Seeking His Touch (Becoming His Book 1)

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Seeking His Touch (Becoming His Book 1) Page 2

by Haley Monroe

  “I’m eager to find out, daddy.”

  His reply is quick and simple.

  “Good girl.”

  My body practically hums. My memory recalls him speaking those words after each of the orgasms he’s gifted me and as if I’m one of Pavlov’s dogs, the praise makes my pussy practically drool. My thighs clench as my panties dampen and I know my cheeks are flushed. It’s so hot in here! Just because its winter, it doesn’t mean these shops should turn the heat up to a million degrees. I wish I could take my coat off but I can’t without possibly going to jail for indecent exposure. My phone buzzes again, distracting me from my frazzled thoughts.

  “My, my, you look scrumptious when you’re flustered. I quite enjoy watching you squirm, Hannah.”

  He might be the devil after all. I text back,

  “Please put an end to my misery and reveal yourself.”

  It’s my turn to order and the barista looks as flushed as me, but for different reasons obviously. “What can I get started for you?” She huffs, stabbing buttons on the register with one hand while the other pushes damp strands of hair off her sweaty forehead.

  “An ice coffee, please. A large one.”

  “Sure, is that all?” She asks as I look in my purse for my wallet. My debit card seems to be stuck in the damn slot that is too small for cards. My anxiety starts to rise as I struggle to remove the damn thing so I can pay. So many people are behind me and the barista is looking annoyed but my card won’t release form the stupid spot designed just for this purpose.

  “I’m so sorry, it’s just,” I try to balance my purse on my hip while I fight with the wallet. More sweat dots my temples. “Stuck.” She huffs again but forces a smile.

  “No problem, happens to me all the time,” she answers with a dry tone. Just when I’m about to chuck the whole wallet over the counter and tell her to keep it, a shadow moves over my body and then there is a presence at my back. A big one. A firm hand comes to rest on my right hip and I’m suddenly incased by a man. His chest meets my back and his thighs are pressed to my ass as his other hand extends along my left side. He gracefully swipes a sleek black card through the debit machine. “Thanks.” The barista’s eyes grow all lust filled and she even giggles like it was her he was saving, not me.

  I want to look. He’s right there. I can feel him, if I just turn my head, I can see what Jacob looks like but I’m frozen. Struck stupid with nerves. “Hannah,” his deep voice whispers in my ear. “It’s time to move over now.” My eye lashes blink quickly, fluttering against my warm cheeks with each brush and my heart starts to skip beats like its jumping Double Dutch but I can’t seem to make my brain send signals down to my limbs.

  He chuckles and applies pressure to where his hand rests my hip. A gentle urging that seems to jump start my system. My hands shove my wallet back into my purse and my feet shift to step out of the way of the next customer. His body guides me just a few steps away from where I ordered, toward the bar where they place the finished drinks. “Th-th-thank you,” I murmur, unable to put some volume in my voice.

  He leans against a half wall partition that divides one line from the other and slides his hand off my body. Already, I miss his contact. My gaze starts at his shoes, I notice he has big feet! His slick dress shoes are so shiny they reflect my image back at me. Next, I notice he’s wearing light gray slacks that fit him like some runway model for Abercrombie. They’re snug against his solid thighs and my eyes get stuck on his crotch. There’s nothing telling about the way his pants fit over his dick, but I know that it’s in there, waiting to destroy me. I want to reach out and feel for myself just how much length he’s hiding under that grey fabric.

  “Hannah?” His voice interrupts my thoughts and forces me to skip over the white button up dress shirt that’s opened at the throat and the matching grey suit jacket that punctuates his wide shoulders.

  “Mmhm?” I hum lightly as our gazes clash. His eyes are much more intense than I could have imagined. They certainly are a dark brown color but I can spot tiny, golden freckles in their depths. His has thick black lashes that I almost wish were my own. His nose is straight and bold, it gives him an air of a Palestinian God from ancient times. His skin is a beautiful olive like tan but it isn’t a tone gifted to someone by the sun, it’s easy to see that his beautiful color was given to him at birth.

  He’s speaking, I can see his lips moving but I’m not hearing any words. I’m hypnotized by his mouth. His lower lip is much fuller than his top lip but they balance each other out to form a mouth that’s kissable. More than kissable. Fuck, I wanna feel those lips against mine, on my pussy, and all over the rest of my body. Those perfect lips stretch into a smile that reveals bright white, very straight teeth.

  He’s fucking perfect. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and open my ears. “Hmm I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “It’s okay, kitten.” His tone sweeps over my senses and makes me shiver in auditory pleasure. I could listen to this man speak all day and never grow tired of hearing the sounds his voice makes. His right-hand lifts near my face and he grazes the backs of his knuckles along my cheek. My lips part slightly, how one simple touch could be so fucking arousing. “I’ll give you all the time you need to inspect my body,” then he leans close to my ear and adds, “when I have you tied down and I’m exploring all of yours.”

  Chapter Two

  If I didn’t know better, I’d think my panties had just ignited. I can’t think of anything to say. My mouth falls open and my eyes grow wide. He’s for real. All the nasty, filthy things we’ve talked about doing to each other’s bodies is real too. A million remembered words flash through my brain as I look up into his eyes.

  He really is well over six foot tall, maybe by four or five inches, making me feel small in front of him. He hums a soft sound as his thumb caresses just beneath my lower lip. “Has my dirty girl turned shy?” One of his thick eyebrows raises slightly.

  I clear my throat and reach my right hand out, placing my palm on his solid chest. My feet move as if suddenly they’ve grown a mind of their own and step closer into his space. So close that I can feel the soft material of his pants against my knee. “Not shy,” I smile genuinely and lean in closer to whisper. “I’m just too horny to think.”

  He laughs joyously, his head tipping back as he does. The action exposes his sexy throat, and I fight the temptation to lean in and lick him. His laugh brings a smile to my face, it feels good to be in his presence. “I’m sure there is a way we can remedy that.” He gently holds my chin between his index finger and thumb, the pad of his thumb resting in the dip below my lower lip. He brings his face close to mine and the shop around us blurs into nothing. No one else in the world exists except for him. Not a single sound in the world matters more than the words he’s about to whisper. “But that wouldn’t be as fun, now would it, kitten?” He gives me a wicked smile as he whispers the words over my mouth.

  A pout forms on my lips and my fingers curl against the white fabric of his fancy shirt. I inhale and the scent of him makes me dizzy. He smells like expensive cologne and leather. “But daddy,” I protest weakly and bat my eyelashes.

  “Ice coffee for, Hannah?” The male barista behind me breaks the spell Jacob has woven over me. He releases my chin and tips his head to indicate I should retrieve my coffee. I turn on my heels and try not to scowl at the man holding my coffee in his hands.

  “Thank you.” I grit the words through my teeth and grab a straw from a caddy on the counter. I push the bottom on the straw on the counter and the paper wrapper slides down, popping the green straw free. I bite the uncovered end of the straw between my teeth and pull the wrapper the rest of the way off. Holding the coffee up, I push one end of the straw into the slit in the lid and suck the other end as it breaks through, avoiding the messy overflow that could have been.

  When I look up, Jacob is watching my mouth with hungry eyes. I hold the straw between my fingers and smile around the end of it. I sip slowly, loving th
e taste of the coffee cascading over my taste buds. I walk forward, joining Jacob again without taking my eyes off his. I moan softly before pulling away from the straw.

  I open my mouth to speak but before I can get a word out, he grips my chin in that possessive, but swoon-worthy, hold again and presses his mouth to mine. His tongue dips into my mouth, teasing over my coffee flavored tongue. I squeak lightly in surprise but he tastes so good that I only want more. My tongue presses back against his and I feel a groan of approval vibrate across his lips. His other hand cups the back of my head and he withdraws his tongue to suck at my lower lip for far too brief of a second. When he pulls away from my mouth completely, I feel off balance and stumble a little closer to him. His hands lower to his sides and he takes a step back from me. My senses are so mixed up I can’t process anything other than how much I want to make out with him right now. Right here, in front of all of these strangers. “Wow. Thank you, Sir.” I lick my lip, wanting to taste more of him.

  “Teasing me will have repercussions, kitten.” His voice is firm but playfully.

  “That was a repercussion?” I ask disbelievingly. “Cause I can totally deal with that, over and over again.” He chuckles and places his hand at my lower back.

  “I knew you’d be trouble.” He guides us through the crowded coffee shop towards the back, the way back to a small corner table that is unseen from the front of the shop. The back half of the table has a bench like seat with a chair on the opposite side. Jacob motions for me to sit on the bench and I slide my ass across the vinyl cushion careful to keep my knees pressed together.

  He takes the seat across from me, moving the chair closer to the end of the table and blocking me in. I can still see most of the shop from around his shoulders but I doubt that anyone can see me. I place my coffee on the table and set my purse on the bench beside me when I feel his hand on my knee.

  His skin is warm and sends shock waves up my thighs. The sensation jolts right to my clit. “Relax your thighs, Hannah,” he orders, his eyes staring straight into my soul.

  “Ah-umm?” I stumble. My gaze flicks away from his to look at the group of middle aged men gathered just behind Jacob. They each have a laptop open on their thighs but not a single one of them is doing any work. They are laughing loudly and people watching. I’m afraid if their eyes spot me, they’ll know something more than a casual lunch time coffee, is going on over here.

  “Are you more nervous because of me or because of the setting?” He asks, his fingers stroking over my left kneecap. The nylon makes every brush of his fingertips feel like waves of bliss riding up my legs.

  “I don’t think you make me nervous. Well, I mean I’m nervous. Maybe more anxious but I’m not nervous in a bad way.” His fingers crawl a little ways up my inner thigh and a mischievous smirk replaces his smile.

  “Would it upset you if I reached higher, Hannah?” His left elbow is resting on the table and he’s leaning over the table, closing me in with his large frame as his hand toys with me under the table.

  “No,” I practically pant. My heart is beating a million miles a minute and I can’t stop my gaze from bouncing from his dark eyes to the room full of people behind him.

  “Open your thighs for me, pretty girl.” His voice is low enough for only me to hear and I part my thighs just a little. His hand skims up my stockings and stops at the thick band of lace wrapped around my midthigh.

  “Oh my God,” I whimper. How can just the feeling of his hand on my body feel so much better than anything I’ve ever felt before? I want more and less. I’ve told him every detail about me and yet I know almost nothing about him, am I crazy for being here? Should I make him stop touching me even though I’m desperate for him to take me in whatever way pleases him? Fuck, my brain hurts from over thinking.

  “Not God, baby. Call me, Daddy.” His dark eyes sparkle with a playfulness that matches his cocky tone. I can tell he’s really enjoying this and that makes me even more turned on. “Tell me about how your day has gone so far. Did you have a good morning?”

  “My morning?” I ask confused. His hand is between my legs, so close to my pussy he can probably feel the burning heat he’s creating in my center.

  “Yes, I’d like to know how you slept last night and if you woke up well rested.” His middle finger peels the lace from my leg and dips inside to stroke back and forth. My body squirms, my ass sliding to the end of the bench seat. There is a fast-paced pounding in my clit that begs to be released.

  “It was fine. I slept, well. Kind of. Mmm.” I close my eyes as his finger continues to tease my skin. He’s rubbing my tender flesh in small circles that I can just imagine him reproducing on my hot button.

  “Keep talking. What’d you have for breakfast?” He pulls back the elastic lace and snaps it sharply against my inner thigh. My body jumps at the shocking sting of pain that floods quickly through my throbbing core and I hiss a soft breath through my teeth.

  “Um, I had.” My brain searches for what I ate for breakfast. “I didn’t eat. I was too anxious.” He tsks me with a shake of his head.

  “Breakfast is the most important part of the day. You shouldn’t skip it, you know that.” His hand pets over what I imagine to be a small blooming welt on the inside of my thigh. My right hand covers my mouth but his left hand quickly tugs at my wrist and pulls it down to the table top where he keeps it pinned in place with his own hand. “Do not try covering any of your reactions from me, Hannah. Not one. I want to always know your genuine reaction, those are the things I’ll cherish from you. Do you understand me?”

  I nod slowly and he pinches the exact same place the elastic landed moments before. I squeak, my breathing growing shallow from the arousing pain of his touch and the heated look in his gaze. “Fuck,” I gasp and shift in my seat, my legs try to close against his hand. My fingers curl into the palm of my own hand that Jacob is still holding against the table.

  “I’ll kiss it better soon, princess. Come here to me,” his voice pulls me in. I lean over the table as he commanded. His eyes are darker than before, there’s something dangerous lurking inside of him now and I want it to own me. He rubs the tip of his nose against mine, our lips are only centimeters apart. I feel his hand sliding along my closed legs and he pushes his way upward until the tips of his fingers meet the lace of my thong just above my where my clit is aching. His touch is so light, a feather like brush over my panties, that I’m not even sure if he’s really touching me or if I’m imagining what I want to feel. My hips jerk toward his hand. “Tell me what you want,” he growls over my parted lips.

  “I want,” his finger twitches just a little and I whimper. He’s actually touching me, only it’s not enough. I need more pressure, more friction. God, I need him to really touch me. “I want you to own me.”

  “I know that, silly girl.” His soft chuckle mocks my desperation. “What I’m unsure of is whether or not you want me to make you come for me, right here. In front of all of these people. Do you want that?”

  “Yes,” I reply without thinking. My eyes close and I let my thighs open, inviting him to explore me further. I’m so turned on, I imagine my pussy is leaking a puddle of pussy juices on to this cheap vinyl bench cushion.

  “Mmm,” he moans and slips his hand down my heated center to cup my pussy in his massive hand. He squeezes my whole pussy and I swear my heart stops. No one has ever grabbed my like this before, it feels so possessive. “Such a good girl. Say the words, kitten. I want to make sure you really want it.”

  “I do. I do want it.” My eyes flash open and I look right into his dark eyes. “Please, daddy. Make me come.” My whispered words are so low, I can barely tell if I actually said them or not. But the approval on Jacob’s face lets me know he heard me loud and clear.

  “I’m going to touch you now, Hannah. My fingers are going to fit into your deliciously wet pussy and I’ll test your tightness, I’ll find out just how deep you are and I’m going to pinch your clit and pussy lips until I’ve had my fi
ll of your sweet cunt. You will not come without permission, right?”

  My head shakes and my pussy contracts. “No, I won’t come without permission.”

  “I know you won’t, ‘cause you’re Daddy’s good girl.” The hand holding my pussy eases back and pushes the wet lace of my panties to the side. I bite into my lip and watch his expression as he brushes his hand up and down my pussy. “I like that you shaved for me, Hannah.” Jacob closes the gap between our mouths and kisses me gently. When his lips do touch mine is when he finds my clit between his fingers and pinches. He holds my sensitive nub tightly until I try to squirm away and break our kiss.

  “Please,” I gasp quietly. My hips try to draw back but he only pinches tighter until I relax my lower half. If I thought I was sweating before, it’s nothing compared to the amount of perspiration dotting my forehead now. “Jacob.”

  “Shhh, you can handle it. Breathe. Kiss me.” He demands and I obey. My free hand clasps on top of his hand that is still pinning my other arm down. My fingers grasp his wrist tightly as I kiss him again. He releases my clit to slip a single, long finger into my pussy. I can’t help the moan that floods his mouth. It feels so good to be filled with him. A soothing pleasure after the bite of pain he has his gifted my clit. My eyes close and my hips seek forward, wanting him deeper inside of me.

  Jacob’s tongue teases my lower lip as his finger curls inside of me, finding my spongy g-spot and working it expertly. I’m too overwhelmed to kiss him properly, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He kisses the corner of my open mouth and dots my cheek with the same tender kisses. My eyes open to find a few people in the shop watching us but they are trying as hard not to look as they are too look.


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