Nerdboobs (A Warrior and Nerd Journey Book 1)

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Nerdboobs (A Warrior and Nerd Journey Book 1) Page 16

by T. M. Grinsley


  Three hours passed, but it felt like a lifetime. At this rate, I was going to go stir crazy. Jason came up to talk to me, right after the call with Ryan, to see how I was doing. I told him everything Ryan said. Jason urged me to get some sleep, since it’s been a long twenty-four hours. Insane sex with Ryan, hours of shopping, and then eleven hours of baking. Granted I had a blast, besides the whole Cam thing. I was able to bake in the best kitchen on the entire planet, hang out with the guys, and tell Ryan I loved him.

  If you would have told me six months ago, this was what would happen during our trip, I would have called you delusional. Seven days into our girl’s trip and I never thought things would turn out this way. This is something you would read in a book; this stuff never happens in reality. We had a week left before we made our way back to Washington. What else was going to happen?

  Speaking of Washington. I pulled out my phone, and dialed Jack’s number.

  “Hey, Bree!

  “Hey, Jack. How’s my favorite man and feline doing?”

  Loud barking could be heard in the background. Jack yelled at him to shut it and tossed him outside. “It’s going. Your damn cat has been tormenting my dog since she got here. She is just like her mom. How’s Montana?” I was about to blow his mind. I recapped everything that happened since we arrived. When I left out a few details, he would make me stop mid-sentence and elaborate. By the time I was done, Jack was speechless and I was grinning like an idiot.

  Jack chuckled softly. “It’s been a long time since I have heard you like this. He sounds like quite a man.”

  He had no idea. “You could say that.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  The one question I did not have an answer for. My heart wants me to stay in Montana and see what could happen with Ryan and myself, but my head was telling me I needed to go home and figure this out. “My heart wants to stay, but my head tells me something else.”

  “You love him, don’t you?”


  “Then stop overthinking this, and take a chance. You talked about this man for three years. You told me you hated him and wished you’d never met him, when I know it was the opposite. He stole your heart a long time ago. He may have demons and things he needs to work on, but from just this conversation tonight, you belong with him.”

  Leave it to Jack. Taylor tried to talk to me about this the other night, but she didn’t know what I should do. Leigh Ann told me guys are assholes and I shouldn’t waste my time on them.

  “Thanks Jack. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Bree.”

  The conversation switched from my love life to my cat. Jack told me Aurora was busy killing flies and was in the middle of a war with his dog. He sent me pictures of the two cuddling together and videos of them play fighting. Jack always has this way of making me feel better. He asked if I heard the pop when my head was pulled out of my ass and I lost it. I laughed and told him you could hear it all the way from outer space and beyond.

  We soon disconnected the call and I went straight to bed. We still had five hours until we needed to meet up with Ryan. Why not try and get a little bit of sleep in before I saw him? Tomorrow was a new day and I had a feeling things were going to be different. Cam was going to get caught, and I was going to give Ryan my answer.

  Taking a quick shower, I threw on something light and headed to bed. Burrowing my head into Ryan’s pillows, I inhaled his scent, before I started to drift off. Feeling my body start to relax and a deep sleep set in, I felt someone's hand over my mouth. Biting down on the attacker’s hand, I threw the covers off me and tried to scream, but Taylor’s face came into view.

  “Fuck, that hurt, Fuzzy. There are two men downstairs rummaging through everything. I woke up to get a drink of water from the kitchen, when I heard them down there.” Taylor checked her hand in the moonlight, making sure there was no blood.

  “Where are the guys?”

  “John left a few hours ago to meet up with Ryan. Mike and Jason went outside to check out the grounds, right before I went to bed.”

  This didn’t sound good. Tiptoeing to the door, I listened to what was going on downstairs. “Where is Leigh Ann?” I whispered.

  “She went out with Matt. Matt said whatever Ryan needed him to do, could wait. Leigh Ann was going nuts sitting in the house, so he took her out. John said it was fine. I guess those two made up and needed some time alone. I was going to text her and call for help, when I realized I left my phone downstairs.”

  Reaching for my phone, I tossed it at Taylor. “Call Ryan, and John. If they don’t answer, call Jason.”

  “What are you going to do?” Taylor’s voice squeaked. She slapped her hand over her mouth and kept quiet.

  Pressing my ear to the door, I waited.

  “This is the right place. Grab her and let’s get the fuck out of here. Those two are bound to be back any minute.” Said one of the men. His voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t remember who it was, for the life of me.

  “What about her friends?” The other man asked.

  I turned to see Taylor doing everything she could to call for help. “No one is answering. The cops said someone will be out here within thirty minutes.”

  Thirty minutes and we would be dead.

  “Kill her friends. We have a score to settle.” Goosebumps erupted all over my skin. He was here. He must have led Ryan on a wild goose chase earlier. How did he get past the guys?

  My heart lurched into my stomach. Kill? Who were they after? Score to settle? We had to get out of here, and fast.

  “Fuzzy, did he just-“

  I nodded and made my way towards the window. Unlocking the latch, I slowly pulled it up. We would be jumping from the second floor, but it was either a rolled ankle or getting a bullet in the head. “Bubbles, you need to get the hell out of here. They are after someone and I have an inclining it’s me.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “One of the men downstairs sounds like Cam. Ever since Ryan tossed him out, and got him arrested for buying kids, he’s been going after Ryan. I don’t know who the other guy is, but we need to get out of here, and fast.”

  Taylor swung her leg over the ledge and prepared to jump. Footsteps pounded up the stairs. “Bubbles, jump. I’ll distract them.”

  Grabbing hold of my wrist, she refused to let go. “I am not leaving you alone with these creeps. They are going to kill you.”

  “Too bad, Bubbles. One of us needs to get out of here and get help.” I argued. If one of us got away and was safe from these men, that will be all that matters. Help was on its way, so maybe I could distract them long enough for them to arrive. At least, I hoped so anyway.

  “I am not…”

  There was a loud clash in Taylor’s room. Time was running out. Twisting my wrist out of her grasp, I pushed her out the window. She was going to kill me for what I just did, but that didn’t matter right now.

  Leaving the window open, hoping to distract them, I bolted behind the door to the master bedroom. Putting my back flush against the wall, I waited for the intruders. The door was pushed open slowly and the floor creaked. Keeping as close to the wall as possible, I waited until the invader entered the room.

  “Nothing in this room, man. Check the other bedroom. I swore I saw that bitch here.”

  “Keep your voice down.” The man hissed. I tried to keep my body calm, but fear started to take hold. I had never heard the other man’s voice before, but he sent chills down my spine.

  Doing my best not to freak out, I sent up a silent prayer that help would arrive soon.

  It was now or never, Brianna.

  Kicking the door as hard as I could, there was a loud thud and someone fell to the ground. Not wasting any time, I threw open the door and bolted down the stairs.

  “Oh no, you don’t. There is someone who wants to meet you.” Someone grabbed my ponytail and pulled me back towards them. The one night I decide to go to bed
with my hair up, bites me in the ass.

  “Get your hands off me.” Reaching for my ponytail, I twirled around to face my attacker. I came face to face with the drunken bastard; the man who I wish was dead. Cam.

  “Your man is not going to be able to save you now. We made sure of that.”

  Bringing my hand back, I socked him in the jaw as hard as I could. With my hair still in his grasp, we both tumbled to the ground. Cam knocked over a vase, slamming into the side of the end table in the hallway and my head bounced off the top of the stairs. With no time to waste, I pushed myself up and grabbed a jagged piece of glass from the broken vase on the floor. Bolting down the stairs, I made a mad dash for the kitchen.

  Rounding the corner, I heard the small click that caused me to stop. Heat drained from my body. Cam had pulled out his gun and was ready to fire. Doing my best to stay hidden, I looked around the corner and saw him slowly make his way towards me. His gun was aimed and ready to fire. Twisting the jagged piece of glass in my hand, I waited until he was within my reach. Seeing the tip of his gun, I kept a firm grip on the glass, which sliced into my palm, and slashed it on his wrist before he could take a shot. Cam howled in pain and I ran. Keeping my eyes set on finding my next weapon, I made sure I was on the other side of the island, away from Cam. Glancing around the kitchen I looked for anything that could help me.

  If I ran now, these men would capture me, and Taylor would be dead. I needed to buy her some time and then get the hell out of here. Looking around the kitchen for something to use, I zoned in on the frying pan and got an idea. It may be a little caveman style, but it could work.

  Cam stumbled into the kitchen, clutching his wrist. “You will pay for that bitch, you will pay for that!”

  “Bring it on, small fry.”

  I was not about to let this man touch me again. Tossing the glass in the sink, I grabbed a small towel and wrapped it around my hand. The cut wasn’t deep, but if not treated soon, it would leave a nasty scar.

  Keeping the frying pan hidden behind my back, I waited for him to approach.

  Cam rounded the corner of the island and sneered. The wound dripped blood all over the floor, not to mention he looked worse for wear. I think I may have hit an artery, but right now I didn't care. He intended to kidnap me and kill my friends. He deserved what was coming to him.

  “Just know, this is nothing personal.”

  Cam dove for me and left himself wide open. I pivoted my foot and swung the frying pan towards his head, as hard as I could. There was a loud thump when I hit my target and he landed face first on the counter. Boots pounded on the stairs and my time was up. With no time to waste, I grabbed a knife from the block by the sink, slammed it into his left hand and ran. If help came, they would arrest Cam and I would lead this man to the city. I’m sure seeing a woman in booty shorts, a kami and with no shoes on, would raise some alarms.

  Pushing the kitchen door open, I ran as fast as I could to the forest. Please, let Taylor be safe.

  It’s been two years since I last ran and I could tell I was out of shape. Note to self, go back to the gym when this is all over. No amount of hiking can prepare you for when you have to run for your life. Feeling my adrenaline kick in, I picked up speed.

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are. I will find you, beautiful.” The same man, who was outside my door, was in the forest chasing me. “If you stop now, I will make this a lot less painful.”

  Yeah right, buddy.

  I looked behind me to see where he was, when my foot caught on something and I tumbled forward. Rocks cut my skin and I was covered in mulch.

  Scrambling to get my bearings, I army crawled to the tree and rested my back on the trunk. Breathing heavily, I tried to think of my next move. The temperature was dropping and I was weaponless. The frying pan, knife, and glass were all back at the cabin and wildlife comes to life at night.

  “Here kitty, kitty, kitty. My boss needs to have a few words with you. I promise he won't hurt you.”

  Ha! Nice try asshole, I'm pretty sure you are the one who wants to kill my friends and take me to your master. Not happening in this lifetime or the next.

  My heart was pounding in my chest and I tried to get my breathing under control. I needed to get out of here, and fast. It may be summer, with the weather being around a hundred degrees during the day, but the past few nights have been around forty degrees.

  Huddled to the ground, mystery man fired off a few shots. “I will not tell you again, bitch.”

  I have seen enough horror movies to know what is going to happen next. If I give myself up, he will kill me now, or torture me until I’m dead. I was not going to let either of those scenarios come to life.

  But what do I do? I’m a sitting duck here.

  Think, Brianna, think.

  Looking at my surroundings, I tried to think of an escape plan. If I ran back the way I came, Cam will be waiting for me. But if I continue going forward, I might be able to find a river or lake I can hide in.

  Twigs snapped and echoed in the forest, behind me. Leaning my back against the trunk of the tree, I took a deep breath and ran. Weaving in between trees and leaping over falling branches, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

  Please don't fall, please don't fall, I silently prayed.

  Off in the distance, the river roared to life. If I could get to the river and hide behind the rocks, I might stand a chance.

  The sound of gunshots echoed in the forest. Birds screeched and flew into the sky, while the creatures on land ran for their lives. I ducked behind a tree, avoiding the flying bullets, when I heard wood splinter and explode behind me.

  Shit, that was close.

  Breathing heavily, I tried to keep my heart rate down. Only a few more feet.

  “I am done playing games, bitch. Get the fuck out here, now!”

  My body flinched, when another shot was fired.

  Hurry up, Ryan.

  Gathering my courage, I grabbed a small rock and threw it as far as I could to the left. The echoing of a small rock hitting the damp earth caused animals to scurry.

  “I’ve got you now.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I snuck a peek at my pursuer. From what I could make out, he seemed to be about Ryan’s height with short hair and dressed in all black. Keeping my body firmly pressed against the tree, I watched my pursuer head towards the direction where the rock landed.

  When he was a safe distance away, I bolted for the river. Without a second to reconsider my plan, I jumped into the frigid water and swam as fast as I could to the boulders. The currents pulled my body in every which way, and attempted to pull me under. I kicked as hard as I could and refused to be dragged under. My fear of drowning was not going to come true tonight.

  Kicking as hard as I could against the currents, I reach the boulders. My body started to shiver uncontrollably from the frigid water and breeze. Keeping low to the ground, I tried to think of a plan. Ryan lived in Bum Fuck Egypt, but there was a road not too far from here. If I can get to the road, maybe just maybe someone will pass by. Knowing this state, it had a one in a zillionth chance of happening, but I needed to do something or else this asshole was going to capture me.

  Come on, Brianna. It’s now or never.

  Clamping my mouth shut to stop from shivering, I pushed as hard as I could and bolted. Twigs snapped under my shoes, causing an echo to notify whoever was near, I was coming.

  Whatever you do, don’t look back.

  Leaping over logs, pumping my arms as fast as I could, I noticed a small clearing off into the distance. Only a few steps more…

  A single gunshot rang throughout the forest and hit its mark. Tumbling forward, fire started to boil inside my stomach and explode within me. Landing hard on a pile of mulch, I reached down to check the damage. Grazing the wound, my hand touched warm liquid which was starting to pour out of my stomach. Biting my tongue from crying out, I ripped my shirt and applied pressure to the wound. If I run, I run the risk of bleeding
to death, but if I stay, God knows what he plans to do.

  Looking at my surroundings, I was a hundred feet away from the clearing. I turned to see where my pursuer was, but it was too dark to see anything. By the river, the moon gave me light to see what was around me, but being in the forest, I was blind.

  Breathing heavily, trying not to think about my body being ripped apart by lava, I pushed myself to my feet and ran.

  I burst through the clearing, ignoring the blinding white pain ripping my insides apart. Leaving my right hand on my wound, I ran as fast as I could up the road, praying someone would find me.


  Turning around slowly, my pursuer was in the middle of the road, with his gun pointed directly at my chest. Squinting my eyes, I tried to decipher if I have ever seen this man before in my life. He looked familiar, but my brain couldn’t place who he was.

  “Don’t move, Brianna. I will shoot.”

  It can’t be? Taking a closer look, I recognized the man who I met at the VA and kicked his ass at video games. “Weatherford?”

  “That’s right. It’s been me this entire time. I’m the one who set Funny Farm on fire, I’m the one who drugged Cam the night he attacked you. I’m the one who is going to kill your friends and fuck you until you scream for death.” Weatherford said, while clicking his gun. A small click told me he was going to shoot me.

  Trying to wrap my head around what to do, the only thing that popped into my head was, distract him. If I can get him to talk and delay him, maybe someone will come.

  “Why? Why did you do this? They are innocent children?”

  “It’s not about the children, they are disposable. Ryan killed my brother when we were in Iraq a few years ago. He is the reason my brother is dead!” Weatherford shouted, slowly making his way closer to me.

  What the hell is he talking about? He told me what happened with the school and the… Wait a second.


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