Nerdboobs (A Warrior and Nerd Journey Book 1)

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Nerdboobs (A Warrior and Nerd Journey Book 1) Page 5

by T. M. Grinsley

  Tomorrow morning, we had a fifteen-mile hike back down the mountain, but all I wanted to do was stay up all night and look at the stars. Thousands of small lights twinkled in the night sky. Resting my elbows on the wall, I closed my eyes and listened to Mother Nature.

  Off into the distance, wolves howled to one another and the birds chirped, settling in for the night. Yeah ok, I can't hear that great, but when you have a friend who is a bird expert and won't shut up for hours, you know what a bird sounds like when they start to settle in for the night. I laughed silently to myself when I remembered the day he talked my ear off about birds for six hours. I nicknamed him Clucky that day, because he decided to show me all the different bird noises in the world.

  Keeping my eyes closed, I focused on the noises around me. I could hear a waterfall off in the distance. The best part about being out in nature was what happened at night. Animals come out to play, and you can see things in the sky that are out of this world. It had been a long time since I have seen constellations, or star clusters, or a shooting star.

  I heard a small ruffle of leaves to my right and nails scratching on the tin roof above me. Sounds like someone is hunting for food.

  I opened my eyes to see who was creeping up on me, when I noticed a small animal leap from the roof to the rock wall. Its small nose twitched back and forth as it crept closer to me, looking for scraps.

  Without even thinking, I pulled out a few nuts from my back pocket from earlier today and tossed them to the little guy. I wasn't sure if it was a squirrel or chipmunk, but he stuffed his mouth with everything I tossed at him and ran off.

  “You know you could get in trouble for doing that.”

  A squeal escaped my lips and my heart felt like it lurched out of my chest. Looking behind me, Ryan leaned on the side of the lookout building with his hands in his pockets. I’d been trying to avoid him since I agreed to talk to him, for fear of what he was going to say, but with a small group on top of a mountain, that was hard to do.

  “What can I say? I like to be a rebel. He was a cute little guy who needed some food. I'm not going to let the poor guy starve. Besides, you used to sneak food to the wildlife all the time when we were together.”

  Ryan shuffled his feet and looked up at the stars. Three years ago, we both longed to camp and see what stories the stars would tell. One night, there was a massive meteor shower going on, so we stayed up all night. That was the night he told me he loved me.

  Shaking my head of the ridiculous memory, I went back to focusing on my surroundings. I needed something to get that memory out of my head.

  “You look gorgeous tonight, Bree.”

  I blushed slightly and turned to see Ryan’s eyes boring into my soul. Yeah, I said soul. When you have a man, who looks like he is starving for sexual attention, and you are his prey, it’s sexy as hell and a little terrifying.

  Instead of responding, I continued to look at the stars that were still popping up. I felt a light touch on my arm, and my body shifted slightly so I faced him. I laid my hands on his biceps and squeezed. He was ripped, and I was a sucker for arm muscles. Call me weird but when a man flexes, and you can see perfect definition, or when a man can pick you up with ease, toss you over his shoulder or fuck you against the wall for over an hour, you would love muscular arms, too.

  “You don't look too bad yourself, mountain man.” I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. I knew this was going to be a mistake, but you know what, it was time to live a little.

  “It's all for you, baby.” Ryan slid a finger under my chin and captured my lips in a passionate kiss. The kiss was soft at first, then became hungry for more. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and ravaged me. Sliding his hands under my ass, he lifted me onto the wall. Not once did we break the kiss.

  Running my hands through his hair, I pulled back slightly so I could kiss him harder. My brain went into overdrive; my hormones and hoo-ha took over. Seeing him in his khakis and the shirt I made for him so long ago; I was a panther ready to pounce her mate. Did I just say mate? Oh, whatever, c'est la vie.

  “Take me here, Ryan.” I said softly against his lips.

  Ryan broke our kiss and looked me in the eyes. One second I was on the rock wall, and the next I was on the ground, with Ryan on top of me. He went from sweet and romantic, to an animal ready to claim his prize. My clothes were off within seconds, and Ryan’s clothes soon joined mine. Seeing Ryan’s arousal, I instantly wrapped my hand around him and went to work. He stifled a moan and tried to remove my hand, but I refused to move.

  He was torturing me with his sweet ass all day, and it was now time to return the favor. It was time to let my hoo-ha have some fun, and hopefully calm her down so I could think straight. Wiggling down to his cock, I teased the tip with my tongue, hearing him struggle to keep his mouth shut. Pre-cum started to leak from the tip, only causing the arousal between my thighs to increase. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I grabbed his ass and took him into my mouth.

  “Fuck, woman.” Ryan stayed on all fours while I went to work. I sucked, and gently ran my teeth over the tip, which made Ryan moan louder. I could feel him starting to lose control, and my hoo-ha loved it. He tried to move out of my mouth, but my hold around his waist tightened and held him in place. I sucked harder and waited for his release. Just a little bit more, baby.

  Ryan’s legs started to shake, and I knew he was almost there. A few seconds more, I felt his shaft enlarge and erupt in my mouth. I swallowed his cum and grinned like an idiot. I just made the sexiest man in the world cum on all fours. Score!

  “You’re mine now,” he said with a guttural growl. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me up, so we were eye level. “My turn.”

  He trailed kisses down my neck, his fingers slid down the side of my body, teasing the outside of my hoo-ha. Sliding his fingers down, he pushed between my folds, doing wonders to my clit. Moaning, he used his other hand to tease my breasts, making my nipples hard, begging for attention. Without a second to lose, his mouth captured my breast. He sucked and tortured my nipples, while tormenting my vagina. I moaned his name and begged him to stop. But that only made it worse. His fingers continued their torture, causing my pending orgasm to build to a level I haven’t been to in years. My body was about to cum at any moment. Whoever said vibrators are just as good as sex, was delusional. Took me forever to get a release from it, but with Ryan, I was done for within minutes.

  With my nipple between his teeth, I started to grind against his hand. “Cum for me, baby.”

  I tried to hold back the orgasm riding me, but it was no use. Exploding around his hand, my body was in perfect bliss. Before I had a second to think, he slammed his cock inside me, and rocked my world. There was no passion or vanilla in the way he pounded into me. It was wild. I tilted my head back and moaned his name, only to have him pick up the pace. When I felt my orgasm begin to build, Ryan put his fingers onto my clit and intensified everything. Fuck, this man was insatiable. I tried to fight it, but with my clit on fire and his cock hitting my g-spot, I finally let go. Ryan was not too long after.

  “God, I missed you, woman.” Ryan trailed kisses along my chest and rolled over onto his back, bringing me with him. My head laid on his chest and my body was unable to move. Both of us were covered in sweat, our shallow breaths were all we could hear. Running my fingers over his stomach, we both glanced at the night sky. The stars were out in full force and is that…? I pushed off Ryan’s chest and smiled like it was Christmas morning.

  “Is that?”

  “It is, baby. We just had sex under the Aurora Borealis.” Ryan put his arms behind his head and had a just fucked look.

  “Another thing to check off my bucket list, I guess.” I leaned down and kissed Ryan lightly on the lips. Taylor told me to let loose and see what happens. Gathering up the courage, I prepared myself for the talk I was afraid to have. “I think we need to have that talk now.”

  “I guess so.” Ryan pulled
me back down to his chest. His heart raced and his breathing became rapid. We just had sex out in the open, with our group about thirty feet away, what was he so scared about? It can’t be that bad, can it?

  “After you fell asleep that night, I got a call from Matt. My brother, who also served in my platoon, shot himself in front of his family. We’d been taking him to meetings and doing everything we could to help him, but I guess it wasn't enough. So I left without thinking and met Matt at the house. The kids were screaming, and his wife was a mess. Matt took the family outside, while I cleaned everything up. I lost my best friend and little brother that day.”

  “Ryan. I'm so sorry.” I kissed his hand and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. I couldn’t imagine seeing something like that.

  “I didn't know what to do. My parents left us at a young age, and he was all I had left. I loved you and didn’t know what to do. The life I live is not something I wanted you to be a part of. Matt, John and I work with veterans on their PTSD and also make sure the drug gang doesn't get out of control in this area. We are constantly cleaning up dead bodies or locking people up. It is not a life I wanted for you.”

  Grabbing Ryan’s face, I forced him to look at me. “Don’t you think that was a choice I needed to make? I am a grown ass woman, who can make her own choices. I loved you and even considered living here full-time.”

  Why did he have to be such an ass? I was tired of people trying to tell me what to do and who to love. I would have given my life for this man. But instead, he made the choice for me and left.

  “You want to live a life with a man who cleans up after those who blow their brains out, wounded soldiers who are trying to find their place in the world, protect kids from being dragged into the drug war, and try to keep this town safe? Not only that, you would worry twenty-four seven, because there may be a chance I won’t come home.”

  I thought about it for a moment, and I knew my answer before he even asked me, but the problem was that was then. I didn't know if I could now. He didn't trust in me back then, what makes me think he can now. “Yes. Back then I would have.”

  Ryan shifted to his side and placed his hand on the back of my neck. “And what about now?”

  “You should know that answer.” Pushing myself off the floor, I quickly put on my clothes and wandered back to my tent. I refused to look back to the lookout building. He still didn't get it.

  Zipping up the tent, I threw the flap open and fell on top of my sleeping bag.

  “Have some fun over there?” Looking over at Taylor, she wagged her eyebrows and had a mischievous look on her face. But when her eyes saw my face, her demeanor changed. “What happened, Fuzzy?”

  I had been crying since I left Ryan. I told Taylor everything that happened, and she just listened. I had decided to stop listening to reason and just let loose. You see how well that turned out. He was still the same old Ryan I knew; nothing had changed.


  Last night, Taylor listened to me vent and cry over Ryan. I still loved him with every fiber of my being, but how can you be with someone who doesn’t trust you or believe in you? Taylor ended up taking his side on almost everything and telling me I was overthinking everything, like usual. I agreed with her, but wished he would realize I am not a fragile girl; I can take care of myself.

  Refusing to get up, I rolled over, only to have the sun shine directly on my face. Still trying to wake up, I heard people yelling outside the tent. Crawling over everything in the tent, I heard Taylor and she sounded pissed. “Get the fuck away from her, Ryan. I am warning you.”

  “I don't know what I did! Just let me talk to her!” Ryan argued back.

  “Are you that fucking dense? She loved you and would have given anything to be with you. But you fucked that up by leaving her and not thinking she could handle your world.”

  “That is not what happened. Just let me talk to her!”

  Slowly opening the flap to the front of the tent, I peeked out to see what was going on.

  “Seriously?” Taylor said, throwing her hands in the air. “You fuck her brains out, tell her you love her, and then disappear without a trace!”

  “Whoa. Calm it down, toots. He went to find her after everything happened.” John appeared out of nowhere and put his hand on Taylor's shoulder. Shying away from his touch, she smacked his hand away from her.

  “It doesn't take three years to track someone down, and I am not your toots, peckerhead.”

  John grabbed her hand and pulled her against him. “He called every police department in the United States. When he finally found her, he drove all the way to Seattle just to see her. But she was with someone else.”

  “She looked happy, and I didn't want to step in, and I loved Bree. I would give anything for her to take me back.” Ryan chimed in. I could tell from his voice he was defeated and worn out. I pulled down the flap even more to get a better look at Ryan. “She brings light into my world, when there is none. I have been miserable since she left. I fucked up, and I refuse to let her go again.” He had dark circles under his eyes, and he still wore the same clothes from yesterday. Ryan looked like he hadn’t slept a wink last night.

  “You need to have more faith in her. She is stronger than she looks. She has been through hell and back, but I have never seen her love someone, as she does you. The way you two look at each other is what other people dream of having. You found your other half. But think about what I said. Just be straight with her. Do you want her, yes or no?”

  “Yes. But-“

  Taylor threw her hands in the air and growled in frustration. “There is no but, you dumbass. She grew up with soldiers and has seen death before. If you took the time to listen and stop thinking with your cock, you would see that.”

  John tried to kiss her on the head, but Taylor slapped him across the face. “Back off, peckerhead. And you, if you love her like I think you do, don't give up on her. She is a stubborn little shit who overthinks everything, but her heart is pure. I hated you at first, but now I am not so sure. Just promise me that you won’t break her heart.”

  Ryan sighed a happy relief and smiled. “Trust me. She will be mine by the end of the week. If I have to tie her ass to my bed and make her, I will.”

  Taylor purred loudly and shifted her direction towards our tent. I don't know how she knew I was awake, but she gave me a wink and looked back at Ryan. “I’m sure she will be up for the challenge.


  “What the hell, Bubbles?” After the guys left, I emerged from the tent and confronted her.

  “Fuzzy, you love the dude. He obviously looks like a puppy with his tail between his legs. And the fact that he did everything he could to find you. Yea, he gets brownie points for that.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Leigh Ann head this way. “That is not the point, Bubbles.”

  “Stop overthinking this. He. Loves. You. You are such a stubborn ass. If you didn’t think things would work out, you wouldn’t have let him fuck you under the night sky.” She snapped back.


  “Matt just filled me in. You ok, Brianna?” Leigh Ann looked disheveled and out of breath. She stayed the night with Matt and judging by the look on her face; I could tell she was not just sleeping next to him.

  “I’m fine. Don't worry about me. He just needs to have a rude awakening for not trusting someone he loves.” When I was a kid, I used to love to play pranks on the guys at home, but sometimes I would get a little out of hand. But to be honest, I think it was necessary.

  “Fuck up, insecure, neurotic and emotional?” Taylor teased.

  Flipping her off, my brain went to work. The gears in my head started to turn and come up with a way to get revenge. If he wanted to do anything to get me back, it was time to show him what I was made of. “Taylor, when we get to camp by the river, keep Ryan busy. I need to do something.”

  Taylor rolled her eyes, walking towards our tent. “Whatever it is you’re planning to do,
I want in. I need to get back at John for something.”

  After an hour of packing up our camp and making sure everything was like new, our group headed back down the mountain. Since we were going downhill, it was a lot easier than making the trek up. Ryan stayed at the front of the group and didn't look back once. He seemed to be lost in thought and didn’t interact with the group that much. A few of the members of the group tried to make small talk, but Ryan would grunt in response, and the group would back off.

  When one of the members asked me what happened last night, I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

  About halfway down the mountain, I contemplated going through with my plan. Should I do this, get back at Ryan for what he did, and get a good laugh, or should I let it slide and not do anything? Ha! My inner kid side won, so I told Taylor what I planned to do. She called me an evil genius and did what she could to get me what I needed.

  We reached the bottom of the mountain in record time, which meant it was time to put my plan into action. Taylor and Leigh Ann kept the guys busy, while I took a detour with Ryan and John’s underwear. I have no idea how she secured them, but that was for another time. Yes, it was childish, but nothing like a few splitters on the penis to make things interesting.

  I pulled out their underwear and rubbed it in the ground next to a bush with greenish yellow berries. Double-checking their underwear to make sure I had enough splinters. I put them in a small bag in my pack and rejoined the crew.

  “You get it done?” Taylor whispered to me when I caught up.

  “All set! Now we wait.”

  We reached camp by four in the afternoon and went about setting up our tents. The guys went to get fresh water and firewood, while everyone else stayed back to make camp. Leaving Leigh Ann to finish our tent, Taylor and I raced to the guy's tents. We dumped out every pair of underwear they packed and made sure they could only wear the bark infested briefs.

  Zipping up their packs, we exited the tent just in time. The guys emerged from the forest with their arms full of wood and were laughing about something. John’s eyes narrowed in our direction and he said something to Ryan.


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