Virgin On Vacation

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Virgin On Vacation Page 11

by Emily Vincent

  When Ginger came out of the room she was wearing a thin, white, hoody that she had zipped half way showing off the black sports bra that she had been wearing and a white pair of sweatpants and she looked real good.

  I had to admit that Ginger was the type of women that could look good in anything, even with her hair a mess she looked beautiful.

  “What?” She asked, giving me a smirk, her blue eyes glowing waiting on my answer.

  “Nothing, come on I will show you where you’re sleeping.” I grinned at her, turning my back.

  There was no woman that could make me tell them how I felt. Not a woman yet and she wasn’t going to be the first one. To tell a woman that she was attractive she would change. It happened long ago, and I barely knew Ginger.

  I saved her from death, I saved her from going to jail and now I was going to teach her how to survive. If she made it out alive she would be just as educated as I was. We would be in competition after this but at least I would have someone in the game who would be able to give me a run for my money.

  Never had I thought about training anyone. I never had someone on my team. It was just me. This was going to be a rough road, but I knew that I was going to be able to do this. I had to. Her life depended on the kind of protection that I gave her.

  I’ve never failed at anything since I joined the game back in my early teens. This wasn’t going to be a mission that I was going to fail at. If I did we were going to die together, I valued my life more than I did hers. We were going to come out on top. We had to.

  I showed her to her room and left to go to my bedroom.

  “I want you to guard her room tonight.” I told one of the guards standing at my door.

  He moved away from the wall and nodded his head at me. Turning to leave to the room that he watched her go into.

  I felt better knowing that she was protected while I was sleeping.

  It was the wee hours of the morning when I heard something outside my window. I wasn’t fully awake yet, but I heard something in the brush.

  Getting up I took my gun that was beside the bed and crawled to the window. I thought about the Alexandrite that we had and wondered if the person who wanted it figured out where it was.

  This wasn’t the first time that I had to check on what was going on. I leaned my back against the wall of my bedroom and peered out.

  I could see there were headlights off in the distance. It meant that someone was out by the road, too dark to see anything I heard one of the guards pass my door and head down the stairs.

  It wouldn’t be too long before I found out who it was.

  “What the hell man?” I heard a man’s voice in the bushes and took a breath.

  The voice was whiny. I didn’t recognize it. I could tell that it was only him. He sounded scared. I heard him being pulled out of the bushes and moved away from the wall.

  Taking the chance and standing up I walked out of the bedroom to see who it was. I could see that the noise hadn’t disturbed Ginger, she hadn’t come out of her room being all the way down the other end of the hall I didn’t think it would.

  I quickly went down the stairs to see a scrawny man with bleached hair sitting on my white couch.

  “Make him stand.” I glared at the guard. How dare he put a punk on my furniture.

  The guard got him up quickly and had him face me.

  “Who sent you?” I asked, making eye contact with the man that had been hiding in my bushes.

  “Stevens. Look, we were just seeing if it was true. You have a crew that’s coming for you.” The man warned me.

  I wasn’t sure if he was telling me the truth or if he was bluffing. I could usually tell when someone was kissing my ass.

  “I’m not worried about that. What about the flashing lights?” I asked, he knew what I was talking about.

  “The cops? Nah, they aren’t anywhere around. Though I’m sure they will be come tomorrow.” The man shrugged his shoulders.

  “What did Stevens want?” I glared at him.

  Stevens and I were enemies. I knew that he wanted to kill me but that wasn’t going to happen at least not tonight.

  “You know what he wants. He sent me here to get it, told me not to come back without it.” He grunted, shaking his head.

  “So, you think I’m just going to hand over the Alexandrite?” I threw my head back and laughed.

  He didn’t say anything to me. He looked surprised, like I would just have it out in the open. I wasn’t going to give him anything.

  “You go back and tell Stevens that he should know me better than that.” I told him, sucking in my laughter and putting on a serious face.

  “He told me- “

  “I don’t care what he told you! What kind of fool do you think I am? Stevens knows who he’s dealing with. If he wanted it, he would’ve sent someone who was a professional to come and get it!” I shouted at him.

  The man jumped, one thing I didn’t like was someone disobeying an order that I was giving. I was going to bring the gun up to meet him. I was going to put a bullet in him. Either way he was a dead man. Stevens would get him. I knew that he would. I decided to be the nice guy and let him live a few more hours.

  “He’s going to kill me!” The man shouted back at me.

  “Either he will, or I will, keep raising your voice to me. You at least have a few hours run if you leave and not go back.” I advised him.

  It didn’t matter to me whether he was alive or dead. I didn’t care, he wasn’t my concern. The only two things I was worried about was Ginger if that was even her real name and the Alexandrite.

  The guard moved out of the way so that the man could walk by him. He didn’t dare turn to see if I was going to shoot him. I thought that was brave of him.

  “Make sure that the car is gone. I don’t need anyone lurking around.” I ordered the guard and he nodded his head before leaving the room.

  Running a hand through my hair I knew that we had to leave. There was no way that we could wait until the morning, we couldn’t just sit on this. It wasn’t something that I did but I thought I had time. I wasn’t prepared for this to happen tonight.

  Who ever prepares to have the rarest of gems fall into their laps? No one. I had to get the plane out and ready to fly.

  This was the only time that we had. In the morning we were going to be bombarded and wouldn’t be able to get away.

  I wasn’t willing to take that chance. Taking the stairs two at a time I made my way to the office and got the gems out. Rushing back to my room I packed a suitcase for a few days. Not knowing how much time we would have to stay away.

  The next thing was to get Ginger motivated and on the move.

  “Get the jet ready. I want it on the pad in less than an hour.” I told one of the guards as I went down the hall to Ginger’s room.

  Chapter 4


  I was being nudged away, the force of it almost pushed me out of bed. I sat up and opened my eyes wide. I wasn’t expecting to see Jesse there and I wasn’t ready to see the slight look of worry in his eyes.

  “We have to go. Get some clothes out of the closet, there’s a suitcase. I want you to be ready within the hour.” He stated, seeing that I was fully awake he turned and quickly walked out of the room without telling me anything.

  I thought about running after him, but I knew that it was best just to do as he said. I wasn’t one for taking orders, but I could see that he was frazzled about something. Something serious.

  I got out of bed, without changing I quickly got the suitcase and threw clothes into it not knowing if they were going to fit me or not.

  I didn’t want to be awake, but I was fully there. Something had to happen that spooked him and told me to stay alert.

  He jumped me when he came back into the room as quickly as he had. Like a tornado that I didn’t think was going to stop.

  “What is going on?” I asked, finally getting the words out of my mouth.

  “Nothing that I want
you to be concerned about right now. We’ve had a visitor and it’s time to go. I have a plan. This isn’t the first time that I’ve done this. I know what I’m doing.” He grinned at me.

  That was the smooth grin that I had seen earlier. It meant that I should’ve worried more than what I had to begin with.

  “I’m a big girl Jesse, you can tell me what’s going on.” I rolled my eyes at him. I hated how men thought that they had to be tough all the time.

  “We’re getting on my private jet and getting out of here. I don’t think it will be safe around here come tomorrow morning. One of the guards is going to make sure that we get out safely.” He shrugged and turned his back on me again.

  That was all I wanted. Honesty from someone, I felt a smile form on my face when I got the truth.

  “There’s no time for talking. I want to get on the jet and get the hell out of here.” I heard him grunt, watched him as he shook his head at me.

  I didn’t want to add more fuel to the fire, I wanted to get out safely and the more we talked about what we were going to do the more time we were wasting, not something that I wanted to do.

  It wasn’t long before he took me to the elevator. I couldn’t believe that I was looking out of a glass elevator! I didn’t want to look down though because I was afraid of heights. It was something that I kept to myself though.

  “I love to look out over my home.” He laughed, I smiled the best I could, but I wasn’t going to say anything until we were on solid ground again.

  We were going to die if the glass broke for any reason. I could feel how thick it was that wasn’t the problem. I just didn’t want to think of anything that could break the glass.

  “You’re good. I promise. The glass isn’t going to break. It’s been tested.” He assured me, he reached over and took my hand to let me know that everything was going to be okay.

  I felt a warmth run over my body, I didn’t think that he’d be the type of man to comfort someone over an elevator. Still it felt nice, it felt different. Almost electric.

  He let go of my hand just as quickly as he took it when the elevator doors opened, and we were standing on the roof.

  It was a breezy morning and I could see the light coming for the day. I saw the jet standing in its place. I had never been so close to one before.

  I didn’t have time to admire it because the doors were opening, and Jesse ushered me into the jet. I felt his hand on my lower back, pushing me to get into the jet.

  I wasn’t sure if he was trying to rush me or if he wanted to touch me. I took my seat and buckled up the second that I sat down on the Jet.

  I had never been on a personal jet before. There were drinks already on a stand. It had cup holders and I laughed when Jesse got into the jet.

  “You have thought of everything haven’t you?” I asked him, shaking my head.

  He carried the suitcases in and smirked at me. He looked more relaxed now that we were out of the house.

  “You have everything right?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “Everything that we need at least.” He groaned, putting the suitcases behind us.

  I didn’t even feel the jet coming off the ground. It was that smooth.

  “Where are we going?” I dared to ask now that we were safe in the air.

  “You don’t have to worry about it, you let me do that.” He stated, letting me know that for the moment there was nothing to worry about.

  He reached across me and got the glass of whiskey that was sitting on the table. I took the other cup, smelled it first and it smelled like coconut.

  “You should try some. It’s pretty good.” He nodded his head, urging me to take a sip.

  I tasted just a little bit and liked the way it felt on my lips. I loved the way it felt in my mouth. I moaned slightly and saw out of the corner of my eye that Jesse was staring at me. I wasn’t sure if he was staring at me or staring at my mouth. Either way he was staring at me. I licked my lips with the tip of my tongue to see if he was still looking and watched him as he turned his eyes towards the window.

  I didn’t know what was going on between us. We had only known each other for a few hours and it seemed like there was an attraction already. We hardly knew each other, it wasn’t enough time to even think about what was going on between us.

  I was in a battle for gems, for my life and here I was sitting beside the man that I was thinking about sexually.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jesse asked me, as if he could hear my thoughts rolling around in my head.

  “Nothing.” I felt my face growing hot.

  “You’re not a very good liar.” He chuckled, shaking his head and once again leaned over me, this time to grab the bottom of whiskey that was there.

  He poured another shot into his glass and drank it down.

  “This is how you relax?” I asked, clearing my throat.

  I didn’t know what else to talk about, there was nothing to talk about. I wasn’t going to tell him what I was thinking that would just be insane. I was sure that he wasn’t thinking the same thing that I was.

  “Just about. I sleep when I can without someone wanting to kill me. I didn’t know who the guy was but there was someone in the bushes. My guards brought him to me and it seems that this man named Stevens that I know wanted me dead. He wanted the gems. He knows about the Alexandrite.” He cleared his throat.

  I felt my eyes growing wide thinking about how close he was to getting killed. He didn’t even seem worried that he could have his life ended with a snap of a finger.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You know that I’m the best there is out there no one can fool me. No one can pull one over on me.” He laughed, I didn’t like his cockiness.

  I wasn’t smiling anymore. The good feeling was almost gone, I didn’t like it when men were so sure of themselves that it was sickening.

  I sighed heavily and took another drink, I didn’t want to talk anymore. There was nothing more to talk about.

  “He’s an enemy of mine, I knew that word would spread but I didn’t’ think that it was going to spread so quickly.” He cleared his throat, being serious again.

  “Sometimes we need to expect the unexpected. It’s just something that we have to learn through life, right?” I asked him, licking my top lip.

  It had to be said, he didn’t know what to say but that wasn’t my problem. I thought that his ego could be brought down a peg or two. He would know that he wasn’t the best there was out there. He was a typical man though.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Jesse asked, turning towards me. Staring at me.

  I never had a man come out and directly ask me if they had done something wrong. I was shocked, I couldn’t believe that he would ask me if he had said something wrong. Did he not know how he was talking?

  I turned to him to open my mouth and before I realized it his lips were on mine. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to tell him that he wasn’t going to show me how he could get everything he wanted but I didn’t.

  I let him kiss me, I let his tongue run over mine and tease mine until I was kissing him back. Until I was pressing forward and had my hands on his upper arms.

  For a second it felt like I couldn’t breathe, it had happened so suddenly that I wasn’t sure what was going on with my head and my body.

  I knew that I was giving into everything that I said I never would, but Jesse was trying to show me that he was different, and he was proving his point.

  I broke the kiss, I traced his lips with the tip of my tongue. Showing him that he wasn’t the only one who could put the moves on someone.

  He chuckled, he knew what I was doing, and he let me. He let me tease him and he enjoyed it as I slowly slipped my tongue into his mouth and continued the kiss with him.

  Only he was going to show me that he was the one in control. That he was the one in control through everything.

  Before I knew it, we were stripping our clothing and he was on top of me. I was spreading my legs fo
r him and I felt him slipping inside of me. He was slowly pushing inside of me. I threw my head back and moaned out his name as I dug my nails into his forearms.

  The more I dug my nails into him the faster he began to fuck me, slamming into me until I was screaming his name, not just calling it out.

  Though I knew that was his intention his cock felt so good inside of me. He made me cum twice before I felt his hot liquid fill my pussy and I stared at him with a smile on my face.

  “We have to think about work.” He whispered, kissing me on the cheek before he got off me and helped clean me up.

  I laughed at him, getting dressed and we enjoyed the rest of the flight.

  Chapter 5


  I thought about the sex that I had with her. I wanted to have more time with Ginger, but I knew it wasn’t the time or the place. We had more time to get to know each other after we solved the problem that we were in.

  I had never thought about another woman the way I was thinking about Ginger. She had this personality about her that drew people in and I couldn’t be drawn in, not right now. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t sit there and let her get into my head. The last time I had let someone do that I made sure that it wouldn’t happen again, promised that it wouldn’t.

  No, I had to stay focused on what I was doing. I had to get to work and climb that ladder to stay the best.

  Had I not been thinking about what was the best and wanting to be the one that no one could pass I would’ve realized that something was the matter. I didn’t know even then when I was seeing that the jet was going down.

  “Are you ready to get out of here?” I asked, standing up when the jet had landed safely on the ground.

  “We’re here already?” She asked me with a surprised look on her face.

  “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I laughed at her.

  I grabbed the luggage that we needed and headed out first. I got off the plane first and the smile that I had on my face had vanished so quickly it was almost as if it had never appeared.


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