Virgin On Vacation

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Virgin On Vacation Page 6

by Emily Vincent

  I thought about what she had said. Jackson didn’t seem like the type of man who would do something like that. He didn’t seem like the type that would want to reject me, to hurt me.

  She was right though, there were a lot of men out there like that and I hoped that he wasn’t one of them.

  The sun was coming in through the window, I opened my eyes to see that Jennifer was already dressed for the day.

  “You have to get up.” Alice groaned, I faced her and saw that she was coming back from the door.

  “I don’t have to do anything.” I yawned, it was vacation.

  “Yes, you do. Mr. Miller is outside the room waiting for you.” Alice laughed at me throwing a pillow from her bed to mine and hitting me in the face.

  I threw the covers off and headed for the door. I couldn’t believe she had just left him out there waiting.

  “Good morning.” Jackson laughed when I opened the door and stood there.

  “Good morning, how are you up this early?” I squinted.

  I was sure my hair was a mess, I was just waking up and it was then that I realized if I hadn’t scared him away nothing would.

  “I came over in hopes that you would want to go out on the water with me today. I have a yacht. It’s beautiful outside like it is most of the time.” He leaned against the door frame.

  The way he smelled, the button up shirt that had two buttons already undone and the jeans that he was wearing he looked as if he belonged on the ocean.

  “I need to shower and get dressed. If you wait I will go with you.” I nodded my head.

  Jasmine had been right. She knew how men were, when it came to men she was always on target with what she said.

  “I have a few things to do around here. When you’re done go to the front desk and ask for me. They will page me.” Jackson winked at me and turned to leave.

  I closed the door and leaned against it with a smile on my face.

  “I told you, see that’s how you know you have a good man.” Jasmine laughed at me as I got my outfit ready for the day and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

  I didn’t want to keep him waiting too long. He had made the attempt to come see me and invite me along on another wonderful day with him and I wasn’t going to waste his time.

  Chapter 15


  I dressed in a white pair of shorts and a black tank top. Putting on the red sandals that I had come with I threw my hair up in a bun and headed out of the room with a wave to Jasmine before I left.

  Vacation was going by quickly and I pushed the thought of having to leave Jackson behind out of my head. I didn’t want to be sad, I didn’t want to think that it was just an affair of sorts and everything that had been done stayed in Hawaii.

  I knew that by the end of the trip that I was going to be the one that was heartbroken. It always happened that way, only this was different. I wanted to keep the thoughts from running through my head the way they were, but it was almost as if my mind was on a fast-moving train and I couldn’t stop thinking about what the future held for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about the what ifs and the soon goodbyes that I would have to do.

  I convinced myself that I wasn’t going to say goodbye to Jackson. I wasn’t going to be the one sitting there crying when the vacation was over at least not in front of him. I wasn’t going to be able to do that. I wasn’t going to be able to see him in that manner. He hadn’t seen me cry and I was bound and determined that he wouldn’t.

  We were having fun with each other, we were having a great time while I was there. I chewed on my bottom lip knowing that I was only lying to myself.

  I was having fun, sure, I was but I was also falling in love with him. Just thinking of him brought a smile to my face. He put a flutter in my heart, he sent so many emotions through my body that I couldn’t put in words how I was feeling.

  I went down to the front desk, not wanting to ask for him. I didn’t know if they were going to look at me funny or not. I was sure he wasn’t used to having people ask for him.

  I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that he was standing there talking to the receptionist.

  I could see that she was listening intently to what he had to say. He made eye contact with her, he smiled at her during the right times and I felt a pang of jealous wash over me.

  Of course, he was going to have women wanting him. He was a sexy man, he was rich, and he was full of life on top of everything else.

  I stood back and waited for him to notice me.

  “Why didn’t you just come over?” Jackson asked, seeing that I was standing there out of the corner of his eye.

  “I didn’t want to be rude.” I smiled at him, seeing that he only had eyes for me now that I was standing there and noticeable.

  He threw his head back and laughed, not hesitating to take my hand and lead me out of the lobby.

  There was a red mustang outside waiting for us. He opened the passenger side door and made sure I was seated inside before he shut it behind me.

  I watched as he jogged around the front of the car to get into the driver’s side seat.

  “What’s the matter, your chauffer wasn’t available?” I teased him, laughing lightly.

  “No, I gave him the day off today. I do have someone who drives my yacht though. I don’t know a thing about it and I don’t want to take the time to learn.” He chuckled, his eyes beaming with happiness.

  It felt good to sit there and be playful with one another.

  I thought that when we were alone that it was going to be awkward, but it wasn’t, far from it.

  “The slight wind off the water is going to feel great out there.” Jackson stated, keeping his eyes on the road in front of us.

  I was sure that it would. I looked out the window and saw that we were getting closer and closer to the boating dock.

  “Which one is yours?” I asked him, wondering if I would be able to spot it from where we were.

  “It’s the gold stripped one. The strip at the top and the strip at the bottom.” He grinned, looking over at it as we pulled into the parking lot.

  We got out of the car and headed for the dock, I could already tell what he meant by the breeze. It was a cool breeze just enough to feel relaxed.

  He helped me up onto the Yacht and I could see that he already had this planned. The driver smiled and nodded as if he was waiting for us.

  “What would you have done if I said no?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

  “Then it would’ve been a wasted day.” He grinned.

  Meeting my eyes, I could see that he was surprised that I took everything in, that I was very observant to the things that went on around me.

  Chapter 16


  She was smart to the idea of what was going on. I was more surprised than how I looked but it showed that she was paying attention. It was something that I looked at when it came to women.

  “I guess it was good that I decided to tag along.” She responded.

  Shelly was so carefree that I already knew the day would go by quickly as we walked around the Yacht.

  I pulled the ropes off the posts off the dock and we were soon heading further and further away from shore.

  You will see some huts and small houses along the shore line. Sometimes the people of Hawaii like it where it’s quiet. Where there isn’t a crowd.” I pointed out to her.

  She was at the end of the Yacht looking out over the water.

  There was something about her and right then I slid my hand over to hers where it was resting on the side. I covered her hand with mine and squeezed her fingers gently. Not surprised but I swear my heart skipped a beat when she squeezed my hand back without hesitating.

  “What is your least favorite thing to do?” I asked her, knowing that we didn’t know too much about each other’s likes or dislikes.

  “I don’t like doctor’s appointments. I don’t like having a doctor try and tell me what the problem is and then it’s something d
ifferent?” Shelly didn’t hesitate to answer.

  “I think that I would say that I don’t like being a millionaire.” I nodded my head.

  Shelly’s head whipped around to look at me, I could see that she was shocked to say the least.

  “I would love to be one.” She grinned at me.

  “Not me, everyone looks at your differently. They know your name, they think that they must bow down when you walk by them. I don’t like it when I’m center of attention to tell you the truth.” I stopped smiling and looked out at the water with the sun hitting off it just right.

  “I think it would be neat for a while. I can’t say that I’ve been in your shoes. I don’t know what it’s like to have people look at me, for me to be somebody.” Shelly shrugged her shoulders.

  “When you look at me, what do you see?” I asked, facing her and putting my back to the water.

  Shelly grinned when she thought about it. I felt a smile come to my face as well. I could only imagine what she was thinking.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Come on, of course you do. Your eyes lit up when I asked you.” I teased her, watching as her face grew red and it wasn’t because of the sun.

  “I think that you’re a handsome man, you’re fun to be with you and when I found out that you had money I was stunned. I think about when we bumped into each other at the airport and what a mess I was. Looking back, it was rather embarrassing knowing that you are a man of importance.” Shelly explained herself, her words coming out slowly as if she had to pick and choose the right words.

  “I don’t think it was silly. It was the most natural thing for me. It was the hustle and bustle of large crowds. Unlike someone bumping into me on purpose and faking their apology. I knew that you had no idea who I was. That you just thought I was someone random and that made me feel good to not have you take that second look at me as if you knew me from somewhere before.” I confessed to her.

  “I don’t know about all that. I wouldn’t’ want a stranger bumping into me period.” Shelly laughed and got me laughing.

  There were times that I could be carefree, and I found myself doing so with Shelly more and more.

  I didn’t have to be standing straight up all the time, head held high, and looking down at people. I didn’t have to be the man of authority when someone saw me and knew my name, it felt nice for a change.

  “It does happen though.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Are you ready to eat sir?” A waiter came out onto the top deck to announce that lunch was ready.

  “Yes, I believe that we are.” I put on my cheerful smile and my tone of voice wasn’t so low.

  “You just planned everything out, lunch, I’m sure drinks.” Shelly was amazed at what I could do on such short notice.

  Chapter 17


  He just amazed me more and more. I followed him down the set of stairs and was surprised to see that there was a little dining hall. It wasn’t big, but it had a few tables and booths.

  “They are bolted down to the floor.” He looked at me.

  I laughed, that was the thought that was going through my head. Wondering just how they could stay like that on the water during the rough days.

  “That’s good to know.” I nodded, it was good that I didn’t have to second guess what I was going to say to him when we talked.

  I could see the sadness in his eyes before the waiter came up to get us. He didn’t like all the money he had, people gawking at him and I understood that he didn’t get much time alone with his own thoughts.

  “The chicken and rice are done. Do you want the squid or the sea legs first?” The waiter asked.

  “Squid would be good. If it’s not done right I’m going to send it back.” He warned the waiter.

  The waiter nodded his head and left the room and was sure to warn the cooks that the squid should be well done.

  “Again?” I laughed at him as he was pouring red wine into our glasses.

  “Yes, that’s legit my favorite food.” He smirked at me as I took the glass of wine.

  I was sure that he liked tons of food, I couldn’t believe that the squid would be his favorite though.

  “I’m kidding, I don’t know any favorite foods of yours, so I went with what I knew you liked just from the first time we went out.” He took a sip from the wine that he had in his glass and put it back down.

  We were alike in so many ways. By the time that the food had been served we were on our second bottle of wine.

  The food looked delicious though, it smelled so good that my mouth felt like it was watering. I had to dab at the corners of my mouth with a napkin.

  I watched as Jackson bit into the squid. It was cut up nicely I watched his facial expression to see if it needed to be brought back.

  Smiling I saw that he was enjoying it and took a bite of my own. It was just as good as what I had the first morning I got to Hawaii only without the breaded pieces.

  “Good huh? Didn’t I tell you that it was your favorite food?” Jackson laughed when I finished three pieces.

  “I don’t think it will be this good back home.” I shook my head at him.

  “Probably not. When do you leave?” Jackson asked.

  I decided not to answer him, putting a spoonful of rice into my mouth and using my fork to eat some of the kitchen.

  The last thing I wanted to do was leave. The last place I wanted to think about was going to the airport and heading back home. Never knowing if it was going to be goodbye with Jackson, I just didn’t have the strength to think about it.

  “Okay, so what do you do for a living?” Jackson changed the subject when he saw that I gave him no answer.

  “I work at a pizza joint down the street from where I live.” I laughed, knowing that sounded strange compared to what he did.

  Telling him what I did for a living was kind of embarrassing. At least to me, here he was someone who had a ton of money and wanting to know what I did.

  I was a pizza girl, it didn’t sound all that exciting to me. I liked my job, but it wasn’t something that I lived for. There were times I didn’t even want to go into work but pushed myself to do so. I couldn’t just sit there at home and not make money no matter how little it was it was the only job I had to survive in the normal life that I was living.

  “That’s great, I tell you I would love to work a normal job. Not that the hotel isn’t a good job to have as the owner I must make sure everything is running smoothly. It’s harder than it looks. Sometimes I would like to throw it all away, or just give it all away and then there are times that I’m happy with it.” Jackson nodded his head before taking another piece of the squid and popping it into his mouth.

  I watched as Jackson’s eyes lit up. I bit back a smile. The way he had talked about wanting a normal job, a pizza job of all things I wanted to laugh at him and ask him if he was insane, I would never want a pizza job knowing how much money I could be making elsewhere.

  I found myself wishing that we could trade shoes for a week. Maybe even for a month and see if he liked it then, taking peoples orders, hearing how huffy and grumpy the customers were if someone got their order wrong. The hungry customers would stomp into the pizza joint and literally glare at me if I didn’t have their hot food waiting on the counter when they walked in. I was happy when they grabbed their food and left as quickly as they had come in.

  I wanted to tell him just how great his life had turned out. I wanted to point out to him that he didn’t have many worries in life because of the money that he did. To show him that sometimes he could complain about where he was at in life but to look around and see how many people struggle with their own lives day in and day out. Most of the time because they didn’t have the money to afford things that they needed. Not what they wanted but what they needed but I kept my mouth shut. I listened to what he had to say about his own life and how he wished that sometimes it was different.

  The more he talked ab
out his life the more I didn’t think that he liked it. He sounded stressed about his life.

  If I put myself in his shoes I could see why he would want to hide out and be alone. I would probably live like a hermit if I were him when things got too much for me.

  “What?” Jackson asked when he caught my eye.

  “Nothing, just letting my mind wander.” I blushed, getting caught probably looking like I was bored.

  Chapter 18


  I couldn’t stop thinking about last night, everything about her turned me on. Her train of thought and when she was concentrated on something her eyes went a darker blue, the more she thought the darker they got.

  I knew that I had touched on a sad subject about going back home. I didn’t want her to leave either I just wanted to know when she was going home. I would find that out later since I didn’t get an answer from her.

  When we were done eating and our plates and wine glasses were cleared from the table I got up and walked over to her.

  Putting my hand out for her she took it and stood up.

  I could smell the red wine on her breath, it smelled sweet as I was sure mine did too.

  I kissed her lightly at first, pulling my lips slightly about from hers. Just enough to get a taste of the wine that was still there on her lips.

  Shelly kissed me without thinking, without hesitating and it was the sweetest kiss that I ever had in my life. It was the best feeling to know that she wanted to keep kissing me.

  Bringing my arms around her I squeezed her ass cheeks in the palm of my hands. The roundness of them fit perfectly.

  Shelly giggled and moved closer to me, I heard her gasp and I knew that she could feel how hard I was. She could feel how turned on I was just by the kiss we shared. Never mind the deep conversation and the lunch we just had with each other.


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