Chained to You, Vol. 5: Seduced (Vegas Billionaires)

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Chained to You, Vol. 5: Seduced (Vegas Billionaires) Page 9

by Alexia Praks


  Dinner had been delicious, and my company wonderful. Of course, it was even better that Sophie had excused herself from joining us by informing James she had a dinner date with someone else. This meant I had a fine time enjoying my meal with James and Aria and not having to worry about the woman hurling insults at me whenever she had the chance.

  Now that dinner was over, I was once again in my own bedroom, getting changed into my sleeping garments. As I was doing so, I suddenly felt exhausted and simply wanted to drop into bed and sleep. The day had finally caught up to me.

  Thinking back, a lot had happened today.

  My mind drifted back at the park this morning, where I’d blurted out my dark past to James. I simply couldn’t believe he’d understand, that he’d comfort me like that, as if he really cared about me.

  That thought made my heart once again glow with delight, and I couldn’t help but smile like a loon. Then I thought about Aria and how the little girl truly craved her father’s presence and affection, which, of course, made my heart ache for her.

  She had lost her mother, hadn’t she? The mother who I surmised from the snippets of information I’d received had run away.

  Why? Why would a woman run away from all that was here? James was drop-dead gorgeous. He was filthy rich, and once you got to really know him, he was kind, understanding, and caring.

  Then there was Aria, who was such a cute, adorable, smart, and kind little girl. As a daughter, she was everything a doting mother would desire. So why had this woman, whom I thought was stupid and shortsighted where family was concerned, run away from all this? Everything that would make me deliriously happy. Even excluding the wealth.

  Truth be told, if my circumstances were different, if I were to have met James in another situation and he asked me out, I would have said yes in a heartbeat. And if I had the opportunity to further our relationship, well then I’d gladly take the offer with both hands.

  “Poor little mite,” I said softly under my breath, remembering all those lies Sophie had fed Aria.

  What was the woman’s purpose anyway? Why would she tell Aria such vile things? Was it to break Aria’s self-confidence? Was it to gain control of Aria by making Aria dependent on her? I didn’t know, but I did know one thing: Sophie was evil. To be sure, the woman shouldn’t be allowed to look after Aria anymore.

  In a way, Sophie was bullying Aria, wasn’t she? Sure, it might not be the physical kind, like Uncle Herbert had done with Andy and me, but…

  I sighed. James would have to deal with it, and I surely hoped he’d put his foot down and fire her on the spot tomorrow.

  I threw myself onto my soft bed and closed my eyes, trying to dismiss the thought of Sophie and her contemptible ways. Then my mind, of its own free will, deviated to James, and I wondered if he was going to come to me tonight and initiate our sexy time together. Instantly I thought about the kiss we’d shared this evening in the living room in front of both Aria and Sophie. I knew he would want to continue where we’d left off. I knew he’d want to go further and—

  “Daddy?” I heard Aria’s voice in the distance along the hallway.

  That was odd. I had thought she was already asleep in her own bed. After all, she had school tomorrow morning, and a good night’s sleep was important.

  Curious, I got out of bed and headed to the door. There I opened it slightly to see what Aria was doing.

  I saw the little girl standing in front of James’s room, holding a teddy bear against her chest.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” James asked.

  “Can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?” Aria asked tentatively.

  Instantly I knew their heart-to-heart talk this morning must have had something to do with this new development. Aria must really want to be close to her father for sure, which I found utterly adorable.

  I heard James chuckle and then say, “Sure. Come on then.”

  Aria jumped in delight. “Yay!” she shrieked.

  I watched her rush into her father’s room. I couldn’t help but feel pleased for her.

  I was about to go back into my own bed and completely switch off into snoozing mode when a prodigious yearning to see Aria snuggled in James’s arms came over me.

  No, I thought, stopping myself short. I shouldn’t interrupt father-and-daughter time. It was precious after all.

  Nodding my head at that, I determinedly went straight back into bed.

  Some half an hour later, I was still tossing and turning, ruining my perfectly made bed. I couldn’t dismiss my desire to see Aria and James. Finally I gave up and got out. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep if I couldn’t satisfy my curiosity.

  I opened my bedroom door and headed out. A moment later, I was in front of James’s bedroom and lightly opened the door so as to not wake Aria. As for James, I knew instinctively he wasn’t yet asleep. It was too early for him.

  The moment I slid myself in, I noted that the bedside light was still on, which cast a lovely golden glow to the room. When I shifted my eyes to the king-size bed, I saw James watching me with interest.

  “Hello?” he greeted, a devastatingly handsome smile on his face.

  I knew it must be weird for me to be here in his room at this time of the night and with his daughter in his bed sound asleep too. I must have looked very desperate.

  I blushed instantly in embarrassment. I licked my lips and felt the need to explain. “I want to kiss Aria good night.” Which wasn’t really a lie.

  He chuckled and invited me in by summoning me with his finger. I obliged and eagerly went over to him. Once I was on the side of the bed, I caressed Aria’s cheek. The little girl was embraced in her father’s arms, and her face was snuggled against his chest.

  I leaned forward and gave her a peck on the cheek. Then I said, “Good night, Aria.”

  There was no reply, which wasn’t a surprise because she was already fast asleep.

  I raised my eyes to James and said, “She’s adorable.”

  “So are you,” he said bluntly. “Care to join?”

  Is this an invitation?

  James peeled back the duvet for me, which enticed me even more. The longer I stared at that inviting space before me, the more I was drawn to it.

  I succumbed and climbed in. A large, warm bed with Aria and James was way better than my cold, lonely one.

  James chuckled as I settled myself on that side of the bed. In the end, there I lay with Aria next to me on my left and James on the other side of Aria. God, I felt I was a part of this family. I felt I was Aria’s mother and James’s wife.

  The feeling was oddly pleasant for me, and I grinned with glee.

  When I turned my face to James and gave him a smile, he reached out to caress my cheek. It felt nice, and his hand was so warm against my skin. I closed my eyes, savoring this beautiful moment.

  When I opened my eyes again, James made a move that made my heart skip a beat. He leaned his head toward me, and once close, he placed his firm, warm lips against mine.

  His kiss was deep, hot, and demanding. It was as if he were starving for me as his tongue urged my lips to part. So eager he was that I obliged without protest.

  Once I opened my mouth for him, James plunged his tongue in and ruthlessly devoured me, stroking and caressing me. I became breathless and dazed as I let him taste and tease me.

  I groaned against his seductive assault, wanting more.

  James finally drew back and chuckled. “Good night, Mia,” he said.

  I gazed at him and asked, “Was that your good night kiss for me?”

  He nodded, and I smiled. “Good night, James,” I said and snuggled my face against the pillow, my hand on Aria’s shoulder.

  A moment later, I felt James’s large, warm hand intertwining with mine, and I smiled as I drifted off to sleep.

  When next I woke up, it was already morning. The bright sunlight was shining brilliantly into the bedroom, which made me flinch and groan. Once I managed to adjust
my vision to the intensity of the light, I saw Aria staring at me. She was so close, in fact, that we were almost nose to nose. I didn’t miss the fact that she had a sunny smile on her face.

  I blinked and said, “Good morning, Aria.”

  She giggled and replied, “Good morning, Mia.”

  I was about to ask the little girl what time it was when I realized something was odd. I was pretty sure Aria was on my left before I’d fallen asleep in James’s bed last night. So how did she end up facing me on my right instead?

  I made a move to figure out what had happened when I felt a hard, manly body behind me on my left. I turned my eyes that way and, not so surprisingly, saw James watching me.

  The moment I sighted him, my stomach flipped deliciously. God, but the man was handsome, even with bedroom hair and a five-o’clock shadow.

  “Good morning, Mia,” he greeted.

  I licked my lips and said, “Hello, James.”

  I wanted to ask him how in the world I had come to swap places with Aria. I was now in the middle of the bed and squeezed between him and his daughter instead of where I’d been on the other side before I’d fallen asleep. Then I thought I didn’t really need to ask. Sometime in the middle of the night, James must have moved me and Aria so I was in the middle instead. I wondered if he had taken advantage of me while I’d been deep in slumber.

  I turned my eyes to him in accusation. He must have understood me and chuckled. “I’m not such a bastard, Mia.”

  True, he wasn’t. Not like Uncle Herbert. He was James, and James would never do anything weird, especially when his daughter was in the same bed. Of course, he had made love to me when I’d been asleep before, but that was different. Aria hadn’t been present, and that sexy lovemaking had been consensual. Once I’d been awoken anyway.

  Turning my attention away from James and toward Aria instead, I asked the little girl, “Did you have a good sleep?”

  Aria nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. It was the best ever. We have to do it again. We have to do it again.”

  I laughed at her eagerness and so did James. A few moments later, James ushered his daughter out of the bed to get ready for the day. Once the two were gone, I got up as well, intending to head back into my own room. As I was walking out the door, I incidentally saw Sophie at the end of the hallway. I didn’t miss the murderous glare she was giving me. Suddenly a sense of trepidation passed down my spine, and I felt sick to my stomach.

  Shit! She looked like she would really love to murder me right here and now. The darkness of her piercing gaze truly scared me to my soul.

  I swallowed in terror but didn’t back down. I mockingly cocked my head to one side and even gave her a triumphant smile. I said, “Morning, Sophie. How was your sleep last night?”

  The woman snorted and uttered, “Bitch!” in reply.

  Before I could tell her we needed to talk about my destroyed dresses and messy closet, she turned on her heel and walked away.

  Alone, I stared at the spot where Sophie had stood only moments ago. Why did I feel her glare meant something deeper than pure jealousy and hatred? Why did I feel as though something truly terrible was going to happen and Sophie was the one behind it?

  As I headed into my bedroom, another shiver passed down my spine.

  Chapter 15


  James impassively watched Sophie turn on her heel and leave the room, her steps quick and decisive. He had coldly dismissed her from her position as Aria’s nanny, and fuck, he felt relieved. Of course, there was no need for him to give her an explanation as to why, and oddly enough, the woman hadn’t asked for any either.

  He had given her two weeks’ notice, as this would help her adjust and give her time to seek new employment. The woman had refused him on the spot and stated she’d be gone from the house by tomorrow morning.

  Fuck! He still couldn’t believe he had employed a woman such as Sophie to look after his daughter. The very thought that she’d fed Aria all those lies and fear still pissed him off.

  Once again, his mind flashed back to yesterday when Aria had poured her heart out to him, telling him of her love for him, her loneliness whenever he was away, and her fear that he’d run away from her like Whitney had.

  The thought that his adorable six-year-old daughter had to go through that shit and put up with those wretched feelings made him sick to his stomach.

  What type of a father am I? Fuck, he didn’t know. But he knew from now on, he’d make it up to Aria. He was going to be a good father to his daughter come hell or high water.

  He was just walking out of his home office when his cell rang. He picked up on the second ring and said, “Scott, what’s up?”

  “Hey, bro,” Scott greeted. “How’s everything going?”

  James gave out a big sigh as he descended the stairs in a quick, easy pace. “I have a bit of shit going on at the moment.”

  “What is it?” Scott asked. “Is this about Mia?”

  “Yes and no,” James said, wondering where Mia was suddenly. After he’d dropped Aria off at school, his intention had been to return home, have his meeting with Sophie, and then see if he could have a peek of Mia before heading off to his office at the Maxwell Hotel. Now, however, he couldn’t find her anywhere, and he was running late.

  “Oh?” Scott voiced on the other end of the line.

  “Look, I can’t talk right now. I’m running late. I have a lot of work to do before picking Aria up this afternoon.”

  “What? Isn’t that Sophie’s job? She’s the nanny, isn’t she?”

  James snorted. “I just fired her.”

  “Fuck, James! What happened?”

  “She was feeding Aria a lot of garbage. Stuff like I don’t love Aria because my daughter talks too much and shit like that.”

  “Fuck!” Scott voiced again. “What the fuck?”

  James chuckled at the incredulity of it too. “Yeah, right?”

  “Man, James. Did you screen her before you hired her?” Scott asked.

  “My personal assistant David did. The woman was clean, but I guess he made a mistake,” James said.

  “How’s Aria doing, by the way?” Scott asked. “And did you tell her you love her with all your heart and you’d die for her? If you haven’t, I’m going to fucking make you do it even if I have to point a gun at your head.”

  James laughed. “Fuck, Scott, don’t be so dramatic. I told her. She’s all good at the moment, thanks to Mia.”

  Scott whistled. “Mia, huh? Sounds like mother material there. That reminds me. I haven’t met her yet. Now that I think about it, Eric and I haven’t been at your place for a while.”

  James chuckled. “You just want to come over because you want to see Mia.”

  “Ouch! You wound me, brother,” Scott teased. “I miss Aria too. So it’s set then. Eric and I are coming over tonight for dinner.”

  James said, “Sure. See you then.”

  “Bye now,” Scott said. Then before hanging up, he added, “We have Dad’s bride to discuss too.”

  James looked heavenward. “Sure,” he said rather unenthusiastically.

  Once he’d hung up, James paced to his awaiting car and drove out of the estate. He was at work some half an hour later and fully engrossed until twelve. Then he had a long lunch meeting with his team of accountants, and by the time that was finished, it was past two in the afternoon. Once he managed to get back to his office, he checked his watch, then cursed.


  He knew he wouldn’t be able to make it on time to pick Aria up, and he still had a shitload of work here at the hotel to finish too. With no alternative, he thought the only solution was to ask Mia for her help.

  Without further ado, he grabbed his cell and dialed her number. She picked up on the second ring.

  “Hello, James,” she greeted. “You didn’t text me this time, so it must be urgent.”

  “Yes, it is,” he said. “How’s your day going, darling?”

  She snort
ed at his choice of endearment. Darling? She paused for a moment and then said, “Good, thank you. What about you? And what’s so urgent?”

  James went straight to the point. “Would you be a darling and pick Aria up?”

  “Aria? Of course,” she said. “Why didn’t you just tell me this morning? You’re busy with work, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am,” he replied.

  “Okay.” She paused. “Oh my gosh! It’s already two thirty? Why didn’t you call earlier? That means I have to get going now if I don’t want Aria to wait for me,” she said in a hurry.

  “Ask the chauffeur to drive you.”

  “Okay, I will. Bye now, James,” she said.

  “See you tonight.”

  “Okay. Okay. Gotta go now.”

  The phone went silent, and James couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t believe it. Mia had turned out to be his lifesaver this time around, and that was fucking awesome.

  A moment later, he phoned up St. Peter Elementary School and informed the receptionist he wouldn’t be able to pick his daughter up although another would. After that was done, he returned his attention to his work with a grin on his face.

  Chapter 16


  The moment the chauffeur parked the car at the front of St. Peter Elementary School, I felt my heart skip a beat. This would be the first time I was picking Aria up by myself, though it hadn’t been the first I’d been here. The previous two had been with James when he allowed me to tag along simply because the three of us had to go out shopping afterward.

  “I won’t be long, John,” I said to the chauffeur.

  The driver said, “Take your time, Miss Donovan.”

  A few moments later, I was making my way toward the main building where reception was situated. As I was doing so, I couldn’t help but feel more than a little nervous. After all, I wasn’t used to doing this sort of thing, going on errands and picking kids up after school. It was completely new to me for sure.

  “Hi,” I said the moment I was in front of the reception desk.

  The elderly woman looked up and gave me a bright smile. “Hello, dear,” she said. “How can I help you?”


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