Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations

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Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations Page 24

by Maryann Jordan

  His tight hold released some and she felt tingles begin to run down her arm. She was still unable to hear anything and was about to ask him how long they were going to hide there, when she felt his body stiffen. Turning her head as much as she could, she noticed he had his head cocked, as though listening.

  Trying to listen over the adrenaline rushing through her body, she was able to barely discern the sound of a soft footstep, but had no way of knowing who might be walking on the other side of the crate. Without moving her body, she cast her eyes back up toward Yurgi, noting his attention was riveted to the side in case someone might walk around.

  Deciding to take a chance for her freedom, renewing her vow to not go down without a fight, she whirled her body around as fast and as hard as she could in the limited space, lifting her knee to his crotch while simultaneously pushing his right hand to the side, forcing the gun to point away from her. With the scream that ripped from deep inside him, she felt him loosen his hold on her as he fell to his knees.

  Stumbling backwards she turned to run to the other side of the crate but he grabbed her foot at the last second. With another scream and kick her shoe came off in his hand and she scrambled forward on her knees, before rising and darting around the corner.

  The sight of Agatha rushing around the corner of the crate, blood splattered across her shirt and neck, shot Nathan’s heart into overdrive as he gave Scarlett the freedom to run.

  Uncertain what she might be facing, the sight of Scarlett running toward her caused Agatha to drop to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms around the beautiful hound.

  Nathan, his heart in his throat, rushed forward, gathering Scarlett and Agatha in his embrace.

  Jack and Bart swiftly stepped in, guns trained on Yurgi, still trying to catch his breath while on his knees. He began to lift his gun, but Jack said, “Go for it. Go on, give me an excuse to put a bullet in your brain.”

  “Easy man,” Nick said, stepping in to handcuff Yurgi.

  Nathan pulled back away from her, needing to see if she was all right. “Babe, babe, is this your blood?”

  “No,” Agatha rushed, her gaze searching Nathan’s face, seeing fear in his eyes. “It was the other man. He shot him, Nathan. He just shot him.”

  Wrapping his arms around her he lifted her easily and carried her toward the outer door, with Scarlet trotting happily by his side. The other Saints joined them, each checking to make sure she was all right.

  With her arms around his neck, she asked, “Tina? Gail? The other women? What happened—”

  “They’re fine. They’re just fine,” he replied. “We got ‘em, babe. We got all of them. I promise you, with what the Feds have now, Volkov Shipping will be shut down. Yurgi’s caught and Gavrill will find his cushy minimum security prison exchanged for one a lot less to his liking.”

  Closing her eyes, her words barely a whisper, she said, “We did it. Oh, God…Harlan would be so happy.”

  “Babe, I’m sure he’d be so fucking proud of you. I know I am.” She sunk into his embrace, the adrenaline wearing off, leaving her limp in his arms. “I got you now, babe.” The adrenaline slowly began to leave Nathan as well, and he blinked, battling tears, vowing to never let her leave his side again.

  Looking down at Scarlett, still trotting along by him, her tongue lolling to the side, he grinned, happy to have both his girls safe with him.

  Blaise quickly checked Agatha out, making sure she was uninjured. She kept telling them she was fine and the blood was not hers, but he shushed her gently each time.

  “Nathan’s eyes are on you, sweetheart, so give this to him. The last hours have been hell for him, imagining not being able to get to you in time. Letting me make sure you’re okay will help give him some peace.”

  Her gaze moved from his face to Nathan’s and, seeing the fear etched in his tense jawline, she acquiesced. “You’re right,” she whispered. As Nathan approached, looking to Blaise and gaining his nod, he let out an audible sigh of relief. She reached out her hand, clutching his and said, “Baby, I always knew you would get here. I never doubted it for a second.”

  He enveloped her into his embrace, his larger body wrapping itself around her, offering all the comfort and protection he could give.

  “In fact,” she added, leaning her head back to peer up into his eyes, “I told the other women to fight because I knew you all were coming.”

  Bart laughed, saying, “Damn, woman. You had those women so fired up, I’ve never seen such an impressive sight!”

  Nathan’s arms tightened and she reached up to pat his face, her fingers sliding along his beard. “What happens now?” He shook his head, having never been involved in a mission like this one.

  Nick stepped up to answer that question. “We’ll stick around for you to give your statement to the FBI. I know the lead investigator and they’ll get to you, Tina, and Gail quickly.”

  “But, what about the other women? They’ll need help—”

  “Don’t worry,” he said, nodding his head in the direction of the gathering outside the warehouse. “They’re being well taken care of. The Bureau already has female agents and counselors with them.”

  She looked over, her heart easing as she saw the women, wrapped in blankets, being well tended with food and water, with a number of women assisting. She grinned as Tina and Gail saw her at the same time and came running over.

  Meeting them halfway, the trio hugged tearfully.

  “Hot damn, girlfriend,” Tina said, finally pulling back. “You look all meek and mild, but you are one, tough, ol’ mama!”

  Gail said, “Oh, Agatha, I swear, when you told them to never let a man treat them bad again and to fight for their lives, honey, I woulda followed you into any battle right then!”

  “I’m just so sorry that because of me, you got caught up in this mess—”

  “Girl, you just gotta remember what you always tell us. We can only be responsible for our behavior, not the behavior of others. You’re not responsible for the actions of these assholes, they are. You didn’t do nothing to us, they did. So, it’s all on them, honey,” Tina added.

  Smiling her appreciation, she hugged the two women tighter, before several agents walked over.

  “Agnes? Agnes Gruzinsky—”

  “Agatha, if you don’t mind. I realize your report will be about Agnes Gruzinsky, but I’d prefer, when talking to me, you call me Agatha.”

  “Yes, ma’am. So, Ag… Agatha, we need to get a statement from you, as well as these two ladies with you. As soon as we do, we can release you, but will need to have you available.”

  She looked to the side, seeing Nathan standing nearby, Scarlett sitting patiently at his side, her medallion dangling in his hands, and the other Saints close as well. His eyes bore into hers, a slight hint of fear sliding through them. She smiled, turning to the FBI agent, and said, “Don’t worry. Agatha Christel is here to stay. I’ll be available, anytime you need me, and especially if this goes to trial.”

  Nathan’s smile lit his face as he and Scarlett walked toward her. His arms wrapped around her and Scarlett leaned her heavy body against both of their legs, a wide smile on her hound face.

  “I know you gotta go give your statement, babe. Nick’ll be with you, and walk you through it. And I’ll be right here waiting on you. When you’re all done we’ll fly back home together.”

  Standing with the other Saints, Jack felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Skills honed when he was in the Army Special Forces kicked into high gear and his eyes shifted around looking for the cause. A dark-haired man dressed in a suit, with sunglasses on, appearing to all the world as one of the FBI agents, was standing alone, slightly to the side of the building. Blending into the environment, no one would think anything about his presence. But he knew. He knew that stance. He knew that man.

  Disengaging himself from the others, he walked toward the building, casually weaving through the other agents combing the area. Reaching th
e corner of the warehouse, he stepped just out of sight, stopping in front of the man he never thought to see again. His breath caught in his throat, as he said in a hoarse whisper, “Mace.”

  The man, like all his former Army SF team, had been like a brother to him for so long, now stared back at him, the barest curve of his lips the only indication of acknowledgment.

  “I never thought I’d fuckin’ see you again, man,” he said, an ache in his chest that he had not felt in years beginning to throb. “Fuck! They told us…you were dead…” Not caring if the man wanted a show of emotion or not, he figured, by showing up like this, he was going to have to take what he got. Stepping forward he grabbed him in a bear hug, holding tightly for a second, blinking as emotion choked in his throat before backslapping twice and moving away.

  “Got a lot of fucking questions, but don’t figure you’re going to give me any answers.”

  Clearing his own throat, Mason Hanover chuckled a little and replied, “Some secrets are best left buried in Afghanistan.”

  He held his gaze for a long time, every fiber of his being wanting answers for why his former team member had disappeared in the middle of a mission, was later declared dead, and now was resurrected back in the States, obviously running special ops from here. Totally normal, like nothing had happened. Fuck. Finally, recognizing that no answers would be forthcoming, he simply nodded.

  Jerking his head behind them, he said, “I figure you’re the one who took Agnes and turned her into Agatha.” It wasn’t a question…he already knew the answer.

  “I shouldn’t be here, but I couldn’t let it pass. Had to say hello to an old comrade…and friend.”

  “So, this is it. Don’t reckon I’ll see you again?”

  With a small smile, Mace replied, “Been watching the Saints for a while. Alvarez group too. You do good work. Tell your computer gurus, they’re good. Don’t take it personally that my people are better.”

  At that, he laughed out loud. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to tell them that.”

  Mace took a step back and, with a nod, began to turn away. “And, while you’re at it, you can give my regards to Tony Alvarez and the others.” Almost as an afterthought, he added, “You never know, Jack. This could be the continuation of a beautiful friendship.”

  Shaking his head as he chuckled, he called out, “Before you go, just gotta ask. How the fuck did you know where Agatha was?”

  Eyes twinkling, his smile widened ever so slightly. “You know me…just gotta look for the light.”

  Then, as silent and as swift as fog, he slid into the shadows and Jack lost sight of him.

  Mace continued in the shadows until he reached the street crawling with agents and black SUVs. One of the vehicles pulled close and he climbed into the passenger side.

  “You still think this was a good idea?”

  He looked at Drew, whose suit and dark glasses also made him appear like any of the other agents in the area. “This needed to be done.” As the SUV continued down the road, leaving the Norfolk harbor warehouses behind, he amended, “I needed this to be done.”

  Continuing in silence for several more miles, he asked, “Josh erasing all traces of our being here?”

  Drew looked over, and nodded. “You know him. No one will ever know we were here.” After a few seconds, he said, “Except for the man you talked to.”

  “Don’t worry about him. Jack and I go way back.” A few more miles passed in silence, as they moved through the Norfolk traffic, finally ending up on the highway, gaining speed. “To everyone else, I’m just a memory. But getting involved in this case, I…well, I just wanted to touch base with him. He deserved that.” Leaning back in his seat, his head against the headrest, he added, “Besides, the Saints may be of use in the future.”

  “Just him huh? And the Alvarez group?”

  Chuckling, he admitted, “Figure the same about them, too. Though, I won’t make contact with them now. Jack will take that honor…letting Tony Alvarez know I’m still alive.”

  Drew nodded, no further acknowledgment needed. “Might as well take a nap, boss. We got miles to go to get home.”

  Mace closed his eyes, but his mind was filled with years before, in the hills of Afghanistan. The Special Forces squad he had served with were some of the best men he had ever known. Being pulled away from them for a black-ops mission, with its long-lasting repercussions, had taken him places he never expected to go. And not having the chance to say goodbye to his brothers, had eaten at him for years.

  Sucking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly, knowing he was on the right course for his life. And now Jack, and the others, could feel a bit of peace…without knowing all of the truth.

  “Sounds good, man. Take us home.”


  Nathan, his eyes pinned on Agatha’s tattoo, watched the proceedings carefully. She had carefully pulled up her shirt and slid the waistband of her yoga pants down an inch so that the lighthouse was exposed.

  Charlie held the scanner over the image and whistled. “I’ll be damned,” she breathed. “There’s a tracer, smaller than I’ve ever seen, embedded just under the skin at the top of the lighthouse.”

  Agatha righted her clothes and turned to Jack. “I suppose the people that Harlan got to change my identity were able to keep up with me with this.” Seeing his nod, she said, “Should I leave it in?”

  “It’s up to you, but you’re in no harm.”

  Shrugging, she turned to Nathan and said, “If it’s all right with you, I’d rather not mess with it.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and looked over the top of her head toward Jack. Trusting his boss, and seeing Jack’s nod, he said, “Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

  The Saints, plus Agatha and Scarlett, had flown back and all convened at the Saints’ compound to debrief. Gail and Tina were being transported by the FBI and Ann was taking charge of their care once they were back at the center.

  Nick moved into the room, disconnecting his phone, a smile on his face. “The Bureau got what they needed from Agatha’s and the other women’s testimonies. Plus, they raided the entire Volkov offices, both personal and professional. It appears that Yurgi wasn’t nearly as careful with his correspondence as Gavrill was…and Gavrill wasn’t overly careful, so they have records of shipping women. The Coast Guard has boarded one of his ships still in the harbor and the IMO are boarding another of their ships in a German port.”

  Jack shot Nathan a pointed look and, once Nathan had his arm wrapped around Agatha’s shoulders, he added, “They also have captured Harlan’s murderer.” He paused as she gasped, but seeing her rapt attention, continued. “It was Johan, one of Gavrill’s enforcers. His prints matched what was found at Harlan’s house and the dumbass still had the weapon used.”

  Agatha listened, but her mind swirled with the information and she sucked in a ragged breath. Nathan, feeling her body shiver, pulled her tighter against his warmth.

  Monty, also in touch with his FBI contacts, added, “Gavrill will soon be having an extended stay in a less congenial environment and will find out his empire has been destroyed.”

  “But, someone will take his place,” she said, her voice small and tired. The others looked at her and she rushed to say, “What we’ve done is wonderful, but I was just thinking that there is always evil in the world. Having grown up in it, I know it’s there.”

  “Then we keep fighting,” Jack said, his eyes full of determination, “and you keep helping those in need.”

  Nodding, a small smile slipped over her face before it was replaced with lowered brows. “I don’t understand how they found me.”

  Nick’s face fell and his eyes cut over to Nathan. She twisted around and looked up. “What? What aren’t you telling me?”

  Nathan sighed, not wanting to explain, but he knew the others were waiting to see what he would say. Looking to Jack again, he knew by his nod that his boss was leaving it up to him to decide. Turning Agatha in his arms, so that his body cocoone
d hers, he held her tightly as he peered into her upturned face.

  “Babe, it was your mom. Chessa recognized you from the photograph in the magazine. She messaged Kalina, who visited and took the information to Gavrill and Yurgi. It was her that exposed you and they ordered the kidnapping.”

  She stared, eyes wide, mouth open, not speaking.

  “Breathe, sweet Aggie,” he reminded, his heart aching for her, watching astonishment morph into sadness.

  “I see…” Agatha said, her voice a hoarse whisper.

  “That’s not on you—”

  “I know,” she rushed, her hand pressed flat on Nathan’s chest, gaining strength from his steady heartbeat.

  “No, really, Aggie, that’s—”

  “I know, Nathan. Honestly, I get it. I finally get it. I’m not them. I’m not my family. Whatever poison runs in their veins, it doesn’t run in mine. Whatever twisted shit is in their brains, it’s not in mine.” She sucked in a huge breath before letting it out slowly. “I was born Agnes Gruzinsky, but that’s not who I am.” She smiled up at him, lifting her hand to smooth the worry lines etching his face, and said, “I’m Aggie. Part Agnes…part Agatha…all your sweet Aggie.”

  Unheeding the other Saints, he swooped in, his lips taking hers in a deep kiss.

  Two days later, Aggie was in the center, glad to get back to her new life. Tina and Gail had returned with tales of her heroics, which she quickly deflected while reminding them of their own heroic actions.

  Ann listened carefully to her entire story, from childhood to present, and she braced herself to be fired…or at least to be told it was not appropriate for her to continue working at the center. Instead, Ann hugged her tightly, exclaiming that she knew all along Aggie was the perfect person to manage the center for women.

  She had considered asking Nathan to take her to visit her mother, but then realized she had nothing to say to the woman who had done no more for her than give birth to her. Walking down the hall, she felt truly as though the last of her secrets were being let go and life was spreading out before her, ready to be lived.


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