COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1)

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COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1) Page 2

by Maggie Carpenter

  Warmly, Elsie.

  Carly sat on the edge of the bed and let out a breath. Dream Horse Ranch was indeed a dream come true. It was a small facility with beautiful horses, and reading the note again she had to smile. She was glad she'd have the chance to be around her new workmates in a social setting. Salvo was the stable hand, a big burly Italian, but he was young. She'd guessed him to be around twenty, and he'd been surprisingly shy when Sandy had introduced her. Andy, the trainer and manager she had yet to meet. He'd been gone during the two days she'd stayed there, and she was still surprised Keith had hired her without Andy's personal approval. It was slightly unnerving, but she had to believe Keith knew the two of them would get along.

  "Hello? Carly? It's Sandy!"

  "Hi, thanks for being here," Carly said, hurrying back to the living room.

  "No problem, it's nice to drop back in. Weird though. I'm already missing it."

  "Are you sorry to be leaving, or are you just excited about having your baby and getting married?"

  "Both. I loved my job and I'll miss the horses, but I love Jack more and I know I'm doing the right thing."

  "I wish you were staying on for a few days. It's a bit nerve-racking just jumping in like this."

  "I'm going to leave you my number so you can call me if you need to," Sandy said reassuringly, "but you don't have to worry. You're a terrific rider. You'll do great. I did forget to mention that the oven cooks hot."

  "Ah, thanks. Good to know. I do like to bake things occasionally, especially when it's cold."

  "If you need any pots or dishes ask Elsie. Her kitchen is ridiculous, she's a gourmet cook, but even if she doesn't have what you need she'll get it for you. She's in charge of anything to do with domestic supplies."

  "What about Keith?" Carly asked tentatively. "Any advice there?"

  "I'm not sure how to answer that."

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot."

  "You didn't, it's just…he's a very attractive guy."

  "I hadn't noticed," Carly grinned, "but I don't see that as a problem."

  "You might."

  "What do you mean?"

  "It's easy to fall for him. I did, I had a terrible crush on him when I first started but he never showed any interest in me. I'm glad now. Mark is amazing."

  "It's hard to believe someone like Keith doesn't have a girlfriend, or does he?"

  "In the two years I've been here I've never seen him with a woman, but he goes away a lot."

  "He does? How often?"

  "Sometimes he'll be gone a few days, sometimes a week."

  "Where does he go?"

  "I have no idea."

  "Huh. That's curious."

  "Don't bother trying to find out, you won't. He never talks about himself and I wouldn't advise you asking. He's kind and sweet, but he's tough too. If he says no he means it, and he's touchy when it comes to details about his life outside this place."

  "Sandy, can I ask you something?"


  "The corporal punishment thing. Don't you think it's a bit weird? Did he ever…?"

  "Yeah," she nodded, then threw back her head and laughed. "When I started I thought it was weird too, but honestly, it's sexy as hell."

  "I thought it might be," Carly giggled. "Do you think that's what it's about for him? Do you think he gets off on it?"

  "If he does he doesn't show it, not at all. It was very quick. I guess you could call it clinical. It was quick and clinical."

  "Was it fair?"

  "I guess so. He wasn't mean, and like I just said it's sexy as hell."

  "Did it happen often?"


  "Did the other guys know about it?"

  "NO!" she said vehemently. "Keith was absolutely clear about that. He didn't want me embarrassed."

  "What was your crime?"

  "The first thing I did on purpose because I was curious."

  "That's funny, I'm thinking along those lines. Did he know?"

  "I think he guessed but he didn't say anything."

  "So? Your crime? Or rather, crimes?"

  "As you know we start at eight o'clock, and that's eight o'clock sharp. He doesn't go down to the barn every day, but you can see the house from this cabin, so when I saw him leave one morning I kept him waiting about ten minutes. He doesn't tolerate tardiness, and he told me to meet him in his office when I finished work."

  "Oh, my gosh. Were you scared?"

  "Every single minute until it was time to go, but I was excited too. Does that sound weird?"

  "Not at all. That's how I'd feel."

  "He scolded me, told me to put my hands on his desk, then he swatted me ten times with his hand. A smack for every minute I was late."

  "Over your jeans?"

  "Yes, but it still hurt. I think my face was redder than my ass though."

  "This is so bizarre."

  "I know, right?"

  "And the other crime?"

  "I have a really bad habit of not screwing lids on tightly, and he told me a couple of times to make sure I did. Wouldn't you know it? He accidentally knocked over a can of Venice Turpentine I'd just used and it went all over the barn aisle floor. He was furious."

  "Venice Turpentine? That stuff is the stickiest, gooiest crap on the planet. I don't blame him for being pissed."

  "There was no-one around and he grabbed a crop and landed it a few times. That hurt like hell, but I've screwed the lids on tight ever since."

  "I'm sure," Carly exclaimed. "Call me crazy but I want to pluck up the courage and put him to the test. Just thinking about it makes me feel…"

  "Hard to describe, isn't it?" Sandy grinned.

  "More like impossible, but I don't have to. You already know."

  "I sure as hell do. Let's wander down to the barn, see if you have any last minute questions."

  "I haven't met Andy yet. What's he like?"

  "He's a bit reserved, easy going though," Sandy remarked as they left the cabin. "Totally unflappable."

  "Has he been here long?"

  "He and Keith go back a long way."

  "I sure would like to know more about him. Keith, I mean."

  "You won't find out a thing. Google him and there's nothing there. Try looking up Dream Horse Ranch and you'll see a corporation with names, but no Keith Parker."

  "That's impossible, no-one can be invisible, not now. Ten years ago maybe, but we all know privacy is a thing of the past."

  "Obviously whoever Keith Parker is, he doesn't want to be found," Sandy whispered. "I decided it wasn't worth my time to go digging. There was no upside. If he found out it wouldn't be good, and I'd probably just waste a whole lot of time and not find anything anyway."

  "I wonder what his secret is."

  "He's a decent guy, so he must have a good reason for wanting to stay under the radar."

  "Does make you wonder though," Carly said thoughtfully. "Speak of the devil, isn't that him in front of the barn?"

  "Sure is. He's not usually around this time of day. Maybe he saw you drive in."

  As he raised his head to look across at them, Carly felt her butterflies spring to life. His cream shirt was open and his washboard stomach was clearly visible.

  "Hey there," he said warmly as they approached. "Hi, Sandy. How are you, Carly? When is your horse arrivin'?"

  "The trailer should be here in about thirty-minutes. I wanted to get here first so I could make sure everything was ready for him."

  "Where's all your tack? Do you have a trunk?"

  "It's in my pickup. I wasn't sure if it was okay to stop in the front of the barn."

  "Let's go inside and check out your stall," he said, turning to walk into the barn. "It should have been cleaned and full of fresh shavings. I made sure Salvo put down plenty of rock pebbles in the corral behind it. We'll be in the rainy season soon and a big horse can stomp it down pretty quick."

  "Thanks, Keith. I appreciate that, and so will Winston."

  "Sandy, are yo
u and Mark settled in?"

  "We are, and I love our little house."

  "You know you can come and visit whenever you want. If you need to go for a gallop up the hill you just let me know."

  "I'll take you up on that."

  "Yep, looks good," Keith remarked as they reached the large stall. "You'll have locker seven in that tack room," he continued, pointing across the aisle, "and I had him make space for your trunk. Why don't you go in and make sure you'll have enough room?"

  "Thanks, Keith," Carly replied, thinking he had to be the handsomest man on Earth.

  "When you've got that squared away go ahead and bring the pickup here. I'll help you unload everything. Salvo's over at the hay barn at the moment."

  "You don't mind?" Carly asked, surprised the boss would do such a thing.

  "Of course not. I'll meet you in front of the barn in ten minutes. I need to make a call."

  She watched him saunter away, then followed Sandy into the tack room.

  "Carly, he likes you."

  "He does?"

  "Hell, yeah. Normally he'd text Salvo to come back to help you with your tack, not offer to do it himself."


  "That's not the only thing. Andy's the one who would normally tell you about the load of rock pebbles in your corral and where to put your stuff."

  "Are you sure? Don't you think Keith just wants me to feel welcome."

  "You believe what you want but I know him. He's going out of his way for you."

  "Huh, if you say so."

  "I do, but be careful," Sandy said, lowering her voice. "As much as I like him, we both know a guy like that could break your heart. Here, this will be yours."

  As Sandy showed her the locker she'd be using and where she could put her trunk and her saddle, Carly couldn't help but wonder if the gorgeous cowboy really was making an extra effort just for her.

  "You're a million miles away," Sandy remarked.

  "Sorry, this is perfect. Thanks. I'll run down and get my truck."

  "I'll come with you. I should probably be heading home. Remember, if you have any questions about anything just call me."

  "That would be great. Thank you."

  "I wish there was enough work here for the two of us," Sandy said as they headed off. "I think we'd be a good team."

  "Me too, but you'll soon be crazy busy with a new baby."


  Walking outside they saw Keith leaning against the trunk of a huge oak tree that sat in the middle of a large grassy area nearby. He had a phone to his ear and the wind was flapping his loose shirt.

  "He looks like he's posing for a picture," Carly sighed. "How did a guy like that end up living in the middle of nowhere on a ranch like this?"

  "No clue."

  "Come to think of it, does he own this place or just manage it?"

  "I don't know that either."

  "Keith Parker. The mystery cowboy. I hate to say it but it makes him even more interesting."

  "Interesting?" Sandy laughed. "I don't think that's the word you were thinking of."

  "You might be right about that, but like you said, he could break my heart. I'm going to keep my distance."


  Carly could see Keith waiting for her in front of the barn, and as she rolled to a stop he stepped forward and opened her door.

  "This is quite a vehicle you've got here," he exclaimed, eyeing the unique pickup. "I didn't see it when you stayed here or I would have complimented you on it then. What a beauty."

  "She's my pride and joy, except for Winston of course. I call her Daisy," she said, climbing out and smiling up at him.

  He smiled back, and to her horror she felt her face flush red. Immediately dropping her gaze, hating how the involuntary reaction had appeared without warning, she started around to lower the tailgate.

  "Salvo's on his way," he remarked, hoisting her saddle up and over the side. "I figured your tack trunk would take the two of us."

  "It probably will," she replied, glancing at him and feasting her eyes on his ripped physique. "My life is in there, or should I say my horse life. Let me grab my bridle bag and I'll walk in with you. Why does riding have to be such a stuff sport?"

  "Yeah, I guess it is," he chuckled as they headed into the barn. "That's a good way to put it. A stuff sport. Saddles, halters, saddle pads, bits, the list goes on and on."

  "It's endless, though I don't have any bits. I ride Winston in a halter."

  "I saw that on the video you left. It's impressive."

  "Not really. People rely too much on equipment. I think most horses will do whatever you want once you've bonded with them and they trust you."

  "That's a nice way to think. I've ridden in a rope halter a few times, but not leather like you do."

  "Maybe you should take a leap of faith and give it a try. I assume you do have a horse, right?"

  "Yep, Pinocchio."

  "What a cute name. If you want to give it a shot let me know."

  "Maybe I will. Okay, here we are," he declared as they walked into the tack room. "You know the rules about keepin' the tack clean. Just wipe it all down at the end of the day, and that includes your own."

  "No problem, that's already a habit," she said, taking her halters from the bag and hanging them up. "I think the two of us can manage the tack trunk if you don't want to wait for Salvo."

  "Nope. Did you forget that rule already?"


  "The heavy liftin' is done by Andy or Salvo. Me too, but I'm not usually around. Bags of feed, trunks, whatever, that's not in your job description. You hurt your back and I've lost my rider."

  "I remember," she said sheepishly. "I just thought—"

  "Those are three dangerous words," he declared, staring down at her with a slight frown. "When someone says, I just thought, it usually means they didn't, or decided to do somethin' they shouldn't."

  She could feel the threat of another blush, but Salvo appeared in the doorway interrupting the moment, and she felt a wave of gratitude towards the brawny young man.

  "I'm here," he said cheerily. "Hi, Carly, what do you need?"

  "Carly's tack trunk," Keith said, moving past her into the barn aisle. "It's in that pickup out front."

  "I figured that must be yours. It's cool," Salvo declared, then shooting her another smile he turned and followed Keith.

  "I should have taken up skiing," she muttered, staring at the equipment surrounding her. "All I'd have is a pair of boots, poles and skis."

  Moving to the window she watched Keith and Salvo move her trunk. They made it look as if it weighed an ounce, and once again Carly found herself unable to pull her eyes away from her new boss.

  "This is ridiculous. Sandy was right. I need to be careful," she mumbled as she moved back to her locker. "I'll ruin everything if I let myself get involved with him, even if it's just in my head."

  "Easy does it," Keith warned as he appeared in the doorway, but as they maneuvered the large trunk into room he told Salvo to put it down. "Carly, there was no stand in your truck. Don't you have one?"

  "No, I don't. It disappeared at some point."

  "Salvo, go and fetch one from the supply room."

  "Thank you," Carly said as Salvo hurried away. "It helps to have it elevated."

  "No problem. We have plenty of everything around here."

  "It's such a beautiful ranch. How did it get its name?"

  He tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. For a moment Carly thought she'd made a mistake asking the innocent question, but then he smiled.

  "The clients who come here are looking for the horse of their dreams. That's what we sell them."

  "That's brilliant, but aren't your clients repeat customers?"

  "They are, but they have relatives and friends."

  "So you don't advertise at all?"

  "No, not at all, and you can't buy here unless you're referred. I like to know where my horses are goin', and they're not cheap. I d
on't wanna waste my time with people who can't afford my prices, and I don't like strangers here."

  "So this is your ranch? I wasn't sure."

  His smile suddenly fell away. She grit her teeth. How could she have been so careless? He'd made it clear she wasn't to ask questions.

  "Here you go," Salvo declared, suddenly entering the tack room holding the stand he'd found.

  "Thanks," Carly said gratefully, glad he'd appeared when he did.

  As she stepped out of the way so they could lay it down and shift the trunk on top of it, the phone in her back pocket vibrated. Pulling it out and glancing at the screen she saw a text message. The horse trailer carrying her precious cargo was approaching the ranch.

  "Winston will be here any minute!"

  "I'll see you later," Keith said quickly, "but I'll pop back down in a bit and meet him."

  "Thanks for all the help."

  "You're welcome. Let Salvo or Andy know if you need anything, and speaking of Andy, he'll show up as soon as Elsie alerts him that the trailer is at the gate."

  Her heart still sinking she watched him stride away, silently promising herself not to make such a stupid mistake again.

  "You might want to move your pickup," Salvo said, breaking into her thoughts. "The trailer needs the turnaround area."

  "Shoot, of course. I'll do it right now."

  She hurried through the barn, but walking outside she paused to look up at the house on the knoll. Keith was stepping from a golf cart, and she watched him move quickly through the front door.

  "You really don't want anyone to see you. Why? It's weird, it's really frickin' weird."

  Trying to push it from her thoughts, as she started towards her truck she saw a cowboy striding up from the paddocks. He raised his hand in a wave. It had to be Andy. As he neared she could see he was solidly built with a tanned, weathered face, and it suddenly struck her that Keith didn't have the complexion of an outdoorsman.

  "Howdy," Andy said warmly as he reached her. "I'm guessin' you must be Carly. I'm Andy."

  "Great to meet you. Sandy says you speak horse."


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