Bella Notte

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Bella Notte Page 12

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  Dominic walked me up this hill where I could see these beautiful landscapes, and he explained how they are protected. It is wonderful to see the natural beauty protected, our land is only safe because we own it.

  After we walked around and saw everything one could possibly see, I was starving. There was a small place by the docks that we decided to eat at. It was delicious. The sky was fading and it splashed with color. Dominic and I sat outside at a small circular table and ate ravioli and gelato as we watched the sky shift in colors as the sun got closer to retiring for the night.

  “Thank you for today. I know that you didn't have to come out and show me around, and I appreciate it. I am sorry I have not been very talkative. I am still thinking about the things that we discussed this morning.” I shrugged at him as we got up from the table and headed for the docked boat.

  “I know, Emma. It is difficult. L'ho provato sulla mia pelle. I have been there too. It takes a while for those of us who are immersed in our own culture to be told about what is going on. I wondered greatly before I was told, so I understand. Let us go and enjoy our time together and perhaps you will figure things out while you are here. Or perhaps your change will occur and they will have to tell you.” He took my arm and led me onto the boat once more.

  I let him concentrate on our return voyage as I could tell that the darkening sky was worrisome to him.

  Once we returned to Castello di DeDominico, we parted our ways and went to bed. I was exhausted from being out all day and from having so much to think about passed on to me. I knew I had worn Dominic out as well. I wonder what we will do tomorrow. I asked myself as sleep engulfed me in a silent blanket.

  I woke with a start the next day. My dream, no our dream, had come later than usual as I could see the light creeping around the edges of the shutters. It was a weird halo effect- it made me want to go out and do something wonderful. I decided that I'd ask Dominic to take me to the catacombs today, and then I could email Mike about everything. I didn't really want to get dressed so I went downstairs in my sweatpants and t-shirt. I found Dom sitting in a room with the bottom of the Eiffel Tower constructed so that you could look up and it appeared as though you were sitting under it. Really weird. He appeared to be slumming it too.

  “Hey, good lookin', what's cookin'?” I asked trying not to startle him.

  He smiled at me.

  “So, I thought we'd go into the catacombs today, whatcha think?”

  “Well, that would be great if you want to be swimming. As it is raining, the water levels in the natural springs rise and flood them. But I got an idea if you care to hear it.” He smiled a crooked smile at me.

  “Okay, but I still want to see them. So whatcha got?” I raised my eyebrow.

  “So, here goes- how about we watch old monster movies all day in the movie room?” He breathed at me.

  “Movie room?” I could hardly imagine.

  “It has a full wall that is a screen and the other walls are covered in DVDs and posters. I think you'll love it. It even has its own popcorn machine, like in the old days. It's kinda like a viewing room from the old movie lots. Do you like my idea?” He smiled.

  “Dude, what better to do on a rainy day than watch monster movies?” I felt a little bit of the panic of being in a place where I knew nothing fade with something so familiar.

  It was awesome to sit around in my sweats and enjoy the simple pleasure of doing nothing really. Dominic told me that I was working on il bet far niente- the beauty of doing nothing. It felt strange to do something that I did almost every weekend with Mike, here on vacation. The day passed in a swirl of vampires, werewolves, and mummies- not all in English, but I managed. Dominic and I sat on this red velvet couch in front of a huge screen and ate popcorn. We threw it at the screen when necessary to ward off the monster from escaping from the films or, of course, taking us with them into their black and white dimensions. We talked animatedly about each film before starting another, and I found out that Dominic knew as much as I did about these films, if not more. Mike didn't know as much, I think he just watches these to hang out with me.

  I made little notes in my head for future reference in my search to understand what was going on, and I enjoyed myself more than most days. We ate meals that were brought to us like royalty and everything felt right- perfect. I suddenly felt a lot of guilt for enjoying myself so much with Dominic. When it was after midnight, we parted ways and Dominic suggested that we go to the caves and catacombs the following day, I agreed readily.

  When I got to my room I retrieved my laptop from one of my bags. I had brought it so I could email Mike, but this was the first time I had pulled it out. I dug through my purse and found my camera and then I uploaded the pictures I had taken so far. I thought I would attach them so Mike could see some of the stuff I had seen.

  Dear Mike,

  How are you? I miss you so much. Sorry I haven't called a lot, I still haven't figured out the time difference thing well. So I am staying in a freaking castle, can you believe it? Every room that is downstairs has some theme to it as well. Like their library looks like an ancient part of Rome, they have a room with the bottom part of the Eiffel Tower constructed so that you look up into the top … it's awesome and way overwhelming! I've only done a little sightseeing; I went to Castiglione della Pescaia and walked about the little town. It was absolutely beautiful.

  Life is different here, and all the people that I've bumped into are very friendly, even though I speak no Italian and stammer things out in English. Thanksgiving was interesting; it was like my birthday but bigger. I didn't even know there were so many people on this island and around Europe that we knew, but it was fun.

  Dominic has been pleasant to me and tried to show me around since my family is busy doing other things, but hey, he isn't you.

  How was your Thanksgiving? Did your family come? I'm attaching some pics of some of the stuff I've seen so you can see it too. Anyways, I am way tired, so I'm going to bed. Email me back if you have time.

  With lots of Love,


  I sent the email and felt a twinge of guilt for not telling Mike how I had spent the entire time with Dom, and how we'd made everyone feel like we were together. But I had sent it, and that was that. I needed to stop worrying about what other people felt and start trying to make sense of my own chaos. I started to lie down on the bed and found an old copy of Dracula waiting for me with a note from Grandpa.


  Grandma and I found this while we were out today. It made me think of you. I hope you like it; it is a signed first edition. Sorry we haven't had much time together, but your grandma has demanded that she get to have some vacation time with me. You know how hard it is to refuse her. I love you, honey, and I hope you are enjoying yourself.



  I held the small book in my hand, flipped it open and saw that it was signed by Bram Stoker. Oh my God! It must have cost them a small fortune for this!

  I traced the ink with my finger and greatly enjoyed feeling the ridges and crevices that the penmanship had forever carved into the first page. The book was the perfect distraction for my mind.

  I lay in bed and read the words that the Irish author had placed upon the pages so many years ago.

  As I fell asleep, I could feel Dracula, himself, speaking to me of a prophecy that I was to fulfill.

  My night was rough and filled with dreams of bats and dark shadows with white glinting fangs.

  When I finally awoke for good, it was the result of my normal dream being flooded by new sensations and feelings. My dream never changed, what is going on? I had a feeling it was a result of what Dominic had told me. I sighed.

  The sky was gray, but it wasn't raining and I hadn't heard any rain most of the night, so I was positive we would go into the catacombs today. I dressed in my worn jeans and comfy shirt, with a thick sweatshirt thrown on top. I met Dominic on the stairs as I was heading to find him. He was dressed similarly.<
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  “So, you have two options, mia bella. The first is that we can head into the catacombs and come out the caves, and the second is that we can head in through the caves and come out of the catacombs. Your choice.” His uneven smile was very attracting.

  “Well, what is the difference?” I couldn't understand what the big difference would be.

  “Going down to the caves is less tiresome than climbing back up from the caves, but coming up from the catacombs means many steps. It is a choice between an end result of walking up steps or climbing up a steep cliff.” His voice was very matter of fact.

  “Let's see, a cliff or steps? Hmm. I think that I would much rather walk up steps in the end when I am tired than climb a bloody mountain.” I laughed at him.

  He laughed and we walked outside into the cool morning air. I followed Dominic down to the edge of the paved area and saw what he meant by cliff. It is a freaking mountain! I gulped for air.

  “Eh, Dom, do you, eh, really think we can, eh, get down that?” My face mirrored the horror I felt inside. I really don't want to die falling down a mountain side.

  “Emma, it is not as bad as it looks, follow me. I would carry you but then we'd both be unstable, and might fall. You will do fine.” His voice was very confident.

  He walked to the edge and jumped down. I muffled a small scream as he did it. I inched closer to the edge and he was at the bottom already. How the devil did he do that? I was really scared now. Was I supposed to close my eyes and jump off a freaking cliff? I so wasn't going to. I didn't want to see the caves that bad.

  “Emma. I will catch you. Just jump. It is much easier than climbing back up it. Now, please. On the count of three. One... two... t.” That was as far as he got before I was barreling through the sky and falling toward him. “What happened to three?” he asked as he caught me effortlessly.

  “I got nervous and couldn't wait for the rest of three. Sorry. It was then or never. Aren't you happy I didn't choose never?” I hyperventilated at him.

  “I suppose I am.” He unclasped my arms from around his neck and set me gently on the ground.

  I took a few moments to breathe.

  I followed Dominic down a soft beach. I wanted to take my boots off and run barefoot through the light tan cushions, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do everything I wanted to do today, so the beach would have to wait. At least I got to see it … let's not talk about how I got see it. I hurried to catch up to Dominic as I fell behind a bit, daydreaming about playing on the beach with him.

  The entrance of the cave was utterly frightening. It looked like a huge snarling mouth. Part of me wanted to run in the other direction as soon as I saw it. The stalagmites looked like teeth waiting for someone foolish enough to walk in. Of course Dominic waltzed right in without even flinching. I gripped my hands into fists and steadied myself as I followed him in. Once I was passed the entry, I was amazed at the beauty. There were crystals everywhere. The room seemed to have a rainbow glowing through its very walls. I walked up to one of the biggest ones I could find and I touched it. It felt warm to the touch.

  “Isn't it beautiful?” His voice was mesmerizing.

  “I've never seen anything like it. Why is it warm?” I couldn't stop looking at Dominic as the light reflected onto his face.

  “The warmth comes from the underground water here. Everything you touch will feel warm. You'll probably get quite hot in your sweatshirt because of it,” he said as he walked away and further down the cave.

  I wanted to stay with the pretty crystals, but I didn't want to be alone either, so I ran to catch up. We walked into a room that was completely dark except for one light source that was hitting the wall completely opposite us. On the wall was what looked like a small universe. The wall was completely black except for the sparkling shine of what could have been diamonds. They clustered tightly together in the center and then exploded out and around. It was amazing.

  “It looks like a cluster of vampire stars.” His voice came from behind me, but I didn't turn.

  “What's a vampire star?” I asked.

  “It is a nickname for the stars that suck matter from other larger stars.” He laughed at his description.

  “I don't care what it's called. I love it.” I sighed and wished I had brought my camera.

  We walked further on and the tunnels and rooms we walked through became humid and sticky with steam. I was getting uncomfortable so I took my sweatshirt off and tied it around my waist.

  We trudged through lots of dark places where Dominic had to take my hand so I could keep up. I felt a slight tense of fear inside me, but I tried to be brave enough to make it through here without crying.

  We finally reached the last room and it was the hot springs. But it too was lit with the strange crystals from the first room. The water caught each color and held it in place, and the entire surface became a painter's palette. I did not see how we could get to the catacombs from here.

  “Now, we swim,” he declared as though it was the most logical thing in the world.

  “What?” My brain clearly had missed something.

  “The catacombs are on the other side of this wall. We must swim under it to get to the other side.” It was such a simple explanation.

  “Um, why didn't you mention this earlier? I could have dressed more appropriately.” I sighed.

  “Do not worry. See, you can go first if you are afraid that I might see something. These clear balls you can use to put your clothes in to get to the other side, they strap onto you so you can take your stuff with you. It will keep it dry. And there should be towels over on the other side waiting. Many of our guests enjoy the hot spring inside our estate as well as the ones attached.” It sounded so logical.

  “I am not going into the magical colored water and getting eaten by some creature from the black lagoon on the other side. Are you insane? You are not leaving me here, Dominic,” I said as I watched him strip down to his boxer shorts and shove his cloths into a large ball that he attached to his wrist with a rope.

  “Then you must come. I will wait for you to get ready,” he said as he turned and faced the other direction.

  I decided that I wasn't going to walk through the dark cave by myself and I had come this far, so I was going forward, even if it killed me. I grabbed another ball thing and shoved my sweatshirt, boots, socks, and jeans into it, and then sealed it. Standing around in my bra, t-shirt, and panties made me feel like a fool. I grabbed Dominic's hand and nodded that I was ready.

  The water was like warm butter. I was quite afraid once I got into it. What if there really is a creature from the black lagoon in here? I felt myself start to panic as the water went up to my shoulders. Dominic held my hand firmly and waited a moment for me to calm down. I felt like an idiot. Then he pulled me forward, took a deep breath- I followed suit, and then dove down. We swam toward the darkness in front of us.

  It scared me to no end … but it was only a few seconds before we surfaced on the other side.

  “I told you it wasn't so terrible.” He smiled at me and climbed out of the water with his shorts sticking tightly to him.

  I looked away to give him a moment to adjust. When I looked back his shorts were sitting in his hand and he was dressed. I sighed and waded out of the water. He turned once more and I tried to be as quick as he was, but I knew I wasn't. It was very uncomfortable to wear my jeans with wet panties on, but the alternative seemed worse. I hobbled along after him once we were situated, until things felt an even level of damp.

  I knew when we entered the catacombs because the walls held old skulls in them. Each was odd in itself, some were small, shaped odd, or had long canine teeth. Dominic explained that his family had been using these catacombs for years and many of his ancestors were buried down here. As spooked as I had been in the cave, I felt relaxed here. I know- I am an odd duck.

  Dominic spoke to the tombs as though he was conversing with live people. He introduced me to everyone that we walked by and I, in turn, gre
eted them all. It was really interesting and it was as much fun as watching movies. Dominic had a knack for knowing what I would like to do. But when he said that there would be a lot of stairs to climb to get back up to the house, he wasn't kidding. We walked up and up, and up, until I wasn't sure if we were moving any more- only when I was sure we had gotten stuck on a time loop did we get to the top of the stairs.

  The day had snuck up on us while we were exploring that beautiful place. How can he have such a magical place and leave it? We ate dinner together- just some tasty chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas. After that I excused myself in hopes of an email from Mike. I wasn't disappointed.

  Hey, Em,

  I've missed you so much! I felt like such a jerk when I missed your call. I know you're crazy busy out there. So I understand why you don't call so much. I'm glad Dominic isn't making you insane. I was worried about him, you know. I mean he is like your intended and you are stuck out there with him, anything could happen. I wouldn't be upset if something did, I understand pressure. My family has introduced me to the girl I am supposed to marry. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Apparently I am betrothed as well!! I wish you were here. I think it wouldn't be so hard to be like screw that. But it is hard. She is really nice. I debated whether I should tell you or not and I decided it would be best if you knew. She is transferring to our school like Dominic did. Our families have pushed us together as much as possible and I am sure it will continue even after your return. I am so sorry that things are like this. If you want to call it quits I'd understand. I mean, we are both fighting against our families and now another one on top of that. UGH! What is wrong with people? I mean, shit, why can't I find my own girl, fall in love and live in peace? Why do they have to get involved in every freaking thing? I am so pissed. I'm sorry, it isn't your problem. But you are going through it sort of too. What are we going to do? I miss you so much and our normal life … what the hell is happening? Okay, I am tired now, I am going to bed … maybe an answer will come to me.


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