The Other Room (Door Peninsula Passions Book 2)

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The Other Room (Door Peninsula Passions Book 2) Page 9

by Katherine Hastings

  Didn’t matter how good she looked in that green bikini.

  Or how amazing her arms felt wrapped around my waist.

  Or... nope. Ignore it, damn it.

  Just friends.

  She tapped my shoulder and pointed to the sandy spot off to the side of the swimming area. “You can pull up over there.” Desperate to get off this jet ski and out from between her legs, I maneuvered us through the boats dotting the quiet water. Families and friends sprawled across the bows of their boats and yachts, and I tried not to get caught in their anchor lines while I twisted and turned between them. When I reached waist deep water, I killed the engine and flung myself off the side.

  “What the hell!” Jo shrieked, shielding her eyes from my splash.

  “Sorry, I was hot,” I lied.

  “You could have at least driven us up closer to shore. It’s a jet ski, you know. You can pretty much beach it. Now I’ve got to swim in.”

  There was a reason I’d needed to jump into waist-deep water, and I didn’t need her getting a glimpse at the effects of having her body wrapped around me.

  “I’ll just pull you in,” I said, hoping the cold water would have things in my shorts sorted out by the time I needed to emerge. A plunge into the lake had cooled me off the last time riding a jet ski with her had my emotions and hormones in overdrive.

  With Jo perched on the seat, I grabbed the line and tugged her and the jet ski up to the shore. Much to my relief, things below settled down, and I rose out of the water exhaling a deep breath of relief. She climbed off, landing in the knee-deep water at my side.

  “I haven’t been here for years,” she said.

  “Me neither. But I bet they still have ice cream. You want?”

  Arching a brow, she placed a hand on her hip. “I know we haven’t really spoken in a year, but have you ever heard me turn down ice cream?”

  Grinning, I shook my head. “Nope. Bacon and ice cream... always a good idea in Jo’s world.”


  “Grab my wallet out of the dry bag.”

  When she leaned over the jet ski to open the cubby and retrieve my wallet, my eyes took on a life of their own and raked across her figure. Feeling like I was violating our friend oath, I slammed them shut and inhaled a stilling breath.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, and I opened my eyes to see her staring, my wallet clutched in her hand.

  “Uh, sand or something. Maybe a bug. Just got in my eye.”

  “You good?” she asked, and I nodded.

  “Yep. All better.”

  “Good. Then let’s get this girl some ice cream.” She smiled at me and I almost dropped to my knees.

  Why in the hell was she having this effect on me again? Frustrated with myself for sliding so far back in the progress I’d made putting Jo in the friend zone, I grabbed my wallet and waded through the water, hoping these feelings would wash away with the waves. And soon.

  Bodies soaking up the warm summer sun flooded the sandy beach. While we wound between them, I ducked to avoid a football being passed between a father and son, and I smiled watching them interact. My father had marched out the door when I was fifteen and I hadn’t seen him since. But even when he’d been around, tossing a football wasn’t something he’d ever made time for.

  When the football came flying at my head a second time, a botched throw by the son, I leapt in the air and caught it, tossing it back with a grin. “Catch!”

  “Thanks, sir!” he called, and I gave him a wave.

  Lucky kid. I’d have killed for a dad to toss around that football with me.

  “You’re so good with kids,” Jo said, trotting up to my side.

  “I’m a sucker for kids. Someday I’d like to have some of my own.”


  “Definitely. And since I had a shit for a father, I’m going to make it my goal to be the best dad ever. Breakfast every morning, tossing around footballs, fishing... you name it and I’m doing it.”

  “I hear you about shit fathers.”

  Part of what solidified Jo in my life as my best friend was her understanding the situation with my father. Her dad had cheated on her mom and walked out, too. When she was a kid, he’d started a new family with his mistress and never even bothered to send her a birthday card. It was like she and her sister had ceased to exist.

  She was the only person I knew who understood the damage done by a parent deciding they didn’t want you anymore. That you weren’t worth it to stick around. That kind of abandonment messes with your head, and Jo had been the one person I could open up to about it. The one person who got it, because she’d lived it, too.

  “You’re going to be a great father someday.” She smiled, and just like it had the day she’d sat at my side and held my hand when I found out my dad had left us, it soothed every crack in my soul.

  “Thanks, Jo. You’re gonna be a kickass mom.”

  “You think?” She chuckled as her gaze washed over the playing kids around us. “I can’t picture it.”

  “A kickass mom. For sure.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Well,” I said, stepping between the sunbathers. “If you can love that mangy cat of yours, then you’ve got that motherly unconditional love thing down pat, and that’s the most important thing.”

  She slapped my arm and burst out laughing. “You leave Petunia out of this. She’s beautiful.”

  “See? Mom eyes. You’re gonna crush it in the mom love department. And you’re the most loyal, dependable person I know. And funny. Smart. Caring. All top-notch mom qualities.”

  “Hmmm.” She pursed her lips and tipped her head. “I guess maybe I won’t totally suck.”

  “Not a chance.”

  We bumped shoulders and shared a smile before we padded up the stairs to the concession stand. After snagging the soft serve twist cones we’d both loved as kids, we strolled along the pathway toward the volleyball court.

  “Is that your sister?” I asked as we approached the court.

  “Huh?” Jo mumbled with her mouth full of ice cream, her eye following my pointing finger. “Well, hell. It is.”

  As we walked toward the sand volleyball courts, we cut across the grass lawn where some kids raced around in an aggressive game of tag.

  “What up, sis?” Jo called to Jenna, her right arm back as she prepared to serve.

  Jenna glanced over and her face lit up with excitement. “Shut up!” she said, tucking the ball under her arm. “Time out!”

  Jenna trotted off the court and ran up to us. A coy smile tugged at her lips while her eyes darted between me and Jo, and then I caught Jo impaling her with a warning glare.

  Having no idea what had just transpired between the Parker sisters, I took another lick off my cone while I watched their silent showdown.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here,” Jo said, ending the standoff.

  “Yep. Couple of the groomsmen from the wedding this past weekend wanted to hit up the courts, so I brought the whole bridal party down here for a little after wedding get-together.”

  “Sounds like fun.” I eyed up the group making the most of their time-out by sipping on beer.

  “And what are you two doing here?” Her eyebrow rose as she and Jo slid back into another sister standoff.

  “Nothing, Jenna.” Jo stiffened, and I furrowed my brow, wondering what the hell kind of unspoken conversation they were having. “Just out for a jet ski ride. Matt moved in with me and we’ve made up. We’re friends again.”

  “Is that so?” Jenna smirked.

  “Yep.” Jo crossed her arms. “Friends.”

  “Am I missing something here?” I finally asked.

  “Nope.” They mirrored, and I popped the last bite of my cone in my mouth and shrugged.

  Sisters. I had three. I knew they had a language of their own, and apparently, I wasn’t invited in on their conversation.

  “So anyway,” Jenna said. “We’re just playing some volleyball
and having a few well-earned post wedding beers. You guys want in?”

  “Hell yeah!” I grinned. “I’m game. Jo?”

  “Two-time state high school volleyball champion here. Remember?”

  Of course, I remembered. I had been the guy sitting front row at every single one of her games cheering her on. “Yep. I remember. So, you want to resuscitate those mad skills?”

  A smug smile lifted her lips. “You know I’m in.”

  “Three-time champion for me.” Jenna waggled her brows.

  “I only played two years so...” Jo stuck out her tongue and Jenna giggled and returned the playful gesture. Jo pulled her tongue back in her mouth. “Are we going to team up against them, or are we planning on kicking each other’s asses?”

  “Well, normally I would say let’s team up and cream them, but since they just paid me a boatload of money to plan that wedding, I don’t want to embarrass them. How about two on two. Me and Blake, the best man who’s pretty good, against you two.”

  Mirth danced in Jenna’s eyes again, sparking another one of those silent standoffs. After a few moments of watching the showdown, I tossed an arm around Jo’s neck and put an end to it.

  “We’re in. You’re going down.”

  “Bring it, Michaelson.” Jenna flexed her muscles and then trotted back to the courts. “Blake! You ready to help me kick my sister’s ass?”

  “Hell yeah!” He slammed his beer and crushed the empty can in his hand before tossing it in the trash bag. “It’s on!”

  “We got this?” I asked, glancing down at Jo.

  When she looked up, I saw the fire burning in her eyes. “Oh, yeah. We got this.”

  We bumped fists and then marched over to the court.

  Jenna met us at the edge of the sand court with her partner, and I tried not to be intimidated by his size. Though I stood six-foot and was no slouch in the muscles department, this guy looked like he could crush me as easily as he’d smashed that can of beer.

  “Jo, Matt, this is Blake. Blake, this is Jo and Matt.”

  His eyes never moved to mine. They locked onto Jo’s and remained fixed there while his smile grew.

  “Hey, Jo. Really nice to meet you,” he said. I watched him flex his pecs, his biceps tightening in an obvious show while he reached out to shake her hand.

  The guttural growl echoed deep in my stomach and I struggled to keep it from rumbling out of my mouth.

  “Hey,” she said, and I watched her face for signs she was impressed by this roided-up muscle head.

  Nothing. Just her game face.


  I’d seen Jo with her share of men over the years, and it stung a little every time. But I’d reminded myself we were just friends, and her happiness meant more to me than my own. So, I’d stood at her side while she dated different guys, and I’d comforted her when it inevitably went south. With Jo’s abandonment issues, her finding a guy who could hold on while she pushed him away had proved difficult. They didn’t know what I knew. That she was just testing them to see if they’d bail. Deep down she wanted them to stay, but she couldn’t help it. She pushed them away. Hard. And I was always there to lean on when they gave up the fight and left her.

  If only they knew she just wanted to feel safe. To know they weren’t ever going to leave her and let her down like her father did. To be there for her every day, no matter what.

  Like I was. And always would be.

  “Rocks, paper, scissors for serving?” Jenna asked and Jo nodded.

  The two sisters pounded their fists in the air, Jenna tossing a scissors to Jo’s paper.

  “Ha! Already winning!” Jenna hopped up and down.

  “Enjoy it while it lasts!” Jo taunted, and the two of them air boxed for a moment before busting into laughter.

  “All right, Rocky.” I grabbed Jo by the hand and pulled her onto our half of the court. “Save it for the match.”

  “Matt,” Jo whispered, “that dude is huge!”

  A surge of jealousy churned inside me again.

  Just friends.

  “Yeah. He’s a beast.”

  “But he’s a total dumbass meathead, and probably slow, so we just need to be quick and we’ve got this.”

  Dumbass meathead? That’s not the kind of thing a girl says about a guy she’s hot for. Of course, Jo wouldn’t go for a guy like that. I couldn’t suppress my smile.

  “What?” she asked as we got into position.

  “Nothing. Just pumped to win,” I said, my smile refusing to wipe away.

  “We need a name.”


  “You and me. A team name. What are we going to be called?”

  “Roomsters?” I shrugged.

  Jo grinned and shook her head. “Roomsters are gonna kick some ass!”

  We slapped hands and I still couldn’t tear the smile off my face. And this time it wasn’t because Jo had dissed ‘ol Meathead. It was because we were here together. As friends again. She’d forgiven me and let me back into her life and I was back at her side. Right where I belonged.

  Jenna served the ball and Jo leapt into action. The sound of her hand hitting the leather echoed through the summer breeze, and she sent the ball sailing back over the net. Blake lifted his giant hand and tapped it back over, and this time it was mine. Refusing to let that muscle-head score on me, I rose in the air, spiking the ball down with so much force my hand exploded in pain. For a second, I thought my palm was on fire.

  “Yes!” Jo shouted, and she jumped at me, hands raised for a double-high five. We slapped palms, and the pain in my hand from my overly enthusiastic return seared through my skin. My grimace didn’t go unnoticed.

  “Seriously, Sally? Don’t tell me you huwt youw wittle hands.” She pushed out her lips in a fake pout.

  “Shut up, Parker!” I laughed. “I’m out of practice!”

  “Well suck it up, Sally! We got a game to win, and Jenna’s gonna be fired up now!”

  “We got this.” I gave her a sharp nod and wiped my palm against my shorts, hoping it would soothe the throbbing.

  As expected, Jenna came back with a vengeance. For several rounds Blake and I could have sat back and had a beer while the Parker sisters slapped the ball back and forth, each showing unrelenting determination and mirrored skill. But even with their competitive streaks visible from a mile away, their laughter could have been heard just as far.

  With the score tied, Jo served over the ball. Blake leapt up and sent it back, spiking it down toward the base of the net.

  “Got it!” Jo shouted, diving into the sand and saving it just before it touched down. I sent it back over as she leapt to her feet. When the ball came flying back with breakneck speed from another Meathead spike, Jo and I leapt toward it.

  “Got it!” she called again. As she leapt toward the ball, I saw the thin string around her neck securing her suit top snap. While her body flew through the air, the thin green material covering her assets started its slide down. I’d eat a smorgasbord of sand before I’d let Meathead get an eyeful of Jo’s goods, so I changed my trajectory and launched myself at her. Wide eyes met mine when she saw me flying toward her. Those eyes widened even more when she glanced down just before her breast popped out.

  Before it made its break for freedom and gave everyone watching a show, I threw myself against her body, the force of my protection sending us both to the ground.

  After we rolled to a stop, I blinked my eyes, squinting against the sand clinging to my eyelashes. As my vision came back into focus, Jo’s face popped into view. My body pressed down on top of hers, and even though I knew I should push myself off, every muscle in my body revolted, forcing me to stay pressed against her. Our eyes locked as I felt her quick breaths match my own, our chests moving as one while we panted together.

  Just friends, I told myself while I gazed deeper into her eyes.

  Just friends, I tried to chant while my gaze drifted to her parted lips.

  Just friends, I reminded myself w
hen I looked up and saw my own desire reflected in her eyes.

  Not just friends.

  I wasn’t sure if it was my push or her pull, but my mouth moved toward hers, the inches between our lips disappearing as every muscle in my body demanded I claim her kiss. Demanded I give up my fight; extinguish my agony by tasting her tongue and catching her breath in my mouth. A demand I no longer wanted to rage against as I felt her breath ghosting my lips.

  “You guys okay?” Blake called.

  Our bodies froze, the world I’d forgotten about racing back like a runaway train. A runaway train I was powerless to stop.

  “Um, yeah! We’re fine!” Jo called, her wide eyes now devoid of passion stared up into mine.

  And just like that our moment evaporated.

  Fucking, Meathead!

  “Blake!” Jenna shouted, and we turned to see her kicking sand at him. “What the hell!”

  Jo and I slowly looked back at each other, and a long gulp slid down my throat. “Sorry, I, uh— your top...” I stuttered, words refusing to form on the tongue I desperately wanted in her mouth.

  “Yeah... um... did you see anything?” She bit her lip... the one I wanted to be kissing.

  “Uh, no. Nothing. Sorry. I didn’t mean to tackle you.”

  “It’s fine. Thanks, I guess.”

  “No problem. Just didn’t want, uh, you know... anyone to see or anything.”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  We remained locked in our position for a few moments longer before my body finally responded to my pleas to move. Jo slid her hands between us and held her top up as I rolled off her, but I couldn’t stand yet. I flopped onto my back and stared up at the swirling white clouds while I tried to regain the senses she’d stolen from me.

  What the fuck just happened?

  “Really sorry, guys!” Jenna called, and I looked over to see her mouthing something to Jo.


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