Cade, Richard 197, 211, 234, 265
Cahill, Lloyd 66–7
calcium research 123
Cameron, A.T. 104–5
Carbine 90
Carroll, Nurse 4
private hospital of 3, 4
Catarinich, John 111, 199–200
Catholicism in Melbourne 194, 199
Changi POW camp 53–62, 92
character 56, 61, 63–4, 66, 68, 71–5, 79, 85, 116, 259–60
diseases 43, 58–9, 61, 67–9, 73, 84
Dunlop, Edward ‘Weary’ 16, 272
escape from 63–4
‘fattening pen’ 69
liberation 78–82
medical and surgical care 56, 58–62, 65, 66–7
mental illnesses and anguish 59–68
Mental Ward 60–1, 80
morale 57, 64, 74
nutritional experimentation 68–9, 73
rations 58–9, 67–9
Roberts Hospital 56, 60, 74–5
Selarang Square incident 63–4
working parties 66–7
Charles, Estana Evelyn Jean see Cade, Estana Evelyn Jean (‘Jean’)
Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 17
Chinese in Malaya and Singapore 53, 79
Chiu, Ed 274–5, 281, 283, 285
Churchill, Winston 215, 232
attitude to psychiatry 60
Clarebrough, John 290
Claremont Mental Hospital 81, 184–5
Royal Commission into 185
Clough Frank 12
cobalt research 123
Collins Street pharmacists and doctors 3, 33, 164
communism 200
Condobolin Hospital 5
Conolly, John 19
coroner’s inquests 185, 202–3, 221
attitude to lithium therapy 186, 221
legal requirement for 185
cortisone 224
craniometry 207
Darby, Ed 241
Davies, Brian 256
Dawson, William Siegfried 16
Dax, Eric Cunningham 207–8, 225–6, 231, 234–6, 243
relationship with John Cade 225–6, 234–6
delusions 25–6, 142–3, 213, 263
depression x–xi, 25, 27, 61, 68, 85, 100, 111, 141–3, 242–3, 263
causation 105–7, 155
lithium therapy for 120
strontium therapy for 269
dietician 31
disability pension 134, 136–8, 140, 171
Down syndrome 250
Doyle, Arthur Conan 239
Dunlop, Edward (‘Weary’) 16, 272
dysentery 63, 64
dysphoria 57
Eaglemont see The Righi
Edwards, Ellen see Cade, Ellen
Elder, David 57
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 148–50, 185, 202, 209, 293
attitude to lithium therapy 255–7
study tour 225–33
‘F’ force 66–7
Field Ambulance
2/9th 40, 43–5, 52, 54, 58
2/9th gatherings 201, 284–7
Flowers, Bill 55–6
football team 54
Sammons, Jack 44
First World War 8–9, 11, 129–34, 214
military mental illness 90–1
flame spectrophotometry 237
Flowers, Bill 55–6, 74–5
Freud, Sigmund 191–2, 194–5
Freudian doctrine
conflation with communism 200
human behaviour 195–6, 200
and psychiatry 155, 164, 195–6
Galbally, Frank 246
Galgani, Gemma 223
Gallipoli 8, 9, 111, 130
Gershon, Lisl 219
on E.M. Trautner 219–20
Gershon, Sam 216–18
coroner’s inquest 221
emigration 238
lithium research 220–2, 237
relationship with E.M. Trautner 219, 238
relationship with John Cade 217, 219
Glenn, Sir Archibald 15
Glesinger, Bernard 184
Godfrey, Clarence 141
gout, lithium treatment for 120
grass soup 67–8
guinea pigs, experiments on 109–11, 112–13, 118, 125, 175
Hammond, William 120
Hawksworth, Bessie Lorraine 221
hearing voices 25–6, 136, 143, 247
Heidelberg State School 12
Hillier, Reverend 4
Holmes, Sherlock 130, 239–40, 243
homosexuality 271–2
Horan, John 222
Horsham 3, 4, 7
hysteria 76–7
Japanese soldiers 34, 43, 45, 51–7, 63–9, 75, 79–80, 285
Jardine, Douglas 228–9
Johnson, Carl 44
Johnson, Neil 280, 283
Jones, W. Ernest 135
Kemp, C.D. 15
Kempei Tai 75
Kennett River 172, 197, 198–9
Kew (institution for mentally disturbed children) 208
Kittay Award 273
Korean guards 57, 65
Kota Bharu 45
Kraepelin, Emil 1, 25–7
Kyd, Frank 184
lalang 67–8
Lange brothers 120
Laurie, E.A.H. 15
Lewis, Aubrey 232, 254–5
Lewis, William 54
lithium 117–28
availability of 122–3, 166, 179–80
bromide 120
carbonate 117, 155–6, 238, 263, 268, 293
chloride 120–1, 178–9
citrate 120, 154–5, 166, 183
deaths from 178
as dietary supplement 121–2, 177–80
in fiction 121–2
medicinal effects 118, 120–1, 123, 153, 159–61, 176, 233
urate 117
lithium therapy x–xi, 119, 156–66, 213, 251–7, 263, 280–2, 295–6
blood monitoring 237, 253
commercialisation and cost 274, 283
conferences 280, 283
critics 254–7
deaths from 182, 185, 221–2, 253
dosage 120, 155, 168, 237, 295
ethical issues 124–6, 185–6, 217–19
research 117–18, 120–6, 153–71, 216–22, 252, 257, 289–90
side-effects 162, 167–9, 175–9, 181–5, 202–3, 221–2, 237–8, 253
uptake 166, 181–2, 184–5, 202–3, 217, 257
Love, E.R. 15
Lowe, Jaime 263
Lush, Dora 33
McConaghy, Neil 217–18
McGeorge, George 217
Macleod sanatorium 91
magnesium research 123
malaria 45, 63–4, 84, 130
Malaya 42–5, 79
malnutrition 58–9, 61, 67–9, 75–7, 83–4
research 67–9
manganese lack 250
mania ix–xi, 25, 80, 100, 139, 141, 148, 168, 173, 242–3
adolescent 136
causation 76–7, 85, 104–7, 116, 153–5, 163–4, 192
chronic 150, 159–60
gout and 120
symptoms 127–8, 148, 152–3
treatment 165–70, 237, 252–3, 257, 269, 295
manic depression ix–xi, 1, 25, 28, 75, 77, 82, 105–6, 155, 263, 293, 296; see also bipolar disorder/illness
causation 163
prevention 252–3
treatment 28
Maudsley, Henry 146
Maudsley Hospital 232, 254–6
atmosphere 255–6
Meares, Ainslie 193–4
Meares, Russell 193–4, 255, 259–60
Medical Board of Victoria 278
Medical History Museum, University of Melbourne 155
The Medical Journal of Australia
articles on lithium therapy 165–6, 216, 217, 218, 230–1
medical records 23, 56
medical staff of mental hospitals 22–3, 28, 95–6
melancholia 1, 85, 105–7, 120; see also depression
Melbourne 3, 10, 11, 13, 14
post-Second World War character 96–7, 169, 199, 205, 209, 219–20
Melbourne Clinic 278, 284
Melbourne Football Club 43
Melbourne Grammar School 13
Melbourne University Rifles 34; see also University of Melbourne
Menhennit, Justice C.I. 15
meningitis 132, 134
Mensana 195
mental hospitals; see also military mental hospital patients
British 226–32
care 95–103, 210–11, 257–8, 266
patients ix–xi, 21–2, 48, 97–9, 206, 209–11, 236, 257–9, 266, 280, 289–90
research 106, 124, 127–8, 153–71, 175–7, 188, 216, 220–2
restraint in 24, 209–10, 234
staff 22–4, 28, 95–6
Victoria, critical reports 199
Mental Hygiene Authority, Victoria 207–8, 225, 236
mental illness; see also under specific types of mental illness
attitudes to 144, 146, 169
diagnosis 242–3
disputed causation 163–4, 266
Mental Ward, Changi 59–61, 75–7, 80
Menzies, Robert 33, 34, 200
The Messenger 195
micronutrient chemistry 104–5, 123
Middleton, Max 237
Mildura Hospital 6
military mental hospital patients
care 95–103, 106
Changi 59–61, 75–7, 80
everyday life 95–103, 105, 210–11
medical records 155–6
pensions 134, 136–8, 140–2
Mollica, Concetta 202–3
molybdenum research 123
Mont Park Mental Hospital/Asylum 12–13, 29, 31, 48, 81, 98, 110, 216
Morrison, Private 60
mosquitoes 45, 58
multiple sclerosis 77
Murtoa 7, 10
Museum of Victoria
Royal Park prescription book 238
Naylor, Dr 21
Netherne psychiatric hospital 231–2
neurasthenia 141
neurotic reactions 43
Niblett, Mary 183
Nicholson, Private 61
nickel research 123
Noack, Charles 216
non-Catholics in Melbourne 194
Nurse Carroll’s private hospital 3, 4
nursing staff in mental hospitals 22–4, 28
nutrition and psychiatry 31
nutritional deficiency diseases 68–9, 73
paediatrics 17, 18
Park, John 34, 41, 43, 53–4, 285, 287
Victoria Cross (VC) 54
Parramatta Mental Hospital 166
patients see mental hospitals, patients; military mental hospital patients
Patten, Pearl see Brand, Pearl
Payne, Paul 44
pellagra 59, 68
penicillin x, 227
post-traumatic stress disorder 11
Prendergast, Frank Snr 16, 81, 184–5
Prendergast, Lil 81
Presbyterianism 13, 14
Prince Alfred Hospital 217
prisoners of war (POWs)
Australian 54, 55–6, 72, 78–82, 247
British 55–6, 80
Dutch 56
nutrition 67–9
relations between Australian and British 56, 57
working parties 66–7
psychiatry 75–7
Catholicism and 194–6
diagnosis 75–7
discord within 199–200
Freudian 155, 164, 195–6
private practice 32–3, 194
training 16–18
treatments see therapies, psychiatric
psychoanalysis 164
psychosurgery 208, 231
Queen Mary troop transport 40–1
RACV Club 247
Rank, Benjamin (‘Bennie’) 12, 15, 16
Raselli, Mary Vera 221
Read, Dr 4
Red Cross supplies and concerts 68, 79, 99–100
Redhill County Hospital 232
Rene, Aunt see Brown, Irene Harpur
Repatriation Board 136, 140, 171
Repatriation Department 142, 145, 147
classification 134, 136
disability pension 136–8, 140–2, 147, 171
Repatriation General Hospital 83, 139, 143, 145, 150
research 33
animal 109–10, 112–13, 116–18, 125, 175
human 124–7, 153–71, 175
John Cade and 32–3, 73, 75–7, 104–13, 116–18, 125, 153–71, 175
laboratory 108, 112, 115, 119, 154, 166, 234, 253
lithium 117–18, 120–6, 153–71, 216–22
The Righi 34, 39, 47–9, 69
Ritchie, Miss 210
Roberts, Edgar (‘Nick’) 183–4, 202
Roberts Hospital 64, 73, 74
Mental Ward 60
Royal Park Mental Hospital 124, 136, 204, 206, 216–17, 219–20, 222, 226, 242, 280
immigrant mental health 246–7
John Cade’s influence on 257–8, 272, 273–5, 277–8
prescription book 238
re-building programme 225–6, 234, 235
Royal Park Receiving House 134, 206
RSL 26, 201, 285
rubidium research 123
St Andrew’s Cathedral 52, 53
St Patrick’s Cathedral 29
St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne 17
St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney 66
St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Melbourne 289, 290, 291
Sammons, Jack 44
Sarkies, Walter 69
scabies 59
Scanlan, F.J. 166
schizophrenia 77, 82, 107, 192, 218, 284
causation 192, 250
treatment 211–13
Schmitt, Bill 63
Schou, Mogens 252–4
award 273
critics of 254–7
John Cade and 253–4, 270–1, 273, 279–80
Scotch College 13–15
scurvy 31
Seal, Eric 194
Second World War 16, 33, 42–6, 143, 272
attitudes to psychiatry 60
on homefront 47–9
selenium research 123
Serry brothers 253
‘the shed’ 108, 112, 115, 119, 154, 166
shell shock 11, 130, 133, 134, 141
Shimo Sonkurai Camp 66
Shrine of Remembrance 286–7
Simpson, Gertie 6
Singapore 41, 42, 45–6, 50, 52–4, 65, 80, 285; see also Changi POW camp
Smith, John Matthew Vincent (J.V.) 90
Smith, William Beattie 189
lectures in psychiatry 189
social therapy 236
sodium chloride 177–9
Stoller, Alan 163
strontium research 269
suicide 27
in Changi 61
thoughts about ix–xi, 293
Summons, Hedley 73
Sunbury Asylum/Mental Hospital 11, 12, 17, 81, 185–6
Sunbury State School 12
Surrey 230–2
Redhill County Hospital 232
Sydney 40
table salt
lithium as substitute 177–9
Taylor Manor Award 265–9
Thai–Burma railway 66–7
therapies, psychiatric 186, 188
blood-letting 254
bromide mixture 133, 145
drugs 145, 150, 266, 295
electroconvulsive therapy 148–50, 185, 202, 209, 293
insulin coma therapy 211–13
lithium 117–18, 120–8, 153–71, 185, 213, 216, 236–8
nourishment 141
nursing care 141
occupational therapy 234, 236
psychoanalysis 155, 164, 195–6
psychosurgery 208, 231
recreation 30, 141, 234
> sedatives 133, 145, 150
social therapy 236
thyroid hormones 104–5
‘Tiger’s piss’ 68
tinea 43
titanium research 123
trace element research 104–5, 123
Trautner, E.M. 214–16, 219, 253
Dunera 215
lithium research 216, 220–2, 237–8
relationship with John Cade 216
relationship with Sam Gershon 219–20
retirement 238
Trelowarren after-care hostel 169–70
Trembath, Dr 22
tuberculosis sanatorium, Macleod 91
tungsten research 123
typhoid 5, 6
ulcers 59
Underbool 294
United States
concerns about lithium as salt substitute 177–9
FDA lifting of lithium ban 257, 269
response to lithium therapy 251, 254
University of Melbourne 15, 16, 189, 218, 221, 272
Beattie Smith lectures 189–94
department of psychiatry 256
forensic medicine 16
medical course 16–17
Medical History Museum 155
medical school 190
physiology department 216
psychiatry training 16–17
paediatrics study 17
scientific meeting 279
University of Sydney 216, 255
urea 117
uric acid 117, 153
urine analysis 106–8, 114, 116–17
venereal disease 42, 43, 65–6
Victoria Cross (VC) 54, 287
vitamins 55
deficiencies 31, 58–9, 64, 67–9
supplementation 55, 67–9, 272
Wallace 90
Watson, Dr 240
Wells, H.G. 121–2
Woodman, Alf 54
Woodruff, Michael 55
Wright, Roy Douglas 216, 218
Xavier College 211, 222, 234
yeast sources 69
zinc research 123
Zwar, Mrs 21
Finding Sanity Page 31