Buying the Virgin Box Set Two

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Buying the Virgin Box Set Two Page 10

by Simone Leigh

  My Master looks at me from his work, over the top of his glasses. “Of course you may Charlotte. While you are here, this is your home. Do whatever you please.”

  “Master, I’m sorry.”

  “You have already apologised Charlotte. I don’t require you to do it again. but thank you anyway. Come on in. Join us.”

  I can see that Michael would like me to sit with him, but I kneel in front of my Master, slightly uncomfortably on my still-sore bottom.


  “Yes, Charlotte?”

  “Are you still angry with me?”

  He sits up. Leaning back in his chair to look at me straight on. “I was never angry with you. But it was necessary to make a point.”

  “I’m sorry, Master. Truly I am. May I… may I ask you a question?”

  He takes off his glasses, putting them carefully down by his laptop, and looks at me over steepled fingers. “You can ask. I don’t promise an answer.”

  “Did you enjoy doing that to me?”

  He takes a deep breath, staring up at the ceiling. There is a long pause before, “Yes, I did enjoy it. But it is not an aspect of my personality that I try not to let for air too often.”

  Chin resting on his fingers, he pauses, then, “Now, let me ask you a question…… Did you enjoy what I did to you then?”

  I hesitate, unsure of how to express myself clearly.

  “Come on, Charlotte. Given the nature of our relationship, it is important that we are plain with each other. Nothing but truth between us will work.”

  “No, Master, I didn’t enjoy it. I wanted to cry…. but…. I think that… I would have enjoyed it, if I had thought we were just having fun, rather than you being annoyed at me.”

  I look up at him. “Does that make sense?”

  “Yes. It makes perfect sense.”

  He hesitates, clearly choosing his words. “You are easy to love, Charlotte. It is always easy to love what is beautiful. You are any Dominant’s dream; a natural Submissive, and you love to fuck. And you are very beautiful. You must know that.”

  “Yes, I do know that Master. I don’t have to be modest, but…. it’s not a virtue to be beautiful. That’s just good luck for me. And as for ‘loving to fuck’, well, I suppose that means that you’re lucky too.”

  Michael creases up, shaking with silent laughter.

  My Master sucks in his cheeks, pursing his lips, and I wonder if I have just earned myself another punishment, but he smiles. “That is certainly true, but your physical beauty is not all that there is to you. From the first day we met, I admired your courage. To do what you did, auctioning yourself like that. I could only admire your sheer nerve in doing it; and for the very best of reasons; to invest in your own future… Yes, that is to be admired.”

  Michael is wiping tears from his eyes, waving a finger at my Master.

  “Alright, so the joke’s on me.” says my Master, with a touch of irritation. “Shall we all move on?”

  “Is there anything I can do for you, Master? To make up?”

  “Yes, Charlotte. There is. Earlier today, Michael nearly pinned your brains to the bedposts to give you some relief, at a time when you really needed it. You came, but he didn’t….”

  I turn to look at the golden, broadly smiling, Michael, still wiping the corners of his eyes.

  “Pay your debts, Charlotte.” says my Master.

  I nod.

  Wordlessly, I rise, then once again drop to my knees, before my Lover. As I struggle a little with the buckle of his belt, then the buttons of his jeans, Michael, his eyes warm and soft, strokes my hair, the side of my face. “Are you alright, Charlotte?”

  “Yes Michael, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. It was my own fault.” As I release his cock, it springs free, stiff and hard, and with a little seepage from the slit. I stroke the silky skin of the head, and Michael draws a shuddering breath.

  My Master settles behind me, easing my legs apart to allow him to kneel close in. His arms curve around me, and he kisses me behind the ear, whispering “You’re sure you’re alright?”

  “Yes Master, I am. I really am.”

  And, locked in the embrace of my loving Master, I lean forward, parting my lips to taste my Lover.

  Part Eleven

  The Virgin’s Fantasies

  Reading a book, I wait for my Master to return home. It is late, much later than I expected, and I am beginning to wonder if perhaps I should call him, to check he is alright.

  The door clicks and he enters, moving wearily. He strips off his tie, and undoes his top button. Kicking off his shoes, he almost hurls his briefcase onto a chair. Sighing, for a moment, he simply stands there, head thrown back. Then, he sees me, and his face lights up.

  Stepping over, he kisses me on the forehead, hugging me.

  “Ahh.… Charlotte. You’re a sight for sore eyes. You made it back to us then? Finished all your exams?”

  “Yes, Master. All done now.”

  “How did they go?”

  “Oh fine. I’m quite happy about them. And we’ll get the results in a few weeks. But right now, I’m on holiday for the Summer.” I pause, concerned. “Are you alright, Master?”

  “Tired Charlotte. Just tired. I’ve been working long hours on this contract right now. And yes, I’m done in.”

  “Sit down Master. Get comfortable. I’ll bring you something to eat, and would you like coffee? Wine?”

  “A glass of wine would be lovely. But I’m not hungry, thank you. I ate a little while ago.”

  I fetch a bottle, well chilled, from the kitchen.

  “Are you joining me?” he asks.

  “I’d like to, Master. If you’re not too tired.”

  “I’m not too tired to enjoy your company, Charlotte. It’s good just to be quiet, and to have you here.”

  I kneel in front of him. I know how that relaxes him. Looking down, he smiles, knowing what I am thinking.

  “I’d love to oblige, Charlotte, but I don’t think I’d be much use to you right now. I really am all in.”

  “Would you like me to….” I lay a hand on his thigh, but let my voice trail away. I do not want to be pushy. I learned my lesson on that on a previous occasion. My Master is a good and wonderful man, but he expects to be obeyed.

  His head tilts, eyelids lowering. “That would be lovely, Charlotte. Thank you.”

  I ease in a little, nudging my Master’s legs apart to get closer. He watches me, with that odd, non-smiling smile of his. It shows nowhere but in the crinkling at the corners of his eyes, but I can see it.

  I kiss him, through the fabric of his trousers. Undoing his belt, I unzip, pulling open just enough, to free his lovely cock, quiescent yet.

  Kneeling back again, to give my Master a good view, I unbutton my blouse, slowly, so that he can watch as it falls open. Then I unclip my bra, allowing my heavy breasts to swing free.

  Now the smile reaches his lips. His eyes soft, he sips wine as he watches me, his cock beginning to twitch.

  Standing briefly, I slip down skirt and panties, posing for a moment to let him see me naked, then, breaking off to turn down the lights, I kneel again.

  Almost the first thing my Master ever said to me was that he had a fantasy of a beautiful girl kneeling naked for him. I try to fulfil that for him whenever I can. And after weeks of hard work and exams, I am ready to play.

  His cock is beginning to stiffen. Seeing me glance down as it quivers into life, he winks at me. I slide a finger over its length, feeling the satiny skin, warm to my touch. I love the familiar thrill of arousing my Master.

  It visibly hardens under my stroking, and I lean forward to kiss it. My Master sighs, his eyes closing, head tipping back, lips parted, teeth lightly gritted.

  A scrape of keys, and a click of a lock: the door opens, and Michael enters.

  “Ah, Michael.” says my Master, without opening his eyes. “Excellent timing. Do come and join us.”

  Michael does not look tired. With his usual
economy of speech, he kisses the top of my head “Hello, Charlotte. Lovely to see you again.” And he sits down, on the carpet beside me.

  He strokes my naked shoulders and back, and as I turn to kiss him, he leans in to me, open mouthed, his kiss deep. Hand around the back of my head, fingers curled into my hair, he holds me, extending the kiss. He says softly, “I’ve missed you.”

  Then, moving behind me, “Let me in, Charlotte.” I part my legs, to allow him to kneel between.

  As I gently rub and caress my Master’s swelling shaft, mouthing and loving it with my lips, Michael presses up behind me, one arm curved around my waist, the other reaching through my dampening curls, to play with my clit.

  It is such a gentle movement, as he strokes my bud, but I shudder, and breathing deeply, feel my Master’s cock reacting in turn to my own arousal. My pussy warms as the briny taste of pre-cum coats my tongue, and his breathing grows ragged.

  “Ah that’s good, Charlotte. That’s really good.” he murmurs.

  Slipping my hands inside, I slide his pants off, tugging them away. Now I can properly reach, and I lean in, inhaling his musk, to cup and kiss his balls. They crinkle and tighten under my touch, and I work the root of his cock with my fingers, pressing hard, as I lick and suck at the head.

  It is hard to concentrate. Michael, behind me, between my spread thighs, is still working my clit with one hand. With the other, he plunges fingers into my, now hot and liquid, core. Still fully dressed, he is working entirely to pleasure me. A frisson spikes though me as he pinches and rolls at my nub, sending electric tingles running from my sweet spot to my pussy. I whimper, then…

  “Michael. I’d like you inside me.”

  He doesn’t change his pace. “You will have me inside you.” he says quietly. “But you’re going to come first.”

  It won’t take long. After a few weeks, away from my two lovers, and free to relax, my body is poised, more than ready for them both, and my heart is racing. Sheened with perspiration, my naked skin is flushing, and the heat of arousal blushes over my face and breasts.

  My Master is groaning, and his rock hard, erection pulses in my mouth. I wonder which of us is going to come first, as the growing tension of the build to climax is making my hips shudder, Michael continuing his gentle torment of my clit.

  As the dam starts to burst, Michael abruptly pulls me upright, displaying me to my Master. Gripping me by my long, red hair, fingers twisted in tight, he tensions my body, his other hand madly working my clit. I have just time to register my Master opening his eyes, before orgasm shatters through me, my head flings back, and I sing my release. It pulses through me, my clenching pussy sending ripples through my taut belly and thighs. Shuddering and shaking, I would fall but for Michael supporting me, holding me upright for my Master to watch me as I come.

  As my climax subsides, Michael says, close by my ear, “Open your mouth, Charlotte.” And he pushes me back down, onto my Master’s long, hard cock.

  Almost immediately, my mouth floods with hot cream, spurting over my lips and teeth, splashing to the back of my throat. I cough and Michael releases me, allowing me control again. Regaining myself, I lap, and suck, and swallow, swiping the rim of my Master’s cock-head with my tongue, extending the moment for him for as long as I can.

  Now he is gripping my hair, pinning me by the mouth to his cock, as he pumps into me. Finally, with a grunt, he pulls me free again, and, a shudder of pleasure running through him, says “Thank you, Charlotte. I was ready for that.”

  I turn to my Golden Lover behind me. “What about you, Michael?”

  “I’d like you on the bed. In the mirrored room. Is that alright?”

  He stands and offers me a hand, helping me upright, then leads me into the room.

  I lie on my back, looking up at him as Michael strips off, my knees slightly akimbo in invitation. Holding me by the eyes as he undresses, he is visibly ready for me, his erection quivering upright, a droplet gleaming at the tip. He has been holding himself back whilst he pleasured me. With his beautiful blond hair and blue eyes, wide shouldered, stocky build, and muscular frame, he looks simply amazing.

  Rolling atop me, he seems in no hurry for anything. I am already slick and slippery, and he glides easily inside me, with the pleasant stretch I always get from his lovely, thick cock.

  He doesn’t really thrust. Instead, he almost wallows inside me, twisting and turning his hips, exploring me within. It feels gorgeous, a sort of sexual never-never land, with no urgency, just the pleasure of being together, when we have not seen each other for a few weeks.

  He supports himself above me, suckling on my breasts, then moves up to kiss me, tenderly, softly, on the lips.

  Michael comes with a sigh and a shudder, quietly, and when he is done, simply remains where he is, deeply inside me, breathing slowly, his head resting in the crook of my neck.

  After some while, I realise he has fallen asleep, still buried within me.

  So much for not being tired…

  Pinned under my sleeping lover, caged by his body, I struggle a little to break free, but finally slide out from under him. I roll him to one side, where he lies, sleeping peacefully. I want to go to my Master, to check that he is alright. It worries me to see him so tired, when he is normally so active, so vigorous.

  I turn, starting as I find him there next to me, seated in the armchair to the side of the bed, regarding me with a slight smile.

  “Hello, Master. Are you feeling better now?”

  “I am, yes. Thank you, Charlotte. That was just what I needed. In fact, I think, what we all needed.”

  I have to agree with him. Several weeks of celibacy, whilst separated from the two men in my life, has made me realise the extent to which I want them.

  Need them?

  “Do you want to get into bed Master? Sleep? We can talk in the morning if you like.”

  “No, I’m fine now. Would you like to join me for a bath? We can talk in there and let Michael catch up on his sleep.”


  The bath is large and generous, with plenty of room for two. Warm water and bubbles, and a glass of wine, have revived my Master wonderfully. He leans back against me, lying between my legs, chatting, and quite his usual self again.

  I cradle him in my arms, my legs wrapped around his body, his head lying back against my chest.

  Perhaps I overdid the foam….

  We both keep having to blow froth from our faces. It is wet and squishy fun, and it is so good to be back here, after all my weeks of hard work.

  “So, what are your plans for the Summer, Charlotte? How long do we have the pleasure of your company?”

  “No particular plans, Master. To be honest, I didn’t really think beyond getting back here…. But…”

  “But?” He turns his head back towards me at the hesitation in my voice…. “But???” he repeats.

  “Well, I can see that you and Michael are really busy. You must both be working so hard. I’ve never seen either of you like this before…. I was hoping I could stay with you for a few days, but would I be in the way?”

  “Good lord, no!” My Master sits up sharply, sploshing hot water and bubbles in equal measure over the rim, soaking the expensive towels on the floor. “Don’t even think that, Charlotte. The reason that Michael and I are both tired, is that we have both been working long hours to get things done before you were back….”

  He sounds unfinished. “Master? I’m not following you?”

  “Charlotte, I am delighted to hear that you have no plans for Summer, because I have been offered the use of a beach house. I thought that the three of us might enjoy some time there together.”

  “Oooh!” I squeal, clapping my hands like an over-excited four-year-old, and dumping more foam out of the bath. My Master twists around, wearing an amused smile, and I remember my dignity. “Um, yes, that sounds wonderful. I’d love to. Who’s offered it to you, if you don’t mind my asking?”

bsp; “I don’t mind at all. As you know, I’m working on a contract for the company that owns this hotel, this apartment. I’d mentioned that I was planning a holiday and, I think in an effort to keep me in easy reach while the project is on-going, the CEO offered me the use of his holiday home.”

  “Doesn’t he want to use it himself? It is Summer after all.”

  “I gather he’s just bought himself a new place somewhere in the country. He got married recently, so he and his wife are busy setting up home together.”


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