Bella Notte

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Bella Notte Page 2

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  I had gotten to the door when I heard him behind me. My heart sped up and my breathing accelerated. I turned to look at him.

  “Hi. My name's Mike,” he said and blushed a beautiful shade of crimson.

  “Hey, Mike, welcome to our high school, it's pretty dull, but it's what we got. Where's your next class, maybe I could show you how to get there?” I asked, trying to be a good welcoming committee.

  “I have Science with Mrs. Roberts,” he said as he looked at his schedule. I think he was thankful to have something to talk about.

  “Well, today's your lucky day- I have the same class. Let's walk together.” I smiled at him and grabbed his arm. He felt the normal body temperature of everyone around us. Strange, he was so much warmer in my dreams.

  “Thanks, I've got to tell you something though; your face is really familiar to me. Have I seen you somewhere before?” Mike asked as we walked down the short hall to the stairs.

  “How funny, I was going to ask you that as well. I know that I've never seen you before, but my mind insists that I know you. Odd, huh?” I was trying desperately not to sound like a complete loony. I so wanted him to stay around, it was as though he was a flame and I was a moth.

  “Yup. So, what's high school like? I've been home schooled the entire time that we've lived here, and I don't know anyone or anything.” His face flushed again, and he looked quickly away.

  “Well,” I didn't want to stop talking and the sound of our shoes echoing down the stairs made me nervous, “high school is, eh, busy. There are a lot of things that happen. You were home schooled? How long have you lived here?”

  “Busy- that sounds … nice. Um, we moved here when I was like four, so it's been fourteen years now. I got a tutor around then as well.” His smile must have been in response to my look of utter shock. A four year old with a tutor?! Oh my God, he must be really smart!

  I closed my mouth, “So, you know a lot of stuff, huh?” I looked down at my boots, I was embarrassed and the boots were a nice contrast to the black and white checkered tiles.

  “I don't know if I would say I know a lot of stuff, but I do know enough,” he replied, obviously aware of my discomfort.

  “Well, this is it. Mrs. Roberts is a little nutty, but I suppose all scientists are a little mad, muaw ha ha!” I said as a rubbed my hands together in a menacing manner, he laughed and then I did too.

  We walked into the light blue room- nothing was ever plain with Mrs. Roberts. I led him to the lab table in the back that was empty.

  “So, we'll be lab partners, kay?” I whispered at him as the bell rang and we slid down onto the hard wooden stools. He merely smiled in return.

  The lecture wasn't anything special- because it was the first day- and Mrs. Roberts was going over safety rules and what she expected of us. Her little white bun on top of her head bobbed back and forth as she shifted in front of the room. Her white lab coat had bright blue buttons on it, and a little pin that said, “Science breeds dangerous lives.”

  She must be close to eighty by now, but she moved as though she was twenty and her enthusiasm for her work was unmatched by any other faculty member.

  Even though her lab coat was buttoned all the way down, you could see her striped pink and blue stockings going into her black high-tops. Eccentric, that's the only word for her.

  I glanced around the room at the shelves that were overflowing with strange liquids in jars- with even stranger unknown items inside them.

  Each desk had a burner and some beakers on it, along with the text book for the class. There was also a small pile of yellow papers on each desk- these were the safety rules and syllabuses. I looked over at Mike to see what he was doing, and he was looking back at me. He smiled and I looked down and blushed.

  He slid me a piece of paper, “She's an odd duck, isn't she?” is all it said in red ink.

  I took out my green pen and wrote, “Yeah, but she's the best teacher we got. She really loves her work.” I added a little smiley face.

  “So, what class do you have next?” I noticed his question marks curved slightly more than the rest of his writing.

  “I have Gym. Ugh!” I made a disgusted face as I wrote this, and I could see him watching me out the corner of my eye.

  “Don't like gym I take it? I'll keep a note to not take you to do gym-like stuff when we go out. I have History.” He added a little swirly eyed smiley after that.

  Man, does he have some gall. I can't believe that he's already making plans to take me places. Not that I wouldn't say yes or anything, but jeeze!

  “History is back upstairs, diagonal from where English was this morning. Ms. Henderson is a divorcée, and can get really distracted from her lectures. She's pretty plain, and the room should be similar to Mr. Fitzgerald's. Just try not to fall asleep, she really hates that. That's my best advice.” I wrote this note back with a plain expression, just in case he was watching me again- and was waiting for a reaction from his little comment about taking me out.

  He frowned slightly at my reply. “So, I don't even get a maybe to going out with me?” the next note said. I guess he didn't want to give me anything to talk about except a direct answer.

  I sighed. “Maybe,” was all I wrote, and I drew a little winking smiley face.

  That seemed to be enough for him though because he took the note folded it a couple of times and then stuck it in his back pocket. I watched him out with my side vision and I could see him smiling as he stared blankly in Mrs. Roberts' direction.

  I wonder what he is planning?

  I sat through the last fifteen minutes of class not really paying any attention to what was going on, I was merely lost in my own thoughts.

  When the bell rang, a group of the most popular kids in our school approached the table. Kelly was their 'leader' these days, but she was generally pushed along by her second in command, Julia. Whereas Kelly was a cute little blonde that fit the ideal of what a cheerleader should look like, Julia was a brunette that was average height – and average in general. But it wasn't her appearance that got Julia her spotbehind Kelly, it was her attitude- she put the mean element in the group.

  Kelly came to the table and stopped, keeping her usual distance from me, and she smiled at Mike.

  “Hello, Michael. We were wondering if you would like to join us during this little break, and lunch? I am sure that Emma has other things to do and wouldn't mind letting you get to experience all of our little high school.” She smiled her perfect white teeth at him and I fought back the urge not to vomit on myself.

  Stupid bimbo! Evil snake!

  “I'm sorry, but Em here has already accepted my lunch date. So, unfortunately, I will have to turn down your very sweet offer.” He smiled back at her, but his eyes burned a little more brightly and his teeth looked like they could be full of venom, waiting to strike.

  “Perhaps tomorrow you will be able to join us then?” She pressed on still, this time she added a little eyelash fluttering.

  I could feel my eyes turn into slits and the anger rise inside me. I pulled my hands into my lap and clenched my fists shut tight – digging my nails into my palms.

  “No, I am afraid that is quite impossible. You see, Em and I will be spending all of my available lunches and breaks together. You'll have to make do without me, but you guys have a great day.” He smiled again, but it was visibly strained. This made it perfectly clear that he was done with this conversation.

  “Now, Em, what were you going to show me during break?” He turned his back to the perfect blonde and winked at me.

  “Well, I need to go to the store before my next class, and I know you haven't met everyone, and I figured that as long as we were quick about it, we could go.” My smile was a little too smug, and I knew that something would eventually bite me for this, but I didn't care. I was enjoying watching Kelly and her troop of snobs being snuffed.

  We gathered up our things, Mike even took my shoulder bag and slung it over him. It was a perfect show, but somehow
it felt more important than a mere show. It felt right, and that made me nervous. What are you doing? You don't even know him, and why would anyone want to turn down that perfect tramp?

  It was hard for me to trust my instincts and enjoy his company, and my brain kept shouting the fact at me.

  As we walked along the shop room toward the other class level buildings, I was starting to get really nervous. I knew I should be putting this off until lunch or after school, and now I didn't want to make him late as well, but I wanted to be alone with him.

  “So, why didn't you tell the blonde that I was just '', and that you had no intention of going anywhere with me?” His question caught me off guard but his eyes settled my balance almost as quickly.

  “I've never liked Kelly, and I certainly don't think that busting her perfect damn bubble every so often is a bad thing. Besides, I didn't particularly like the way she was looking at you, like you were a piece of meat.” My face turned beet red and I was glad that the wind had caught my hair and blown it in my face. The black curtain made perfect cover and gave me just enough time to get my face closer to its normal shade. Could you be so obvious! That's almost as bad as that blonde tramp ... no it's worse because you aren't normally like this!

  “It seemed to me that she didn't particularly enjoy your company and being that I wanted to be around you, the invitation was a no go.” He finished with a huge smile on his face.

  By the time we got around the student buildings and into the student parking lot, we hadn't said much else. But, as soon as I got near that bike again, I instantly knew that it belonged to him. I walked over to my beast and threw the books in the back seat. I always hated carrying around extra books for no reason.

  “Nice wrangler. It's a '94 right? Wow, did you do all the custom work or did you have someone else do it?” His questions flew at me one after the other, but his face was lit up like a child at Christmas.

  “Thanks. I got it used, but had it fixed up out of town. I wanted too much special work to get it done in town. Do you know a lot about cars?” I was curious about him, and he seemed less reserved right now.

  “Yup. Fixing things up is my hobby, probably why I have auto shop here ... but it isn't until sixth period. God, your machine is a beaut. Must've cost a small fortune, but hey, if it's worth it then go for it. That's what my dad always says. Anyways, yeah, I fixed up my bike too, but I did it myself.” He bragged a moment and his speech was quick.

  “Beaut? Who says 'beaut' any more?” I tried hard not to giggle.

  “Well, I do. I know I talk like a snob sometimes. Most of my slang comes from my visits with visiting family. Home school seriously sucked.” He told me.

  The bell rang. “Damn, we better get to class. We can go to the store later, if you really want to go with me?” I said as I grabbed both my messenger bag and my gym pack. God, I hate gym.

  “Yes, I still want to go with you. You're not going to get rid of me that easy. Oh, I have Math after History, what about you?” he asked as we walked back toward the buildings.

  “I have math as well. I'll meet you outside the class. See ya.” I waved briefly as I ran over to the gym.

  Gym was nothing out of the ordinary. We didn't have to change today because it was the first day. I thought it was odd because we had the same gym coach every year, so nothing really changed. But hey, if I get a day without having to put on ugly polyester shorts and a shirt with our school logo on it, I was happy. But I did wish that I didn't have to sit on that stupid high gloss wood floor while Mr. Williams talked about what the proper techniques for bouncing a basketball were, apparently that was the first form of torture- basketball.

  The period didn't seem to last as long as the other two did. Perhaps it was because I wasn't watching the clock and was thinking over what had happened with Michael in the morning instead, or maybe it was merely because we didn't have to suffer through any form of torture today.

  The bell rang and I was up before the rest of the class. I rushed over to the senior building and slowed my pace. Don't want to seem too eager.

  By the time I got up the stairs my body made the choice of not running, but not exactly walking either, to get up to room 2B with Mrs. Rogers.

  He was waiting for me when I got to the door. He smiled as I got closer to him.

  “I'm glad that we have another class together. I was thinking about how it seems that this is our last class together for the day. Kind of a bummer, but hey, at least I get to spend lunch with you.” His eyes sparkled as though they had a secret they were keeping from everyone. I greatly enjoyed looking into those deep eyes.

  “Yeah, I have History and Art after lunch … and it would seem that you have Gym and Auto Shop. Two classes that I don't think I would do well in.” I shrugged at him as we entered yet another white room.

  We took our seats next to each other on the left side of the room, the last two chairs available together. The room was set up so that there was an aisle down the middle and the left side of the room faced the right side. Mrs. Rogers would walk down the middle while she lectured, but basically everything that she had to say was written on the multiple chalk boards around the room. Since our seats were separate little desks, like this morning, it was harder for us to talk to each other. But that didn't seem to stop Mike.

  “Let's go to town for lunch. Shake head for yes or cross eyes for no,” the little piece of paper said in bright blue ink.

  What if I didn't know how to cross my eyes? Perhaps he was counting on that?

  I shook my head once and smiled. It was intoxicating being around him, he was so much fun, and he was about as cocky as I was.

  This class was like every other class today and all we did was stare aimlessly at Mrs. Rogers as she prattled on about her love for math and what she expected from each one of us. It was quite boring, and I almost fell asleep. Well, let's say I was asleep until Mike flicked a paper clip at me and it hit me on the nose. The little beast!

  After my nap the class sort of disappeared in a small war of throwing things back and forth, until the bell rang.

  “You butt! That could have really hurt, or you could've put my eye out!” I said as I stuck my tongue out and grabbed my bag.

  “I have great aim, and the only concern you should have had was for it going in your mouth as the drool came out,” he responded, sticking his pierced tongue out in defiance.

  Oh no, I wasn't drooling! Please tell me I wasn't drooling! I reached up and wiped my mouth.

  “Chill out, I was only playing. I didn't see any drool.” He smiled as he noticed that his words had affected me.

  We walked out the door, down the stairs, and pushed the evil dungeon door open. We walked faster than earlier to make sure that we would make it to town to get food without being late.

  “Your beast or mine?” he asked with a wicked grin that showed off his perfect smile.

  “Got an extra helmet?” I asked in doubt.

  “Of course I do, and it's black with green flames on it!” He knew he had me there.

  I tossed my bag in my Jeep and grabbed the helmet. I shoved it on my head and pulled my long black hair into a pony tail. No use giving anyone whiplash with my hair.

  He was on the sleek bike and waiting. I clamored on behind him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. I took a deep breath and inhaled some of his cologne- spicy, yet minty. I enjoyed it.

  He revved the little beast up and we were off.

  Since the town was so small, it didn't even take five minutes to get to the little deli. We still had a full twenty-five minutes to eat and get back to school. I got off the bike and handed him the helmet. Man, it is a beautiful machine.

  I watched as he swung his leg over the bike and stuck both helmets on the handles. He hooked his arm through mine and we walked into the deli.

  The smells were delicious. Fine cheeses, meats, and fresh vegetables twisted right under your nose, drawing you closer to the sandwich bar. We didn't really have time to have everyth
ing made right then so I steered us toward the 'made fresh this morning' section. I grabbed a roast beef sandwich, a bag of corn chips, and a grapefruit soda. His selection was the same as mine except he got a coke instead. We went to the register to pay.

  “Hello, Emma, how are you doing today? I had the best tennis match with your grandparents this morning, soon enough, I'll never win,” Mr. Stevenson said as I reached inside my wallet to pay.

  “I'm doing great, Mr. Stevenson. I'm glad you're still giving them a run for their money though; they need someone to show them they aren't the best all the time. Oh, this is Michael O'Shanold, by the way.” I liked Mr. Stevenson, he was a nice old man and he was always nice to me. He used to give me Italian sweets when I was little.

  “Hello, Mike, I know your family, although I haven't seen you yet. You guys live quite a ways out there. Out by the lake if I'm not mistaken? Beautiful house though. It’s nice meeting you. Keep our little Emma out of trouble, okay?” His smile made the skin around his eyes wrinkle under his wire-rimmed glasses.

  “Thank you, Mr. Stevenson. Yes, our house is out by the lake. I usually went out of town before, but since I enrolled in the high school, I should be in town more often. And I promise to try to keep Em out of trouble.” He smiled back as we paid for our food.

  We went and sat at the little table outside and ate in silence. It was great to be able to sit with someone without them trying to fill every second with endless chatter.

  When we finished our meal we threw the trash away at the little red garbage can at the edge of the store and went back to the bike.

  The ride back to school was as quick as before. This time, when I handed him the helmet, he stuck it in the hide-away compartment under the seat and put his on the handles. We stood there for a minute in an awkward silence.


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