Bella Notte

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Bella Notte Page 9

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Um, I don't know about that, Em. My family's kinda weird about holidays and outsiders. But, if you need me, call okay. I'll figure out something.” He became extremely nervous.

  “Whoa, I don't want to make waves for you. Besides, I'm not easily turned into a damsel in distress. You know that.” My brow scrunched together as I tried to sound not hurt. That's odd. I've never met his family.

  “Emma, it isn't you- it's my nutty family.” His eyes seemed to plead with me to understand.

  “Mike, why haven't I met your family?” My mind was lost to the idea that he didn't want me to meet them.

  “My family is kinda strange about bringing people over without permission. Since I am still kind of new to the whole school circle, they're being weird about bringing anyone over.” He smiled weakly.

  “Mike, do you know that I can tell when you're lying? I find it to be a very useful skill.” My brow arched up and my smug smirk appeared.

  “Em.” It was all he said and I knew.

  “Its okay, Mike. So our families don't like each other, I'll live. At least we can still hang out at my house.” I smiled but I still felt hurt.

  “Yeah, but only if I don't come in contact with your rents.” He looked away with a pout.

  “Well, maybe there's bad blood between the two, like in Romeo & Juliet.” I was clinging to anything.

  “Great. We're gonna have to die to fix it,” he sighed.

  The dreams! “Mike that so isn't funny.” My voice came out in a sigh.

  Mike looked at me with concern and then the idea must have hit him- his eyes went wide as saucers. “Oh, Emma. I shouldn't have said that. I never want anything to happen to you.” He grabbed me in a bone shattering hug.

  “Mike- can't, can't breathe!” I panted until he let go.

  After that we both seemed a little drained. There was so much I didn't even know that I wanted to, and Mike always knew more than me. He even appeared to know what was going to happen with this “change”, something I desperately wanted and needed to know anything about.

  Mike decided to go home and I sat in my room watching the sheer red curtains blowing in the wind. So, Mike and I will see each other after Thanksgiving. That's at least a comforting thought. What's up with our families? Perhaps it has to do with the stuff Grandpa said he wouldn't tell me about. I sighed at all the secrecy that suddenly was everywhere at once.

  Monday brought nothing new. Mike still was out of sorts as well. My mind was filled with possible answers to all these questions, and I began to start seeing Dominic. The first few times it was only glimpses, like he was trying to make me second guess myself. By the end of the day he was sitting in my passenger seat.

  I was alone as I approached the car that I loved- Mike was staying after to finish his project in shop. What, is he like stalking me now?

  “You know you are trespassing in my property,” I said to him as I threw my book bag into the back.

  “I know I've been naughty, my Little Emma Bird, but I have never been known to play fair when there's something I want.” He gazed at me.

  I sighed. “What is it that you want, Dom?” I felt exasperated.

  “Surely, Emma, you know what I truly want.” His gaze was burning into the depths of my soul and his voice was buttery smooth.

  “Nope. Sorry. Now get out of my car.” I nodded my head for extra emphasis.

  “Okay, but I thought you could give me a ride since we're all leaving tomorrow for Italy.” He smiled at me with a look that implied he'd won some sort of game.

  “What the Hell do you mean, Italy? Everyone is coming here. Hell, I don't even have a passport.” I flushed in anger. Where is Mike when I need him?

  “It was decided that, since your family hasn't been to visit as a whole, that the entire families would come together instead.” He tried to look innocent.

  “You! You little monster! I so know this is your doing. Why are you intent on ruining my life? It so won't change how I feel about you!” I felt my rage leaping out of me. I was losing control and fast. “Get the Hell out of my car ... NOW!”

  “Temper, temper, Emma. Being angry won't change tomorrow. And it only shows that the change is coming soon.” He jumped out of my beast and walked away.

  I climbed into my black beauty and held the steering wheel. I watched my knuckles turn white and felt the sweat drip off of me from my own internal heat. What is going on? I've never been so angry. I sighed and prayed that he wouldn't come back. I calmed down and drove home.

  All the lights were on when I got there and Dominic was sitting on the front steps. What have I done to deserve this? I was tempted to circle around the driveway and leave. I had absolutely no desire to go anywhere- especially to another country. I didn't want to be away from Mike that long. How can I leave the country without a passport? Surely I can't. I found the glimpse of hope and held on tight to it. I parked my Jeep and climbed out- leaving all my school books in the back seat.

  “Grandpa! Grandpa, I need to talk to you!” I called into the house as I walked through the kitchen door.

  “I'm right here, Emma darling. What is the matter?” He smiled at me.

  “Are we going to Italy for Thanksgiving?” I tried not to sound as though I would kill people depending on the answer.

  “Why, yes we are. It was decided that you should get to see some of the places that your parents travel to often and get to spend this holiday with more of your family.” His tone told me it wasn't his idea but there wasn't anything I could do to change it.

  “Okay, thanks Grandpa.” I felt my fire burn itself out in defeat.

  “I'd suggest that you pack your bag, Emma. We'll be there until December first.” He seemed to know what his words meant to me- probably why he told me instead of someone else.

  I merely nodded my head and went up to my room. I called Mike to tell him the news but I got his voice-mail. I left him the longest message I have ever left in my lifetime and explained the evil of the universe was out to get me- or something to that effect. I should be happy that I finally get to see some of the world- but somehow I only feel gypped.

  I packed my bags and stayed in my room- hoping Mike would call- he didn't. The feelings inside deflated me and I eventually fell asleep- fully dressed, on my made bed.

  The dream I was having was absolutely wonderful. I was in a beautiful green dress and there was a spotlight shining directly on me. I couldn't see where I was, but it didn't matter because I was singing a song. The language of the song was one I had never heard before. The words made perfect sense to me and seemed to weave a spell around me.

  Come to me my one true love,

  You are the one that I've been sent from above.

  If there is Heaven and Hell,

  Then you are my darkness and light as well.

  A silhouette appeared in my spotlight. He walked toward me as I sang.

  Our dark sweet love sends me shivers.

  My soul seems to be covered in trimmers.

  My blood flows thick and sweet through my veins,

  Awaiting a kiss that will set it ablaze.

  Come to me and share our immortal kiss,

  Let's give in to our destined eternal bliss.

  “Emma.” The word was just my name but it was so sensual. The voice came from the silhouette as it approached me; the face was still a mystery- What does it matter as long as my song called him? He must be my true love.

  As he reached me, we embraced, even though I still couldn't see his face. I wrapped my arms around him. His scent filled my nostrils sweetness swirled in a spicy orange. A memory stirred as I leaned into our true love's kiss.

  “Emma.” His voice was more breathed than spoken as he leaned into me.

  I kissed him, a kiss that seemed to shoot sparklers off in front of my eyes. My body, soul, and mind, seemed to melt under the warmth of his lips. I pulled him close to me and felt a new weight bearing down on me- my world seemed to shift out from under me.

  I opened m
y eyes and the room was dark, and I was lying down. My clothes clung to me as a result of the twisted sheet tunic I fashioned during my sleep. I gasped for breath as I pushed a weight off my chest and that's when I saw him. Dominic. But it was a dream. I realized I must have grabbed him in my sleep. I blushed fiercely.

  “What do you want?” I said as I shoved him off of me.

  “Emma, I, eh...” His words failed him. I could see the faint blushing on his cheeks from the blazing hall light.

  “Well?” I couldn't believe what happened.

  “It's, eh, time to get up, mia bella. I came to wake you but you called out to me in a language you shouldn't know. The words wrapped around me, Emma.” His eyes shone with an emotion I had not seen since we were children. I desperately wanted to reach out and hold him- that alone frightened me. Don't let him fool you.

  “Why do I need to get up? It's still dark.” I tried to put venom in my words, but I knew it wasn't there because I was deeply affected by what had happened. I so didn't want to be.

  “We are leaving for the airport in two hours. If you want to shower, or perhaps change, you need to get up now.” His eyes still showed me something I couldn't understand, but his voice had leveled out.

  I straightened out my shirt. “Well, then I guess you better leave then, huh?” I knew I failed at looking grumpy, but he left nonetheless.

  I quickly grabbed some comfy yoga pants and a well worn t-shirt and headed for the shower. For some reason I couldn't get the adjustment of the shower to right. Instead, I managed to shock myself awake with freezing water and then scald myself alert with burning water. All I want to do is go back to bed and pretend this didn't happen. How could he hear the song? Did he understand it? Or did it simply just call out to him ... maybe it's some weird spell? All the questions in the universe filled my now aching head, not one of them was “why had I kissed him?” though.

  By the time I got out of the shower, my two hours were gone. My bags had been taken downstairs- probably by Dominic. I blushed.

  My brain was shouting at me about such reactions but something inside encouraged it. I closed my bedroom door and walked downstairs to find both Mike and Dominic waiting for me to come out. I really have pissed someone off in the ethereal state.

  “Eh. Hey guys. Did I miss something? Mike are you coming with?” I felt guilty all of a sudden.

  “Emma, we are the only ones here. They told me to bring you after you say your goodbyes to him.” Dominic was different. What am I going to do about him?

  “No, Em, I'm not coming but I wanted to say bye. Call me if you can. We'll hang out when you get back, okay?” Mike suddenly didn't sound as sure as he usually did.

  “Awe. You got up crazy early just to say bye! That's so sweet. Of course we'll do something awesome when I get back. I'm really sorry about this.” I rushed into his arms and kissed him on the cheek. “God, I'm gonna miss you!”

  “No worries, I'll miss you more. Anyways, have fun. Go on, you're gonna be late.” He hugged me tight and then backed away.

  “Okay. See ya soon.” My mind was confused. What am I going to do about this mess?

  I walked with the two boys to the car outside. Mike climbed onto his bike and waved goodbye. I got into the black sports car waiting to take me on a new adventure with the guy who'd suddenly transformed in my eyes. This is going to be an awesome trip. Even my mind was cracking jokes at my expense.

  Being inside the sleek black car felt odd and slightly frightening. The world flew by and I was assaulted with the now sickeningly sweet scent of spicy orange. Guilt flowed through every ounce of my being, and I knew that all of this would be a problem for me in the end. It was Dominic's voice that finally broke my revere.

  “You know he was out there all night? Just waiting for you.” His tone suggested he wasn't lying.

  “You mean Mike waited outside, all night long?” I felt shocked and my guilt level kicked up a few more notches. I suck. He was out there waiting to say bye all night … and I made out with Dominic. I know there is a corner of Hell reserved for people like me.

  “Yup. He showed up around eleven. I tried to tell him you were asleep, but he wanted to wait. I even offered him to come inside. The look on his face was priceless; he still said he wanted to stay outside. I made him a hot chocolate and left him to bay at the moon.” He stared forward at the road; perhaps he was shocked at his own behavior, because I sure was.

  “I can't believe it. Why didn't someone wake me up?” I stared at the grayish blurs as they rushed by the car.

  “We tried at first, but you wouldn't wake. At some point, the rest of the family had to go to sleep.” He smiled at the road.

  “Wait. The rest? You didn't go to sleep either?” I felt my world coming unglued. Why would he stay up?

  “Sì, mia bella. I stayed up too. I wanted to make sure you got to shower and say bye to Michael. I knew everyone else would let you sleep. I get the next weeks with you- which I hope you enjoy, but I know you were hoping to spend time with him.”

  For the first time I noticed that his accent only hinted around his words, like soft licks of flavor. His speech is quite sexy.

  “Well. Thanks.” I let the silence engulf us both. My thoughts kept circling to what Dominic had said.

  I fell asleep to the hum of the engine and the flashing gray of the scenery going by the window.

  When I awoke, the car was parked and we were in a small airport with only a few private planes. My family was gathered around a shiny, silver, private jet. Wow, it's beautiful. Do we own it?

  My mouth was hanging open and I was definitely doing the dumb look. I had never been this close to a plane before and it was scary. I was frightened to think that I'd be flying all the way to Italy in that mysterious metal bird.

  “Is this ours?” I said aloud.

  “Why yes, Emma. This is how your mother and I take all our business trips. Oh, before I forget again- here's your passport.” My father handed me a small blue leather bound notebook with gold lettering on it. This is the most words Dad has said to me in awhile.

  “Thanks, Dad. But didn't you need a picture or my signature or something?” I flipped the small book open and saw a headshot-like photo of myself that was probably from my birthday. There was also an exact replica of my John Hancock. I wonder who forged that …?

  “Well, the photo was easy to obtain, but we needed a friend to get the signature. We needed this trip to be a secret for you.” He smiled a true smile that crinkled around his eyes. Any shock or anger I felt was dissolved by that incredible smile- it was so rare.

  Even though I was so upset when I had first heard about this trip, I was now extremely excited. I'll take lots of pictures and that way I can share the trip with Mike when I get home. I needed something to justify the excitement I was feeling.

  Dominic walked forward and took my hand, he wanted to give me a tour around the plane. I didn't want to be rude after he had been so thoughtful, so I let him hold my hand. I felt the slightest dampness that comes from nerves as he pointed out the wings, engines, landing gear, and anything else he could think of. He led me inside the plane.

  The stairs were white and creaked as we went up them. It was a little panicking to climb up into the plane that was so thin. The interior was filled with white squishy leather chairs. There was even a room with a bed in it and another with a small kitchen in it. How does it all fit in here?

  “I know you're probably scared and wondering how this tin uccello can hold us and all this stuff.” He gestured around the cabin.

  “Well, to be honest, yes I am.” It felt good to share this fear with someone else.

  “Don't worry. I was pazzo scared on my first trip. The things that will probably scare you the most are the take off, the landing, and any turbulence we hit.” He sounded confident which was comforting, but still didn't stop my sudden panic attack.

  “What the devil is turbulence?” Even the word was frightening.

  “Turbulence is when the
plane bumps around a bit. It has something to do with air pressure, I believe.” His voice was neutral as he stared out the window at the wings, it was kind of like listening to a teacher.

  “You mean like the plane is going to be ping-pong balling around in the sky?” My voice went shrill.

  “Typically that only happens if you're in a storm. Generally it's more like riding down a bumpy road.” He looked at me and smiled. Oh God, I'm gonna die!

  My parents and grandparents got on the plane then and informed us we'd be leaving soon, so we should get ourselves situated. I sat down next to a window and leaned my head against the cool glass. Dominic sat next to me.

  “Do you mind if I sit with you, mia bella?” I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

  “No, please join me.” I wanted to be next to him, I couldn't explain it to myself. I felt a sudden rumble and jumped.

  “The engine is now on. Soon the door will shut and we'll taxi to the runway,” he explained.

  As if on cue, the door shut and I felt a sudden bump as the plane inched backwards. My heart was pounding in my chest and I gripped the arm rests with all my strength. The plane started to move forward.

  My Dad had on headphones and I realized he was listening to the captain. Who is this captain? Has he flown to Italy before? I started to panic. Dominic took my hand very gently as the plane began to gain speed down the runway. I closed my eyes tightly and held my breath as it started to lift off from the ground. My stomach lurched and I clapped down on Dominic's hand.

  “We're gonna die!” I managed to squeak.

  “Emma, calm down. Look out the window.” His tone was amused, which strangely didn't bother me.

  I cracked open my eyes and turned to look out the window. We were still gaining altitude but it wasn't as steep and it appeared that we were suddenly in a cloud. When I thought we had somehow gotten lost in the grayness of the clouds, we broke through into blue skies and a bright sun. The clouds became the world below and the sky became limitless.


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