Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations

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Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations Page 19

by Maryann Jordan

  Monty piped up, saying, “Maybe she just doesn’t want to share all that space with your dogs.”

  “Hey, don’t rag on the dogs. It didn’t hurt me any,” Blaise quipped.

  “That’s ‘cause you found the only woman who loves dogs more than you do,” joked Jude.

  Charlie interrupted the laughter, saying, “Hate to interrupt your fun, guys, but I’ve got a hit on something interesting. I’m still working on trying to pick up chatter between Gavrill and Yurgi. They communicate by email, cryptically, but it’s nothing that the FBI isn’t also monitoring. I did see where Chessa sent something to Gavrill for the first time, though. It might not be important, but it caught my eye because she’s been so silent.”

  “What did she say?” Jack asked.

  “She mentioned being bored, missing him, and then she added that she missed all their family. That caught my eye because she hasn’t been in contact with Lazlo or Grigory since they all went to prison. It made me wonder if she was alluding to Agnes.”

  “Did he reply back?” Nathan asked.

  “Not yet, but prisoners are not allowed to go to the library every single day. They’re only allowed a couple of days per week. I’ve tracked their correspondence, and he will not be allowed computer access to receive his email for another day.”

  Luke had his back to the rest of them, working on his computer. Suddenly, twirling around in his chair and grinning widely, he said, “We just might have a link that tells us how they may be communicating!”

  All eyes turned toward him, and Nathan leaned forward, his forearms on the table, eagerly awaiting what he had to share.

  “It appears Chessa had a visitor a few weeks ago. Kalina Popov is listed on the prisoner visitor record as being her cousin. What’s interesting is that she has also visited Gavrill, as his fiancée.”

  “So is she their cousin or his fiancé? And doesn’t the Bureau of Prisons keep a database of who visits who?” he asked.

  “They do, but it’s not unheard of for someone to have more than one relative in prison at the same time. So, she could be legitimately visiting two people in the same family who happen to be incarcerated, especially since Gavrill is in a minimum security prison.”

  Charlie turned toward him, and said, “She would be a perfect person to take messages back and forth between the two of them.”

  Luke flashed photographs onto the white board and everyone turned their attention to them. Yurgi’s and Gavrill’s pictures were at the top. Lines drawn from them included Chessa and Milos, Lazlo and Grigory, and another line went to Agnes. Other lines showed another branch of the Volkov family, but they were all underlings. There were also some photographs of others that worked for them but weren’t blood relations. The picture of Kalina Popov was there as well. A gorgeous, dark-haired beauty, it was easy to see the family resemblance.

  “So, is she really a cousin or his fiancée?” he repeated.

  Luke replied, “From the records I can find on her, she’s a cousin. Of course, that doesn’t mean that she isn’t also engaged to him, but my guess is that she uses the title fiancée to gain easier access to him.”

  “The FBI is focused on Harlan’s murder,” Jack said. “While we’re focused on the threat to Agnes…Agatha, assuming the two are linked. Gavrill is probably feeling desperate, because Yurgi is not smart enough to handle the family business. He was only supposed to be a figurehead. If it comes out from Agatha that Gavrill was to transport the women, it would tie him into human trafficking, and he would no longer see the light of day other than through a prison window. Right now, he’ll be out in two more years on the tax evasion sentence.”

  “Why now?” Patrick asked. “Why is he after her now, and not when all of this first went down almost two years ago?”

  Jack leaned back in his chair, and said, “My guess, right after the raid of the Gruzinsky’s hotel, when the FBI found some of the women and the others that Agnes had saved, it was too hot for Gavrill to do anything. He had to stay quiet and go underground, to stay out of the FBI’s investigation. By the time he could focus on finding her, Agnes had already undergone her identity transformation and was well hidden by Harlan. By then, the FBI had him for tax evasion and he had other things to worry about.”

  Frustrated, Nathan said, “I gotta tell you, this is killing me, just waiting to see if something happens to her.”

  “It makes me wonder what Harlan’s plan was. When they didn’t need Agnes to testify against her family, he took her in, kept her safe, and arranged to change her identity. I just don’t know if that’s all he had planned. With no other tie to the trafficking, the FBI had no probable cause to search Gavrill’s ships or warehouse. But, it seems like Harlan assumed that at some point, Gavrill would want to come after Agnes, to assure that the last connection was severed. He should have set her up with ongoing security.”

  “Maybe he did. We can’t find out who helped them, so perhaps they’re still watching her,” Charlie wondered aloud.

  “So, where does that leave us, besides just Luke and Charlie trying to follow the communication trail of the family?”

  Jack pierced Nathan with his serious stare, and said, “You know how these things work, man. Just like when you’re searching for someone, it can take time. Right now, she’s safe with eyes on her.”

  The group continued to discuss their active cases, but Nathan’s mind was solidly on Agatha, unable to think of anything other than her safety. He wanted her and he wanted her free of the threat that followed her.

  “I’ve got a favor to ask you and, I swear, there’s no ulterior motive,” Nathan said, early the next morning, standing in the parking lot of the center, his arms around Agatha.

  She leaned back, smiling, and said, “Sure. Whatever you need.”

  “I’ve got to go out of town and won’t be back until very late and I’d really like it if you could stay at my place. Blaise or Grace could easily come over and take care of the dogs while I’m gone, but it would be easier if—”

  “Of course, I’ll come! I’d love to take care of the dogs.”

  “I have to admit, the idea of you being there when I get home will make returning all that more special.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a newly minted key on a circular keychain with a metal figurine of a bloodhound dangling from the circle. “For you.”

  Grinning widely, she accepted the gift. She wanted to ask where he was going and why, but knew that, as a Saint, there was much she could not know about his work. Deciding not to worry whether or not it was about her or another case, she gave his waist a squeeze.

  “I brought some magazines that I thought you might like,” Kalina said.

  Gavrill had greeted his fiancée, Kalina, before settling back into the chair. Allowed to visit without a guard nearby, he had nonetheless adopted the expression of a man in love. Now, he glanced down at several business, financial, and sporting magazines before lifting his gaze back to her.

  “I visited our dear cousin, Chessa, and she thought that this one would be particularly interesting,” she continued, pushing the Virginian on top of the others and across the table to him.

  His eyes narrowed as he looked up at his visitor. “And what does Chessa suggest I do with this?” he said, holding back a growl. He was still livid that her family had fucked up the last shipment of women, causing their business, and his office, to be caught in an FBI raid. Staring at Kalina, he dared her to explain.

  “She thought that the article on page eighty-seven would be of interest to you.”

  Curious, he flipped to the page indicated and his eyes wandered over the title. Just as he was about to ask, Kalina tapped the page and continued, “This woman is doing good work, isn’t she?”

  He stared for a moment, not recognizing what he was looking at. The woman in the photograph did not appear familiar. “Is this a fucking game?” he snarled, his patience at an end.

  Kalina smiled indulgently. “No, no, my love. Afterall, a m
other will always recognize a daughter.”

  His gaze darted back to the magazine before looking back at her, understanding dawning on him. Sucking in a calming breath, he let it out slowly. Chessa had always been smart…much smarter than her husband or sons. And, it appears she passed her intelligence on to her daughter.

  Closing the magazine, he smiled at the beautiful woman sitting in front of him. “Well, done, my dear. I’m sure my brother would love to read this as well. He’ll know what to do to help her with her cause.” As Kalina left the visitor’s room, he leaned back, confident in the knowledge that the last threat to his empire would soon be eliminated.


  With excitement, Agatha waved goodbye to Ann and climbed into her car. She had called Blaise to let him know that she was on her way, and promised to call him as soon as she arrived at Nathan’s. As she turned down the gravel drive, she looked at the thick woods on either side. Green and lush. Absolutely beautiful. When they drove together, she was usually focused on him, but now, with no other distractions, she enjoyed the beauty in his property.

  Pulling up to the front to the house, she could hear the baying of the dogs, and grinned. Hurrying to the kennel, she entered the building, laughing as she saw the beautiful bloodhounds standing on their hind feet with their large paws on the sides of their runs. Ears hanging, tongues lolling, dark eyes bright, as they anticipated their dinner.

  Following his directions, she fixed the bowls of food, placing them in their runs for them to eat. Letting Scarlett out first, she kneeled to rub the large dog, scratching behind her ears. Beau finished next and she let him out, followed by Red. Giving each dog special attention, she turned and opened the last run, letting Persi out as well.

  Staring at the dog’s large pregnant belly, she hoped that tonight was not the night she decided to have her puppies. Remembering she promised to call Blaise, she grabbed her phone from her purse and dialed him quickly.

  “Hey, I’m here.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve just fed the dogs, let them out of the runs, and I’m heading into the house. I’ll bring them with me and keep them there until Nathan gets home.”

  After saying goodbye, she patted her thigh and called the dogs to follow her. On the front porch, she smiled, pulling out her new keychain. Fingering the bloodhound bauble, lost in thought, she was soon reminded what she was doing when Red and Beau bumped into her legs. Opening the front door, she and the four dogs entered and she carefully locked the door behind her.

  The dogs, used to their routine, headed into the living room, flopping onto the floor. Scarlett took the queen’s position on the sofa. Beau and Red sprawled on the rug in the middle of the room, while Persi found her large pillow placed near the fireplace.

  She laid her purse on the kitchen counter and stood for a few minutes just looking around. Uncertain what she should do, she decided to fix a dinner that would heat easily when Nathan got home. After making spaghetti, she placed it in a casserole dish, covering the spiced tomato sauce with mozzarella cheese. Sticking it in the refrigerator, she walked around the counter, smiling at the four dogs piled up asleep.

  There was very little snooping to do, although she looked around his house for a little while. Finding an old photo album, she sat cross-legged on the floor next to Red and began to flip through the pages. Pictures of a dark-haired little boy sitting next to a man on a big tractor caused her lips to twitch happily. Studying the album, she could not help but see the difference between his upbringing and hers. Parents laughing with their children. Him playing outdoors. Standing at a creek with a fishing pole in his hands and a small fish dangling from the hook. Trees, ponds, farmland, sunshine. And love.

  Closing the album, she leaned back against the coffee table and wondered aloud, “Did I ever feel that kind of love?” Images ran through her mind of formal meals, but no picnics. Her father’s heavily ornate study, but no family room. A rare walk in a park, but no adventures outdoors.

  A memory of one of her dark nights when she was staying with Harlan came to mind.

  * * *

  Depression threatening to choke me, the feeling that I would never find love or be worthy of love, had me crying softly in bed. Harlan must have heard me, because he knocked on my door. Calling for him to enter, the light behind him cast a glow about him as he walked in.

  Moving into my room, he sat down on a chair, clasping his hands together. “I could hear you crying,” he said, then quickly added, “and don’t say you’re sorry.”

  “Hmph,” I groused lightly, realizing how well he knew me.

  “Listen, I’m not too good with feelings, but you wanna tell me what’s going on?”

  Shrugging slightly, I pushed up in the bed, leaning against the pillows. “I just want to feel normal. Like a regular person with a regular life. And I’m not sure I’m ever going to get that.” I fiddled with the bedspread as I talked. My voice became a whisper, “But, then I think of the girls that will never even have what I have and feel guilty. So guilty, I can’t breathe.”

  He sighed heavily and the silence stretched between the two of us. He finally said, “I was warned that you’d have these feelings.” Looking up sharply at him, he explained, “By the ones who gave you a new identity. They talked to me about what you’d have to face. Counseling would have been offered if you had gone into protective custody, but without that, you’re stuck with me. And, Lord knows, I’m not a good counselor.”

  “Do they do a lot of that? Helping people with new identities?” I asked, suddenly curious about the ones who assisted me.

  Nodding slowly, he said, “Yeah. It’s what they do…and they’re the best at it.” After another moment of silence, he said, “I know, right now, you feel like your life doesn’t make sense. The past was created by your family, who took away your choices. Until you decided to forge your own path. But, girl, you just started down this road. It’s not the end, it’s just the beginning of a new you. This new you will have a job, friends, find someone to love and, God willing, you’ll get married and have children…and raise them to be the kind of person you are inside. Strong, willing to take a chance, and willing to right a wrong.”

  “But will I find someone who I’ll deserve?”

  “Oh, darlin’ girl, the trick will be for you to find someone who deserves you.”

  Sighing, I smiled, saying, “At least I have you.”

  He stood and walked to the door, stopping in the doorway. Looking over his shoulder, he seemed to struggle before adding, “I’ve never told you the secret of what to do if something happens to me. Just remember, the light will find you.” With that, he turned and walked out of the room.

  * * *

  Still sitting on the rug on the floor, she looked back down at the childhood pictures of Nathan and allowed a glimmer of hope to spread throughout her chest. One day, maybe one day, I’ll be able to give him a little dark-haired child that we can raise in love.

  Several hours later, Nathan softly opened the front door and smiled as he viewed the room in front of him. Beau, Red, and Persi were asleep on the living room floor. Scarlett was sound asleep on the sofa with Aggie’s body curled around her. Not wanting to wake her, he gave a soft tap on his thigh, and the three dogs on the floor immediately lifted their heads, yawning widely. Looking at Scarlett, he softly ordered, “Stay.” Her head flopped back down as the others followed him outside, where he pinned them back into their kennels.

  Re-entering the house, he signaled for Scarlett to move from the sofa. As he picked Aggie up in his arms, she woke, but then snuggled into his embrace as he carried her into the bedroom.

  She mumbled, “You should put me down. I’ve got some dinner for you.”

  “Thanks, babe,” he replied, “but you need to be in bed. The food will keep until tomorrow.”

  Setting her feet gently on the floor, he leaned over and pulled the covers of the bed back. While she pulled her shirt over her head, he grabbed one of his T-s
hirts. She unsnapped her bra and, taking his shirt, pulled it down over her head. He hated to lose sight of her luscious breasts, but knew now was not the time. Her fingers fumbled on the button of her jeans so he gently pushed her hands away, taking care of them himself. He slipped them down her legs after divesting her of her boots. With a gentle tug, he settled her under the covers, pulling them up to her chin before he headed into the bathroom for a quick shower.

  A few minutes later, he slid under the covers with her, after patting Scarlett’s head and watching the faithful dog curl onto the rug next to the bed. Wrapping his arms around Aggie, he pulled her back tightly to his front, tucking her next to him. The last thought he had, before going to sleep, was this was how he wanted to spend every night for the rest of his life.

  The next day at work, after Agatha had finished all the paperwork that needed to be done, she moved toward the classrooms to check on the women there. Seeing all was well, she walked to the front, greeting the volunteer at the reception desk. Chatting for a few minutes, she stepped outside, grateful for the sunshine beaming warmly. Lifting her chin, she turned her face to the sun, wishing that she were back at Nathan’s cabin.

  As she turned to go inside, she noticed a pickup truck parked down the street. A man, his face obscured with a ball cap and sunglasses, sat in the passenger side. A strange uneasiness passed over her, reminiscent of the days when she was trying to sneak around her family, keeping them from finding out her plans. The truck was too far away for her to discern the license tag number, so she casually slipped back into the building, immediately dialing Nathan.

  His phone went to voicemail, so she called Blaise. He picked up and she blurted, “I tried to call Nathan but he didn’t pick up. Maybe I’m just crazy, but I saw an old truck parked down the street. I’ve never seen it before and it just made me nervous.”


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