Seeking His Touch (Becoming His Book 1)

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Seeking His Touch (Becoming His Book 1) Page 4

by Haley Monroe

  “Anything for you, bitch.” I laugh again as she hangs up. I shut off the car and drag my purse onto my shoulder. The short walk from the driveway to the house feels much longer to my exhausted legs than it really is.

  Once inside, I drop my things and strip out of my coat. I’m supposed to wear the same thing to Jacob’s house tonight but I feel like I’ve soiled everything, not just my panties. I unbuckled my high heels and peel them off my tired feet. Stepping onto the hard wood floor feels wonderful after my soles had be arched for so long.

  In the kitchen, I pour a glass of wine. It’s just after two p.m. now and I have a long time to wait until meeting Jacob, one glass won’t hurt. I wander over to the stereo and turn on some old school, sexy R&B then sway to the master bathroom and twist the knob to the faucet over the big garden tub. The water rushes out and I wiggle my fingers under the spray to test the temperature.

  While it fills, I remove my bra and panties, then roll my stockings off each leg. The garter belt comes off easily and I toss the garments in the washing machine on delicate. Hopefully, they’ll have time to dry before tonight.

  Completely naked, I stroll back to the bathroom, tying my hair up into a high bun as I go. I step into the warm water and pour way too much bubble solution under the faucet. The water churns the mixture and pretty pink bubbles froth up around me. I let the water surround me, sinking into the tub and sipping the wine in my glass.

  I try to empty my mind and just relax. Letting the heat of the water leach out the tightness in my muscles and ease my anxious mind. The wine helps, after the glass is empty, I turn my cheek to the much cooler porcelain and listen to the music from the other room.

  I’ve soaked in the bath long enough to cause my fingers and toes to wrinkle and for all the bubbles to dissolve. I dry myself with a fluffy towel that has a hood. A unicorn horn and rainbow mane adorn the cute towel Miranda bought me for Christmas last year. I hug it around my shoulders and remove the laundry from the washer. I hang up the delicate and remind them that it’s important they dry, so I can wear them tonight and not disappoint Daddy.

  My cell phone is still in my purse by the front door and I pull it out to find a few missed texts. I open the first and smile.

  Out of my first meeting and on to the next one but wanted to let you know, Daddy’s thinking about you.

  The second unread message is just as sweet.

  Please let me know you are okay.

  I hit reply and let him know I was in the bath and that I’m thinking of taking a nap. I’m surprised when he answers back right away.

  Yes, you should rest up. You’ll need your energy this evening.

  I set an alarm on my phone for just after six p.m. and crawl into bed naked. The ceiling fan blows soft streams of air over my face and I quickly slip off to peaceful sleep. I must have slept really fucking hard because after what felt like a blink of an eye, my alarm screams for me to wake up. My chin is covered in sticky drool and my make-up has run amuck all over my face and pillow. Why the hell didn’t I wash it off when I was in the bath?

  It’s tricky to convince myself to get out from under the warmth of my bedcovers but thoughts of Daddy does the trick and I use the wall as a guide when I make my way back into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. The stereo is still playing and I let the sexy voice of Keith Sweat make my body groove while I reapply a fresh coat of makeup.

  Now to cross my fingers and pray my underthings are dry. I clutch the pretty black bra hopefully, only to find it soaked. Fuck. My foot taps nervously and I try to come up with a plan. Maybe I can get away with another outfit? I mean, as long as its lingerie and pantie-less it should be okay, right?

  It’d be disobeying Daddy’s wishes, though. My tummy turns nervously. I don’t want to disappoint him so soon. Why did I have to put them in the wash in the first place? My palm smacks the middle of my forehead. I should have put it in the dryer but I couldn’t imagine how I would have handled it if the dainty lace got ruined in the savage machine. I’ll just have to improvise.

  I leave the lace to dry for another day and go in search of another pair of stockings. Thankfully, I have spares of those even if I never wear them. I dip my toes into a fresh pair and shiver as the nylon incases my toned legs. I can’t help but run my hands down my body and back up. Oh, it feels so good.

  Now, what? I step into a pair of white heels, their straps cross over my feet and wrap around my ankles. The look like they were made for a stripper and I’m hoping they are enough because, I’m not going to wear anything else.

  I check the clock on the bedside table, six twenty. I don’t have much more time, I hate short changing a drive I’ve never made before and I would die if I was late. A slow twirl in front of my full-length mirror convinces me I’m ready.

  The pea coat has carried lingering scents of Jacob’s cologne and I press my nose into the collar before I button it in place and gather my things to head out the door. The sun disappeared from the sky about an hour ago, leaving me with only the front porch light to guide me to the car, but once I’m inside I set the GPS to the address Jacob wrote on the back of his business card.

  There’s nothing left to it but to do it.

  Chapter Four

  It’s five after seven when I follow the GPS up to the massive metal gate. Street lamps that look like they are from a few centuries ago, shine from both side of the roadway. The gate is made of thick swirls, it looks magical and dangerous at the same time. The road continues through the gate, but the thick, snow covered trees on either side make it impossible to see the house at the end of the road. A man in a bushy coat walks towards my car from a small little building off to the side, just before the gates entrance. A gate guard?

  “Hello.” I smile, feeling a little unsure. Maybe the GPS took me off course and I ended up somewhere I shouldn’t be. Did I read his hand writing wrong and punch in the wrong numbers?

  “Miss Moore?” The man tips his hat.

  “Yes, that’s me.” I turn to dig my ID out of my purse to prove I am who I say I am but he pats his gloved hand against my car door and nods.

  “Mr. Hoff is expecting you. Follow the road straight up to the house. Don’t take the veer to the right.”

  “Oh, okay?” I know my face is all wrinkled with my confusion over his statement but before I can ask what’s at the end of the veer, he’s already stepped away and has walked back into his little guard station. The gate before me rattles as it opens, I can hear ice cracking around the gears as they work to slide the heavy thing to the side.

  I drive my little car through, waving at the small building as I go. The road is dark, only the moon above showing me where the curves take me. The trees shudder in the wind and clumps of snow fall down around me. The veer comes into view and I slow down to peer through my windows but it looks exactly the same as the path in front of me. I’ll have to ask Daddy what’s down there.

  My curiosity makes it hard to keep going but I do. After a few more minutes of driving in the dark, a lamp post that matches the lights by the gate appears and then a few more come into view. The road turns into a massive circle in front of a giant house. Only a few lights are on inside the modern castle but mostly it appears dark and cold. I drive halfway around the circle and park in front of the large stone staircase.

  This is crazy. Have I driven into some fucking fairy tale or something? I step out of the car and the sound of the door shutting echoes loudly around me. I turn slowly to look around me. There is a fountain in the center of the circle but no water sprays from it, it’s far too cold for that. Snow blankets the design but I can tell it’s beautiful.

  Another half of a spin lets me look back up at the house. It’s made of metal and cement. Sleek and modern yet cold and unfeeling. It looks like its three or four stories high and just looking at it is intimidating. Careful not to slip on any black ice, I walk very carefully to the staircase. It’s straight out of Cinderella, I swear! The base is wide but narrows as I walk up to
the set of French doors. The light above the door is a dim yellow, not those bright white ones that sting your eyes. I look for a doorbell but can’t find one against either wall or the doors itself but there are heavy knockers. A matching pair. One on each of the big doors. I hold the right one carefully and tap it against the wood. It’d be impossible for Jacob to hear my small knocks if he were anywhere other than just on the other side of the door.

  Snowflakes begin to fall from the clear sky as I wait and shiver. I knock harder this time. Really banging the knocker against the door, it’s too cold to play shy. My heart starts to beat too quickly and I press my hand to my chest. Goosebumps cover every inch of my skin under the pea coat and my teeth begin to chatter.

  The door to the right swings open slowly and a bright eyed, blonde woman smiles back at me. She’s wearing a black dress that falls to her knees and a white apron around her waist. “Miss Moore, come in! Come in! It’s too cold out there!”

  “Thank you,” I nod and follow her in. She shut the door behind us. The foyer is probably as big as my own bedroom. The only light in the room is from a flickering fire place in the wall. A staircase curls up the wall over the lite fireplace, drawing my eyes upward. A crystal chandelier hangs overhead and a few wall scones upstairs can be seen before the hallways fades from view, making me feel like I really am inside of some kind of old time castle with no electricity.

  “May I take your coat?” The woman asks, her hands reaching out for me.

  “No!” I squeak, my arms crossing over my midsection. “Um, sorry. No, thank you. I’ll be fine.” She smiles like she understands exactly why I don’t want to remove my coat and nods.

  “Very well then. Shall I take you to Mr. Hoff, now?”

  “Please.” My hands smooth down the front of my coat and I follow her under an arched doorway. It’s so dark in here that my eyes blink quickly trying to adjust. “This place is massive.” I murmur quietly to her back. She looks over her shoulder with a grin.

  “It’s so great here. You’ll love it, I’m sure.” She leads me through what looks like a formal living room and then across a hallway. “I’m Steph, Mr. Hoff’s lead housekeeper. If you need anything, feel free to ask.”

  “He has a housekeeper?” I chuckle. This is insane.

  “A few, actually.” We stop in front of a closed door. “This is his home office; the man never seems to stop working.” She raps her knuckles firmly against the door and I hear Jacob’s voice from the other side.


  Steph leans against the door and speak through the wood. “Miss Moore, for you, Sir.”

  “Bring her in.” He calls, king of his castle, I should have known.

  Steph gives me a wink before opening the door and ushering me through. The room is not an office but a fucking library! Books line the walls in cases that go all the way up to the high ceiling. Overstuffed chairs are scattered throughout the room, each with a small table to the side or in front of it. At the end of the room is a dark desk with Jacob standing behind it. His suit jacket is gone and his button up dress shirt seems a bit wrinkled from a long day of work, but his smile is bright when our eyes meet.

  “Kitten,” he holds out his arms and I hurry to him. My arms wrap around his trim waist, my cheek resting against his hard pec as he hugs me. I feel his chin on the top of my head and it comforts me. Everything that felt confusing moments ago, now feels perfect. “How’s my girl?” He asks softly.

  “Better now.” I nuzzle into his chest. His hand pets my hair for a moment before he pulls me back to look at me.

  “Me too.” His taps under my chin with one finger. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  My smile is so big, it almost hurts my cheeks. “Yeah?”

  “Mmhm.” He hums, the sound giving me chills for a whole new reason.

  “Before you go making me all weak in the knees and wet, can we talk about this house?” My eyes are wide and my hands fly out to my sides to indicate the entire masterpiece that is his home.

  “Do you like it?” His smirk is so cute, my hand reaches up to caress his jaw.

  “Like it?” I laugh. “It’s a mansion or a castle, I can’t decide. Are you the beast with a dark secret who lives inside?” My head tilts a little and his hands begin to unbutton my coat. He does it slowly, his eyes cast down so I can’t see the light in them.

  “I have no secrets, Hannah but a beast I am, indeed.” My breath catches as he speaks. His tone lowers as the second button of my coat becomes undone. I’m nervous he’s going to be upset that I’m not wearing the black lace like he instructed and carefully watch his face as he undoes the last two buttons.

  Jacob slides his hands inside the shoulders of my coat and draws it back, down my arms. He tsks as my naked breasts come into view and I bite into my lip. His fingers curls around my elbows when the coat falls to the floor behind me. He pushes my elbows behind my back and clasps them together in his large, left hand.

  His gaze is still lowered, still taking in my nakedness. My tits rise and fall with my heavy breathing. He doesn’t speak and that almost makes the moment worse. “I tried to wash them an- “

  “Shh,” he hushes me. His eyes finally meeting mine. My lips press together as I bite back my explanation. “I wanted you in my black lace.” His voice is almost a whisper, his right-hand brushes over my breasts. My hard nipple gets caught between his fingers as he massages my flesh back against my ribs. “But, this is better.” I smile at him and he trails his finger down my stomach. “We’ve discussed limits, can you remind me of your hard limits, please?”

  My hard limits are limited. Unless I’ve tried it, I try not to knock it. There’s almost nothing I won’t try but of course a few things blink in my mind as no goes. “No blood or scat. No lasting marks.” I begin my short list. “And no children.”

  “Good girl. Is that all you can think of?” His eyebrow travels up with his question. I nod my head. “Very well. That leaves a lot for me to work with, you understand?” I laugh lightly and nod again.

  “Yes, Daddy. I understand. I’ll let you know if it becomes too much.”

  “Good, speaking of such. The safe word you’d like to choose tonight is what, kitten?”

  “Red.” I answer quickly. It’s not creative but I also know I won’t forget it in a moment of need.

  “Perfect.” Jacob kisses my temple and then growls, “Spread your legs for me, I’m going to take what’s mine now.” I swallow tightly and shift my feet apart, as wide as I can while still standing up straight.

  “Yes, Daddy.” I purr. Excitement sizzles over my skin. His hold on my elbows doesn’t hurt, but it forces my shoulders back which pushes my exposed tits out toward him. Jacob is standing near my side, his left hand rubbing my skin. He strokes his palm up and down my side, over my hip and then curls his fingers around to grip a handful of my ass. I moan and let my head fall toward him.

  “There are so many ways in which I wish to play with you.” He rumbles in a low voice. “I’m not entirely sure how to begin.” Jacob’s nose teases against the shell of my ear and then his lips are on my neck. Sucking, kissing and nipping at me. His long fingers cover most of my ass cheek, the tips tickling against my ass crack. He slides his hands down to brush his finger under the cleft of my ass and over the back of my thigh. “I’m going to explore all of you, kitten. Not an inch of you will be unclaimed by me when the night is finished.”

  “Yes,” I whimper, my knees are beginning to feel like Jell-O as I stand for his exploration.

  “I’m going to own every one of your fucking, holes.” My head bobs in agreement. I want that, I want it right now.

  “Please, Daddy.” I turn my face toward him and he kisses my mouth. His jaw scratches at my cheek with a short stubble he didn’t have this morning. His fingers grow tighter around my elbows and he moves me with a tug. My feet take a second to get the message but he pushes me over to one of the overstuffed chairs anyway.

  “On your knees.” He bark
s when my shins bump into the chair. I climb up on the soft cream-colored cushion and sink in as it takes my weight. He lets go of my elbow and pushes his hand in between my shoulder blades, making me lean forward until my tits are pressed along the back of the chair. “Spread your legs.” He orders harshly then kisses my shoulder gently. I do as he demands and close my eyes. The mixture of rough and gentle toys with my mind and my body. I’ve always wanted both at the same time but the Doms I’ve played with have run either hot or cold. None of them capable to pull off the calm storm Jacob is creating.

  My body bows, poking my ass out for him. He paws at my cheeks, pinching and pulling at them. I feel my flesh heating up as he brings the blood flow to the surface. “Your pussy is dripping, Hannah. Do you want Daddy to taste you? Or fill you with his fat cock?”

  “Yes, both.” I sway my ass from side to side. “Please, anything. Just keep touching me. Don’t stop, Jacob. Please.”

  “Good girl.” He chuckles at my desperation. “Be still for me now.” I try to hold my hips in place and quickly feel why he wants me to be still. His hand smacks my left ass cheek in an upward motion that lets me feel my skin ripple away from the force. Not hard at first but the sound shocks me and I jerk forward.

  “Sorry.” I whisper. His hand rubs the spot and then smacks me again. Four more times, quickly, right in the same fucking spot. I squirm away a little and grip the edge of the chair. “Fuck, fuck.” I hiss as he continues.

  “Too much?” He asks, dipping his hand down, he rubs over my slick snatch. “No, I thought not.” He leans over me again to speak near my ear. “Your cunt is so hot, you’re desperate to be fucked aren’t you, dirty girl?”

  “Mmhm,” I moan. The way he’s standing over me, places his crotch against my burning ass cheek. I push my hips back to grind against his erection. He moans with me and pulls the hair tie from the bun at the top of my head. My hair tumbles down around my shoulders and he thrusts up against my ass. Driving his trapped cock between my cheeks. “Yes, Daddy. That feels good.” The fabric of his slacks soothes over the burn in my bum, making me forget about the pain I felt seconds ago.


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