,” he yelled. “It’s annoying as fuck to be in the house with you more than twenty minutes when you’re on a rampage, but now I have to be snowed in with that mouth.” “You don’t complain in the bedroom,” I smirked. “That’s because I can shove my cock in your mouth and shut you up.” “You’re such an irritating….asshole….manwhore,” I stuttered, trying to grasp the right words. “I fucking hate you.” “Yeah?” He stalked toward me and grabbed me around the back of the neck. “I fucking hate you too,” he said, right before his lips smashed into mine and devoured me whole. My whole body lit on fire as he ripped my shirt in two. Seriously, just tore it right down the middle. I glared at him in anger. “You could have just asked me to take it off.” “Takes too much time. Now, shut up. More fucking. Less Talking.” I kissed him hard and then pulled back and slapped him across the face. “What the fuck was that for?” I undid his pants and shoved them down, letting his cock spring free. “For your crass comments about shoving your cock in my mouth,” I snapped. Then I got down on my knees and swallowed his large cock in my mouth. It took all of three minutes of me sucking him off before he came groaning in my mouth. Satisfied that my mouth was in fact as useful as he suggested, I stood and licked my lips, smiling as I turned to walk away from him. I didn’t even make it two steps before he spun me around and threw me over his shoulder and carried me over in front of the fireplace. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, writhing beneath him as he gave me multiple orgasms that had my body shaking and my brain in a fog. We both laid on the floor, panting up at the ceiling. The warmth of the fire was spreading across my skin, leaving me with a slightly singed feeling. I sat up with the intention of moving away, but John shoved me back to the floor, pulling a blanket up over us and pulling me into his body. “What are you-” “Just shut the fuck up. It’s cold, so just lay the fuck down and stay warm.” My brows furrowed at his harsh request. Did he actually want to snuggle with me or was this all some kind of ploy to keep me around for sex? “Are you just-” “Fucking hell. Will you just shut the fuck up? Do I need to stick my cock inside you again?” “It’s just-” “No. No talking. We’re just going to lay here in peace and quiet.” “But I-” “No,” he said, cutting me off again. I sighed and rested my cheek against his chest, wanting so badly to open my mouth and talk to him. I chewed my lip, wondering how long exactly he wanted me to stay quiet. He had been gone for a while and we had barely seen each other. It was obvious we needed to get back to some kind of normal. “Can I just ask you one thing?” I blurted out before he could say anything. “What?” he said with a sigh. “How long do I have to lay with
my ass on this cold floor?” He chuckled and rolled me over so I was laying on top of him. “Better?” “No, not unless you were trying to stick your cock inside me again.”


  “Why did you stick around that town so long when people were being assholes to you?” “I had a business to run.” “Yeah, but you said that it wasn’t profitable. Why didn’t you just sell and leave?” “It’s not like I had any place to go. I already told you that I don’t have any family. There was no place to go home to.” He squeezed me tighter to him as we snuggled in front of the fire. I felt calm again now that John was by my side. I didn’t realize how much influence he had on my moods until just now. Before I thought it was just hormonal, but after my freakout, I saw that John had the power to harness all that anxious energy I had and bring me under control. “You’ll always have me, you know? I know I was a dick earlier, but-” “Oh, please. I was losing it. You had every right to get pissed at me.” “I just want you to know that you’re not alone and you never will be again.” I turned in his arms, kissing him as I slid against his body again, feeling his erection growing against me. I groaned as the slickness of my pussy ran along his cock. “Uh, not to interrupt, but are you two going to get dressed sometime and let me sit in front of the fire too?” I jerked up, realizing too late that the blanket was no longer covering me. John yanked the blanket over my breasts and turned to Jake with a scowl. “Don’t fucking look.” Jake held up his hands. “Hey, I just came in here to get warm. I’m not really into seeing a show.” “Go the fuck away. We’ll get dressed and let you know when you can come back in.” Jake turned to leave, chuckling as he walked away. “And stop thinking about my woman’s breasts!” “Will you stop?” I said, smacking John on the chest. “This is where he lives right now.” “Yeah, don’t get me started on that. I’m not too happy with him living here.” “He’s doing a lot of work for me at a reduced rate. I’ll take it.” “That doesn’t mean that I have to like it.” “Well, suck it up, buddy. If I didn’t have Jake, you wouldn’t have gotten laid at all since I got the house.” “Yes, I would. I’d just have to come here and christen every room with you.” “We can still do that,” I said as he moved over me, pushing me down to the floor." His mouth moved over mine as his cock rubbed against me. Groaning, I gripped him around the neck and held him close to me, wanting every last thing he could offer. “Not that I want to interrupt. Again,” Jake said as he walked into the room and sat on the couch. “But it’s fucking cold in the rest of the house. You two have each other to keep warm, so go fuck somewhere else and let the single guy have some fucking heat.”



  I GROANED AS Cap passed me the file. “Really? Another celebrity?” “Hey, it’s only for a week. She’s going to New York and wants some protection.” Cap flipped through his own file and smirked. “As far as I can tell, she doesn’t actually need protection, but she thinks it’ll look good if she has a bodyguard following her around.” “Seriously, Cap? This isn’t even a three man job,” Jules groaned. “Send Knight. He likes to work alone.” “Knight would kill her.” “Perfect. Gets us out of the job,” Jules grinned. “No, we’re not sending Knight to kill her. I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be good for business,” Cap said irritatedly. “So, this woman is some kind of actress?” Chris asked. “Something like that. B list actress trying to look better, I guess. Your job is to follow her around while she’s in New York. She says she doesn’t feel safe. Apparently an ex-boyfriend is in the picture.” “Dangerous?” I asked. “Not at all,” Cap grinned. “Wouldn’t hurt a fly. However, they’ve been known to cause a scene when they’re together, which is probably what she’s after. If you see him, do whatever you can to distract her so that this doesn’t turn into some big fiasco.” “Shit, I hate celebrities,” Chris swore. “All of us do, but it brings in money,” Cap said. “Just get the job done without any problems.”



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