“This is fantastic, Gail. I think it’s worked out even better than planned,” I tell her.
She touches my arm lightly. “I have very high hopes for you two to have a very long and happy marriage. Problems are only as big as we make them.” She gives Theo and I a congratulatory hug and admires the beautiful rings Theo chose before excusing herself to go and check on the food. “Thank goodness for gas cooking,” she says as she leaves us to our guests.
Drinks flow. People talk, and dance and sing. And when it’s time for our first dance as bride and groom, Theo asks Lisa to be the one to sing a rendition of Natalie Cole’s version of ‘The Very Thought of You’.
“Dance with me,” Theo asks, holding his hand out to me as all of our guests stand by and watch as the band plays and Lisa sings about a love that at the very thought of it, causes the singer to forget everything in the world besides their love. It’s soft and melodic and it’s absolutely the way I feel about Theo – my husband.
“We pulled it off,” I say to him as we sway around the dance floor, lost in our own world. “Actually, you pulled it off. That was some pretty quick thinking with the phones and the guitar.”
“Happy wife, happy life,” he tells me again with a smile as he steps back and twirls me under his arm.
“Is that your new motto?” I ask, looking up into his beautiful dark eyes.
“Seeing you happy makes me happy,” he murmurs, his face soft and beautiful as he looks down at me. He seems perhaps even happier than I am in this moment.
“You know, I was worried that all the bad luck I don’t believe in actually existed for a moment there.”
“We make our own luck, babe,” he assures me.
“Well, I feel very lucky to have you. Your song was amazing.”
“Of course it was. It was about you.”
As his lips move toward mine, our guests cheer and before we know it, the dance floor is full with other couples dancing with us as Lisa and Marcus continue to entertain us all with their musical talent.
I look up into Theo eyes, the candles in the room dancing in the dark iris’s of his eyes like tiny flecks of gold, and I feel sure that with this man by my side that every up and every down in this life will be because of him and his love for me.
“This is the start of something very big,” I say to him as we sway together.
“That sounds like a good title for a song.”
I grin. “It does, doesn’t it?”
Next in the Beautiful Series - Star
A rock star walks into a room and chokes a movie star before throwing a chair through the window...
Sounds like the start of a bad joke. But it’s my reality when I get caught up in the midst of a paparazzi storm brought on by my best friend and her secrets.
As a journalist, I’m normally on the other side of the news. When I spend a night hiding from the cameras with Australia’s hottest commodity, movie star Jonathan Masters, I’m thrust into the spotlight and it’s not a fun place to be.
I want my life to go back to normal, but that won’t happen for three reasons:
1.Jonathan Masters thinks he owes me for saving his life.
2.Jonathan Masters keeps showing up uninvited and the cameras follow.
3.Jonathan Masters is engaged.
Maybe it’s only one real reason - Jonathan Masters. And he’s ruining my life.
I’ll admit that with his God-like looks, charming personality and sex appeal by the bucketful, he’s hard to ignore. But his reputation precedes him, and since I’ll never be the other woman, he’s wasting his time and mine. Besides, I’m already taken. I’m dating a celebrity chef...
Sandra fights desire with logic when a movie star swoops in and tries to steal her from the chef in Star: Beautiful Series, five. Containing new and extended scenes from A Beautiful Star in this breathtaking novel that can be read as a standalone.
Also by Lilliana Anderson
Cartwright Brothers
Fool Me Twice
Fools Rush In
Foolish Games
Fool’s Errand
Fool’s Paradise
47 Things
47 Things
One More Thing
In the Wind
Till There Was You
Never Again
Darcy Comes First (Love is a Beach)
Drawn Series
Drawn 2 – Obsession
Drawn 2 – Redemption
Drawn to Fight
Zac & Evie
Hugo & Meg
Beautiful Series
Entwined Series
Our Hearts Entwined
Our Lives Entwined
The Confidante Trilogy
Confidante: The Brothel
Confidante: The Escort
Confidante: The Madame
For more information on upcoming releases visit
About the Author
Bestselling Author of the Beautiful Series, Drawn and 47 Things, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer.
Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters with all the quirks you’d expect from those born Down Under.
Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it's outback and tries to show characters in a city and suburban setting.
When she isn't writing, she wears the hat of 'wife and mother' to her husband and five children.
Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university.
Originally from Sydney's Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.
For more information on Lilliana and her work:
[email protected]
To join her Facebook reader group and talk books
Beautiful Series Boxset, books 1-4 Page 149