The Alien’s Equal: Drixonian Warriors #7

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The Alien’s Equal: Drixonian Warriors #7 Page 9

by Maven, Ella

  I didn’t like that he figured that out, so I stayed silent.

  Gram inclined his head in acknowledgement, like he knew I didn’t want to admit my purpose. “Well, I know where it is.” Justine jerked against my side. Gram’s eyes slid to her before returning to me. “I can get you inside.”

  He was offering me exactly what I wanted. What I needed. “And what do you want in return?”

  “You’ll let us live.” He glanced over his shoulder. The room was silent, everyone watching this conversation. “After rescuing your brother, I had to hide out. They searched for him, but in the end decided I’d been killed and my body unrecoverable. This city, the army, and the Uldani elite have done nothing for me.” He spat the last three words. “They’ve done nothing for any of us except profit of our backs. Most of the Uldani down here are former miners. Many of us have been falsely accused of crimes or know family members who have. All of us know this city is corrupt. We don’t have the numbers to overthrow the army or elite. But I’m assuming you shut down the security, and hundreds of Drix are waiting to storm the city, am I right?”

  Again, I said nothing.

  He smiled. “That’s what I thought. So, I help you take the city, and you let us live.”

  “The Uldani have taken much from us. Our lives, our home, and many of our brothers. Why should we let any of you live?”

  Gram nodded. “I know. And I’m sorry for that, but we were not involved in those decisions. Most of us had no idea it was happening, and if we did, we had no power to make a change.” Gram’s voice lowered. “I have more information that I’ve been gathering, hoping to use it to bargain with the Drixonians to help us take the city.”



  Justine tugged on my arm. “Nero.”

  I knew the answer was yes. I couldn’t deny working with an Uldani went against everything I believed, but if there was any Uldani I was going to trust, Gram seemed like a good choice.

  I nodded. “You have my word. You get us to the hub, and we’ll let you live. As long as you don’t come anywhere near a Drixonian again.”

  Gram shook his head. “We only want to live peacefully. No offense, Drix, but I’ll be happy if I never see one of you again.”

  A smile crept across my face as I nodded. “My name’s Nero.”

  Gram returned his grin. “Nice to meet you, Nero. Welcome to the resistance.”

  * * *

  After providing us with a meal of rationed, tasteless sustenance bars and a powdery drink, Gram led us down a narrow dirt tunnel to a small room where a female stood near a pile of furs.

  “Thanks Mags,” he said to the female, who nodded with a small smile. Gram turned to me. “I thought we’d let you get some rest for a few yoras. When you wake, we can talk about how to get you to the hub. But there’s no way we’re doing anything until sundown.”

  “We appreciate the room to rest,” I murmured, taking in the room. My training didn’t let me rest until I checked the space for hidden weapons or anything that could hurt my female.

  “Hi Mags, I’m Justine.” My female stepped forward, her hand held out, palm turned to the side.

  Mags jerked away, and Justine’s eyes went wide before she yanked her hand behind her back. “I’m sorry. On Earth, we shake hands. I forgot…” she blew out a frustrated breath and her cheeks pinked. “I forgot that’s not a custom here.” Then she gave a half-hearted wave. “Anyway, hi.”

  Mags swallowed thickly before waving back. “Hello.”

  Gram stepped to her side and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Mags was the sister of a miner in debt. When he died, the debt transferred to her and well… She couldn’t pay it. They ruled to sell her to a pleasure house on Planet Vixlicin.”

  “What?” Justine shrieked. She whirled to me. “A pleasure house? Is that…?”

  “Males would pay to use her,” Gram stated.

  Justine seethed. “Fuck these assholes.”

  “I’ve been hiding here since,” Mags said, her voice soft. “It’s better than working for the laundry service for the elite.”

  “After your Uprising and they walled up the city, life got worse for the majority of us.” I opened my mouth to tell them that wasn’t my fault, but he held up his hand, as if expecting my protest. “I’m not blaming you. I’m only explaining what happened. And to let you know we all have a common goal.” Gram held my gaze for another moment before dropping it and taking Mags’s arm lightly. “Come on, let’s let them rest.”

  Mags left but before Gram could step out the door Justine called after him. “Val said she met a female Uldani when she was imprisoned here. She came with four or five males and was…” Justine round her arms out to her side and puffed out her cheeks. “A very large female.”

  Gram nodded. “Uldani Royalty. She was most likely pregnant with a litter. Royal females come from families who have excellent breeding capabilities. If they don’t produce, they get evicted from the pods.”

  Justine’s mouth flopped open. “A litter?”

  “Uldani breeder females give birth to anywhere from three to five infants at a time. Non-breeders only have one.”

  I thought Justine’s eyes would pop out of her head. “Three to five? What the hell? Sign me up to be a non-breeder. Jesus Christ on a cracker.”

  Gram’s brow ceased. “What does that mean?”

  “She’s cursing,” I answered for her. “She’s quite inventive about it.”

  Gram smiled. “I see. Well I’ll let you two sleep. By the way, there’s a portable cleanser there.” He pointed to a curtained stall near the furs. “I had Mags wheel it in. You both look a little worse for wear.”

  Justine’s entire face lit up and she even clapped her hands together with excitement. Seeing her reaction, I turned to the Uldani. “Thank you,” I said, letting my mistrust of him fade considering Justine’s happiness.

  Gram’s jaw clenched for a moment before he exhaled roughly. “I’m sorry for what we’ve done to you. I know much of what you lost can never be recovered, but I will do my best to make sure it never happens again.”

  “I’m sorry too. The powerful are at their most dangerous when they feel that power slipping from their fingers.”

  Gram’s eyes closed briefly before they opened again with a shine and a grin that made a shiver run down my spine. “And the weak are at their most dangerous when they see equality within their grasp.” With a nod to Justine, he left, and the wooden door swung shut behind him with a click.

  She turned to me with a heavy gulp. “Drixonians don’t have … litters, do they?”

  I shook my head with a smile. “Largest birth I know of is twins. Like Gar and his sister.”

  She let out a relieved breath. “Good. I fear for my friends pushing out multiplication tables of horns.”

  I cocked my head, unsure of her words, but she waved her hand in the air. “Never mind. Just thinking about loud. I’ll hop in the cleanser first if that’s all right?” And after a nod from me, she scurried behind the small curtain.

  * * *


  I woke up slowly, blinking my eyes in the light of the dim lantern that sat on a small table near the door.

  I didn’t even remember falling asleep. Stumbling out of the cleanser wearing nothing but a large shirt, I’d collapsed into the furs and snuggled down. Nero must have joined me sometime later, because I could feel the heat of his big body at my back. While the room had dirt walls and floors, a woven mat dyed in a maroon and brown stripe lay on the ground. The furs were clean, and Nero had hung our packs from a hook on the back of the door. Getting clean had been the best feeling, as I’d been grimy with dirt and nervous sweat.

  Under the furs was some sort of mattress, which was probably why I’d slept so well. I was sure it hadn’t been a full eight hours, but enough that I felt human again.

  I still could barely believe the turn of events. I never expected there to be an underground resistance of Uldani, le
t alone led by the same one who was responsible for Val and Sax’s escape. I remembered Val telling me about the small brave Uldani. I wondered if revenge was everything he dreamed of. He clearly was still fighting for something.

  The bed shifted behind me and Nero’s large arm settled over my waist. His hand curled up to press against my chest, tucking me back into him. His breathing remained deep and even, so I suspected he was still asleep, which meant he was cuddling … in his sleep. Oddly enough, I wasn’t surprised. After getting to know Nero the last few days, I totally pegged him for a cuddler.

  It’d been a long time since I’d let someone hold me like this or get this close. I rarely wanted to be touched because of my childhood experiences and my adult decision to stay in control of my life.

  But Nero felt so good—warm and strong. When his face pressed into the back of my head and he inhaled deeply, I nearly melted into the bed. When I thought we were doomed to be killed by the Kulk guards, all I could think about was that I’d never get this, I’d never know what it was like to wake up sleepy and content in the safety of Nero’s arms. And now I was here, I had to admit, it was everything I thought it would be. I didn’t want to leave this cocoon we were in. Right now, I could pretend we were just another couple sleeping in on a Sunday morning before we took the dog for a walk.

  “Good morning, little bird.” His deep voice rumbled. “Did you sleep well?”

  I hadn’t realized he’d woken up, and his nickname for me did a lot to turn my insides into goo. “I did.”

  He let out a contented sigh. “Me too.” I unclasped my own hands where I had them tucked under my chin and slid my fingers through his hand.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good.” I brought our hands to my mouth and kissed his knuckles. Slowly. One by one. They had been bruised yesterday but had healed during sleep in true Drixonian fashion.

  His body went tight at my back, and his breathing changed. “Justine?”

  “What did you think about when we were in that alley? When the Kulks were close by and you pushed me behind you?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “Protecting you.”

  “Did you think about regrets? Things you wish you did or didn’t do in your life?”

  “I didn’t in that moment. My sole focus was on protecting you.”

  “Oh.” For some reason that answer disappointed me, which was silly. Maybe I wanted to know that Nero had weaknesses like me. That he’d made mistakes. That he wasn’t perfect.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t have regrets, little bird,” he said softly, as if reading my thoughts.

  I stared at the wall in front of me as his thumb rubbed the back of my hand. “Like what?”

  He didn’t speak for a while, and I thought he wouldn’t answer until he began to talk in low rushed tones like the words had been waiting to be let out of their cage. “When my mother died, she told me I would be the future of the new Drixonian civilization on Corin. That they would need me and what I could do to rebuild. I promised her I would, that we’d be strong again. We’d repopulate our home planet.” He cut off abruptly and his chest heaved at my back. The pain in his words felt like daggers on the back of my neck.

  I couldn’t imagine how much this hurt to say.

  “I haven’t fulfilled that promise. Every rotation, I open my eyes and the first thing I remember is that I’ve let her down.”

  I couldn’t take him spilling his guts anymore. Turning in his arms, I grasped his face between my palms, and the sight of the stark sorrow in his eyes nearly stopped my heart. “You were faced with an impossible situation at a young age. You didn’t let her, or anyone, down.”

  “She was so proud. If she would have seen us being used by the Uldani, it would have killed her. Again.”

  “Nero, you cannot put this blame on your shoulders. You’re working hard to rebuild. You have honor and loyalty. You can still fulfill that promise to her. We win this and we take back your ships and we return to Corin.” I smiled. “You have to show me those devas shrines, remember? You have to make me your mate.” I swallowed around the lump rising in my throat. The next words were ones I never thought I’d say. “And put a chit in my belly.”

  He clasped me to him, bringing our foreheads together until all I felt was his warm breath on my face. His eyes shimmered. “I knew you were for me. Your words and presence soothe me. With you, I don’t have regrets. I could tell you I wished I had told you my intentions sooner, but I don’t think you would have reacted favorably. So, I can’t regret waiting. If I died in that alley, I died having tasted your lips, and that was more than I could have asked for.”

  Jesus, this guy. “Nero,” my voice cracked, and I cleared it. “You are sweeter than I deserve.”

  “I don’t think so.” He went silent until he asked. “Did you have regrets?”

  A tear trickled out of the corner of my eye to soak the fur below my head. “Yes.”

  His arm squeezed and he pressed a kiss to my temple. “Tell me.”

  “I don’t have many,” I said. “Maybe only one.” He was very still, his one arm around my back while the other grabbed my hand between us. “It’s about you.” I was pretty sure he wasn’t breathing. Was he nervous at what I planned to say? “I don’t let many people in. I didn’t have many friends on Earth. Mostly just my sister. I’m close to the girls here, but it’s still hard for me to show them how much they mean to me. I do regret that, and I will show them as soon as I see them again. If I see them again.” I swallowed. “But Nero, if I died in that alley, I would have regretted not spending every last minute I was alive in your arms.”

  “Little bird,” he exhaled on a low purr. Suddenly I was on my back, and Nero was over me, a vibration rumbling from his chest as he smiled down at me. He nudged the tips of our noses, and then he kissed me. Slow at first, his full soft lips nipping at mine before he slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

  I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and let my legs fall to the side as he settled his hips between them. He was naked while I only wore a large shirt, and his hard cock nudged my bare pussy. He was hot as a furnace, and his cock like a heat-seeking missile searching for the snug comfort of my body.

  The last time I had sex was ages ago and even then, I preferred to be on top. A heavy body lying on mine always sent my heart into a panicked flutter. But Nero was like… one of those anti-anxiety blankets. A chunky purring cat. A comforting weight that made me feel protected rather than trapped. And I knew, down to my soul, that only he’d make me feel like this.

  He’d taken his time and let me get my feet under me on this crazy planet and when he did come after me, it was with caring words, and safe hugs, and slow, drugging kisses. It was with respect and dignity. He let me be me, and for that, I thought I’d do just about anything for Nero.

  I could barely believe it’d been days ago when I’d still been avoiding him, but then maybe I knew all along he’d make me feel like this, and it terrified me. If only I hadn’t resisted. If only I’d taken the plunge earlier to explore what we had together. Or maybe this was the right timing. Here and now.

  A finger smoothed down the middle of my forehead, and I realized he’d stopped kissing me, and was studying my face with concern. “You’re having lots of thoughts.”

  I smiled at his wording. “I am.”

  He seemed relieved at my smile. “Good thoughts?”

  “Great thoughts.”

  He dipped his head to kiss me again as his fingers tapped down my spine to grasp the outside of my thigh. He hiked it over his hip, and I clamped down around him while digging my heels into his extremely firm ass. All these Drix were built like brick shithouses, even brainy Nero.

  Bracing himself on his elbow, he let his other fingers drift down my cheek, petting me as he licked into my mouth. The tenderness of his touch nearly undid me, like he knew exactly how to turn me into a puddle of aroused Justine. Like he was made for me. Maybe he was. Maybe Fatas had done something right when sh
e dragged me to this planet kicking and screaming.

  “I want to see you.” He nibbled at my neck as he tugged at the hem of my shirt.

  “Then see me.” I arched my back as he drew my shirt up and over my head. He tossed it to the side and then let his gaze drift slowly and unashamedly down my body. Now I wore nothing but my tattoos on my left arm, a Salvador Dali imitation with dripping clocks.

  I had a complicated history with my own body. I’d always had a large chest but other than that I was built a little like SpongeBob SquarePants. I didn’t have gorgeous curves like Miranda and Tabby. I liked my body, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever felt sexy. With Nero’s heated gaze taking in every inch of my skin, I felt a bit like a preening peacock. I felt sexy, like I was a lingerie model walking on a runway. His fingers grazed my skin in wonder, and he cupped one of my breasts before placing a soft kiss right above the nipple.

  My pussy clenched with want, especially when Nero sucked my other nipple into his hot mouth. I arched my back on a low moan while his fingers slowly stroked the inside of my thighs, as if giving me a heads up on where he planned to head next.

  I wanted him there between my thighs. I’d never had a man go down on me, too uncomfortable at the vulnerable feeling and self-conscious of the view of my body from that angle. But with Nero, I felt sexy and confident. I wanted his tongue on me and his purple eyes glowing at me while I held onto his horns.

  He shimmied lower on the bed until his shoulders settled between my hips. He pushed my legs wide, and with eyes burning into mine, he licked a heated path up my pussy.

  “Oh,” I groaned as he swirled the tip of his tongue around my clit before pulling it into his mouth with a strong suction. I’d never felt anything like it. Even some of the toys I had at home that cost an obscene amount of money couldn’t do what Nero could with his mouth.

  He made love to my clit like that, alternating between licks and sucks and swirls. Even a nip or two of a fang sent zaps of pleasure shooting up my spine until my head felt fuzzy and my mouth dry. When he continued his prushing—that steady vibration that traveled up his chest to his mouth—and slipped that tongue inside of me, I began to babble incoherently. Oceans crashed in my ears, pigs flew, and I let out an inhumane shriek as an orgasm barreled down my spine until it detonated in my core like a bomb.


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